예제 #1
void processquerypattern(ModelType & model, ClassDecoder * classdecoder, const Pattern & pattern, const string & dorelations, bool doinstantiate) {
    if (!model.has(pattern)) {
        cout << "PATTERN \"" << pattern.tostring(*classdecoder) << "\" NOT FOUND IN MODEL" << endl;
    } else {
        model.print(&cout, *classdecoder, pattern, doinstantiate);
        if (!dorelations.empty()) model.outputrelations(pattern, *classdecoder, &cout, dorelations == "all" ? "" : dorelations);
예제 #2
void viewmodel(ModelType & model, ClassDecoder * classdecoder,  ClassEncoder * classencoder, bool print, bool report, bool nocoverage, bool histogram , bool query, const string dorelations, bool doinstantiate, bool info, bool printreverseindex, int cooc, double coocthreshold = 0.1) {
    cerr << "Generating desired views..." << endl;

    if (print) {
        if (classdecoder == NULL) {
            cerr << "ERROR: Unable to print model, no class file specified (--classfile)" << endl;
        } else {
            model.print(&cout, *classdecoder, doinstantiate);
    if (printreverseindex) {
        model.printreverseindex(&cout, *classdecoder);
    if (report) {
        model.report(&cout, nocoverage);
    if (histogram) {
    if (cooc == 2) {
        model.outputcooc_npmi(&cout, *classdecoder,coocthreshold);
    } else if (cooc == 1) {
        model.outputcooc(&cout, *classdecoder,coocthreshold);

    if (query) {
        if (classencoder == NULL) {
            cerr << "ERROR: Unable to query model, no class encoder specified (--classfile)" << endl;
        } else {
            querymodel<ModelType>(model, classencoder, classdecoder, dorelations, doinstantiate);
    } else if (!dorelations.empty()) {
        bool first = true;
        for (typename ModelType::iterator iter = model.begin(); iter != model.end(); iter++) {
            cout << iter->first.tostring(*classdecoder) << endl;
            const PatternPointer pp = iter->first;
            model.outputrelations(pp, *classdecoder, &cout, dorelations == "all" ? "" : dorelations,first);
            first = false;

    if (info) {