int main() { int hour, minute, second; MyTime myTime; while (cout<<"Enter Time in the given format ie. Hour:Minute:second ") { cin>>hour>>minute>>second; try{ myTime.setTime(hour, minute, second);//time is set here if exception occurs than catch will handle it. break;//if everything is correct then the loop gets break and continues with other operation. } catch(RangeErrorException &RangeErrorException)//if exception occurs, then it will display the error message and the user have to input the value within the range. { cout<<"Exception error: "<<RangeErrorException.what()<<endl;//if exception occurs then it will perform the task in specified function. } } myTime.nextSecond(); cout<<"Time on next Second :: "<<myTime.toString()<<endl; myTime.nextMinute(); cout<<"Time on next Minute :: "<<myTime.toString()<<endl; myTime.nextHour(); cout<<"Time on next hour :: "<<myTime.toString()<<endl; }
int main() { int hour,minute,second; MyTime time; while(cout << "Enter time in format HH:MM:SS ") { cin>>hour>>minute>>second; try { time.setTime(hour,minute,second); break; } catch (OutOfRangeException &OutOfRangeException){ cout << "Exception Occured !!! " << OutOfRangeException.what() << endl; } } time.nextSecond(); cout << "After one second, time is -> " << time.toString() << endl; time.nextMinute(); cout << "After one minute, time is -> " << time.toString() << endl; time.nextHour(); cout << "After one hour, time is -> " << time.toString() << endl; time.previousSecond(); cout << "Before one second, time was -> " << time.toString() << endl; time.previousMinute(); cout << "Before one minute, time was -> " << time.toString() << endl; time.previousHour(); cout << "Before one hour, time was -> " << time.toString() << endl; }