예제 #1
 * Project an input pixel onto an arbitrary reference line at a reference angle.
 * The projection is done along lines of constant Q, which emanate from the
 * horizon angle at wavelength = 0. The top-left and bottom-right corners of
 * the pixel are projected, resulting in an output range in "virtual" lambda.
 * For a description of this projection, see:
 *   R. Cubitt, T. Saerbeck, R.A. Campbell, R. Barker, P. Gutfreund
 *   J. Appl. Crystallogr., 48 (6) (2015)
 * @param wavelengthRange [in] :: the bin edges of the input bin
 * @param twoThetaRange [in] :: the 2theta width of the pixel
 * @param refAngles [in] :: the reference angles
 * @return :: the projected wavelength range
ReflectometrySumInQ::projectedLambdaRange(const MinMax &wavelengthRange,
                                          const MinMax &twoThetaRange,
                                          const Angles &refAngles) {

  // We cannot project pixels below the horizon angle
  if (twoThetaRange.min <= refAngles.horizon) {
    const auto twoTheta = (twoThetaRange.min + twoThetaRange.max) / 2.;
    throw std::runtime_error(
        "Cannot process twoTheta=" +
        std::to_string(twoTheta * Geometry::rad2deg) +
        " as it is below the horizon angle=" +
        std::to_string(refAngles.horizon * Geometry::rad2deg));

  // Calculate the projected wavelength range
  MinMax range;
  try {
    const double lambdaTop =
        projectToReference(wavelengthRange.max, twoThetaRange.min, refAngles);
    const double lambdaBot =
        projectToReference(wavelengthRange.min, twoThetaRange.max, refAngles);
  } catch (std::exception &ex) {
    const auto twoTheta = (twoThetaRange.min + twoThetaRange.max) / 2.;
    const auto lambda = (wavelengthRange.min + wavelengthRange.max) / 2.;
    throw std::runtime_error(
        "Failed to project (lambda, twoTheta) = (" + std::to_string(lambda) +
        "," + std::to_string(twoTheta * Geometry::rad2deg) +
        ") onto twoThetaR = " + std::to_string(refAngles.twoTheta) + ": " +
  return range;
예제 #2
int main(){
    MinMax m;
    int a = 4;
    int b = 2;
    int c = 7;
    cout << a << "と" << b << "と" << c << "のうち、最大のものは" << m.max(a,b,c) << endl;
    cout << a << "と" << b << "と" << c << "のうち、最小のものは" << m.min(a,b,c) << endl;
    return 0;
예제 #3
파일: Engine.cpp 프로젝트: aib/glito
const MinMax
Engine::findFrameRotation( const int nbit ) const {
    MinMax minmax;
    Skeleton skelWork = skel;
    for ( int k = -framesPerCycle; k < framesPerCycle; ++k ) {
	skelWork.rotate( 2*M_PI/(2*framesPerCycle) );
	minmax.candidate( skelWork.findFrame( nbit, _x, _y, _color ) );
    return minmax;
예제 #4
파일: Engine.cpp 프로젝트: aib/glito
const MinMax
Engine::findFrameTransition( const int nbit ) const {
    MinMax minmax;
    Skeleton skelWork( skel1.size() );
    for ( int k = -framesPerCycle; k <= 0; ++k ) {
	const float rate = ( 1 - cos( M_PI*k/framesPerCycle ) ) / 2;
	skelWork.weightedMix( skel1, skel2, rate );
	minmax.candidate( skelWork.findFrame( nbit, _x, _y, _color ) );
    return minmax;
예제 #5
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: ganeshredcobra/CPP
int main()
	MinMax m1(10, 15);
	MinMax m2(8, 11);
	MinMax m3(3, 12);
	MinMax mFinal = m1 + m2 + 5 + 8 + m3 + 16;
	std::cout << "Result: (" << mFinal.getMin() << ", " <<
		mFinal.getMax() << ")\n";
	return 0;
예제 #6
MinMax VectorFloat::getMinMax() const {

    const size_type N = this->size();
    MinMax range;
    if( N == 0 ) return range;

    const Float *data = getData();
    for(size_type i=0; i<N; i++){
        range.updateMinMax( data[ i ] );

    return range;
        const MinMax<double> & modIndex,
        const MinMax<double> & fmModIndex,
        const MinMax<double> & freq,
        const MinMax<double> & digiFreq,
        const MinMax<double> & fc,
        const double & rate,
        const double & gain,
        const double & timePerSchemeSec,
        const size_t & frameSize,
        const size_t & N) :
    _dataStream(new UhdMock(new StreamFunction(), rate, gain, frameSize)),
    _featureExtractor(new AMC::FeatureExtractor(_buffer, N, rate)),
    _timePerScheme(timePerSchemeSec * 1e9),
    _modIndex(rng_gen_type(std::time(0) + 100), boost::uniform_real<>(modIndex.getMin(), modIndex.getMax())),
    _fmModIndex(rng_gen_type(std::time(0) + 125), boost::uniform_real<>(fmModIndex.getMin(), fmModIndex.getMax())),
    _freq(rng_gen_type(std::time(0) + 259), boost::uniform_real<>(freq.getMin(), freq.getMax())),
    _digiFreq(rng_gen_type(std::time(0) - 9), boost::uniform_real<>(digiFreq.getMin(), digiFreq.getMax())),
    _fc(rng_gen_type(std::time(0) - 214), boost::uniform_real<>(fc.getMin(), fc.getMax())),
    _constSize(rng_gen_type(std::time(0) + 169), boost::uniform_int<>(2, 8)),

        const MinMax<double> & modIndex,
        const MinMax<double> & fmModIndex,
        const MinMax<double> & freq,
        const MinMax<double> & digiFreq,
        const MinMax<double> & snr,
        const double & fc,
        const double & rate,
        const double & gain,
        const double & timePerSchemeSec,
        const size_t & frameSize,
        const size_t & N) :
    _modType(new SharedType<AMC::ModType>(AMC::ModType::AM_DSB_FC)),
    _dataStream(new UhdMock(new StreamFunction(), rate, gain, frameSize)),
    _featureExtractor(new AMC::FeatureExtractor(_buffer, new AmcCvDecisionTree(), rate, _dataStream->getFc(), _dataStream->getWindow(), N)),
    _timePerScheme(timePerSchemeSec * 1e9),
    _modIndex(rng_gen_type(std::time(0) + 100), boost::uniform_real<>(modIndex.getMin(), modIndex.getMax())),
    _fmModIndex(rng_gen_type(std::time(0) + 125), boost::uniform_real<>(fmModIndex.getMin(), fmModIndex.getMax())),
    _freq(rng_gen_type(std::time(0) + 259), boost::uniform_real<>(freq.getMin(), freq.getMax())),
    _digiFreq(rng_gen_type(std::time(0) - 9), boost::uniform_real<>(digiFreq.getMin(), digiFreq.getMax())),
    _snr(rng_gen_type(std::time(0) - 206), boost::uniform_real<>(snr.getMin(), snr.getMax())),
    _constSize(rng_gen_type(std::time(0) + 169), boost::uniform_int<>(2, 8)),
    boost::unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex> fcLock(*_fc->getMutex());
    _fc->getData() = fc;

    double maxWin = std::max(freq.getMax() / rate, digiFreq.getMax());
    maxWin = std::max(maxWin, fmModIndex.getMax());

    boost::unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex> firLock(*_firWindow->getMutex());
    _firWindow->getData() = maxWin * 2.1;
예제 #9
 * Return the wavelength range of the output histogram.
 * @param detectorWS [in] :: the input workspace
 * @param indices [in] :: the workspace indices of foreground histograms
 * @param refAngles [in] :: the reference angles
 * @return :: the minimum and maximum virtual wavelengths
ReflectometrySumInQ::MinMax ReflectometrySumInQ::findWavelengthMinMax(
    const API::MatrixWorkspace &detectorWS,
    const Indexing::SpectrumIndexSet &indices, const Angles &refAngles) {
  const API::SpectrumInfo &spectrumInfo = detectorWS.spectrumInfo();
  // Get the new max and min X values of the projected (virtual) lambda range
  const bool includePartialBins = getProperty(Prop::PARTIAL_BINS);
  // Find minimum and maximum 2thetas and the corresponding indices.
  // It cannot be assumed that 2theta increases with indices, check for example
  // D17 at ILL
  MinMax inputLambdaRange;
  MinMax inputTwoThetaRange;
  for (const auto i : indices) {
    const auto twoThetas = twoThetaWidth(i, spectrumInfo);
    inputTwoThetaRange.testAndSetMin(includePartialBins ? twoThetas.min
                                                        : twoThetas.max);
    inputTwoThetaRange.testAndSetMax(includePartialBins ? twoThetas.max
                                                        : twoThetas.min);
    const auto &edges = detectorWS.binEdges(i);
    for (size_t xIndex = 0; xIndex < edges.size(); ++xIndex) {
      // It is common for the wavelength to have negative values at ILL.
      const auto x = edges[xIndex + (includePartialBins ? 0 : 1)];
      if (x > 0.) {
    if (includePartialBins) {
    } else {
      inputLambdaRange.testAndSet(edges[edges.size() - 2]);

  MinMax outputLambdaRange;
  outputLambdaRange.min = projectToReference(inputLambdaRange.min,
                                             inputTwoThetaRange.max, refAngles);
  outputLambdaRange.max = projectToReference(inputLambdaRange.max,
                                             inputTwoThetaRange.min, refAngles);
  if (outputLambdaRange.min > outputLambdaRange.max) {
    throw std::runtime_error(
        "Error projecting lambda range to reference line; projected range (" +
        std::to_string(outputLambdaRange.min) + "," +
        std::to_string(outputLambdaRange.max) + ") is negative.");
  return outputLambdaRange;
예제 #10
파일: Engine.cpp 프로젝트: aib/glito
Zoom::Zoom( const MinMax& minmax, const int w, const int h,
	    const Function& f, int nbFrames ) : zoomFunction(f), framingCorrection(0.96) {
    if ( f.modified() ) {
	zoomFunctionModified = true;
    } else {
	zoomFunctionModified = false;
    float inter;
    if ( minmax.w() * h > minmax.h() * w ) {
	inter = framingCorrection*w/(minmax.w()+0.00001); // to avoid division by 0
    } else {
	inter = framingCorrection*h/(minmax.h()+0.00001);
    centerX = (int)(w/2 - minmax.centerX()*inter);
    centerY = (int)(h/2 + minmax.centerY()*inter);
    fx = inter;
    fy = -inter;
예제 #11
파일: image.cpp 프로젝트: dbralir/escape
Image amplify(Image img)
    class MinMax
            : min(-1)
            , max(0)
            , dist(0.0)

        void set(SubPixel p)
            if (p < min) min = p;
            if (p > max) max = p;

        void setdist()
            if (max-min == 0) return;
            dist = 255.0/(max-min);

        SubPixel min;
        SubPixel max;
        double dist;

    MinMax red;
    MinMax green;
    MinMax blue;
    MinMax alpha;

    for (int r=0; r<img.height; ++r)
        for (int c=0; c<img.width; ++c)
            auto&& p = img.at(c, r);
            red  .set(p.r());
            blue .set(p.b());

    red  .setdist();
    blue .setdist();

    auto calc = [](const MinMax& mm, SubPixel& p)
        if (mm.dist == 0.0) return;
        p = double(p-mm.min)/mm.dist;

    for (int r=0; r<img.height; ++r)
        for (int c=0; c<img.width; ++c)
            auto&& p = img.at(c, r);
            calc(red  , p.r());
            calc(green, p.g());
            calc(blue , p.b());
            calc(alpha, p.a());

    return img;
예제 #12
void GSquare::button_released(QAbstractButton *sender)
    GCase *tmp_btn = (GCase *)sender;

    // TODO récupérer le resultat de l'ia
    JudgeDredd judge;
    coord_t coord;
    coord.x = tmp_btn->getX();
    coord.y = tmp_btn->getY();

		if (tmp_btn->isTaken() == false)
			 judge.putPieceOnMap(info, coord);
			MinMax ia;
			coord = ia.launch(info);
			judge.putPieceOnMap(info, coord);
			if ((tmp_btn = static_cast<GCase*>(group_pions->button(coord.x * 100 + coord.y))));
    catch (GameExceptionWinByScore& e)
    catch (GameExceptionWinByAlignement& e)
    catch (const GameExceptionTwinTriple& e)
        box.setText("Vous ne pouvez pas effectuer ce coup");
        box.setWindowTitle("Coup Interdit");
        QTimer::singleShot(300, this, SLOT(end_of_box()));
    catch (InvalidMapException e)
//        box(this);
        box.setText("Exception InvalidMap");
        box.setWindowTitle("Coup Interdit");
        QTimer::singleShot(300, this, SLOT(end_of_box()));
    catch (GameInfo e)
        box.setText("Exception GameInfo");
        box.setWindowTitle("Coup Interdit");
        QTimer::singleShot(300, this, SLOT(end_of_box()));
    //afficher le résultat