nsresult castNative(JSContext *cx, XPCWrappedNative *wrapper, JSObject *curArg, XPCWrappedNativeTearOff *tearoff, const nsIID &iid, void **ppThis, nsISupports **pThisRef, MutableHandleValue vp) { RootedObject cur(cx, curArg); if (wrapper) { nsresult rv = getNativeFromWrapper(cx,wrapper, iid, ppThis, pThisRef, vp.address()); if (rv != NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE) return rv; } else if (cur) { nsISupports *native; if (!(native = mozilla::dom::UnwrapDOMObjectToISupports(cur))) { *pThisRef = nullptr; return NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE; } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(getNative(native, cur, iid, ppThis, pThisRef, vp.address()))) { return NS_OK; } } *pThisRef = nullptr; return NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_OP_ON_WN_PROTO; }
bool GlobalObject::getSelfHostedFunction(JSContext *cx, HandleAtom selfHostedName, HandleAtom name, unsigned nargs, MutableHandleValue funVal) { RootedId shId(cx, AtomToId(selfHostedName)); RootedObject holder(cx, cx->global()->intrinsicsHolder()); if (HasDataProperty(cx, holder, shId, funVal.address())) return true; if (!cx->runtime()->maybeWrappedSelfHostedFunction(cx, shId, funVal)) return false; if (!funVal.isUndefined()) return true; JSFunction *fun = NewFunction(cx, NullPtr(), nullptr, nargs, JSFunction::INTERPRETED_LAZY, holder, name, JSFunction::ExtendedFinalizeKind, SingletonObject); if (!fun) return false; fun->setIsSelfHostedBuiltin(); fun->setExtendedSlot(0, StringValue(selfHostedName)); funVal.setObject(*fun); return JSObject::defineGeneric(cx, holder, shId, funVal, nullptr, nullptr, 0); }
bool ChromeObjectWrapper::get(JSContext *cx, HandleObject wrapper, HandleObject receiver, HandleId id, MutableHandleValue vp) { assertEnteredPolicy(cx, wrapper, id); vp.setUndefined(); JSPropertyDescriptor desc; // Only call through to the get trap on the underlying object if we're // allowed to see the property, and if what we'll find is not on a standard // prototype. if (AllowedByBase(cx, wrapper, id, js::Wrapper::GET) && !PropIsFromStandardPrototype(cx, wrapper, id)) { // Call the get trap. if (!ChromeObjectWrapperBase::get(cx, wrapper, receiver, id, vp)) return false; // If we found something, we're done. if (!vp.isUndefined()) return true; } // If we have no proto, we're done. RootedObject wrapperProto(cx); if (!JS_GetPrototype(cx, wrapper, wrapperProto.address())) return false; if (!wrapperProto) return true; // Try the prototype. MOZ_ASSERT(js::IsObjectInContextCompartment(wrapper, cx)); return js::GetGeneric(cx, wrapperProto, receiver, id, vp.address()); }
bool WatchpointMap::triggerWatchpoint(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, HandleId id, MutableHandleValue vp) { Map::Ptr p = map.lookup(WatchKey(obj, id)); if (!p || p->value().held) return true; AutoEntryHolder holder(cx, map, p); /* Copy the entry, since GC would invalidate p. */ JSWatchPointHandler handler = p->value().handler; RootedObject closure(cx, p->value().closure); /* Determine the property's old value. */ Value old; old.setUndefined(); if (obj->isNative()) { NativeObject* nobj = &obj->as<NativeObject>(); if (Shape* shape = nobj->lookup(cx, id)) { if (shape->hasSlot()) old = nobj->getSlot(shape->slot()); } } // Read barrier to prevent an incorrectly gray closure from escaping the // watchpoint. See the comment before UnmarkGrayChildren in gc/Marking.cpp JS::ExposeObjectToActiveJS(closure); /* Call the handler. */ return handler(cx, obj, id, old, vp.address(), closure); }
bool CrossCompartmentWrapper::hasInstance(JSContext *cx, HandleObject wrapper, MutableHandleValue v, bool *bp) { AutoCompartment call(cx, wrappedObject(wrapper)); if (!cx->compartment->wrap(cx, v.address())) return false; return Wrapper::hasInstance(cx, wrapper, v, bp); }
bool WaiveXrayWrapper::get(JSContext *cx, HandleObject wrapper, HandleObject receiver, HandleId id, MutableHandleValue vp) { return CrossCompartmentWrapper::get(cx, wrapper, receiver, id, vp) && WrapperFactory::WaiveXrayAndWrap(cx, vp.address()); }
bool XPC_WN_Helper_SetProperty(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, HandleId id, MutableHandleValue vp, ObjectOpResult& result) { PRE_HELPER_STUB SetProperty(wrapper, cx, obj, id, vp.address(), &retval); POST_HELPER_STUB_WITH_OBJECTOPRESULT(failReadOnly) }
bool XPC_WN_Helper_GetProperty(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, HandleId id, MutableHandleValue vp) { PRE_HELPER_STUB GetProperty(wrapper, cx, obj, id, vp.address(), &retval); POST_HELPER_STUB }
bool JSRuntime::getUnclonedSelfHostedValue(JSContext *cx, Handle<PropertyName*> name, MutableHandleValue vp) { RootedObject shg(cx, selfHostingGlobal_); AutoCompartment ac(cx, shg); return JS_GetPropertyById(cx, shg, NameToId(name), vp.address()); }
/* static */ bool ModuleObject::evaluate(JSContext* cx, HandleModuleObject self, MutableHandleValue rval) { RootedScript script(cx, self->script()); RootedModuleEnvironmentObject scope(cx, self->environment()); if (!scope) { JS_ReportError(cx, "Module declarations have not yet been instantiated"); return false; } return Execute(cx, script, *scope, rval.address()); }
bool ArrayShiftDense(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, MutableHandleValue rval) { JS_ASSERT(obj->is<ArrayObject>()); AutoDetectInvalidation adi(cx, rval.address()); Value argv[] = { UndefinedValue(), ObjectValue(*obj) }; AutoValueArray ava(cx, argv, 2); if (!js::array_shift(cx, 0, argv)) return false; // If the result is |undefined|, the array was probably empty and we // have to monitor the return value. rval.set(argv[0]); if (rval.isUndefined()) types::TypeScript::Monitor(cx, rval); return true; }
bool ArrayPopDense(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, MutableHandleValue rval) { JS_ASSERT(obj->is<ArrayObject>()); AutoDetectInvalidation adi(cx, rval.address()); JS::AutoValueArray<2> argv(cx); argv[0].setUndefined(); argv[1].setObject(*obj); if (!js::array_pop(cx, 0, argv.begin())) return false; // If the result is |undefined|, the array was probably empty and we // have to monitor the return value. rval.set(argv[0]); if (rval.isUndefined()) types::TypeScript::Monitor(cx, rval); return true; }
bool GlobalObject::getSelfHostedFunction(JSContext* cx, HandleAtom selfHostedName, HandleAtom name, unsigned nargs, MutableHandleValue funVal) { RootedId shId(cx, AtomToId(selfHostedName)); RootedObject holder(cx, cx->global()->intrinsicsHolder()); if (cx->global()->maybeGetIntrinsicValue(shId, funVal.address())) return true; JSFunction* fun = NewScriptedFunction(cx, nargs, JSFunction::INTERPRETED_LAZY, name, JSFunction::ExtendedFinalizeKind, SingletonObject); if (!fun) return false; fun->setIsSelfHostedBuiltin(); fun->setExtendedSlot(0, StringValue(selfHostedName)); funVal.setObject(*fun); return cx->global()->addIntrinsicValue(cx, shId, funVal); }
bool js::DirectEvalStringFromIon(JSContext* cx, HandleObject scopeObj, HandleScript callerScript, HandleValue newTargetValue, HandleString str, jsbytecode* pc, MutableHandleValue vp) { AssertInnerizedScopeChain(cx, *scopeObj); Rooted<GlobalObject*> scopeObjGlobal(cx, &scopeObj->global()); if (!GlobalObject::isRuntimeCodeGenEnabled(cx, scopeObjGlobal)) { JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_CSP_BLOCKED_EVAL); return false; } // ES5 steps 2-8. RootedLinearString linearStr(cx, str->ensureLinear(cx)); if (!linearStr) return false; EvalJSONResult ejr = TryEvalJSON(cx, linearStr, vp); if (ejr != EvalJSON_NotJSON) return ejr == EvalJSON_Success; EvalScriptGuard esg(cx); esg.lookupInEvalCache(linearStr, callerScript, pc); if (!esg.foundScript()) { RootedScript maybeScript(cx); const char* filename; unsigned lineno; bool mutedErrors; uint32_t pcOffset; DescribeScriptedCallerForCompilation(cx, &maybeScript, &filename, &lineno, &pcOffset, &mutedErrors, CALLED_FROM_JSOP_EVAL); const char* introducerFilename = filename; if (maybeScript && maybeScript->scriptSource()->introducerFilename()) introducerFilename = maybeScript->scriptSource()->introducerFilename(); RootedObject enclosing(cx, callerScript->innermostStaticScope(pc)); Rooted<StaticEvalScope*> staticScope(cx, StaticEvalScope::create(cx, enclosing)); if (!staticScope) return false; CompileOptions options(cx); options.setIsRunOnce(true) .setForEval(true) .setNoScriptRval(false) .setMutedErrors(mutedErrors) .maybeMakeStrictMode(IsStrictEvalPC(pc)); if (introducerFilename) { options.setFileAndLine(filename, 1); options.setIntroductionInfo(introducerFilename, "eval", lineno, maybeScript, pcOffset); } else { options.setFileAndLine("eval", 1); options.setIntroductionType("eval"); } AutoStableStringChars linearChars(cx); if (!linearChars.initTwoByte(cx, linearStr)) return false; const char16_t* chars = linearChars.twoByteRange().start().get(); SourceBufferHolder::Ownership ownership = linearChars.maybeGiveOwnershipToCaller() ? SourceBufferHolder::GiveOwnership : SourceBufferHolder::NoOwnership; SourceBufferHolder srcBuf(chars, linearStr->length(), ownership); JSScript* compiled = frontend::CompileScript(cx, &cx->tempLifoAlloc(), scopeObj, staticScope, callerScript, options, srcBuf, linearStr); if (!compiled) return false; if (compiled->strict()) staticScope->setStrict(); esg.setNewScript(compiled); } return ExecuteKernel(cx, esg.script(), *scopeObj, newTargetValue, NullFramePtr() /* evalInFrame */, vp.address()); }
// Common code implementing direct and indirect eval. // // Evaluate call.argv[2], if it is a string, in the context of the given calling // frame, with the provided scope chain, with the semantics of either a direct // or indirect eval (see ES5 10.4.2). If this is an indirect eval, scopeobj // must be a global object. // // On success, store the completion value in call.rval and return true. static bool EvalKernel(JSContext* cx, HandleValue v, EvalType evalType, AbstractFramePtr caller, HandleObject scopeobj, jsbytecode* pc, MutableHandleValue vp) { MOZ_ASSERT((evalType == INDIRECT_EVAL) == !caller); MOZ_ASSERT((evalType == INDIRECT_EVAL) == !pc); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(evalType == INDIRECT_EVAL, IsGlobalLexicalScope(scopeobj)); AssertInnerizedScopeChain(cx, *scopeobj); Rooted<GlobalObject*> scopeObjGlobal(cx, &scopeobj->global()); if (!GlobalObject::isRuntimeCodeGenEnabled(cx, scopeObjGlobal)) { JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_CSP_BLOCKED_EVAL); return false; } // ES5 step 1. if (!v.isString()) { vp.set(v); return true; } RootedString str(cx, v.toString()); // ES5 steps 2-8. // Per ES5, indirect eval runs in the global scope. (eval is specified this // way so that the compiler can make assumptions about what bindings may or // may not exist in the current frame if it doesn't see 'eval'.) MOZ_ASSERT_IF(evalType != DIRECT_EVAL, cx->global() == &scopeobj->as<ClonedBlockObject>().global()); RootedLinearString linearStr(cx, str->ensureLinear(cx)); if (!linearStr) return false; RootedScript callerScript(cx, caller ? caller.script() : nullptr); EvalJSONResult ejr = TryEvalJSON(cx, linearStr, vp); if (ejr != EvalJSON_NotJSON) return ejr == EvalJSON_Success; EvalScriptGuard esg(cx); if (evalType == DIRECT_EVAL && caller.isFunctionFrame()) esg.lookupInEvalCache(linearStr, callerScript, pc); if (!esg.foundScript()) { RootedScript maybeScript(cx); unsigned lineno; const char* filename; bool mutedErrors; uint32_t pcOffset; DescribeScriptedCallerForCompilation(cx, &maybeScript, &filename, &lineno, &pcOffset, &mutedErrors, evalType == DIRECT_EVAL ? CALLED_FROM_JSOP_EVAL : NOT_CALLED_FROM_JSOP_EVAL); const char* introducerFilename = filename; if (maybeScript && maybeScript->scriptSource()->introducerFilename()) introducerFilename = maybeScript->scriptSource()->introducerFilename(); RootedObject enclosing(cx); if (evalType == DIRECT_EVAL) enclosing = callerScript->innermostStaticScope(pc); else enclosing = &cx->global()->lexicalScope().staticBlock(); Rooted<StaticEvalScope*> staticScope(cx, StaticEvalScope::create(cx, enclosing)); if (!staticScope) return false; CompileOptions options(cx); options.setIsRunOnce(true) .setForEval(true) .setNoScriptRval(false) .setMutedErrors(mutedErrors) .maybeMakeStrictMode(evalType == DIRECT_EVAL && IsStrictEvalPC(pc)); if (introducerFilename) { options.setFileAndLine(filename, 1); options.setIntroductionInfo(introducerFilename, "eval", lineno, maybeScript, pcOffset); } else { options.setFileAndLine("eval", 1); options.setIntroductionType("eval"); } AutoStableStringChars linearChars(cx); if (!linearChars.initTwoByte(cx, linearStr)) return false; const char16_t* chars = linearChars.twoByteRange().start().get(); SourceBufferHolder::Ownership ownership = linearChars.maybeGiveOwnershipToCaller() ? SourceBufferHolder::GiveOwnership : SourceBufferHolder::NoOwnership; SourceBufferHolder srcBuf(chars, linearStr->length(), ownership); JSScript* compiled = frontend::CompileScript(cx, &cx->tempLifoAlloc(), scopeobj, staticScope, callerScript, options, srcBuf, linearStr); if (!compiled) return false; if (compiled->strict()) staticScope->setStrict(); esg.setNewScript(compiled); } // Look up the newTarget from the frame iterator. Value newTargetVal = NullValue(); return ExecuteKernel(cx, esg.script(), *scopeobj, newTargetVal, NullFramePtr() /* evalInFrame */, vp.address()); }
static bool PreprocessValue(JSContext *cx, JSObject *holder, KeyType key, MutableHandleValue vp, StringifyContext *scx) { JSString *keyStr = NULL; /* Step 2. */ if (vp.get().isObject()) { Value toJSON; RootedId id(cx, NameToId(cx->runtime->atomState.toJSONAtom)); Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx, &vp.get().toObject()); if (!GetMethod(cx, obj, id, 0, &toJSON)) return false; if (js_IsCallable(toJSON)) { keyStr = KeyStringifier<KeyType>::toString(cx, key); if (!keyStr) return false; InvokeArgsGuard args; if (!cx->stack.pushInvokeArgs(cx, 1, &args)) return false; args.calleev() = toJSON; args.thisv() = vp; args[0] = StringValue(keyStr); if (!Invoke(cx, args)) return false; vp.set(args.rval()); } } /* Step 3. */ if (scx->replacer && scx->replacer->isCallable()) { if (!keyStr) { keyStr = KeyStringifier<KeyType>::toString(cx, key); if (!keyStr) return false; } InvokeArgsGuard args; if (!cx->stack.pushInvokeArgs(cx, 2, &args)) return false; args.calleev() = ObjectValue(*scx->replacer); args.thisv() = ObjectValue(*holder); args[0] = StringValue(keyStr); args[1] = vp; if (!Invoke(cx, args)) return false; vp.set(args.rval()); } /* Step 4. */ if (vp.get().isObject()) { JSObject &obj = vp.get().toObject(); if (ObjectClassIs(obj, ESClass_Number, cx)) { double d; if (!ToNumber(cx, vp, &d)) return false; vp.set(NumberValue(d)); } else if (ObjectClassIs(obj, ESClass_String, cx)) { JSString *str = ToStringSlow(cx, vp); if (!str) return false; vp.set(StringValue(str)); } else if (ObjectClassIs(obj, ESClass_Boolean, cx)) { if (!BooleanGetPrimitiveValue(cx, obj, vp.address())) return false; JS_ASSERT(vp.get().isBoolean()); } } return true; }
bool js::DirectEvalFromIon(JSContext *cx, HandleObject scopeobj, HandleScript callerScript, HandleValue thisValue, HandleString str, MutableHandleValue vp) { AssertInnerizedScopeChain(cx, *scopeobj); Rooted<GlobalObject*> scopeObjGlobal(cx, &scopeobj->global()); if (!GlobalObject::isRuntimeCodeGenEnabled(cx, scopeObjGlobal)) { JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_CSP_BLOCKED_EVAL); return false; } // ES5 steps 2-8. unsigned staticLevel = callerScript->staticLevel + 1; Rooted<JSStableString*> stableStr(cx, str->ensureStable(cx)); if (!stableStr) return false; StableCharPtr chars = stableStr->chars(); size_t length = stableStr->length(); EvalJSONResult ejr = TryEvalJSON(cx, callerScript, chars, length, vp); if (ejr != EvalJSON_NotJSON) return ejr == EvalJSON_Success; EvalScriptGuard esg(cx); // Ion will not perform cross compartment direct eval calls. JSPrincipals *principals = cx->compartment->principals; esg.lookupInEvalCache(stableStr, callerScript->function(), staticLevel); if (!esg.foundScript()) { unsigned lineno; const char *filename; JSPrincipals *originPrincipals; CurrentScriptFileLineOrigin(cx, &filename, &lineno, &originPrincipals, CALLED_FROM_JSOP_EVAL); CompileOptions options(cx); options.setFileAndLine(filename, lineno) .setCompileAndGo(true) .setNoScriptRval(false) .setPrincipals(principals) .setOriginPrincipals(originPrincipals); UnrootedScript compiled = frontend::CompileScript(cx, scopeobj, callerScript, options, chars.get(), length, stableStr, staticLevel); if (!compiled) return false; esg.setNewScript(compiled); } // Primitive 'this' values should have been filtered out by Ion. If boxed, // the calling frame cannot be updated to store the new object. JS_ASSERT(thisValue.isObject() || thisValue.isUndefined() || thisValue.isNull()); return ExecuteKernel(cx, esg.script(), *scopeobj, thisValue, ExecuteType(DIRECT_EVAL), NullFramePtr() /* evalInFrame */, vp.address()); }
bool js::DirectEvalStringFromIon(JSContext* cx, HandleObject scopeobj, HandleScript callerScript, HandleValue thisValue, HandleValue newTargetValue, HandleString str, jsbytecode* pc, MutableHandleValue vp) { AssertInnerizedScopeChain(cx, *scopeobj); Rooted<GlobalObject*> scopeObjGlobal(cx, &scopeobj->global()); if (!GlobalObject::isRuntimeCodeGenEnabled(cx, scopeObjGlobal)) { JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_CSP_BLOCKED_EVAL); return false; } // ES5 steps 2-8. unsigned staticLevel = callerScript->staticLevel() + 1; RootedLinearString linearStr(cx, str->ensureLinear(cx)); if (!linearStr) return false; EvalJSONResult ejr = TryEvalJSON(cx, linearStr, vp); if (ejr != EvalJSON_NotJSON) return ejr == EvalJSON_Success; EvalScriptGuard esg(cx); esg.lookupInEvalCache(linearStr, callerScript, pc); if (!esg.foundScript()) { RootedScript maybeScript(cx); const char* filename; unsigned lineno; bool mutedErrors; uint32_t pcOffset; DescribeScriptedCallerForCompilation(cx, &maybeScript, &filename, &lineno, &pcOffset, &mutedErrors, CALLED_FROM_JSOP_EVAL); const char* introducerFilename = filename; if (maybeScript && maybeScript->scriptSource()->introducerFilename()) introducerFilename = maybeScript->scriptSource()->introducerFilename(); RootedObject enclosing(cx, callerScript->innermostStaticScope(pc)); Rooted<StaticEvalObject*> staticScope(cx, StaticEvalObject::create(cx, enclosing)); if (!staticScope) return false; CompileOptions options(cx); options.setFileAndLine(filename, 1) .setIsRunOnce(true) .setForEval(true) .setNoScriptRval(false) .setMutedErrors(mutedErrors) .setIntroductionInfo(introducerFilename, "eval", lineno, maybeScript, pcOffset) .maybeMakeStrictMode(IsStrictEvalPC(pc)); AutoStableStringChars linearChars(cx); if (!linearChars.initTwoByte(cx, linearStr)) return false; const char16_t* chars = linearChars.twoByteRange().start().get(); SourceBufferHolder::Ownership ownership = linearChars.maybeGiveOwnershipToCaller() ? SourceBufferHolder::GiveOwnership : SourceBufferHolder::NoOwnership; SourceBufferHolder srcBuf(chars, linearStr->length(), ownership); JSScript* compiled = frontend::CompileScript(cx, &cx->tempLifoAlloc(), scopeobj, staticScope, callerScript, options, srcBuf, linearStr, staticLevel); if (!compiled) return false; if (compiled->strict()) staticScope->setStrict(); esg.setNewScript(compiled); } // Primitive 'this' values should have been filtered out by Ion. If boxed, // the calling frame cannot be updated to store the new object. MOZ_ASSERT(thisValue.isObject() || thisValue.isUndefined() || thisValue.isNull()); // When eval'ing strict code in a non-strict context, compute the 'this' // value to use from what the caller passed in. This isn't necessary if // the callee is not strict, as it will compute the non-strict 'this' // value as necessary while it executes. RootedValue nthisValue(cx, thisValue); if (!callerScript->strict() && esg.script()->strict() && !thisValue.isObject()) { JSObject* obj = BoxNonStrictThis(cx, thisValue); if (!obj) return false; nthisValue = ObjectValue(*obj); } return ExecuteKernel(cx, esg.script(), *scopeobj, nthisValue, newTargetValue, ExecuteType(DIRECT_EVAL), NullFramePtr() /* evalInFrame */, vp.address()); }
static bool PreprocessValue(JSContext *cx, HandleObject holder, KeyType key, MutableHandleValue vp, StringifyContext *scx) { RootedString keyStr(cx); /* Step 2. */ if (vp.isObject()) { RootedValue toJSON(cx); RootedObject obj(cx, &vp.toObject()); if (!JSObject::getProperty(cx, obj, obj, cx->names().toJSON, &toJSON)) return false; if (js_IsCallable(toJSON)) { keyStr = KeyStringifier<KeyType>::toString(cx, key); if (!keyStr) return false; InvokeArgsGuard args; if (!cx->stack.pushInvokeArgs(cx, 1, &args)) return false; args.setCallee(toJSON); args.setThis(vp); args[0] = StringValue(keyStr); if (!Invoke(cx, args)) return false; vp.set(args.rval()); } } /* Step 3. */ if (scx->replacer && scx->replacer->isCallable()) { if (!keyStr) { keyStr = KeyStringifier<KeyType>::toString(cx, key); if (!keyStr) return false; } InvokeArgsGuard args; if (!cx->stack.pushInvokeArgs(cx, 2, &args)) return false; args.setCallee(ObjectValue(*scx->replacer)); args.setThis(ObjectValue(*holder)); args[0] = StringValue(keyStr); args[1] = vp; if (!Invoke(cx, args)) return false; vp.set(args.rval()); } /* Step 4. */ if (vp.get().isObject()) { RootedObject obj(cx, &vp.get().toObject()); if (ObjectClassIs(obj, ESClass_Number, cx)) { double d; if (!ToNumber(cx, vp, &d)) return false; vp.set(NumberValue(d)); } else if (ObjectClassIs(obj, ESClass_String, cx)) { JSString *str = ToStringSlow<CanGC>(cx, vp); if (!str) return false; vp.set(StringValue(str)); } else if (ObjectClassIs(obj, ESClass_Boolean, cx)) { if (!BooleanGetPrimitiveValue(cx, obj, vp.address())) return false; JS_ASSERT(vp.get().isBoolean()); } } return true; }
bool js::DirectEvalStringFromIon(JSContext *cx, HandleObject scopeobj, HandleScript callerScript, HandleValue thisValue, HandleString str, jsbytecode *pc, MutableHandleValue vp) { AssertInnerizedScopeChain(cx, *scopeobj); Rooted<GlobalObject*> scopeObjGlobal(cx, &scopeobj->global()); if (!GlobalObject::isRuntimeCodeGenEnabled(cx, scopeObjGlobal)) { JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_CSP_BLOCKED_EVAL); return false; } // ES5 steps 2-8. unsigned staticLevel = callerScript->staticLevel() + 1; Rooted<JSFlatString*> flatStr(cx, str->ensureFlat(cx)); if (!flatStr) return false; size_t length = flatStr->length(); ConstTwoByteChars chars(flatStr->chars(), length); EvalJSONResult ejr = TryEvalJSON(cx, callerScript, chars, length, vp); if (ejr != EvalJSON_NotJSON) return ejr == EvalJSON_Success; EvalScriptGuard esg(cx); // Ion will not perform cross compartment direct eval calls. JSPrincipals *principals = cx->compartment()->principals; esg.lookupInEvalCache(flatStr, callerScript, pc); if (!esg.foundScript()) { JSScript *script; const char *filename; unsigned lineno; JSPrincipals *originPrincipals; uint32_t pcOffset; CurrentScriptFileLineOrigin(cx, &script, &filename, &lineno, &pcOffset, &originPrincipals, CALLED_FROM_JSOP_EVAL); const char *introducerFilename = filename; if (script && script->scriptSource()->introducerFilename()) introducerFilename = script->scriptSource()->introducerFilename(); CompileOptions options(cx); options.setFileAndLine(filename, 1) .setCompileAndGo(true) .setForEval(true) .setNoScriptRval(false) .setPrincipals(principals) .setOriginPrincipals(originPrincipals) .setIntroductionInfo(introducerFilename, "eval", lineno, script, pcOffset); JSScript *compiled = frontend::CompileScript(cx, &cx->tempLifoAlloc(), scopeobj, callerScript, options, chars.get(), length, flatStr, staticLevel); if (!compiled) return false; MarkFunctionsWithinEvalScript(compiled); esg.setNewScript(compiled); } // Primitive 'this' values should have been filtered out by Ion. If boxed, // the calling frame cannot be updated to store the new object. JS_ASSERT(thisValue.isObject() || thisValue.isUndefined() || thisValue.isNull()); return ExecuteKernel(cx, esg.script(), *scopeobj, thisValue, ExecuteType(DIRECT_EVAL), NullFramePtr() /* evalInFrame */, vp.address()); }
bool js::DirectEvalStringFromIon(JSContext *cx, HandleObject scopeobj, HandleScript callerScript, HandleValue thisValue, HandleString str, jsbytecode *pc, MutableHandleValue vp) { AssertInnerizedScopeChain(cx, *scopeobj); Rooted<GlobalObject*> scopeObjGlobal(cx, &scopeobj->global()); if (!GlobalObject::isRuntimeCodeGenEnabled(cx, scopeObjGlobal)) { JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_CSP_BLOCKED_EVAL); return false; } // ES5 steps 2-8. unsigned staticLevel = callerScript->staticLevel() + 1; Rooted<JSFlatString*> flatStr(cx, str->ensureFlat(cx)); if (!flatStr) return false; EvalJSONResult ejr = TryEvalJSON(cx, callerScript, flatStr, vp); if (ejr != EvalJSON_NotJSON) return ejr == EvalJSON_Success; EvalScriptGuard esg(cx); esg.lookupInEvalCache(flatStr, callerScript, pc); if (!esg.foundScript()) { RootedScript maybeScript(cx); const char *filename; unsigned lineno; JSPrincipals *originPrincipals; uint32_t pcOffset; DescribeScriptedCallerForCompilation(cx, &maybeScript, &filename, &lineno, &pcOffset, &originPrincipals, CALLED_FROM_JSOP_EVAL); const char *introducerFilename = filename; if (maybeScript && maybeScript->scriptSource()->introducerFilename()) introducerFilename = maybeScript->scriptSource()->introducerFilename(); CompileOptions options(cx); options.setFileAndLine(filename, 1) .setCompileAndGo(true) .setForEval(true) .setNoScriptRval(false) .setOriginPrincipals(originPrincipals) .setIntroductionInfo(introducerFilename, "eval", lineno, maybeScript, pcOffset); AutoStableStringChars flatChars(cx); if (!flatChars.initTwoByte(cx, flatStr)) return false; const char16_t *chars = flatChars.twoByteRange().start().get(); SourceBufferHolder::Ownership ownership = flatChars.maybeGiveOwnershipToCaller() ? SourceBufferHolder::GiveOwnership : SourceBufferHolder::NoOwnership; SourceBufferHolder srcBuf(chars, flatStr->length(), ownership); JSScript *compiled = frontend::CompileScript(cx, &cx->tempLifoAlloc(), scopeobj, callerScript, options, srcBuf, flatStr, staticLevel); if (!compiled) return false; esg.setNewScript(compiled); } // Primitive 'this' values should have been filtered out by Ion. If boxed, // the calling frame cannot be updated to store the new object. JS_ASSERT(thisValue.isObject() || thisValue.isUndefined() || thisValue.isNull()); return ExecuteKernel(cx, esg.script(), *scopeobj, thisValue, ExecuteType(DIRECT_EVAL), NullFramePtr() /* evalInFrame */, vp.address()); }
bool BaseProxyHandler::set(JSContext* cx, HandleObject proxy, HandleObject receiver, HandleId id, bool strict, MutableHandleValue vp) const { assertEnteredPolicy(cx, proxy, id, SET); // This method is not covered by any spec, but we follow ES6 draft rev 28 // (2014 Oct 14) 9.1.9 fairly closely, adapting it slightly for // SpiderMonkey's particular foibles. // Steps 2-3. (Step 1 is a superfluous assertion.) Rooted<PropertyDescriptor> ownDesc(cx); if (!getOwnPropertyDescriptor(cx, proxy, id, &ownDesc)) return false; // Step 4. if (!ownDesc.object()) { // The spec calls this variable "parent", but that word has weird // connotations in SpiderMonkey, so let's go with "proto". RootedObject proto(cx); if (!GetPrototype(cx, proxy, &proto)) return false; if (proto) return SetProperty(cx, proto, receiver, id, vp, strict); // Change ownDesc to be a complete descriptor for a configurable, // writable, enumerable data property. Then fall through to step 5. ownDesc.clear(); ownDesc.setAttributes(JSPROP_ENUMERATE); } // Step 5. if (ownDesc.isDataDescriptor()) { // Steps 5.a-b, adapted to our nonstandard implementation of ES6 // [[Set]] return values. if (!ownDesc.isWritable()) { if (strict) return JSObject::reportReadOnly(cx, id, JSREPORT_ERROR); if (cx->compartment()->options().extraWarnings(cx)) return JSObject::reportReadOnly(cx, id, JSREPORT_STRICT | JSREPORT_WARNING); return true; } // Nonstandard SpiderMonkey special case: setter ops. StrictPropertyOp setter = ownDesc.setter(); MOZ_ASSERT(setter != JS_StrictPropertyStub); if (setter && setter != JS_StrictPropertyStub) return CallSetter(cx, receiver, id, setter, ownDesc.attributes(), strict, vp); // Steps 5.c-d. Adapt for SpiderMonkey by using HasOwnProperty instead // of the standard [[GetOwnProperty]]. bool existingDescriptor; if (!HasOwnProperty(cx, receiver, id, &existingDescriptor)) return false; // Steps 5.e-f. unsigned attrs = existingDescriptor ? JSPROP_IGNORE_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_IGNORE_READONLY | JSPROP_IGNORE_PERMANENT : JSPROP_ENUMERATE; // A very old nonstandard SpiderMonkey extension: default to the Class // getter and setter ops. const Class* clasp = receiver->getClass(); MOZ_ASSERT(clasp->getProperty != JS_PropertyStub); MOZ_ASSERT(clasp->setProperty != JS_StrictPropertyStub); return DefineProperty(cx, receiver, id, vp, clasp->getProperty, clasp->setProperty, attrs); } // Step 6. MOZ_ASSERT(ownDesc.isAccessorDescriptor()); RootedObject setter(cx); if (ownDesc.hasSetterObject()) setter = ownDesc.setterObject(); if (!setter) return js_ReportGetterOnlyAssignment(cx, strict); RootedValue setterValue(cx, ObjectValue(*setter)); return InvokeGetterOrSetter(cx, receiver, setterValue, 1, vp.address(), vp); }