Node* Element::_getElementById (const DOMString& id) { for (size_t i = 0; i < _children.length(); i++) { NamedNodeMap attrs = _children.item(i)->attributes(); for (size_t h = 0; h < attrs.length(); h++) { Attr* attr = (Attr*) attrs.item(h); if (attr->_isId) { if (attr->value() == id) { return _children.item(i); } } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < _children.length(); i++) { Node* element = _children.item(i)->_getElementById(id); if (element) { return element; } } return NULL; }
static String imageToMarkup(const String& url, Element* element) { StringBuilder markup; markup.append("<img src=\""); markup.append(url); markup.append("\""); // Copy over attributes. If we are dragging an image, we expect things like // the id to be copied as well. NamedNodeMap* attrs = element->attributes(); unsigned length = attrs->length(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) { RefPtr<Attr> attr(static_cast<Attr*>(attrs->item(i).get())); if (attr->name() == "src") continue; markup.append(" "); markup.append(attr->name()); markup.append("=\""); String escapedAttr = attr->value(); escapedAttr.replace("\"", """); markup.append(escapedAttr); markup.append("\""); } markup.append("/>"); return markup.toString(); }
v8::Handle<v8::Value> V8NamedNodeMap::indexedPropertyGetter(uint32_t index, const v8::AccessorInfo& info) { INC_STATS("DOM.NamedNodeMap.IndexedPropertyGetter"); NamedNodeMap* imp = V8NamedNodeMap::toNative(info.Holder()); RefPtr<Node> result = imp->item(index); if (!result) return v8::Handle<v8::Value>(); return toV8(result.release(), info.GetIsolate()); }
void XmlWriter::write(const NodePtr nodeArg) { NodePtr node = nodeArg; indent+=2; NamedNodeMap attributes = node->getAttributes(); int nrAttrs = attributes.getLength(); //### Start open tag spaces(); po("<"); pos(node->getNodeName()); if (nrAttrs>0) po("\n"); //### Attributes for (int i=0 ; i<nrAttrs ; i++) { NodePtr attr = attributes.item(i); spaces(); pos(attr->getNodeName()); po("=\""); pos(attr->getNodeValue()); po("\"\n"); } //### Finish open tag if (nrAttrs>0) spaces(); po(">\n"); //### Contents spaces(); pos(node->getNodeValue()); //### Children for (NodePtr child = node->getFirstChild() ; child.get() ; child=child->getNextSibling()) { write(child); } //### Close tag spaces(); po("</"); pos(node->getNodeName()); po(">\n"); indent-=2; }
JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsNamedNodeMapPrototypeFunctionItem(ExecState* exec, JSObject*, JSValue thisValue, const ArgList& args) { UNUSED_PARAM(args); if (!thisValue.isObject(&JSNamedNodeMap::s_info)) return throwError(exec, TypeError); JSNamedNodeMap* castedThisObj = static_cast<JSNamedNodeMap*>(asObject(thisValue)); NamedNodeMap* imp = static_cast<NamedNodeMap*>(castedThisObj->impl()); unsigned index =; JSC::JSValue result = toJS(exec, WTF::getPtr(imp->item(index))); return result; }
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsNamedNodeMapPrototypeFunctionItem(ExecState* exec) { JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue(); if (!thisValue.inherits(&JSNamedNodeMap::s_info)) return throwVMTypeError(exec); JSNamedNodeMap* castedThis = static_cast<JSNamedNodeMap*>(asObject(thisValue)); NamedNodeMap* imp = static_cast<NamedNodeMap*>(castedThis->impl()); unsigned index(exec->argument(0).toUInt32(exec)); if (exec->hadException()) return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); JSC::JSValue result = toJS(exec, castedThis->globalObject(), WTF::getPtr(imp->item(index))); return JSValue::encode(result); }
void dumpattrs(Node *node) { NamedNodeMap *attrs; Attr *a; uword i; size_t na; oratext *qname; oratext *namespce; oratext *local; oratext *prefix; oratext *value; if (attrs = node->getAttributes()) { cout << "\n ATTRIBUTES: \n"; for (na = attrs->getLength(), i = 0; i < na; i++) { /* get attr qualified name, local name, namespace, and prefix */ a = (Attr *)attrs->item(i); qname = namespce = local = prefix = value = (oratext*)" "; if (a->getQualifiedName() != (oratext*)NULL) qname = a->getQualifiedName(); if (a->getNamespace() != (oratext*)NULL) namespce = a->getNamespace(); if (a->getLocal() != (oratext*)NULL) local = a->getLocal(); if (a->getPrefix() != (oratext*)NULL) prefix = a->getPrefix(); if (a->getValue() != (oratext*)NULL) value = a->getValue(); cout << " " << (char*)qname << " = " << (char*)value << "\n"; cout << " Namespace : " << (char*)namespce << "\n"; cout << " Local Name: " << (char*)local << "\n"; cout << " Prefix : " << (char*)prefix << "\n\n"; } } cout << "\n"; }
/* * Runs the test case. */ void runTest() { Document doc; DocumentType docType; NamedNodeMap notationList; Node notation; int notationType; doc = (Document) baseT::load("staff", false); docType = doc.getDoctype(); baseT::assertNotNull(docType, __LINE__, __FILE__); notationList = docType.getNotations(); baseT::assertNotNull(notationList, __LINE__, __FILE__); for (unsigned int indexN65609 = 0; indexN65609 != notationList.getLength(); indexN65609++) { notation = (Node) notationList.item(indexN65609); notationType = (int) notation.getNodeType(); baseT::assertEquals(12, notationType, __LINE__, __FILE__); } }
/* * Runs the test case. */ void runTest() { Document doc; NodeList elementList; Node testAddress; NamedNodeMap attributes; Node child; String name; doc = (Document) baseT::load("staff", true); elementList = doc.getElementsByTagName(SA::construct_from_utf8("address")); testAddress = elementList.item(1); attributes = testAddress.getAttributes(); child = attributes.item(0); name = child.getNodeName(); assertTrue( (baseT::equals("domestic", name) | baseT::equals("street", name)) ); }
/** * Parse incomming message (from server). * @param str Incomming server message * @return Message in Command structure */ Command XMLTool::parseXML(string str) { Command cmd; try { DOMParser parser = DOMParser(0); AutoPtr<Document> pDoc = parser.parseString(str); NodeIterator it(pDoc, NodeFilter::SHOW_ELEMENT); Node* pNode = it.nextNode(); NamedNodeMap* attributes = NULL; Node* attribute = NULL; while (pNode) { if (pNode->nodeName().compare("server_adapter") == 0) { if (pNode->hasAttributes()) { attributes = pNode->attributes(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < attributes->length(); i++) { attribute = attributes->item(i); if (attribute->nodeName().compare("protocol_version") == 0) { cmd.protocol_version = attribute->nodeValue(); } else if (attribute->nodeName().compare("state") == 0) { cmd.state = attribute->nodeValue(); } // FIXME - id attribute is here only for backward compatibility, it should be removed in Q1/2016 else if (attribute->nodeName().compare("euid") == 0 || attribute->nodeName().compare("id") == 0) { cmd.euid = stoull(attribute->nodeValue(), nullptr, 0); } else if (attribute->nodeName().compare("device_id") == 0) { cmd.device_id = atoll(attribute->nodeValue().c_str()); } else if (attribute->nodeName().compare("time") == 0) { cmd.time = atoll(attribute->nodeValue().c_str()); } else { log.error("Unknow attribute for SERVER_ADAPTER : " + fromXMLString(attribute->nodeName())); } } attributes->release(); } } else if (pNode->nodeName().compare("value") == 0) { if(cmd.state == "getparameters" || cmd.state == "parameters"){ string inner = pNode->innerText(); string device_id = ""; if (pNode->hasAttributes()) { attributes = pNode->attributes(); string device_id = ""; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < attributes->length(); i++) { attribute = attributes->item(i); if (attribute->nodeName().compare("device_id") == 0) { device_id = toNumFromString(attribute->nodeValue()); } } attributes->release(); } cmd.params.value.push_back({inner, device_id}); } else { float val = atof(pNode->innerText().c_str()); if (pNode->hasAttributes()) { int module_id = 0; attributes = pNode->attributes(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < attributes->length(); i++) { attribute = attributes->item(i); if (attribute->nodeName().compare("module_id") == 0) { module_id = toNumFromString(attribute->nodeValue()); } } cmd.values.push_back({module_id, val}); //TODO Hex number is processed wrongly attributes->release(); } } } else if (pNode->nodeName().compare("parameter") == 0) { if (pNode->hasAttributes()) { attributes = pNode->attributes(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < attributes->length(); i++) { attribute = attributes->item(i); if (attribute->nodeName().compare("param_id") == 0 || attribute->nodeName().compare("id") == 0) { cmd.params.param_id = toNumFromString(attribute->nodeValue()); } else if (attribute->nodeName().compare("euid") == 0) { cmd.params.euid = toNumFromString(attribute->nodeValue()); } } attributes->release(); } } pNode = it.nextNode(); } } catch (Poco::Exception& e) { log.error("Invalid format of incoming message!" + e.displayText()); cmd.state = "error"; } return cmd; }