예제 #1
void Stoneship::o_hologramSelectionMove(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
	debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d: Hologram move", op);

	MystResourceType11 *handle = static_cast<MystResourceType11 *>(_invokingResource);
	const Common::Point &mouse = _vm->_system->getEventManager()->getMousePos();

	if (handle->getRect().contains(mouse)) {
		int16 position = mouse.x - 143;
		position = CLIP<int16>(position, 0, 242);

		// Draw handle movie frame
		uint16 selectionPos = position * 1500 / 243;

		VideoHandle handleMovie = _hologramSelection->playMovie();
		_vm->_video->setVideoBounds(handleMovie, Audio::Timestamp(0, selectionPos, 600), Audio::Timestamp(0, selectionPos, 600));

		_hologramDisplayPos = position * 1450 / 243 + 350;

		// Draw display movie frame
		if (_hologramTurnedOn) {
			VideoHandle displayMovie = _hologramDisplay->playMovie();
			_vm->_video->setVideoBounds(displayMovie, Audio::Timestamp(0, _hologramDisplayPos, 600), Audio::Timestamp(0, _hologramDisplayPos, 600));
예제 #2
void Stoneship::o_generatorStop(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
	debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d: Generator stop", op);

	_batteryCharging = false;

	if (_state.generatorDuration) {
		// Clip battery power
		if (_state.generatorDuration > 600000)
			_state.generatorDuration = 600000;

		// Start depleting power
		_state.generatorDepletionTime = _vm->_system->getMillis() + _state.generatorDuration;
		_state.generatorPowerAvailable = 1;
		_batteryDepleting = true;
		_batteryNextTime = _vm->_system->getMillis() + 60000;

	// Pause handle movie
	MystResourceType11 *handle = static_cast<MystResourceType11 *>(_invokingResource);
	MystResourceType6 *movie = static_cast<MystResourceType6 *>(handle->getSubResource(0));

	uint16 soundId = handle->getList3(0);
	if (soundId)
예제 #3
void Stoneship::o_generatorStart(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
	debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d: Generator start", op);

	MystResourceType11 *handle = static_cast<MystResourceType11 *>(_invokingResource);

	uint16 soundId = handle->getList1(0);
	if (soundId)

	if (_state.generatorDuration)
		_state.generatorDuration -= _vm->_system->getMillis() - _state.generatorDepletionTime;

	// Start charging the battery
	_batteryDepleting = false;
	_batteryCharging = true;
	_batteryNextTime = _vm->_system->getMillis() + 1000;

	// Start handle movie
	MystResourceType6 *movie = static_cast<MystResourceType6 *>(handle->getSubResource(0));

	soundId = handle->getList2(0);
	if (soundId)
		_vm->_sound->replaceSoundMyst(soundId, Audio::Mixer::kMaxChannelVolume, true);
예제 #4
void Mechanical::o_birdCrankStart(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
	debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d: Mechanical bird crank start", op);

	MystResourceType11 *crank = static_cast<MystResourceType11 *>(_invokingResource);

	uint16 crankSoundId = crank->getList2(0);
	_vm->_sound->replaceSoundMyst(crankSoundId, Audio::Mixer::kMaxChannelVolume, true);

	_birdSingEndTime = 0;
	_birdCrankStartTime = _vm->_system->getMillis();

	MystResourceType6 *crankMovie = static_cast<MystResourceType6 *>(crank->getSubResource(0));
예제 #5
void Mechanical::o_birdCrankStop(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
	debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d: Mechanical bird crank stop", op);

	MystResourceType11 *crank = static_cast<MystResourceType11 *>(_invokingResource);

	MystResourceType6 *crankMovie = static_cast<MystResourceType6 *>(crank->getSubResource(0));

	uint16 crankSoundId = crank->getList2(1);

	_birdSingEndTime = 2 * _vm->_system->getMillis() - _birdCrankStartTime;
	_birdSinging = true;

예제 #6
void Stoneship::o_telescopeMove(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
	debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d: Telescope move", op);

	MystResourceType11 *display = static_cast<MystResourceType11 *>(_invokingResource);
	const Common::Point &mouse = _vm->_system->getEventManager()->getMousePos();

	// Compute telescope position
	_telescopePosition = (_telescopePosition - (mouse.x - _telescopeOldMouse) / 2 + 3240) % 3240;
	_telescopeOldMouse = mouse.x;

	// Copy image to screen
    Common::Rect src = Common::Rect(_telescopePosition, 0, _telescopePosition + 112, 112);
    _vm->_gfx->copyImageSectionToScreen(_telescopePanorama, src, display->getRect());

    // Draw lighthouse