예제 #1
void KHTMLParser::handleResidualStyleCloseTagAcrossBlocks(HTMLStackElem* elem)
    // Find the element that crosses over to a higher level.   For now, if there is more than
    // one, we will just give up and not attempt any sort of correction.  It's highly unlikely that
    // there will be more than one, since <p> tags aren't allowed to be nested.
    int exceptionCode = 0;
    HTMLStackElem* curr = blockStack;
    HTMLStackElem* maxElem = 0;
    HTMLStackElem* prev = 0;
    HTMLStackElem* prevMaxElem = 0;
    while (curr && curr != elem) {
        if (curr->level > elem->level) {
            if (maxElem)
            maxElem = curr;
            prevMaxElem = prev;

        prev = curr;
        curr = curr->next;

    if (!curr || !maxElem || !isAffectedByResidualStyle(maxElem->id)) return;

    NodeImpl* residualElem = prev->node;
    NodeImpl* blockElem = prevMaxElem ? prevMaxElem->node : current;
    NodeImpl* parentElem = elem->node;

    // Check to see if the reparenting that is going to occur is allowed according to the DOM.
    // FIXME: We should either always allow it or perform an additional fixup instead of
    // just bailing here.
    // Example: <p><font><center>blah</font></center></p> isn't doing a fixup right now.
    if (!parentElem->childAllowed(blockElem))

    if (maxElem->node->parentNode() != elem->node) {
        // Walk the stack and remove any elements that aren't residual style tags.  These
        // are basically just being closed up.  Example:
        // <font><span>Moo<p>Goo</font></p>.
        // In the above example, the <span> doesn't need to be reopened.  It can just close.
        HTMLStackElem* currElem = maxElem->next;
        HTMLStackElem* prevElem = maxElem;
        while (currElem != elem) {
            HTMLStackElem* nextElem = currElem->next;
            if (!isResidualStyleTag(currElem->id)) {
                prevElem->next = nextElem;
                prevElem->node = currElem->node;
                delete currElem;
                prevElem = currElem;
            currElem = nextElem;

        // We have to reopen residual tags in between maxElem and elem.  An example of this case is:
        // <font><i>Moo<p>Foo</font>.
        // In this case, we need to transform the part before the <p> into:
        // <font><i>Moo</i></font><i>
        // so that the <i> will remain open.  This involves the modification of elements
        // in the block stack.
        // This will also affect how we ultimately reparent the block, since we want it to end up
        // under the reopened residual tags (e.g., the <i> in the above example.)
        NodeImpl* prevNode = 0;
        NodeImpl* currNode = 0;
        currElem = maxElem;
        while (currElem->node != residualElem) {
            if (isResidualStyleTag(currElem->node->id())) {
                // Create a clone of this element.
                currNode = currElem->node->cloneNode(false);

                // Change the stack element's node to point to the clone.
                currElem->node = currNode;

                // Attach the previous node as a child of this new node.
                if (prevNode)
                    currNode->appendChild(prevNode, exceptionCode);
                else // The new parent for the block element is going to be the innermost clone.
                    parentElem = currNode;

                prevNode = currNode;

            currElem = currElem->next;

        // Now append the chain of new residual style elements if one exists.
        if (prevNode)
            elem->node->appendChild(prevNode, exceptionCode);

    // We need to make a clone of |residualElem| and place it just inside |blockElem|.
    // All content of |blockElem| is reparented to be under this clone.  We then
    // reparent |blockElem| using real DOM calls so that attachment/detachment will
    // be performed to fix up the rendering tree.
    // So for this example: <b>...<p>Foo</b>Goo</p>
    // The end result will be: <b>...</b><p><b>Foo</b>Goo</p>
    // Step 1: Remove |blockElem| from its parent, doing a batch detach of all the kids.
    blockElem->parentNode()->removeChild(blockElem, exceptionCode);

    // Step 2: Clone |residualElem|.
    NodeImpl* newNode = residualElem->cloneNode(false); // Shallow clone. We don't pick up the same kids.

    // Step 3: Place |blockElem|'s children under |newNode|.  Remove all of the children of |blockElem|
    // before we've put |newElem| into the document.  That way we'll only do one attachment of all
    // the new content (instead of a bunch of individual attachments).
    NodeImpl* currNode = blockElem->firstChild();
    while (currNode) {
        NodeImpl* nextNode = currNode->nextSibling();
        blockElem->removeChild(currNode, exceptionCode);
        newNode->appendChild(currNode, exceptionCode);
        currNode = nextNode;

    // Step 4: Place |newNode| under |blockElem|.  |blockElem| is still out of the document, so no
    // attachment can occur yet.
    blockElem->appendChild(newNode, exceptionCode);

    // Step 5: Reparent |blockElem|.  Now the full attachment of the fixed up tree takes place.
    parentElem->appendChild(blockElem, exceptionCode);

    // Step 6: Elide |elem|, since it is effectively no longer open.  Also update
    // the node associated with the previous stack element so that when it gets popped,
    // it doesn't make the residual element the next current node.
    HTMLStackElem* currElem = maxElem;
    HTMLStackElem* prevElem = 0;
    while (currElem != elem) {
        prevElem = currElem;
        currElem = currElem->next;
    prevElem->next = elem->next;
    prevElem->node = elem->node;
    delete elem;

    // Step 7: Reopen intermediate inlines, e.g., <b><p><i>Foo</b>Goo</p>.
    // In the above example, Goo should stay italic.
    curr = blockStack;
    HTMLStackElem* residualStyleStack = 0;
    while (curr && curr != maxElem) {
        // We will actually schedule this tag for reopening
        // after we complete the close of this entire block.
        NodeImpl* currNode = current;
        if (isResidualStyleTag(curr->id)) {
            // We've overloaded the use of stack elements and are just reusing the
            // struct with a slightly different meaning to the variables.  Instead of chaining
            // from innermost to outermost, we build up a list of all the tags we need to reopen
            // from the outermost to the innermost, i.e., residualStyleStack will end up pointing
            // to the outermost tag we need to reopen.
            // We also set curr->node to be the actual element that corresponds to the ID stored in
            // curr->id rather than the node that you should pop to when the element gets pulled off
            // the stack.
            curr->node = currNode;
            curr->next = residualStyleStack;
            residualStyleStack = curr;

        curr = blockStack;

    reopenResidualStyleTags(residualStyleStack, 0); // FIXME: Deal with stray table content some day
    // if it becomes necessary to do so.
void XMLTokenizer::finish()
    // parse xml file
    XMLHandler handler(m_doc,m_view);
    QXmlInputSource source;
    QXmlSimpleReader reader;
    reader.setContentHandler( &handler );
    reader.setLexicalHandler( &handler );
    reader.setErrorHandler( &handler );
    reader.setDeclHandler( &handler );
    reader.setDTDHandler( &handler );
    bool ok = reader.parse( source );
    // ### handle exceptions inserting nodes
    if (!ok) {
	kdDebug(6036) << "Error during XML parsing: " << handler.errorProtocol() << endl;

	int exceptioncode;
	while (m_doc->hasChildNodes())
	// construct a HTML page giving the error message
	// ### for multiple error messages, display the code for each
	QTextIStream stream(&m_xmlCode);
	unsigned long lineno;
	for (lineno = 0; lineno < handler.errorLine-1; lineno++)
	QString line = stream.readLine();
	NodeImpl *body = m_doc->createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml","body");
	NodeImpl *h1 = m_doc->createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml","h1");
	h1->appendChild(m_doc->createTextNode(i18n("XML parsing error")),exceptioncode);
	NodeImpl *pre = m_doc->createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml","pre");
	unsigned long colno;
	QString indent = "";
	for (colno = 0; colno < handler.errorCol-1; colno++)
	    indent += " ";
    else {
	m_scriptsIt = new QListIterator<HTMLScriptElementImpl>(m_scripts);

예제 #3
void XMLTokenizer::finish()
        // An error occurred during parsing of the code. Display an error page to the user (the DOM
        // tree is created manually and includes an excerpt from the code where the error is located)

        // ### for multiple error messages, display the code for each (can this happen?)

        // Clear the document
        int exceptioncode = 0;
            static_cast< NodeImpl * >(m_doc)->removeChild(m_doc->firstChild(), exceptioncode);

        QString line, errorLocPtr;
            QString xmlCode = m_source.data();
            QTextIStream stream(&xmlCode);
            for(unsigned long lineno = 0; lineno < m_handler.errorLine - 1; lineno++)
            line = stream.readLine();

            for(unsigned long colno = 0; colno < m_handler.errorCol - 1; colno++)
                errorLocPtr += " ";
            errorLocPtr += "^";

        // Create elements for display
        DocumentImpl *doc = m_doc;
        NodeImpl *html = doc->createElementNS(XHTML_NAMESPACE, "html");
        NodeImpl *body = doc->createElementNS(XHTML_NAMESPACE, "body");
        NodeImpl *h1 = doc->createElementNS(XHTML_NAMESPACE, "h1");
        NodeImpl *headingText = doc->createTextNode(i18n("XML parsing error"));
        NodeImpl *errorText = doc->createTextNode(m_handler.errorProtocol());
        NodeImpl *hr = 0;
        NodeImpl *pre = 0;
        NodeImpl *lineText = 0;
        NodeImpl *errorLocText = 0;
            hr = doc->createElementNS(XHTML_NAMESPACE, "hr");
            pre = doc->createElementNS(XHTML_NAMESPACE, "pre");
            lineText = doc->createTextNode(line + "\n");
            errorLocText = doc->createTextNode(errorLocPtr);

        // Construct DOM tree. We ignore exceptions as we assume they will not be thrown here (due to the
        // fact we are using a known tag set)
        doc->appendChild(html, exceptioncode);
        html->appendChild(body, exceptioncode);
            body->appendChild(h1, exceptioncode);
        h1->appendChild(headingText, exceptioncode);
        body->appendChild(errorText, exceptioncode);
        body->appendChild(hr, exceptioncode);
        body->appendChild(pre, exceptioncode);
            pre->appendChild(lineText, exceptioncode);
            pre->appendChild(errorLocText, exceptioncode);

        // Close the renderers so that they update their display correctly
        // ### this should not be necessary, but requires changes in the rendering code...


        // Parsing was successful. Now locate all html <script> tags in the document and execute them
        // one by one
        m_scriptsIt = new QPtrListIterator< HTMLScriptElementImpl >(m_scripts);