예제 #1
void HypercubeBuilder::rebuildProjections() {
    MeshListGeometry* geom = new MeshListGeometry();

    // Для каждой проекции:
    //for (size_t i = 0; i < numProjections; i++) {
        const MatrixXd points = projection->getPointsMatrix();
        const VectorXd distances = projection->getDistanceVector();
        size_t numPoints = projection->getNumPoints();
        size_t numEdges = projection->getNumEdges();
        size_t numFaces = projection->getNumFaces();
        double maxD = distance_.get();
        // 1) Строим проекции вершин. Отображаем их кубами
        for (size_t j = 0; j < numPoints; j++) {
            double d = distances(j);
            if (d > maxD) continue;
            double a = vertexSize_.get() * 1 / (1 + d) / 10;
            tgt::vec3 cubeSize(a,a,a);
            tgt::vec3 point = pointToVec3(points, j);
            geom->addMesh(MeshGeometry::createCube(point-cubeSize, point+cubeSize));
        // 2) Строим проекции ребер. Отображаем их цилиндрами
        if (drawEdges_.get() == true)
        for (size_t j = 0; j < numEdges; j++) {
            Edge e = projection->getEdge(j);
            size_t i1 = e.getV1();
            size_t i2 = e.getV2();
            if (distances(i1) > maxD || distances(i2) > maxD) continue;
            tgt::vec3 v1 = pointToVec3(points, i1);
            tgt::vec3 v2 = pointToVec3(points, i2);
            geom->addMesh(PrimitiveGeometryBuilder::createCylinder(v1, v2, edgeSize_.get() / 10, 4, tgt::vec3(1.,1.,0)));
        // 3) Строим проекции граней
        if (drawFaces_.get() == true) {
            MeshGeometry mesh;
            for (size_t j = 0; j < numFaces; j++) {
                Face f = projection->getFace(j);
                std::vector<size_t> fv = f.getVertices();
                std::vector<tgt::vec3> projections;
                for (size_t k = 0; k < fv.size(); k++) {
                    projections.push_back(pointToVec3(points, fv[k]));
                bool br = false;
                for (size_t k = 0; k < fv.size(); k++) {
                    if (distances(fv[k]) > maxD) br = true;
                if (br == true) continue;
                mesh.addFace(PrimitiveGeometryBuilder::createFace(projections, tgt::vec4(1,1,0,0.7)));
    // Delete old geometry and set new
예제 #2
MeshListGeometry* ROICube::generateNormalizedMesh(tgt::plane pl) const {
    FaceGeometry planeFace = createQuad(pl, getColor());

    vec4 xm(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    vec4 xp(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    vec4 ym(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    vec4 yp(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    vec4 zm(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f);
    vec4 zp(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);


    MeshGeometry mg;

    if(planeFace.getVertexCount() > 2)

    MeshListGeometry* mlg = new MeshListGeometry();
    return mlg;
void MultiVolumeProxyGeometry::process() {
    tgtAssert(inport_.getData()->getRepresentation<VolumeRAM>(), "no volume");

    MeshListGeometry* geometry = new MeshListGeometry();

    std::vector<const VolumeBase*> data = inport_.getAllData();
    for(size_t d=0; d<data.size(); ++d) {

        const VolumeBase* volume = data[d];

        tgt::vec3 coordLlf = volume->getLLF();
        tgt::vec3 coordUrb = volume->getURB();

        MeshGeometry mesh = MeshGeometry::createCube(coordLlf, coordUrb, coordLlf, coordUrb);
        //apply dataset transformation matrix:

        //reset tex coords to coords after transformation:
        for(size_t j=0; j<mesh.getFaceCount(); ++j) {
            FaceGeometry& fg = mesh.getFace(j);
            for(size_t k=0; k<fg.getVertexCount(); ++k) {
                VertexGeometry& vg = fg.getVertex(k);

예제 #4
void CubeMeshProxyGeometry::process() {
    tgtAssert(inport_.getData(), "no input volume");

    // adapt clipping plane properties on volume change
    if (inport_.hasChanged()) {

    const VolumeHandleBase* inputVolume = inport_.getData();
    tgt::vec3 volumeSize = inputVolume->getCubeSize();

     // vertex and tex coords of bounding box without clipping
    tgt::vec3 coordLlf = inputVolume->getLLF();
    tgt::vec3 coordUrb = inputVolume->getURB();
    const tgt::vec3 noClippingTexLlf(0, 0, 0);
    const tgt::vec3 noClippingTexUrb(1, 1, 1);

    tgt::vec3 texLlf;
    tgt::vec3 texUrb;
    if (enableClipping_.get()) {
        tgt::ivec3 orgDims = inputVolume->getOriginalDimensions();
        // adjust vertex and tex coords to clipping
        texLlf = tgt::vec3(
            clipRight_.get()  / static_cast<float>(orgDims.x),
            clipFront_.get()  / static_cast<float>(orgDims.y),
            clipBottom_.get() / static_cast<float>(orgDims.z));
        texUrb = tgt::vec3(
            (clipLeft_.get()+1.0f) / static_cast<float>(orgDims.x),
            (clipBack_.get()+1.0f) / static_cast<float>(orgDims.y),
            (clipTop_.get()+1.0f)  / static_cast<float>(orgDims.z));

        // calculate original offset and clip volume
        tgt::vec3 orgDimSpac = static_cast<tgt::vec3>(orgDims)*inputVolume->getSpacing();
        tgt::vec3 orgOffset = orgDimSpac / tgt::max(orgDimSpac); 
        tgt::vec3 coordLlfOrg = (texLlf*(2.f*orgOffset))-orgOffset;
        tgt::vec3 coordUrbOrg = (texUrb*(2.f*orgOffset))-orgOffset;
        tgt::vec3 coordSize = coordUrb-coordLlf;

        // calculate correct volume coordinates [-1, 1]
        coordLlf = tgt::min(tgt::max(coordLlfOrg, coordLlf), coordUrb);
        coordUrb = tgt::max(tgt::min(coordUrbOrg, coordUrb), coordLlf);

        // calculate correct texture coordinates [0, 1]
        texLlf = (coordLlf-inputVolume->getLLF())/(coordSize);
        texUrb = tgt::vec3(1.f)-(inputVolume->getURB()-coordUrb)/(coordSize);
    else {
        texLlf = noClippingTexLlf;
        texUrb = noClippingTexUrb;

    // create output mesh
    MeshListGeometry* geometry = new MeshListGeometry();
    geometry->addMesh(MeshGeometry::createCube(coordLlf, coordUrb, texLlf, texUrb, texLlf, texUrb));

예제 #5
MeshListGeometry MeshListGeometry::clip(const tgt::vec4& clipplane, double epsilon) {
    MeshListGeometry closingFaces;
    for (iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) {
        MeshGeometry closingFace = it->clip(clipplane, epsilon);
        if (!closingFace.empty())
    return closingFaces;
예제 #6
void MeshListGeometry::clip(const tgt::vec4& clipPlane, MeshListGeometry& closingFaces, double epsilon) {
    tgtAssert(epsilon >= 0.0, "negative epsilon");
    for (iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) {
        MeshGeometry closingFace;
        it->clip(clipPlane, closingFace, epsilon);
        if (!closingFace.empty())
예제 #7
void HypercubeBuilder::rebuildProjections() {
    MeshListGeometry* geom = new MeshListGeometry();

        const MatrixXd points = projection->getPointsMatrix();
        const VectorXd distances = projection->getDistanceVector();
        size_t numPoints = projection->getNumPoints();
        size_t numEdges = projection->getNumEdges();
        // 1) Строим проекции вершин. Отображаем их кубами
        for (size_t j = 0; j < numPoints; j++) {
            double d = distances(j);
            if (d > distance_.get()) continue;
            double a = vertexSize_.get() * 1 / (1 + d) / 10;
            tgt::vec3 cubeSize(a,a,a);
            tgt::vec3 point = pointToVec3(points, j);
            geom->addMesh(MeshGeometry::createCube(point-cubeSize, point+cubeSize));
        // 2) Строим проекции ребер. Отображаем их цилиндрами
        if (drawEdges_.get() == true)
        for (size_t j = 0; j < numEdges; j++) {
            Edge e = projection->getEdge(j);
            tgt::vec3 v1 = pointToVec3(points, e.getV1());
            tgt::vec3 v2 = pointToVec3(points, e.getV2());
            geom->addMesh(PrimitiveGeometryBuilder::createCylinder(v1, v2, edgeSize_.get() / 10, 4, tgt::vec3(1.,1.,0)));
        // 3) Строим проекции квази-ребер (например, мозаики Пенроуза)
        if (drawQuasiEdges_.get() == true) {
        double t = 0.01;
        double d = quasiEdgeDistance_.get();
        projection->buildQuasiEdgesByDistance(d-t, d+t, distance_.get(), 0);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < projection->getNumQuasiEdgeClasses(); i++)
        for (size_t j = 0; j < projection->getNumQuasiEdges(i); j++) {
            Edge e = projection->getQuasiEdge(i, j);
            tgt::vec3 v1 = pointToVec3(points, e.getV1());
            tgt::vec3 v2 = pointToVec3(points, e.getV2());
            geom->addMesh(PrimitiveGeometryBuilder::createCylinder(v1, v2, edgeSize_.get() / 10, 4, tgt::vec3(1.,1.,0)));

예제 #8
void CubeProxyGeometry::process() {
    tgtAssert(inport_.getData(), "no input volume");

    // adapt clipping plane properties on volume change
    if (inport_.hasChanged()) {

    const VolumeBase* inputVolume = inport_.getData();
    tgt::vec3 volumeSize = inputVolume->getCubeSize();
    tgt::ivec3 numSlices = inputVolume->getDimensions();

    // vertex and tex coords of bounding box without clipping
    tgt::vec3 coordLlf = inputVolume->getLLF();
    tgt::vec3 coordUrb = inputVolume->getURB();
    const tgt::vec3 noClippingTexLlf(0, 0, 0);
    const tgt::vec3 noClippingTexUrb(1, 1, 1);

    tgt::vec3 texLlf;
    tgt::vec3 texUrb;
    if (enableClipping_.get()) {
        // adjust vertex and tex coords to clipping
        texLlf = tgt::vec3(
            clipRight_.get()  / static_cast<float>(numSlices.x),
            clipFront_.get()  / static_cast<float>(numSlices.y),
            clipBottom_.get() / static_cast<float>(numSlices.z));
        texUrb = tgt::vec3(
            (clipLeft_.get()+1.0f) / static_cast<float>(numSlices.x),
            (clipBack_.get()+1.0f) / static_cast<float>(numSlices.y),
            (clipTop_.get()+1.0f)  / static_cast<float>(numSlices.z));

        coordLlf -= volumeSize * (noClippingTexLlf - texLlf);
        coordUrb -= volumeSize * (noClippingTexUrb - texUrb);
    else {
        texLlf = noClippingTexLlf;
        texUrb = noClippingTexUrb;

    // create output mesh
    MeshListGeometry* geometry = new MeshListGeometry();
    geometry->addMesh(MeshGeometry::createCube(coordLlf, coordUrb, texLlf, texUrb, texLlf, texUrb));

예제 #9
MeshListGeometry* ROICube::generateNormalizedMesh() const {
    MeshListGeometry* geometry = new MeshListGeometry();
    geometry->addMesh(MeshGeometry::createCube(vec3(-1.0f), vec3(1.0f), vec3(0.0f), vec3(1.0f), getColor().xyz(), getColor().xyz()));
    return geometry;