예제 #1
TagDialog::fillSelected( KTRMResult selected ) //SLOT
    kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl;

    if ( m_bundle.url().path() == m_mbTrack ) {
        if ( !selected.title().isEmpty() )    kLineEdit_title->setText( selected.title() );
        if ( !selected.artist().isEmpty() )   kComboBox_artist->setCurrentText( selected.artist() );
        if ( !selected.album().isEmpty() )    kComboBox_album->setCurrentText( selected.album() );
        if ( selected.track() != 0 )          kIntSpinBox_track->setValue( selected.track() );
        if ( selected.year() != 0 )           kIntSpinBox_year->setValue( selected.year() );
    } else {
        MetaBundle mb;
        mb.setPath( m_mbTrack );
        if ( !selected.title().isEmpty() )    mb.setTitle( selected.title() );
        if ( !selected.artist().isEmpty() )   mb.setArtist( selected.artist() );
        if ( !selected.album().isEmpty() )    mb.setAlbum( selected.album() );
        if ( selected.track() != 0 )          mb.setTrack( selected.track() );
        if ( selected.year() != 0 )           mb.setYear( selected.year() );

        storedTags.replace( m_mbTrack, mb );

예제 #2
Reader::songListFinished( int /*id*/, bool error )
    ContentFetcher* http = (ContentFetcher*) sender();
    disconnect( http, SIGNAL( requestFinished( int, bool ) ), this, SLOT( songListFinished( int, bool ) ) );
    if( error )

    Map songResults = parse( http->results(), 0, true );

    SongList result;
    QValueList<QVariant> songList;
    songList = songResults["adbs"].asList()[0].asMap()["mlcl"].asList()[0].asMap()["mlit"].asList();
    debug() << "songList.count() = " << songList.count() << endl;
    QValueList<QVariant>::iterator it;
    for( it = songList.begin(); it != songList.end(); ++it )
        MetaBundle* bundle = new MetaBundle();
        bundle->setTitle( (*it).asMap()["minm"].asList()[0].toString() );
//input url: daap://host:port/databaseId/music.ext
        bundle->setUrl( Amarok::QStringx("daap://%1:%2/%3/%4.%5").args(
            QStringList() << m_host
                        << QString::number( m_port )
                        << m_databaseId
                        << QString::number( (*it).asMap()["miid"].asList()[0].asInt() )
                        << (*it).asMap()["asfm"].asList()[0].asString() ) );
        bundle->setLength( (*it).asMap()["astm"].asList()[0].toInt()/1000 );
        bundle->setTrack( (*it).asMap()["astn"].asList()[0].toInt() );

        QString album = (*it).asMap()["asal"].asList()[0].toString();
        bundle->setAlbum( album );

        QString artist = (*it).asMap()["asar"].asList()[0].toString();
        bundle->setArtist( artist );
        result[ artist.lower() ][ album.lower() ].append(bundle);

        bundle->setYear( (*it).asMap()["asyr"].asList()[0].toInt() );

        bundle->setGenre( (*it).asMap()["asgn"].asList()[0].toString() );
    emit daapBundles( m_host , result );
예제 #3
    const KURL::List::ConstIterator end = m_urlList.end();
    for ( KURL::List::ConstIterator it = m_urlList.begin(); it != end; ++it ) {

        /* we have to update the values if they changed, so:
           1) !kLineEdit_field->text().isEmpty() && kLineEdit_field->text() != mb.field
           i.e.: The user wrote something on the field, and it's different from
           what we have in the tag.
           2) !m_bundle.field().isEmpty() && kLineEdit_field->text().isEmpty()
           i.e.: The user was shown some value for the field (it was the same
           for all selected tracks), and he deliberately emptied it.
           TODO: All this mess is because the dialog uses "" to represent what the user
                 doesn't want to change, maybe we can think of something better?

        MetaBundle mb = bundleForURL( *it );

        int changed = 0;
        if( !kComboBox_artist->currentText().isEmpty() && kComboBox_artist->currentText() != mb.artist() ||
                kComboBox_artist->currentText().isEmpty() && !m_bundle.artist().isEmpty() ) {
            mb.setArtist( kComboBox_artist->currentText() );
            changed |= TagDialog::TAGSCHANGED;

        if( !kComboBox_album->currentText().isEmpty() && kComboBox_album->currentText() != mb.album() ||
                kComboBox_album->currentText().isEmpty() && !m_bundle.album().isEmpty() ) {
            mb.setAlbum( kComboBox_album->currentText() );
            changed |= TagDialog::TAGSCHANGED;
        if( !kComboBox_genre->currentText().isEmpty() && kComboBox_genre->currentText() != mb.genre() ||
                kComboBox_genre->currentText().isEmpty() && !m_bundle.genre().isEmpty() ) {
            mb.setGenre( kComboBox_genre->currentText() );
            changed |= TagDialog::TAGSCHANGED;
        if( !kTextEdit_comment->text().isEmpty() && kTextEdit_comment->text() != mb.comment() ||
                kTextEdit_comment->text().isEmpty() && !m_bundle.comment().isEmpty() ) {
            mb.setComment( kTextEdit_comment->text() );
            changed |= TagDialog::TAGSCHANGED;
        if( !kComboBox_composer->currentText().isEmpty() && kComboBox_composer->currentText() != mb.composer() ||
             kComboBox_composer->currentText().isEmpty() && !m_bundle.composer().isEmpty() ) {
            mb.setComposer( kComboBox_composer->currentText() );
            changed |= TagDialog::TAGSCHANGED;

        if( kIntSpinBox_year->value() && kIntSpinBox_year->value() != mb.year() ||
                !kIntSpinBox_year->value() && m_bundle.year() ) {
            mb.setYear( kIntSpinBox_year->value() );
            changed |= TagDialog::TAGSCHANGED;
        if( kIntSpinBox_discNumber->value() && kIntSpinBox_discNumber->value() != mb.discNumber() ||
                !kIntSpinBox_discNumber->value() && m_bundle.discNumber() ) {
            mb.setDiscNumber( kIntSpinBox_discNumber->value() );
            changed |= TagDialog::TAGSCHANGED;

        if( kIntSpinBox_score->value() && kIntSpinBox_score->value() != m_score ||
                !kIntSpinBox_score->value() && m_score )
            m_score = kIntSpinBox_score->value();
            changed |= TagDialog::SCORECHANGED;

        storeTags( *it, changed, mb, m_score );