예제 #1
// **************************************************************************
// Function:   LoadParameterList
// Purpose:    Loads the current list of parameters from a parameter file
//             It does NOT load system critical dynamic parameters (e.g., ports,
//             IP addresses)
// Parameters: char *filename - filename of the parameterlist
//             nonexisting - if true, load parameters, even if they currently do
//                       not exist in the list
// Returns:    true - successful
//             false - error
// **************************************************************************
ParamList::Load( const string& inFileName, bool inImportNonexisting )
  ifstream file( inFileName.c_str() );
  ParamList paramsFromFile;
  file >> paramsFromFile;
  if( file.fail() )
    return false;

  // If desired, exclude parameters missing from the main parameter list.
  typedef set<string> NameSet;
  NameSet unwantedParams;
  if( !inImportNonexisting )
    for( int i = 0; i < paramsFromFile.Size(); ++i )
      if( !Exists( paramsFromFile[i].Name() ) )
        unwantedParams.insert( paramsFromFile[i].Name() );

  for( NameSet::const_iterator i = unwantedParams.begin(); i != unwantedParams.end(); ++i )
    paramsFromFile.Delete( *i );

  for( int i = 0; i < paramsFromFile.Size(); ++i )
    Param &p = paramsFromFile[i], &q = ByName( p.Name() );
    if( !q.Readonly() )
      q.AssignValues( p, true );
  return true;
예제 #2
// Called before any call to GenericFilter::Preflight().
void EnvironmentBase::EnterPreflightPhase( ParamList*   inParamList,
                                           StateList*   inStateList,
                                           StateVector* /*inStateVector*/ )
  bcierr__.SetAction( BCIStream::ConfigurationError );
  phase_ = preflight;
  Accessor_<ParamList>::spGlobal = inParamList;
  Accessor_<StateList>::spGlobal = inStateList;
  Accessor_<StateVector>::spGlobal = NULL;
  BCIStream::Apply( *inParamList );

  if( inParamList )
    NameSet notAutoConfig;
    for( int i = 0; i < inParamList->Size(); ++i )
      const Param& p = inParamList->ByIndex( i );
      if( !IsAutoConfigParam( p ) )
        notAutoConfig.insert( p.Name() );
    RangeCheckParams( inParamList, notAutoConfig );

  for( ExtensionsContainer::iterator i = Extensions().begin(); i != Extensions().end(); ++i )
    ( *i )->CallPreflight();
예제 #3
파일: Parameter.cpp 프로젝트: fjean/vipers
/*! \todo
NameSet Parameter::getDependentParameterNameSet() const throw()
  NameSet lNameSet;
  for(NameSet::const_iterator lItr = mDependentParameterNameSet.begin(); lItr != mDependentParameterNameSet.end(); lItr++)
  return lNameSet;
예제 #4
/*! TODO:
	mParamMode(PARAMETER_NAME_MODE, Variable::eVariableTypeString, "Translucency mode", "The type of translucency to perform", false),
	mParamAlpha(PARAMETER_NAME_ALPHA, Variable::eVariableTypeDouble, "Translucency alpha", "Percentage of translucency (0=opaque, 1=invisible)", true),
	mParamInvert(PARAMETER_NAME_INVERT, Variable::eVariableTypeBool, "Invert mask", "Invert plain or alpha mask", true)
	mShortDescription = "Module for embedding a color image in another one with translucency effect";
	mLongDescription = "This module embeds an image into another one using an alpha mask (translucency)";

	ValueSet lModeName;
	lModeName.insert(Value("image", "Whole Image", "Whole image is made translucent using the specified alpha value"));
	lModeName.insert(Value("plainmask", "Plain Mask", "Only the image pixels where the provided mask is non zero are made translucent using the specified alpha value"));
	lModeName.insert(Value("alphamask", "Alpha Mask", "Each pixel of the mask specify the alpha value to apply to the corresponding image pixel"));

  NameSet lDependentParameterSet;



	mInputSlotBackgroundColorImage  = newSlot(new ModuleSlot(this, INPUT_SLOT_NAME_BGIMAGE, INPUT_SLOT_DISPLAYNAME_BGIMAGE, "Background image on which embedding with be performed"));
	mInputSlotTranslucencyColorImage  = newSlot(new ModuleSlot(this, INPUT_SLOT_NAME_TRANSIMAGE, INPUT_SLOT_DISPLAYNAME_TRANSIMAGE, "Image that is going to be made translucent"));
	mInputSlotTranslucencyMaskImage  = newSlot(new ModuleSlot(this, INPUT_SLOT_NAME_ALPHAMASK, INPUT_SLOT_DISPLAYNAME_ALPHAMASK, "Alpha mask used to make translucent image"));

	mOutputSlot = newSlot(new ModuleSlot(this, OUTPUT_SLOT_NAME_IMAGE, OUTPUT_SLOT_DISPLAYNAME_IMAGE, "Output image", &mOutputFrame));

	mOutputFrameIpl = NULL;
	mOutputFrame = NULL;
	mTmpFrame1 = NULL;
	mTmpFrame2 = NULL;
	mTmpFrame3 = NULL;
	mTmpFrame4 = NULL;
	mTmpFrame5 = NULL;
예제 #5
// **************************************************************************
// Function:   LoadParameterList
// Purpose:    Loads the current list of parameters from a parameter file
//             It does NOT load system critical dynamic parameters (e.g., ports,
//             IP addresses)
// Parameters: char *filename - filename of the parameterlist
//             nonexisting - if true, load parameters, even if they currently do
//                       not exist in the list
// Returns:    true - successful
//             false - error
// **************************************************************************
ParamList::Load( const string& inFileName, bool inImportNonexisting )
  ifstream file( inFileName.c_str() );
  ParamList paramsFromFile;
  file >> paramsFromFile;
  if( file.fail() )
    return false;

  typedef set<string> NameSet;
  NameSet unwantedParams;

  // Exclude parameters from unwanted sections.
  const char* unwantedSections[] = { "System", };
  for( size_t j = 0; j < sizeof( unwantedSections ) / sizeof( *unwantedSections ); ++j )
    for( ParamContainer::const_iterator i = paramsFromFile.mParams.begin();
                                         i != paramsFromFile.mParams.end(); ++i )
      if( Param::strciequal( i->Param.Section(), unwantedSections[ j ] ) )
        unwantedParams.insert( i->Param.mName );

  // If desired, exclude parameters missing from the main parameter list.
  if( !inImportNonexisting )
    for( ParamContainer::const_iterator i = paramsFromFile.mParams.begin();
                                         i != paramsFromFile.mParams.end(); ++i )
      if( mNameIndex.find( i->Param.mName ) == mNameIndex.end() )
        unwantedParams.insert( i->Param.mName );

  for( NameSet::const_iterator i = unwantedParams.begin(); i != unwantedParams.end(); ++i )
    paramsFromFile.Delete( *i );

  for( ParamContainer::const_iterator i = paramsFromFile.mParams.begin();
                                       i != paramsFromFile.mParams.end(); ++i )
    ( *this )[ i->Param.mName ].AssignValues( i->Param );

  return true;
예제 #6
bool filterBlockWithQuery(ASTPtr query, Block & block, const Context & context)
	query = query->clone();
	const ASTSelectQuery & select = typeid_cast<ASTSelectQuery & >(*query);
	if (!select.where_expression && !select.prewhere_expression)
		return false;

	NameSet columns;
	for (const auto & it : block.getColumnsList())

	/// Составим выражение, вычисляющее выражения в WHERE и PREWHERE, зависящие только от имеющихся столбцов.
	std::vector<ASTPtr> functions;
	if (select.where_expression)
		extractFunctions(select.where_expression, columns, functions);
	if (select.prewhere_expression)
		extractFunctions(select.prewhere_expression, columns, functions);
	ASTPtr expression_ast = buildWhereExpression(functions);
	if (!expression_ast)
		return false;

	/// Распарсим и вычислим выражение.
	ExpressionAnalyzer analyzer(expression_ast, context, {}, block.getColumnsList());
	ExpressionActionsPtr actions = analyzer.getActions(false);

	/// Отфильтруем блок.
	String filter_column_name = expression_ast->getColumnName();
	ColumnPtr filter_column = block.getByName(filter_column_name).column;
	if (auto converted = filter_column->convertToFullColumnIfConst())
		filter_column = converted;
	const IColumn::Filter & filter = dynamic_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(*filter_column).getData();

	if (std::accumulate(filter.begin(), filter.end(), 0ul) == filter.size())
		return false;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < block.columns(); ++i)
		ColumnPtr & column = block.safeGetByPosition(i).column;
		column = column->filter(filter, -1);

	return true;
예제 #7
bool filterBlockWithQuery(const ASTPtr & query, Block & block, const Context & context)
    const ASTSelectQuery & select = typeid_cast<const ASTSelectQuery & >(*query);
    if (!select.where_expression && !select.prewhere_expression)
        return false;

    NameSet columns;
    for (const auto & it : block.getColumnsList())

    /// We will create an expression that evaluates the expressions in WHERE and PREWHERE, depending only on the existing columns.
    std::vector<ASTPtr> functions;
    if (select.where_expression)
        extractFunctions(select.where_expression, columns, functions);
    if (select.prewhere_expression)
        extractFunctions(select.prewhere_expression, columns, functions);
    ASTPtr expression_ast = buildWhereExpression(functions);
    if (!expression_ast)
        return false;

    /// Let's parse and calculate the expression.
    ExpressionAnalyzer analyzer(expression_ast, context, {}, block.getColumnsList());
    ExpressionActionsPtr actions = analyzer.getActions(false);

    /// Filter the block.
    String filter_column_name = expression_ast->getColumnName();
    ColumnPtr filter_column = block.getByName(filter_column_name).column;
    if (auto converted = filter_column->convertToFullColumnIfConst())
        filter_column = converted;
    const IColumn::Filter & filter = dynamic_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(*filter_column).getData();

    if (countBytesInFilter(filter) == 0)
        return false;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < block.columns(); ++i)
        ColumnPtr & column = block.safeGetByPosition(i).column;
        column = column->filter(filter, -1);

    return true;
void AnimationCleanerVisitor::cleanInvalidUpdateMorph() {
    // Removes unused UpdateMorph targets (i.e. name does not match any MorphGeometry target)
    for(AnimationUpdateCallBackMap::iterator update = _updates.begin() ; update != _updates.end() ; ++ update) {
        osgAnimation::UpdateMorph *updateMorph = dynamic_cast<osgAnimation::UpdateMorph*>(update->first.get());
        if(!updateMorph) continue;

        NameSet toRemove;
        for(unsigned int i = 0, numTarget = updateMorph->getNumTarget(); i < numTarget; ++i) {
            const std::string& name = updateMorph->getTargetName(i);
            if(_morphTargets.count(name) == 0) {

        for(NameSet::iterator targetName = toRemove.begin(); targetName != toRemove.end(); ++targetName) {

    // Removes empty UpdateMorphCallback
    for(AnimationUpdateCallBackMap::iterator update = _updates.begin() ; update != _updates.end() ; ) {
        osgAnimation::UpdateMorph *updateMorph = dynamic_cast<osgAnimation::UpdateMorph*>(update->first.get());
        if(!updateMorph || updateMorph->getNumTarget() != 0) {
            ++ update;
        else {
            osg::Callback *callBack = update->second.get()->getUpdateCallback();
            if(callBack) {
                if(callBack == updateMorph)
            _updates.erase(update ++);
예제 #9
void WidgetDataBase::loadPlugins()
    typedef QMap<QString, int> NameIndexMap;
    typedef QList<QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*> ItemList;
    typedef QMap<QString, QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface*> NameItemMap;
    typedef QSet<QString> NameSet;
    // 1) create a map of existing custom classes
    NameIndexMap existingCustomClasses;
    NameSet nonCustomClasses;
    const int count = m_items.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)    {
        const QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface* item =  m_items[i];
        if (item->isCustom() && !item->isPromoted())
            existingCustomClasses.insert(item->name(), i);
    // 2) create a list plugins
    ItemList pluginList;
    const QDesignerPluginManager *pm = m_core->pluginManager();
    foreach(QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface* c, pm->registeredCustomWidgets())
        pluginList += createCustomWidgetItem(c, pm->customWidgetData(c));

    // 3) replace custom classes or add new ones, remove them from existingCustomClasses,
    // leaving behind deleted items
    unsigned replacedPlugins = 0;
    unsigned addedPlugins = 0;
    unsigned removedPlugins = 0;
    if (!pluginList.empty()) {
        ItemList::const_iterator cend = pluginList.constEnd();
        for (ItemList::const_iterator it = pluginList.constBegin();it != cend; ++it )  {
            QDesignerWidgetDataBaseItemInterface* pluginItem = *it;
            const QString pluginName = pluginItem->name();
            NameIndexMap::iterator existingIt = existingCustomClasses.find(pluginName);
            if (existingIt == existingCustomClasses.end()) {
                // Add new class.
                if (nonCustomClasses.contains(pluginName)) {
                    designerWarning(tr("A custom widget plugin whose class name (%1) matches that of an existing class has been found.").arg(pluginName));
                } else {
            } else {
                // replace existing info
                const int existingIndex = existingIt.value();
                delete m_items[existingIndex];
                m_items[existingIndex] = pluginItem;

    // 4) remove classes that have not been matched. The stored indexes become invalid while deleting.
    if (!existingCustomClasses.empty()) {
        NameIndexMap::const_iterator cend = existingCustomClasses.constEnd();
        for (NameIndexMap::const_iterator it = existingCustomClasses.constBegin();it != cend; ++it )  {
            const int index = indexOfClassName(it.key());
            if (index != -1) {
    if (debugWidgetDataBase)
        qDebug() << "WidgetDataBase::loadPlugins(): " << addedPlugins << " added, " << replacedPlugins << " replaced, " << removedPlugins << "deleted.";