예제 #1
    ExitCodes main_(int, const char **)
      // parameter handling
      String in = getStringOption_("in");
      String out = getStringOption_("out");

      // input file type
      FileTypes::Type in_type = FileHandler::getType(in);
      writeDebug_(String("Input file type: ") + FileTypes::typeToName(in_type), 2);

      if (in_type == FileTypes::UNKNOWN)
        writeLog_("Error: Could not determine input file type!");
        return PARSE_ERROR;

      String document_id;
      vector<ProteinIdentification> prot_ids;
      vector<PeptideIdentification> pep_ids;
      IdXMLFile().load(in, prot_ids, pep_ids, document_id);

      MzTabFile mztab;
      mztab.store(out, prot_ids, pep_ids, in, document_id);

      return EXECUTION_OK;
예제 #2
  ExitCodes main_(int, const char **) override
    // Parsing parameters

    String in = getStringOption_("in");
    String out_sirius = getStringOption_("out_sirius");
    String out_csifingerid = getStringOption_("out_fingerid");

    // needed for counting
    int number_compounds = getIntOption_("number"); 

    // Parameter for Sirius3
    QString executable = getStringOption_("executable").toQString();
    const QString profile = getStringOption_("profile").toQString();
    const QString elements = getStringOption_("elements").toQString();
    const QString database = getStringOption_("database").toQString();
    const QString isotope = getStringOption_("isotope").toQString();
    const QString noise = QString::number(getIntOption_("noise"));
    const QString ppm_max = QString::number(getIntOption_("ppm_max"));
    const QString candidates = QString::number(getIntOption_("candidates"));

    bool auto_charge = getFlag_("auto_charge");
    bool no_recalibration = getFlag_("no_recalibration");
    bool iontree = getFlag_("iontree");

    // Determination of the Executable

    // Parameter executable not provided
    if (executable.isEmpty())
      const QProcessEnvironment env;
      const QString & qsiriuspathenv = env.systemEnvironment().value("SIRIUS_PATH");
      if (qsiriuspathenv.isEmpty())
        writeLog_( "FATAL: Executable of Sirius could not be found. Please either use SIRIUS_PATH env variable or provide with -executable");
        return MISSING_PARAMETERS;
      executable = qsiriuspathenv;
    // Normalize file path
    QFileInfo file_info(executable);
    executable = file_info.canonicalFilePath();

    writeLog_("Executable is: " + executable);
    const QString & path_to_executable = File::path(executable).toQString();

    // Calculations
    PeakMap spectra;
    MzMLFile f;
    f.load(in, spectra);
    std::vector<String> subdirs;

    QString tmp_base_dir = File::getTempDirectory().toQString();
    QString tmp_dir = QDir(tmp_base_dir).filePath(File::getUniqueName().toQString());

    String tmp_ms_file = QDir(tmp_base_dir).filePath((File::getUniqueName() + ".ms").toQString());
    String out_dir = QDir(tmp_dir).filePath("sirius_out");

    //Write msfile
    SiriusMSFile::store(spectra, tmp_ms_file);

    // Assemble SIRIUS parameters
    QStringList process_params;
    process_params << "-p" << profile
                   << "-e" << elements
                   << "-d" << database
                   << "-s" << isotope
                   << "--noise" << noise
                   << "--candidates" << candidates
                   << "--ppm-max" << ppm_max
                   << "--quiet"
                   << "--output" << out_dir.toQString(); //internal output folder for temporary SIRIUS output file storage

    // Add flags
    if (no_recalibration)
      process_params << "--no-recalibration";
    if (!out_csifingerid.empty())
      process_params << "--fingerid";
    if (iontree)
      process_params << "--iontree";
    if (auto_charge)
      process_params << "--auto-charge";

    process_params << tmp_ms_file.toQString();

    // The actual process
    QProcess qp;
    qp.setWorkingDirectory(path_to_executable); //since library paths are relative to sirius executable path
    qp.start(executable, process_params); // does automatic escaping etc... start
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "COMMAND: " << executable.toStdString();
    for (QStringList::const_iterator it = process_params.begin(); it != process_params.end(); ++it)
        ss << " " << it->toStdString();
    LOG_DEBUG << ss.str() << endl;
    writeLog_("Executing: " + String(executable));
    writeLog_("Working Dir is: " + path_to_executable);
    const bool success = qp.waitForFinished(-1); // wait till job is finished

    if (success == false || qp.exitStatus() != 0 || qp.exitCode() != 0)
      writeLog_( "FATAL: External invocation of Sirius failed. Standard output and error were:");
      const QString sirius_stdout(qp.readAllStandardOutput());
      const QString sirius_stderr(qp.readAllStandardOutput());


    // writing output

    //Extract path to subfolders (sirius internal folder structure)
    QDirIterator it(out_dir.toQString(), QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDirIterator::NoIteratorFlags);
    while (it.hasNext())

    //sort vector path list
    std::sort(subdirs.begin(), subdirs.end(), sortByScanIndex);

    //Convert sirius_output to mztab and store file
    MzTab sirius_result;
    MzTabFile siriusfile;
    SiriusMzTabWriter::read(subdirs, number_compounds, sirius_result);
    siriusfile.store(out_sirius, sirius_result);

    //Convert sirius_output to mztab and store file
    if (out_csifingerid.empty() == false)
      MzTab csi_result;
      MzTabFile csifile;
      CsiFingerIdMzTabWriter::read(subdirs, number_compounds, csi_result);
      csifile.store(out_csifingerid, csi_result);

    //clean tmp directory if debug level < 2
    if (debug_level_ >= 2)
      writeDebug_("Keeping temporary files in directory '" + String(tmp_dir) + " and msfile at this location "+ tmp_ms_file + ". Set debug level to 1 or lower to remove them.", 2);
      if (tmp_dir.isEmpty() == false)
        writeDebug_("Deleting temporary directory '" + String(tmp_dir) + "'. Set debug level to 2 or higher to keep it.", 0);
      if (tmp_ms_file.empty() == false)
        writeDebug_("Deleting temporary msfile '" + tmp_ms_file + "'. Set debug level to 2 or higher to keep it.", 0);
        File::remove(tmp_ms_file); // remove msfile

    return EXECUTION_OK;