예제 #1
void Network::topologicalSortExecutionNetwork() {
  // Note: we don't need to do a full-fledged topological sort here, as we do not
  // have any DAG, we actually have a dependency tree. This way we can just do a
  // depth-first search, with ref-counting to account for diamond shapes in the tree.
  // this is similar to the wavefront design pattern used in parallelization

  // Using DFS here also has the advantage that it makes as much as possible use
  // of cache locality

  // 1- get all the nodes and count the number of refs they have
  NodeVector nodes = depthFirstSearch(_executionNetworkRoot);
  map<NetworkNode*, int> refs;

  // this initialization should be useless, but let's do it anyway for clarity
  for (int i=0; i<(int)nodes.size(); i++) refs[nodes[i]] = 0;

  // count the number of refs for each node
  for (int i=0; i<(int)nodes.size(); i++) {
    const NodeVector& children = nodes[i]->children();
    for (int j=0; j<(int)children.size(); j++) {
      refs[children[j]] += 1;

  // 2- do DFS again, manually this time and only visit node which have no refs anymore

  NodeStack toVisit;
  refs[_executionNetworkRoot] = 1;

  while (!toVisit.empty()) {
    NetworkNode* currentNode = toVisit.top();

    if (--refs[currentNode] == 0) {
      _toposortedNetwork.push_back(currentNode->algorithm()); // keep this node, it is good

      const NodeVector& children = currentNode->children();
      for (int i=0; i<(int)children.size(); i++) {

  E_DEBUG(ENetwork, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
  for (int i=0; i<(int)_toposortedNetwork.size(); i++) {
    E_DEBUG_NONL(ENetwork, " → " << _toposortedNetwork[i]->name());
  E_DEBUG(ENetwork, ""); // for adding a newline
  E_DEBUG(ENetwork, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
예제 #2
파일: pickler.cpp 프로젝트: dddejan/CVC4
Node PicklerPrivate::fromCaseOperator(Kind k, uint32_t nchildren) {
  kind::MetaKind m = metaKindOf(k);
  bool parameterized = (m == kind::metakind::PARAMETERIZED);
  uint32_t npops = nchildren + (parameterized? 1 : 0);

  NodeStack aux;
  while(npops > 0) {
    Node top = d_stack.top();

  NodeBuilder<> nb(d_nm, k);
  while(!aux.empty()) {
    Node top = aux.top();
    nb << top;

  return nb;