예제 #1
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: ciphrex/mSIGNA
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        NetworkSelector networkSelector;

        if (argc < 3)
            cerr << "# Usage: " << argv[0] << " <network> <host> [port]" << endl
                 << "# Supported networks: " << stdutils::delimited_list(networkSelector.getNetworkNames(), ", ") << endl;
            return -1;

        CoinParams coinParams = networkSelector.getCoinParams(argv[1]);
        string host = argv[2];
        string port = (argc > 3) ? argv[3] : coinParams.default_port();

        CoinQ::io_service_t io_service;
        CoinQ::io_service_t::work work(io_service);
        boost::thread thread(boost::bind(&CoinQ::io_service_t::run, &io_service));

        cout << endl << "Connecting to " << coinParams.network_name() << " peer" << endl
             << "-------------------------------------------" << endl
             << "  host:             " << host << endl
             << "  port:             " << port << endl
             << "  magic bytes:      " << hex << coinParams.magic_bytes() << endl
             << "  protocol version: " << dec << coinParams.protocol_version() << endl
             << endl;

        Peer peer(io_service);
        peer.set(host, port, coinParams.magic_bytes(), coinParams.protocol_version(), "peer v1.0", 0, true);

        peer.subscribeStart([&](Peer& peer) { cout << "Peer " << peer.name() << " started." << endl; });
        peer.subscribeStop([&](Peer& peer) { cout << "Peer " << peer.name() << " stopped." << endl; });

        peer.subscribeTimeout([&](Peer& peer) { cout << "Peer " << peer.name() << " timed out." << endl; });


        signal(SIGINT, &finish);
        signal(SIGTERM, &finish);

        while (!g_bShutdown) { usleep(200); }
    catch (const exception& e)
        cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << endl;
        return -2;

    return 0;
예제 #2
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: bedeho/deps
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        NetworkSelector networkSelector;

        if (argc < 3)
            cerr << "# Usage: " << argv[0] << " <network> <host> [port] [bloom filter elements = 10]" << endl
                 << "# Supported networks: " << stdutils::delimited_list(networkSelector.getNetworkNames(), ", ") << endl;
            return -1;

        cout << endl << "Initializing logger to file netsync.log..." << endl;

        CoinParams coinParams = networkSelector.getCoinParams(argv[1]);
        string host = argv[2];
        string port = (argc > 3) ? argv[3] : coinParams.default_port();
        unsigned int filterElements = (argc > 4) ? strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 0) : 10;

        cout << endl << "Connecting to " << coinParams.network_name() << " peer" << endl
             << "-------------------------------------------" << endl
             << "  host:             " << host << endl
             << "  port:             " << port << endl
             << "  magic bytes:      " << hex << coinParams.magic_bytes() << endl
             << "  protocol version: " << dec << coinParams.protocol_version() << endl
             << endl;

        unsigned int blockTxIndex = 0;

        Network::NetworkSync networkSync(coinParams);
        networkSync.loadHeaders("blocktree.dat", false, [&](const CoinQBlockTreeMem& blocktree) {
            cout << "Best height: " << blocktree.getBestHeight() << " Total work: " << blocktree.getTotalWork().getDec() << endl;
            return !g_bShutdown;

        if (g_bShutdown)
            cout << "Interrupted." << endl;
            return 0;

        networkSync.subscribeStarted([&]() {
            cout << endl << "NetworkSync started." << endl;

        networkSync.subscribeStopped([&]() {
            cout << endl << "NetworkSync stopped." << endl;

        networkSync.subscribeOpen([&]() {
            cout << endl << "NetworkSync open." << endl;

        networkSync.subscribeClose([&]() {
            cout << endl << "NetworkSync closed." << endl;

        networkSync.subscribeTimeout([&]() {
            cout << endl << "NetworkSync timeout." << endl;

        networkSync.subscribeConnectionError([&](const string& error, int /*code*/) {
            cout << endl << "NetworkSync connection error: " << error << endl;

        networkSync.subscribeProtocolError([&](const string& error, int /*code*/) {
            cout << endl << "NetworkSync protocol error: " << error << endl;

        networkSync.subscribeBlockTreeError([&](const string& error, int /*code*/) {
            cout << endl << "NetworkSync block tree error: " << error << endl;

        networkSync.subscribeSynchingHeaders([&]() {
            cout << endl << "NetworkSync fetching headers." << endl;

        networkSync.subscribeHeadersSynched([&]() {
            cout << endl << "NetworkSync headers synched." << endl;
            hashvector_t hashes;
            networkSync.syncBlocks(hashes, time(NULL) - 10*60*60); // Start 10 hours earlier

        networkSync.subscribeSynchingBlocks([&]() {
            cout << endl << "NetworkSync fetching blocks." << endl;

        networkSync.subscribeBlocksSynched([&]() {
            cout << endl << "NetworkSync blocks synched." << endl;

            cout << endl << "Fetching mempool..." << endl;

        networkSync.subscribeStatus([&](const string& status) {
            cout << endl << "NetworkSync status: " << status << endl;

        networkSync.subscribeNewTx([&](const Transaction& tx) {
            cout << endl << "NEW TX: " << tx.getHashLittleEndian().getHex() << endl;

        networkSync.subscribeMerkleTx([&](const ChainMerkleBlock& merkleBlock, const Transaction& tx, unsigned int txIndex, unsigned int txTotal)
            cout << "  tx (" << txIndex << "/" << (txTotal - 1) << "): " << tx.getHashLittleEndian().getHex() << endl;

        networkSync.subscribeBlock([&](const ChainBlock& block) {
            cout << endl << "NEW BLOCK: " << block.blockHeader.getHashLittleEndian().getHex() << " height: " << block.height << endl;

        networkSync.subscribeMerkleBlock([&](const ChainMerkleBlock& merkleblock) {
            cout << endl << "NEW MERKLE BLOCK" << endl
                         << "  hash: " << merkleblock.blockHeader.getHashLittleEndian().getHex() << endl
                         << "  height: " << merkleblock.height << endl;

                PartialMerkleTree tree(merkleblock.nTxs, merkleblock.hashes, merkleblock.flags, merkleblock.merkleRoot());
                std::vector<uchar_vector> txhashes = tree.getTxHashesLittleEndianVector();
                unsigned int i = 0;
                cout << "should contain txs:" << endl;
                for (auto& txhash: txhashes) { cout << "  tx " << i++ << ": " << uchar_vector(txhash).getHex() << endl; }
            catch (const exception& e)
                cout << "Error constructing partial merkle tree: " << e.what() << endl;

            cout << "--------------------" << endl;
            blockTxIndex = 0;

        networkSync.subscribeAddBestChain([&](const ChainHeader& header) {
            cout << endl << "NetworkSync added to best chain: " << header.getHashLittleEndian().getHex() << " height: " << header.height << endl;

        networkSync.subscribeRemoveBestChain([&](const ChainHeader& header) {
            cout << endl << "NetworkSync removed from best chain: " << header.getHashLittleEndian().getHex() << " height: " << header.height << endl;

        networkSync.subscribeBlockTreeChanged([&]() {
            cout << endl << "NetworkSync block tree changed." << endl;

        // Set the bloom filter
        cout << endl << "Bloom filter settings" << endl
                     << "---------------------" << endl
                     << "  elements:            " << filterElements << endl
                     << "  false positive rate: 0.001" << endl
                     << "  nTweak:              0" << endl
                     << "  nFlags:              0" << endl;

        BloomFilter filter(filterElements, 0.001, 0, 0);
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < filterElements; i++) { filter.insert(random_bytes(32)); }

        cout << endl << "Registering SIGINT and SIGTERM signal handlers.." << endl;
        signal(SIGINT, &finish);
        signal(SIGTERM, &finish);

        LOGGER(info) << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl << endl;
        cout << endl << "Starting sync..." << endl;
        LOGGER(info) << "Starting..." << endl;
        networkSync.start(host, port);
        while (!g_bShutdown) {



        cout << "Stopping..." << endl;
        LOGGER(info) << "Stopping..." << endl;

        cout << "Stopped." << endl;
        LOGGER(info) << "Stopped." << endl;
    catch (const exception& e)
        cerr << "Unexpected termination. Error: " << e.what() << endl;
        LOGGER(error) << "Unexpected termination. Error: " << e.what() << endl;
        return -2;

    return 0;
예제 #3
파일: syncdb.cpp 프로젝트: AndreV84/mSIGNA
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    SyncDBConfig config;
    NetworkSelector networkSelector;

        if (!config.parseParams(argc, argv))
            cout << config.getHelpOptions();
            return 0;

        if (argc < 4)
            cerr << "SyncDB by Eric Lombrozo " << VERSION_INFO << endl
                 << "# Usage: " << argv[0] << " <network> <dbname> <host> [port]" << endl
                 << "# Supported networks: " << stdutils::delimited_list(networkSelector.getNetworkNames(), ", ") << endl
                 << "# Use " << argv[0] << " --help for more options." << endl;
            return -1;

    catch (const exception& e)
        cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << endl;
        return -2;

    const CoinParams& coinParams = networkSelector.getCoinParams();

    string dbname = argv[2];
    string host = argv[3];
    string port = argc > 4 ? argv[4] : coinParams.default_port();

    string logfile = config.getDataDir() + "/syncdb.log";    

    string blocktreefile = config.getDataDir() + "/" + coinParams.network_name() + "_headers.dat";

    signal(SIGINT, &finish);
    signal(SIGTERM, &finish);

    LOGGER(trace) << "foo" << endl;
    SynchedVault synchedVault(coinParams);
    LOGGER(trace) << "bar" << endl;

        cout << "Opening coin database " << dbname << endl;
        LOGGER(info) << "Opening coin database " << dbname << endl;
        synchedVault.openVault(config.getDatabaseUser(), config.getDatabasePassword(), dbname);

        cout << "Loading block tree " << blocktreefile << "..." << endl;
        LOGGER(info) << "Loading block tree " << blocktreefile << endl;
        synchedVault.loadHeaders(blocktreefile, false, [&](const CoinQBlockTreeMem& blockTree) {
            cout << "  " << blockTree.getBestHash().getHex() << " height: " << blockTree.getBestHeight() << endl;
            return !g_bShutdown;

        if (g_bShutdown)
            LOGGER(info) << "Interrupted." << endl;
            cout << "Interrupted." << endl;
            return 0;

        cout << "Done." << endl << endl;

        stringstream ss;
        ss << endl << "Network Settings" << endl
           << "-------------------------------------------" << endl
           << "  network:          " << coinParams.network_name() << endl
           << "  host:             " << host << endl
           << "  port:             " << port << endl
           << "  magic bytes:      " << hex << coinParams.magic_bytes() << endl
           << "  protocol version: " << dec << coinParams.protocol_version() << endl;

        LOGGER(info) << ss.str() << endl;
        cout << ss.str() << endl;

        cout << "Connecting to " << host << ":" << port << endl;
        LOGGER(info) << "Connecting to " << host << ":" << port << endl;
        synchedVault.startSync(host, port);
    catch (const std::exception& e)
        LOGGER(error) << "Error: " << e.what() << endl;
        cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << endl;
        return 1;

    while (!g_bShutdown) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(200)); }


    return 0;

예제 #4
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: ciphrex/mSIGNA
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        NetworkSelector networkSelector;

        if (argc < 3)
            cerr << "# Usage: " << argv[0] << " <network> <host> [start hash] [start height] [port]" << endl
                 << "# Supported networks: " << stdutils::delimited_list(networkSelector.getNetworkNames(), ", ") << endl;
            return -1;

        CoinParams coinParams = networkSelector.getCoinParams(argv[1]);
        string host = argv[2];

        vector<uchar_vector> locatorHashes;
        if (argc > 3) { locatorHashes.push_back(uchar_vector(argv[3])); }

        int startHeight = (argc > 4) ? strtoll(argv[4], NULL, 0) : 0;

        string port = (argc > 5) ? argv[5] : coinParams.default_port();

        Network::BlockchainDownload download(coinParams);

        cout << endl << "Connecting to " << coinParams.network_name() << " peer" << endl
             << "-------------------------------------------" << endl
             << "  host:             " << host << endl
             << "  port:             " << port << endl
             << "  magic bytes:      " << hex << coinParams.magic_bytes() << endl
             << "  protocol version: " << dec << coinParams.protocol_version() << endl
             << endl;

        download.subscribeStarted([&]()         { cout << "Blockchain download started." << endl; });
        download.subscribeStopped([&]()         { cout << "Blockchain download stopped." << endl; });
        download.subscribeOpen([&]()            { cout << "Peer connection opened." << endl; });
        download.subscribeClose([&]()           { cout << "Peer connection closed." << endl; });
        download.subscribeTimeout([&]()         { cout << "Peer timed out." << endl; });
        download.subscribeConnectionError([&](const string& error, int /*code*/) { cout << "Connection error: " << error << endl; });

        download.subscribeBlock([&](const Coin::CoinBlock& block)    { cout << "Block - hash: " << block.hash().getHex() << " height: " << download.getBestHeight() + startHeight + 1 << endl; });
        download.subscribeProtocolError([&](const string& error, int /*code*/)   { cout << "Protocol error:" << error << endl; });

        signal(SIGINT, &finish);
        signal(SIGTERM, &finish);

        download.start(host, port, locatorHashes);

        while (!g_bShutdown) { usleep(200); }
    catch (const exception& e)
        cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << endl;
        return -2;

    return 0;