예제 #1
NBJoinedEdgesMap::init(NBEdgeCont& ec) {
    const std::vector<std::string> edgeNames = ec.getAllNames();
    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = edgeNames.begin(); i != edgeNames.end(); i++) {
        MappedEdgesVector e;
        myMap[*i] = e;
        myLengths[*i] = ec.retrieve(*i)->getLength();
예제 #2
NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeProhibitedManoeuvres(const OptionsCont& oc, const NBNodeCont& nc, const NBEdgeCont& ec) {
    OutputDevice& device = OutputDevice::getDevice(oc.getString("dlr-navteq-output") + "_prohibited_manoeuvres.txt");
    writeHeader(device, oc);
    // need to invent id for relation
    std::set<std::string> reservedRelIDs;
    if (oc.isSet("reserved-ids")) {
        NBHelpers::loadPrefixedIDsFomFile(oc.getString("reserved-ids"), "rel:", reservedRelIDs);
    std::vector<std::string> avoid = ec.getAllNames(); // already used for tls RELATREC_ID
    avoid.insert(avoid.end(), reservedRelIDs.begin(), reservedRelIDs.end());
    IDSupplier idSupplier("", avoid); // @note: use a global relRecIDsupplier if this is used more often
    // write format specifier
    device << "#No driving allowed from ID1 to ID2 or the complete chain from ID1 to IDn\n";
    // write record for every pair of incoming/outgoing edge that are not connected despite having common permissions
    for (std::map<std::string, NBNode*>::const_iterator i = nc.begin(); i != nc.end(); ++i) {
        NBNode* n = (*i).second;
        const EdgeVector& incoming = n->getIncomingEdges();
        const EdgeVector& outgoing = n->getOutgoingEdges();
        for (EdgeVector::const_iterator j = incoming.begin(); j != incoming.end(); ++j) {
            NBEdge* inEdge = *j;
            const SVCPermissions inPerm = inEdge->getPermissions();
            for (EdgeVector::const_iterator k = outgoing.begin(); k != outgoing.end(); ++k) {
                NBEdge* outEdge = *k;
                const SVCPermissions outPerm = outEdge->getPermissions();
                const SVCPermissions commonPerm = inPerm & outPerm;
                if (commonPerm != 0 && commonPerm != SVC_PEDESTRIAN && !inEdge->isConnectedTo(outEdge)) {
                            << idSupplier.getNext() << "\t"
                            << 1 << "\t" // permanent id
                            << UNDEFINED << "\t"
                            << 1 << "\t"
                            << getAllowedTypes(SVCAll) << "\t"
                            << inEdge->getID() << "\t" << outEdge->getID() << "\n";
NBNodeCont::removeIsolatedRoads(NBDistrictCont& dc, NBEdgeCont& ec, NBTrafficLightLogicCont& tc) {
    // Warn of isolated edges, i.e. a single edge with no connection to another edge
    int edgeCounter = 0;
    const std::vector<std::string>& edgeNames = ec.getAllNames();
    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = edgeNames.begin(); it != edgeNames.end(); ++it) {
        // Test whether this node starts at a dead end, i.e. it has only one adjacent node
        // to which an edge exists and from which an edge may come.
        NBEdge* e = ec.retrieve(*it);
        if (e == 0) {
        NBNode* from = e->getFromNode();
        const EdgeVector& outgoingEdges = from->getOutgoingEdges();
        if (outgoingEdges.size() != 1) {
            // At this node, several edges or no edge start; so, this node is no dead end.
        const EdgeVector& incomingEdges = from->getIncomingEdges();
        if (incomingEdges.size() > 1) {
            // At this node, several edges end; so, this node is no dead end.
        } else if (incomingEdges.size() == 1) {
            NBNode* fromNodeOfIncomingEdge = incomingEdges[0]->getFromNode();
            NBNode* toNodeOfOutgoingEdge = outgoingEdges[0]->getToNode();
            if (fromNodeOfIncomingEdge != toNodeOfOutgoingEdge) {
                // At this node, an edge ends which is not the inverse direction of
                // the starting node.
        // Now we know that the edge e starts a dead end.
        // Next we test if the dead end is isolated, i.e. does not lead to a junction
        bool hasJunction = false;
        EdgeVector road;
        NBEdge* eOld = 0;
        NBNode* to;
        std::set<NBNode*> adjacentNodes;
        do {
            eOld = e;
            from = e->getFromNode();
            to = e->getToNode();
            const EdgeVector& outgoingEdgesOfToNode = to->getOutgoingEdges();
            const EdgeVector& incomingEdgesOfToNode = to->getIncomingEdges();
            for (EdgeVector::const_iterator itOfOutgoings = outgoingEdgesOfToNode.begin(); itOfOutgoings != outgoingEdgesOfToNode.end(); ++itOfOutgoings) {
                if ((*itOfOutgoings)->getToNode() != from        // The back path
                        && (*itOfOutgoings)->getToNode() != to   // A loop / dummy edge
                   ) {
                    e = *itOfOutgoings; // Probably the next edge
            for (EdgeVector::const_iterator itOfIncomings = incomingEdgesOfToNode.begin(); itOfIncomings != incomingEdgesOfToNode.end(); ++itOfIncomings) {
            adjacentNodes.erase(to);  // Omit loops
            if (adjacentNodes.size() > 2) {
                hasJunction = true;
        } while (!hasJunction && eOld != e);
        if (!hasJunction) {
            edgeCounter +=  int(road.size());
            std::string warningString = "Removed a road without junctions: ";
            for (EdgeVector::iterator roadIt = road.begin(); roadIt != road.end(); ++roadIt) {
                if (roadIt == road.begin()) {
                    warningString += (*roadIt)->getID();
                } else {
                    warningString += ", " + (*roadIt)->getID();

                NBNode* fromNode = (*roadIt)->getFromNode();
                NBNode* toNode = (*roadIt)->getToNode();
                ec.erase(dc, *roadIt);
                if (fromNode->getIncomingEdges().size() == 0 && fromNode->getOutgoingEdges().size() == 0) {
                    // Node is empty; can be removed
                if (toNode->getIncomingEdges().size() == 0 && toNode->getOutgoingEdges().size() == 0) {
                    // Node is empty; can be removed
    if (edgeCounter > 0 && !OptionsCont::getOptions().getBool("remove-edges.isolated")) {
        WRITE_WARNING("Detected isolated roads. Use the option --remove-edges.isolated to get a list of all affected edges.");
예제 #4
NWWriter_DlrNavteq::writeNodesUnsplitted(const OptionsCont& oc, NBNodeCont& nc, NBEdgeCont& ec, std::map<NBEdge*, std::string>& internalNodes) {
    // For "real" nodes we simply use the node id.
    // For internal nodes (geometry vectors describing edge geometry in the parlance of this format)
    // we use the id of the edge and do not bother with
    // compression (each direction gets its own internal node).
    OutputDevice& device = OutputDevice::getDevice(oc.getString("dlr-navteq-output") + "_nodes_unsplitted.txt");
    writeHeader(device, oc);
    const GeoConvHelper& gch = GeoConvHelper::getFinal();
    const bool haveGeo = gch.usingGeoProjection();
    const double geoScale = pow(10.0f, haveGeo ? 5 : 2); // see NIImporter_DlrNavteq::GEO_SCALE
    if (!haveGeo) {
        WRITE_WARNING("DlrNavteq node data will be written in (floating point) cartesian coordinates");
    // write format specifier
    device << "# NODE_ID\tIS_BETWEEN_NODE\tamount_of_geocoordinates\tx1\ty1\t[x2 y2  ... xn  yn]\n";
    // write header
    Boundary boundary = gch.getConvBoundary();
    Position min(boundary.xmin(), boundary.ymin());
    Position max(boundary.xmax(), boundary.ymax());
    int multinodes = 0;
    for (std::map<std::string, NBEdge*>::const_iterator i = ec.begin(); i != ec.end(); ++i) {
        if ((*i).second->getGeometry().size() > 2) {
    device << "# [xmin_region] " << min.x() << "\n";
    device << "# [xmax_region] " << max.x() << "\n";
    device << "# [ymin_region] " << min.y() << "\n";
    device << "# [ymax_region] " << max.y() << "\n";
    device << "# [elements_multinode] " << multinodes << "\n";
    device << "# [elements_normalnode] " << nc.size() << "\n";
    device << "# [xmin] " << min.x() << "\n";
    device << "# [xmax] " << max.x() << "\n";
    device << "# [ymin] " << min.y() << "\n";
    device << "# [ymax] " << max.y() << "\n";
    // write normal nodes
    for (std::map<std::string, NBNode*>::const_iterator i = nc.begin(); i != nc.end(); ++i) {
        NBNode* n = (*i).second;
        Position pos = n->getPosition();
        device << n->getID() << "\t0\t1\t" << pos.x() << "\t" << pos.y() << "\n";
    // write "internal" nodes
    std::vector<std::string> avoid;
    std::set<std::string> reservedNodeIDs;
    const bool numericalIDs = oc.getBool("numerical-ids");
    if (oc.isSet("reserved-ids")) {
        NBHelpers::loadPrefixedIDsFomFile(oc.getString("reserved-ids"), "node:", reservedNodeIDs); // backward compatibility
        NBHelpers::loadPrefixedIDsFomFile(oc.getString("reserved-ids"), "junction:", reservedNodeIDs); // selection format
    if (numericalIDs) {
        avoid = nc.getAllNames();
        std::vector<std::string> avoid2 = ec.getAllNames();
        avoid.insert(avoid.end(), avoid2.begin(), avoid2.end());
        avoid.insert(avoid.end(), reservedNodeIDs.begin(), reservedNodeIDs.end());
    IDSupplier idSupplier("", avoid);
    for (std::map<std::string, NBEdge*>::const_iterator i = ec.begin(); i != ec.end(); ++i) {
        NBEdge* e = (*i).second;
        PositionVector geom = e->getGeometry();
        if (geom.size() > 2) {
            // the import NIImporter_DlrNavteq checks for the presence of a
            // negated edge id to determine spread type. We may need to do some
            // shifting to make this consistent
            const bool hasOppositeID = ec.getOppositeByID(e->getID()) != nullptr;
            if (e->getLaneSpreadFunction() == LANESPREAD_RIGHT && !hasOppositeID) {
                // need to write center-line geometry instead
                try {
                    geom.move2side(e->getTotalWidth() / 2);
                } catch (InvalidArgument& exception) {
                    WRITE_WARNING("Could not reconstruct shape for edge:'" + e->getID() + "' (" + exception.what() + ").");
            } else if (e->getLaneSpreadFunction() == LANESPREAD_CENTER && hasOppositeID) {
                // need to write left-border geometry instead
                try {
                    geom.move2side(-e->getTotalWidth() / 2);
                } catch (InvalidArgument& exception) {
                    WRITE_WARNING("Could not reconstruct shape for edge:'" + e->getID() + "' (" + exception.what() + ").");

            std::string internalNodeID = e->getID();
            if (internalNodeID == UNDEFINED
                    || (nc.retrieve(internalNodeID) != nullptr)
                    || reservedNodeIDs.count(internalNodeID) > 0
               ) {
                // need to invent a new name to avoid clashing with the id of a 'real' node or a reserved name
                if (numericalIDs) {
                    internalNodeID = idSupplier.getNext();
                } else {
                    internalNodeID += "_geometry";
            internalNodes[e] = internalNodeID;
            device << internalNodeID << "\t1\t" << geom.size() - 2;
            for (int ii = 1; ii < (int)geom.size() - 1; ++ii) {
                Position pos = geom[(int)ii];
                device << "\t" << pos.x() << "\t" << pos.y();
            device << "\n";