예제 #1
// Find the path between (sx,sy) and (dx,dy). Returns PATH_FAILED or PATH_OK.
int PATHFINDER::find_path(int sx_, int sy_, int dx_, int dy_) {
	// Check that the target tile is reachable
	if(map_solid(dx_, dy_))
		return PATH_FAILED;

	// Helper array which tells us if a tile is on the open nodes list, or
	// on the closed nodes list.
	// 0 == It isn't on the lists
	// 1 == It is on the closed list
	// 2 == It is on the open list
	int map_nodes[MAP_W][MAP_H];

	// Initialize the pathfinder
	dx = dx_;
	dy = dy_;
	sx = sx_;
	sy = sy_;
	for(int fyy = 0; fyy < MAP_H; fyy++)
		for(int fxx = 0; fxx < MAP_W; fxx++)
			map_nodes[fxx][fyy] = 0;

	// Add the starting point to the open nodes
	NODE st;
	st.x = sx;
	st.y = sy;
	map_nodes[sx][sy] = 2;

	// Current node
	NODE current;

	// State of the search
	int search_state = -1;

	// Search the path
	while(search_state == -1) {
		// Sort the open list by F value

		// Current tile shall be the one with the lowest F (the first after sorting)
		current = *(nodes_open.begin());

		// Move it to the closed list
		map_nodes[current.x][current.y] = 1;

		// Look for adjacent reachable tiles
		for(int f=0; f < 4; f++) {
			int mx,my;
			switch(f) {
				case 0: mx = current.x; my = current.y - 1; break;
				case 1: mx = current.x + 1; my = current.y; break;
				case 2: mx = current.x; my = current.y + 1; break;
				case 3: mx = current.x - 1; my = current.y; break;

			// Check the tile
			if(map_solid(mx, my))
				continue;			// Solid tile, skip it

			// Check if the tile is on the closed nodes list
			if(map_nodes[mx][my] == 1)
/*			bool is_closed = false;
			list<NODE>::iterator i;
			for(i = nodes_open.begin(); i != nodes_open.end(); ++i) {
				if((*i).x == mx && (*i).y == my) {
					is_closed = true;

				continue;			// It was on the closed nodes list, skip it

			// Check if the tile isn't on the open nodes list
			if(map_nodes[mx][my] == 0) {
				// Add a new node and make the current tile it's parent
				NODE n;
				n.x = mx;
				n.y = my;
				n.g = current.g + 10;				// No diagonal movement
				n.h = tile_dist(mx, my, dx, dy);	// Manhattan distance
				n.f = n.g + n.h;					// F = G + H
				n.parent = last_node(nodes_closed);
				map_nodes[mx][my] = 2;

				// If we just added our target tile (dx, dy), we've found the path.
				// Bail out.
				if(mx == dx && my == dy) {
					search_state = PATH_OK;


		// If the list of open nodes is empty, we can't find the path
		if(nodes_open.empty()) {
			search_state = PATH_FAILED;

	// At this point, the path is either found or failed
	if(search_state == PATH_OK) {
		// Path was found

		// The destination node is the last node added to the open list
		NODE *dest = last_node(nodes_open);

		// Make sure it is so
		if(dest->x != dx || dest->y != dy)
			printf("find_path() error:\nThe path destination is (%d,%d) while it should be (%d,%d)!\n", dest->x, dest->y, dx, dy);

		// Add the destination to the path
		PATHPOINT point;
		point.x = dx;
		point.y = dy;
		path.insert(path.begin(), point);

		// Traverse from the destination along the path, and save the path points
		NODE *p = dest->parent;
		while(p) {
			PATHPOINT point;
			point.x = p->x;
			point.y = p->y;
			path.insert(path.begin(), point);
			p = p->parent;

		// Remove the start point from the path as it isn't needed.

		// Clear the nodes list as we don't need them any more
		return PATH_OK;
	else {
		// Path was not found
		return PATH_FAILED;