예제 #1
파일: system.cpp 프로젝트: SysSynBio/nfsim
bool System::saveSpecies(string filename)
	bool debugOut = false;

	//open the output filestream
	ofstream speciesFile;
	if(!speciesFile.is_open()) {
		cerr<<"Error in System when calling System::saveSpecies(string)!  Cannot open output stream to file "<<filename<<". "<<endl;

	cout<<"\n\nsaving list of final molecular species..."<<endl;

	// create a couple data structures to store results as we go
	list <Molecule *> molecules;
	list <Molecule *>::iterator iter;
	map <int,bool> reportedMolecules;
    map <string,int> reportedSpecies;

	// loop over all the types of molecules that exist
	for( unsigned int k=0; k<allMoleculeTypes.size(); k++)
		// retrieve the MoleculeType
		MoleculeType *mt = allMoleculeTypes.at(k);

		// loop over every individual molecule
		for(int j=0; j<mt->getMoleculeCount(); j++)
			// check if we have looked this molecule before, and skip it if we have
			if(reportedMolecules.find(mt->getMolecule(j)->getUniqueID())!=reportedMolecules.end()) {

			//otherwise, we have not visited this particular species before, so loop over the molecules
			//that make up the species
			string speciesString = "";

			// key: partnerID1, bsiteID1, partnerID2, bsiteID2
			vector <vector <int> * > bondNumberMap;

			bool isFirst = true;
			for( iter = molecules.begin(); iter != molecules.end(); iter++ )
				Molecule *m = (*iter);
				reportedMolecules.insert(pair <int,bool> (m->getUniqueID(),true));

				//Fist, output the molecule name
				if(isFirst) { speciesString += m->getMoleculeTypeName()+"("; isFirst=false; }
				else { speciesString += "."+m->getMoleculeTypeName()+"("; }

				//Go through each component of the molecule
				for(int s=0; s<m->getMoleculeType()->getNumOfComponents(); s++)
					// output the component name
					string compName = m->getMoleculeType()->getComponentName(s);
					if(m->getMoleculeType()->isEquivalentComponent(s)) {
						// symmetric site, so we need to look up its sym name
						compName = m->getMoleculeType()->getEquivalenceClassComponentNameFromComponentIndex(s);
					if(s==0) speciesString += compName;
					else speciesString += ","+compName;

					//output the state of the component, if it is set
					if(m->getComponentState(s)>=0) {
						speciesString += "~" + m->getMoleculeType()->getComponentStateName(s,m->getComponentState(s));

					// check if the component is bound, if so we have to output a bond
					// we will label the bond incrementally, but we have to check to make
					// sure the bond wasn't declared earlier.  that's what the vector of int vectors is for.
					if(m->isBindingSiteBonded(s)) {
						if(debugOut) cout<<"binding site is bonded"<<endl;
						int partnerID = m->getBondedMolecule(s)->getUniqueID();
						int partnerSite = m->getBondedMoleculeBindingSiteIndex(s);
						int thisBondNumber = -1;

						// create the key
						vector <int> *key = new vector<int>(4);
						if(partnerID<m->getUniqueID()) {
							key->at(0) = partnerID; key->at(1) = partnerSite;
							key->at(2) = m->getUniqueID(); key->at(3)=s;
						} else {
							key->at(2) = partnerID; key->at(3) = partnerSite;
							key->at(0) = m->getUniqueID(); key->at(1)=s;

						//search if that key was already inserted
						bool foundExistingBond = false;
						for(unsigned int bnmIndex =0; bnmIndex < bondNumberMap.size(); bnmIndex++) {
							if( key->at(0)==bondNumberMap.at(bnmIndex)->at(0) &&
								key->at(1)==bondNumberMap.at(bnmIndex)->at(1) &&
							    key->at(2)==bondNumberMap.at(bnmIndex)->at(2) &&
							    key->at(3)==bondNumberMap.at(bnmIndex)->at(3) ) {
								    thisBondNumber = bnmIndex+1;
									foundExistingBond = true;
									if(debugOut) cout<<"Found bond number: "<<thisBondNumber<<endl;

						//If it was not found, then insert it
						if(!foundExistingBond) {
							thisBondNumber = bondNumberMap.size();
							if(debugOut) cout<<"Creating bond number: "<<bondNumberMap.size()<<endl;
						speciesString += "!" + NFutil::toString(thisBondNumber);


				speciesString += ")";

			if(reportedSpecies.find(speciesString) != reportedSpecies.end()) {
				reportedSpecies[speciesString] = reportedSpecies[speciesString] + mt->getMolecule(j)->getPopulation();
			} else {
				reportedSpecies.insert(pair <string,int> (speciesString, mt->getMolecule(j)->getPopulation()));

			//speciesString += "  1";

			if(debugOut) cout<<endl<<endl;

			//delete elements of the map
			while(bondNumberMap.size()>0) {
				vector <int> *v = bondNumberMap.at(bondNumberMap.size()-1);
				delete v;

			if(debugOut) cout<<endl<<endl;


	speciesFile<<"# nfsim generated species list for system: '"<< this->name <<"'\n";
	speciesFile<<"# warning! this feature is not yet fully tested! \n";
	for ( map<string,int>::iterator  it=reportedSpecies.begin() ; it != reportedSpecies.end(); it++ )
		speciesFile << (*it).first << "  " << (*it).second << "\n";
	return true;