void showUsage(const MythCommandLineParser &cmdlineparser, const QString &version) { QString help = cmdlineparser.GetHelpString(false); QByteArray ahelp = help.toLocal8Bit(); cerr << qPrintable(version) << endl << "Valid options are: " << endl << "-h or --help List valid command line parameters" << endl << ahelp.constData() << endl; }
static void showUsage(const MythCommandLineParser &cmdlineparser) { QString help = cmdlineparser.GetHelpString(false); QByteArray ahelp = help.toLocal8Bit(); VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, QString("%1 version: %2 [%3] www.mythtv.org") .arg(MYTH_APPNAME_MYTHWELCOME) .arg(MYTH_SOURCE_PATH) .arg(MYTH_SOURCE_VERSION)); cerr << "Valid options are: " << endl << "-v or --verbose debug-level Use '-v help' for level info" << endl << "-s or --setup Run setup for the mythshutdown program" << endl << "-l or --logfile filename Writes STDERR and STDOUT messages to filename" << endl << ahelp.constData() << endl; }
static void ShowUsage(const MythCommandLineParser &cmdlineparser) { QString help = cmdlineparser.GetHelpString(false); QByteArray ahelp = help.toLocal8Bit(); cerr << "Valid options are: " << endl << "-l or --logfile filename Writes STDERR and STDOUT messages to filename" << endl << "-r or --reset Resets frontend appearance settings and language" << endl << ahelp.constData() << "-p or --prompt Always prompt for Mythbackend selection." << endl << "-d or --disable-autodiscovery Never prompt for Mythbackend selection." << endl << "-u or --upgrade-schema Allow mythfrontend to upgrade the database schema" << endl << "<plugin> Initialize and run this plugin" << endl << endl << "Environment Variables:" << endl << "$MYTHTVDIR Set the installation prefix" << endl << "$MYTHCONFDIR Set the config dir (instead of ~/.mythtv)" << endl; }