void ccGenericMesh::applyGLTransformation(const ccGLMatrix& trans) { //vertices should be handled another way! //we must take care of the triangle normals! if (m_triNormals && (!getParent() || !getParent()->isKindOf(CC_MESH))) { bool recoded = false; //if there is more triangle normals than the size of the compressed //normals array, we recompress the array instead of recompressing each normal unsigned i,numTriNormals = m_triNormals->currentSize(); if (numTriNormals>ccNormalVectors::GetNumberOfVectors()) { NormsIndexesTableType* newNorms = new NormsIndexesTableType; if (newNorms->reserve(ccNormalVectors::GetNumberOfVectors())) { for (i=0; i<ccNormalVectors::GetNumberOfVectors(); i++) { CCVector3 new_n(ccNormalVectors::GetNormal(i)); trans.applyRotation(new_n); normsType newNormIndex = ccNormalVectors::GetNormIndex(new_n.u); newNorms->addElement(newNormIndex); } m_triNormals->placeIteratorAtBegining(); for (i=0; i<numTriNormals; i++) { m_triNormals->setValue(i,newNorms->getValue(m_triNormals->getCurrentValue())); m_triNormals->forwardIterator(); } recoded=true; } newNorms->clear(); newNorms->release(); newNorms=0; } //if there is less triangle normals than the compressed normals array size //(or if there is not enough memory to instantiate the temporary array), //we recompress each normal ... if (!recoded) { //on recode direct chaque normale m_triNormals->placeIteratorAtBegining(); for (i=0; i<numTriNormals; i++) { normsType* _theNormIndex = m_triNormals->getCurrentValuePtr(); CCVector3 new_n(ccNormalVectors::GetNormal(*_theNormIndex)); trans.applyRotation(new_n.u); *_theNormIndex = ccNormalVectors::GetNormIndex(new_n.u); m_triNormals->forwardIterator(); } } } else { //TODO: process failed! } }
void ccGenericMesh::drawMeOnly(CC_DRAW_CONTEXT& context) { ccGenericPointCloud* vertices = getAssociatedCloud(); if (!vertices) return; handleColorRamp(context); //3D pass if (MACRO_Draw3D(context)) { //any triangle? unsigned triNum = size(); if (triNum == 0) return; //L.O.D. bool lodEnabled = (triNum > GET_MAX_LOD_FACES_NUMBER() && context.decimateMeshOnMove && MACRO_LODActivated(context)); unsigned decimStep = (lodEnabled ? (unsigned)ceil((float)triNum*3 / (float)GET_MAX_LOD_FACES_NUMBER()) : 1); unsigned displayedTriNum = triNum / decimStep; //display parameters glDrawParams glParams; getDrawingParameters(glParams); glParams.showNorms &= bool(MACRO_LightIsEnabled(context)); //vertices visibility const ccGenericPointCloud::VisibilityTableType* verticesVisibility = vertices->getTheVisibilityArray(); bool visFiltering = (verticesVisibility && verticesVisibility->isAllocated()); //wireframe ? (not compatible with LOD) bool showWired = isShownAsWire() && !lodEnabled; //per-triangle normals? bool showTriNormals = (hasTriNormals() && triNormsShown()); //fix 'showNorms' glParams.showNorms = showTriNormals || (vertices->hasNormals() && m_normalsDisplayed); //materials & textures bool applyMaterials = (hasMaterials() && materialsShown()); bool showTextures = (hasTextures() && materialsShown() && !lodEnabled); //GL name pushing bool pushName = MACRO_DrawEntityNames(context); //special case: triangle names pushing (for picking) bool pushTriangleNames = MACRO_DrawTriangleNames(context); pushName |= pushTriangleNames; if (pushName) { //not fast at all! if (MACRO_DrawFastNamesOnly(context)) return; glPushName(getUniqueIDForDisplay()); //minimal display for picking mode! glParams.showNorms = false; glParams.showColors = false; //glParams.showSF --> we keep it only if SF 'NaN' values are hidden showTriNormals = false; applyMaterials = false; showTextures = false; } //in the case we need to display scalar field colors ccScalarField* currentDisplayedScalarField = 0; bool greyForNanScalarValues = true; unsigned colorRampSteps = 0; ccColorScale::Shared colorScale(0); if (glParams.showSF) { assert(vertices->isA(CC_TYPES::POINT_CLOUD)); ccPointCloud* cloud = static_cast<ccPointCloud*>(vertices); greyForNanScalarValues = (cloud->getCurrentDisplayedScalarField() && cloud->getCurrentDisplayedScalarField()->areNaNValuesShownInGrey()); if (greyForNanScalarValues && pushName) { //in picking mode, no need to take SF into account if we don't hide any points! glParams.showSF = false; } else { currentDisplayedScalarField = cloud->getCurrentDisplayedScalarField(); colorScale = currentDisplayedScalarField->getColorScale(); colorRampSteps = currentDisplayedScalarField->getColorRampSteps(); assert(colorScale); //get default color ramp if cloud has no scale associated?! if (!colorScale) colorScale = ccColorScalesManager::GetUniqueInstance()->getDefaultScale(ccColorScalesManager::BGYR); } } //materials or color? bool colorMaterial = false; if (glParams.showSF || glParams.showColors) { applyMaterials = false; colorMaterial = true; glColorMaterial(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE); glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); } //in the case we need to display vertex colors ColorsTableType* rgbColorsTable = 0; if (glParams.showColors) { if (isColorOverriden()) { glColor3ubv(m_tempColor); glParams.showColors = false; } else { assert(vertices->isA(CC_TYPES::POINT_CLOUD)); rgbColorsTable = static_cast<ccPointCloud*>(vertices)->rgbColors(); } } else { glColor3fv(context.defaultMat.diffuseFront); } if (glParams.showNorms) { //DGM: Strangely, when Qt::renderPixmap is called, the OpenGL version can fall to 1.0! glEnable((QGLFormat::openGLVersionFlags() & QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_1_2 ? GL_RESCALE_NORMAL : GL_NORMALIZE)); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); context.defaultMat.applyGL(true,colorMaterial); } //in the case we need normals (i.e. lighting) NormsIndexesTableType* normalsIndexesTable = 0; ccNormalVectors* compressedNormals = 0; if (glParams.showNorms) { assert(vertices->isA(CC_TYPES::POINT_CLOUD)); normalsIndexesTable = static_cast<ccPointCloud*>(vertices)->normals(); compressedNormals = ccNormalVectors::GetUniqueInstance(); } //stipple mask if (stipplingEnabled()) EnableGLStippleMask(true); if (!pushTriangleNames && !visFiltering && !(applyMaterials || showTextures) && (!glParams.showSF || greyForNanScalarValues)) { //the GL type depends on the PointCoordinateType 'size' (float or double) GLenum GL_COORD_TYPE = sizeof(PointCoordinateType) == 4 ? GL_FLOAT : GL_DOUBLE; glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glVertexPointer(3,GL_COORD_TYPE,0,GetVertexBuffer()); if (glParams.showNorms) { glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY); glNormalPointer(GL_COORD_TYPE,0,GetNormalsBuffer()); } if (glParams.showSF || glParams.showColors) { glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); glColorPointer(3,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,0,GetColorsBuffer()); } //we can scan and process each chunk separately in an optimized way //we mimic the way ccMesh beahves by using virtual chunks! unsigned chunks = static_cast<unsigned>(ceil((double)displayedTriNum/(double)MAX_NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS_PER_CHUNK)); unsigned chunkStart = 0; const colorType* col = 0; for (unsigned k=0; k<chunks; ++k, chunkStart += MAX_NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS_PER_CHUNK) { //virtual chunk size const unsigned chunkSize = k+1 < chunks ? MAX_NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS_PER_CHUNK : (displayedTriNum % MAX_NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS_PER_CHUNK); //vertices PointCoordinateType* _vertices = GetVertexBuffer(); for (unsigned n=0; n<chunkSize; n+=decimStep) { const CCLib::TriangleSummitsIndexes* ti = getTriangleIndexes(chunkStart + n); memcpy(_vertices,vertices->getPoint(ti->i1)->u,sizeof(PointCoordinateType)*3); _vertices+=3; memcpy(_vertices,vertices->getPoint(ti->i2)->u,sizeof(PointCoordinateType)*3); _vertices+=3; memcpy(_vertices,vertices->getPoint(ti->i3)->u,sizeof(PointCoordinateType)*3); _vertices+=3; } //scalar field if (glParams.showSF) { colorType* _rgbColors = GetColorsBuffer(); assert(colorScale); for (unsigned n=0; n<chunkSize; n+=decimStep) { const CCLib::TriangleSummitsIndexes* ti = getTriangleIndexes(chunkStart + n); col = currentDisplayedScalarField->getValueColor(ti->i1); memcpy(_rgbColors,col,sizeof(colorType)*3); _rgbColors += 3; col = currentDisplayedScalarField->getValueColor(ti->i2); memcpy(_rgbColors,col,sizeof(colorType)*3); _rgbColors += 3; col = currentDisplayedScalarField->getValueColor(ti->i3); memcpy(_rgbColors,col,sizeof(colorType)*3); _rgbColors += 3; } } //colors else if (glParams.showColors) { colorType* _rgbColors = GetColorsBuffer(); for (unsigned n=0; n<chunkSize; n+=decimStep) { const CCLib::TriangleSummitsIndexes* ti = getTriangleIndexes(chunkStart + n); memcpy(_rgbColors,rgbColorsTable->getValue(ti->i1),sizeof(colorType)*3); _rgbColors += 3; memcpy(_rgbColors,rgbColorsTable->getValue(ti->i2),sizeof(colorType)*3); _rgbColors += 3; memcpy(_rgbColors,rgbColorsTable->getValue(ti->i3),sizeof(colorType)*3); _rgbColors += 3; } } //normals if (glParams.showNorms) { PointCoordinateType* _normals = GetNormalsBuffer(); if (showTriNormals) { for (unsigned n=0; n<chunkSize; n+=decimStep) { CCVector3 Na, Nb, Nc; getTriangleNormals(chunkStart + n, Na, Nb, Nc); memcpy(_normals,Na.u,sizeof(PointCoordinateType)*3); _normals+=3; memcpy(_normals,Nb.u,sizeof(PointCoordinateType)*3); _normals+=3; memcpy(_normals,Nc.u,sizeof(PointCoordinateType)*3); _normals+=3; } } else { for (unsigned n=0; n<chunkSize; n+=decimStep) { const CCLib::TriangleSummitsIndexes* ti = getTriangleIndexes(chunkStart + n); memcpy(_normals,vertices->getPointNormal(ti->i1).u,sizeof(PointCoordinateType)*3); _normals+=3; memcpy(_normals,vertices->getPointNormal(ti->i2).u,sizeof(PointCoordinateType)*3); _normals+=3; memcpy(_normals,vertices->getPointNormal(ti->i3).u,sizeof(PointCoordinateType)*3); _normals+=3; } } } if (!showWired) { glDrawArrays(lodEnabled ? GL_POINTS : GL_TRIANGLES,0,(chunkSize/decimStep)*3); } else { glDrawElements(GL_LINES,(chunkSize/decimStep)*6,GL_UNSIGNED_INT,GetWireVertexIndexes()); } } //disable arrays glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); if (glParams.showNorms) glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY); if (glParams.showSF || glParams.showColors) glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); } else { //current vertex color const colorType *col1=0,*col2=0,*col3=0; //current vertex normal const PointCoordinateType *N1=0,*N2=0,*N3=0; //current vertex texture coordinates float *Tx1=0,*Tx2=0,*Tx3=0; //loop on all triangles int lasMtlIndex = -1; if (showTextures) { //#define TEST_TEXTURED_BUNDLER_IMPORT #ifdef TEST_TEXTURED_BUNDLER_IMPORT glPushAttrib(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(context.sourceBlend, context.destBlend); #endif glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); } if (pushTriangleNames) glPushName(0); GLenum triangleDisplayType = lodEnabled ? GL_POINTS : showWired ? GL_LINE_LOOP : GL_TRIANGLES; glBegin(triangleDisplayType); //per-triangle normals const NormsIndexesTableType* triNormals = getTriNormsTable(); //materials const ccMaterialSet* materials = getMaterialSet(); for (unsigned n=0; n<triNum; ++n) { //current triangle vertices const CCLib::TriangleSummitsIndexes* tsi = getTriangleIndexes(n); //LOD: shall we display this triangle? if (n % decimStep) continue; if (visFiltering) { //we skip the triangle if at least one vertex is hidden if ((verticesVisibility->getValue(tsi->i1) != POINT_VISIBLE) || (verticesVisibility->getValue(tsi->i2) != POINT_VISIBLE) || (verticesVisibility->getValue(tsi->i3) != POINT_VISIBLE)) continue; } if (glParams.showSF) { assert(colorScale); col1 = currentDisplayedScalarField->getValueColor(tsi->i1); if (!col1) continue; col2 = currentDisplayedScalarField->getValueColor(tsi->i2); if (!col2) continue; col3 = currentDisplayedScalarField->getValueColor(tsi->i3); if (!col3) continue; } else if (glParams.showColors) { col1 = rgbColorsTable->getValue(tsi->i1); col2 = rgbColorsTable->getValue(tsi->i2); col3 = rgbColorsTable->getValue(tsi->i3); } if (glParams.showNorms) { if (showTriNormals) { assert(triNormals); int n1,n2,n3; getTriangleNormalIndexes(n,n1,n2,n3); N1 = (n1>=0 ? ccNormalVectors::GetNormal(triNormals->getValue(n1)).u : 0); N2 = (n1==n2 ? N1 : n1>=0 ? ccNormalVectors::GetNormal(triNormals->getValue(n2)).u : 0); N3 = (n1==n3 ? N1 : n3>=0 ? ccNormalVectors::GetNormal(triNormals->getValue(n3)).u : 0); } else { N1 = compressedNormals->getNormal(normalsIndexesTable->getValue(tsi->i1)).u; N2 = compressedNormals->getNormal(normalsIndexesTable->getValue(tsi->i2)).u; N3 = compressedNormals->getNormal(normalsIndexesTable->getValue(tsi->i3)).u; } } if (applyMaterials || showTextures) { assert(materials); int newMatlIndex = this->getTriangleMtlIndex(n); //do we need to change material? if (lasMtlIndex != newMatlIndex) { assert(newMatlIndex<(int)materials->size()); glEnd(); if (showTextures) { GLuint texID = (newMatlIndex>=0 ? (*materials)[newMatlIndex].texID : 0); if (texID>0) assert(glIsTexture(texID)); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texID); } //if we don't have any current material, we apply default one (newMatlIndex>=0 ? (*materials)[newMatlIndex] : context.defaultMat).applyGL(glParams.showNorms,false); glBegin(triangleDisplayType); lasMtlIndex=newMatlIndex; } if (showTextures) { getTriangleTexCoordinates(n,Tx1,Tx2,Tx3); } } if (pushTriangleNames) { glEnd(); glLoadName(n); glBegin(triangleDisplayType); } else if (showWired) { glEnd(); glBegin(triangleDisplayType); } //vertex 1 if (N1) ccGL::Normal3v(N1); if (col1) glColor3ubv(col1); if (Tx1) glTexCoord2fv(Tx1); ccGL::Vertex3v(vertices->getPoint(tsi->i1)->u); //vertex 2 if (N2) ccGL::Normal3v(N2); if (col2) glColor3ubv(col2); if (Tx2) glTexCoord2fv(Tx2); ccGL::Vertex3v(vertices->getPoint(tsi->i2)->u); //vertex 3 if (N3) ccGL::Normal3v(N3); if (col3) glColor3ubv(col3); if (Tx3) glTexCoord2fv(Tx3); ccGL::Vertex3v(vertices->getPoint(tsi->i3)->u); } glEnd(); if (pushTriangleNames) glPopName(); if (showTextures) { #ifdef TEST_TEXTURED_BUNDLER_IMPORT glPopAttrib(); //GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT #endif glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); } } if (stipplingEnabled()) EnableGLStippleMask(false); if (colorMaterial) glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); if (glParams.showNorms) { glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glDisable((QGLFormat::openGLVersionFlags() & QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_1_2 ? GL_RESCALE_NORMAL : GL_NORMALIZE)); } if (pushName) glPopName(); } }
// Converts a CC mesh to an FBX mesh static FbxNode* ToFbxMesh(ccGenericMesh* mesh, FbxScene* pScene) { if (!mesh) return 0; FbxMesh* lMesh = FbxMesh::Create(pScene, qPrintable(mesh->getName())); ccGenericPointCloud* cloud = mesh->getAssociatedCloud(); if (!cloud) return 0; unsigned vertCount = cloud->size(); unsigned faceCount = mesh->size(); // Create control points. { lMesh->InitControlPoints(vertCount); FbxVector4* lControlPoints = lMesh->GetControlPoints(); for (unsigned i=0; i<vertCount; ++i) { const CCVector3* P = cloud->getPoint(i); lControlPoints[i] = FbxVector4(P->x,P->y,P->z); } } ccMesh* asCCMesh = 0; if (mesh->isA(CC_MESH)) asCCMesh = static_cast<ccMesh*>(mesh); // normals if (mesh->hasNormals()) { FbxGeometryElementNormal* lGeometryElementNormal = lMesh->CreateElementNormal(); if (mesh->hasTriNormals()) { // We want to have one normal per vertex of each polygon, // so we set the mapping mode to eByPolygonVertex. lGeometryElementNormal->SetMappingMode(FbxGeometryElement::eByPolygonVertex); lGeometryElementNormal->SetReferenceMode(FbxGeometryElement::eIndexToDirect); lGeometryElementNormal->GetIndexArray().SetCount(faceCount*3); if (asCCMesh) { NormsIndexesTableType* triNorms = asCCMesh->getTriNormsTable(); assert(triNorms); for (unsigned i=0; i<triNorms->currentSize(); ++i) { const PointCoordinateType* N = ccNormalVectors::GetNormal(triNorms->getValue(i)); FbxVector4 Nfbx(N[0],N[1],N[2]); lGeometryElementNormal->GetDirectArray().Add(Nfbx); } for (unsigned j=0; j<faceCount; ++j) { int i1,i2,i3; asCCMesh->getTriangleNormalIndexes(j,i1,i2,i3); lGeometryElementNormal->GetIndexArray().SetAt(static_cast<int>(j)*3+0, i1); lGeometryElementNormal->GetIndexArray().SetAt(static_cast<int>(j)*3+1, i2); lGeometryElementNormal->GetIndexArray().SetAt(static_cast<int>(j)*3+2, i3); } } else { for (unsigned j=0; j<faceCount; ++j) { //we can't use the 'NormsIndexesTable' so we save all the normals of all the vertices CCVector3 Na,Nb,Nc; lGeometryElementNormal->GetDirectArray().Add(FbxVector4(Na.x,Na.y,Na.z)); lGeometryElementNormal->GetDirectArray().Add(FbxVector4(Nb.x,Nb.y,Nb.z)); lGeometryElementNormal->GetDirectArray().Add(FbxVector4(Nc.x,Nc.y,Nc.z)); mesh->getTriangleNormals(j,Na,Nb,Nc); lGeometryElementNormal->GetIndexArray().SetAt(static_cast<int>(j)*3+0, static_cast<int>(j)*3+0); lGeometryElementNormal->GetIndexArray().SetAt(static_cast<int>(j)*3+1, static_cast<int>(j)*3+1); lGeometryElementNormal->GetIndexArray().SetAt(static_cast<int>(j)*3+2, static_cast<int>(j)*3+2); } } } else { // We want to have one normal for each vertex (or control point), // so we set the mapping mode to eByControlPoint. lGeometryElementNormal->SetMappingMode(FbxGeometryElement::eByControlPoint); // The first method is to set the actual normal value // for every control point. lGeometryElementNormal->SetReferenceMode(FbxGeometryElement::eDirect); for (unsigned i=0; i<vertCount; ++i) { const PointCoordinateType* N = cloud->getPointNormal(i); FbxVector4 Nfbx(N[0],N[1],N[2]); lGeometryElementNormal->GetDirectArray().Add(Nfbx); } } } else { ccLog::Warning("[FBX] Mesh has no normal! You can manually compute them (select it then call \"Edit > Normals > Compute\")"); } // colors if (cloud->hasColors()) { FbxGeometryElementVertexColor* lGeometryElementVertexColor = lMesh->CreateElementVertexColor(); lGeometryElementVertexColor->SetMappingMode(FbxGeometryElement::eByControlPoint); lGeometryElementVertexColor->SetReferenceMode(FbxGeometryElement::eDirect); for (unsigned i=0; i<vertCount; ++i) { const colorType* C = cloud->getPointColor(i); FbxColor col( FbxDouble3( static_cast<double>(C[0])/MAX_COLOR_COMP, static_cast<double>(C[1])/MAX_COLOR_COMP, static_cast<double>(C[2])/MAX_COLOR_COMP ) ); lGeometryElementVertexColor->GetDirectArray().Add(col); } } // Set material mapping. //FbxGeometryElementMaterial* lMaterialElement = lMesh->CreateElementMaterial(); //lMaterialElement->SetMappingMode(FbxGeometryElement::eByPolygon); //lMaterialElement->SetReferenceMode(FbxGeometryElement::eIndexToDirect); // Create polygons. Assign material indices. { for (unsigned j=0; j<faceCount; ++j) { const CCLib::TriangleSummitsIndexes* tsi = mesh->getTriangleIndexes(j); lMesh->BeginPolygon(static_cast<int>(j)); lMesh->AddPolygon(tsi->i1); lMesh->AddPolygon(tsi->i2); lMesh->AddPolygon(tsi->i3); lMesh->EndPolygon(); } } FbxNode* lNode = FbxNode::Create(pScene,qPrintable(mesh->getName())); lNode->SetNodeAttribute(lMesh); //CreateMaterials(pScene, lMesh); return lNode; }
CC_FILE_ERROR ObjFilter::saveToFile(ccHObject* entity, QString filename, SaveParameters& parameters) { if (!entity) return CC_FERR_BAD_ARGUMENT; if (!entity->isKindOf(CC_TYPES::MESH)) { ccLog::Warning("[OBJ] This filter can only save one mesh (optionally with sub-meshes) at a time!"); return CC_FERR_BAD_ENTITY_TYPE; } //mesh ccGenericMesh* mesh = ccHObjectCaster::ToGenericMesh(entity); if (!mesh || mesh->size() == 0) { ccLog::Warning("[OBJ] Input mesh is empty!"); return CC_FERR_NO_SAVE; } //vertices ccGenericPointCloud* vertices = mesh->getAssociatedCloud(); if (!vertices || vertices->size() == 0) { ccLog::Warning("[OBJ] Input mesh has no vertices?!"); return CC_FERR_NO_SAVE; } unsigned nbPoints = vertices->size(); //try to open file for saving QFile file(filename); if (!file.open(QFile::Text | QFile::WriteOnly)) return CC_FERR_WRITING; //progress ccProgressDialog pdlg(true); unsigned numberOfTriangles = mesh->size(); CCLib::NormalizedProgress nprogress(&pdlg,numberOfTriangles); pdlg.setMethodTitle(qPrintable(QString("Saving mesh [%1]").arg(mesh->getName()))); pdlg.setInfo(qPrintable(QString("Triangles: %1").arg(numberOfTriangles))); pdlg.start(); QTextStream stream(&file); stream.setRealNumberPrecision(sizeof(PointCoordinateType) == 4 ? 8 : 12); stream << "#OBJ Generated by CloudCompare (TELECOM PARISTECH/EDF R&D)" << endl; if (file.error() != QFile::NoError) return CC_FERR_WRITING; for (unsigned i=0; i<nbPoints; ++i) { const CCVector3* P = vertices->getPoint(i); CCVector3d Pglobal = vertices->toGlobal3d<PointCoordinateType>(*P); stream << "v " << Pglobal.x << " " << Pglobal.y << " " << Pglobal.z << endl; if (file.error() != QFile::NoError) return CC_FERR_WRITING; } //normals bool withTriNormals = mesh->hasTriNormals(); bool withVertNormals = vertices->hasNormals(); bool withNormals = withTriNormals || withVertNormals; if (withNormals) { //per-triangle normals if (withTriNormals) { NormsIndexesTableType* normsTable = mesh->getTriNormsTable(); if (normsTable) { for (unsigned i=0; i<normsTable->currentSize(); ++i) { const CCVector3& normalVec = ccNormalVectors::GetNormal(normsTable->getValue(i)); stream << "vn " << normalVec.x << " " << normalVec.y << " " << normalVec.z << endl; if (file.error() != QFile::NoError) return CC_FERR_WRITING; } } else { assert(false); withTriNormals = false; } } //per-vertices normals else //if (withVertNormals) { for (unsigned i=0; i<nbPoints; ++i) { const CCVector3& normalVec = vertices->getPointNormal(i); stream << "vn " << normalVec.x << " " << normalVec.y << " " << normalVec.z << endl; if (file.error() != QFile::NoError) return CC_FERR_WRITING; } } } //materials const ccMaterialSet* materials = mesh->getMaterialSet(); bool withMaterials = (materials && mesh->hasMaterials()); if (withMaterials) { //save mtl file QStringList errors; QString baseName = QFileInfo(filename).baseName(); if (materials->saveAsMTL(QFileInfo(filename).absolutePath(),baseName,errors)) { stream << "mtllib " << baseName << ".mtl" << endl; if (file.error() != QFile::NoError) return CC_FERR_WRITING; } else { materials = 0; withMaterials = false; } //display potential 'errors' for (int i=0; i<errors.size(); ++i) { ccLog::Warning(QString("[OBJ][Material file writer] ")+errors[i]); } } //save texture coordinates bool withTexCoordinates = withMaterials && mesh->hasPerTriangleTexCoordIndexes(); if (withTexCoordinates) { TextureCoordsContainer* texCoords = mesh->getTexCoordinatesTable(); if (texCoords) { for (unsigned i=0; i<texCoords->currentSize(); ++i) { const float* tc = texCoords->getValue(i); stream << "vt " << tc[0] << " " << tc[1] << endl; if (file.error() != QFile::NoError) return CC_FERR_WRITING; } } else { withTexCoordinates = false; } } ccHObject::Container subMeshes; //look for sub-meshes mesh->filterChildren(subMeshes,false,CC_TYPES::SUB_MESH); //check that the number of facets is the same as the full mesh! { unsigned faceCount = 0; for (ccHObject::Container::const_iterator it = subMeshes.begin(); it != subMeshes.end(); ++it) faceCount += static_cast<ccSubMesh*>(*it)->size(); //if there's no face (i.e. no sub-mesh) or less face than the total mesh, we save the full mesh! if (faceCount < mesh->size()) { subMeshes.clear(); subMeshes.push_back(mesh); } } //mesh or sub-meshes unsigned indexShift = 0; for (ccHObject::Container::const_iterator it = subMeshes.begin(); it != subMeshes.end(); ++it) { ccGenericMesh* st = static_cast<ccGenericMesh*>(*it); stream << "g " << (st->getName().isNull() ? "mesh" : st->getName()) << endl; if (file.error() != QFile::NoError) return CC_FERR_WRITING; unsigned triNum = st->size(); st->placeIteratorAtBegining(); int lastMtlIndex = -1; int t1 = -1, t2 = -1, t3 = -1; for (unsigned i=0; i<triNum; ++i) { if (withMaterials) { int mtlIndex = mesh->getTriangleMtlIndex(indexShift+i); if (mtlIndex != lastMtlIndex) { if (mtlIndex >= 0 && mtlIndex < static_cast<int>(materials->size())) { ccMaterial::CShared mat = materials->at(mtlIndex); stream << "usemtl " << mat->getName() << endl; } else { stream << "usemtl " << endl; } if (file.error() != QFile::NoError) return CC_FERR_WRITING; lastMtlIndex = mtlIndex; } if (withTexCoordinates) { mesh->getTriangleTexCoordinatesIndexes(indexShift+i,t1,t2,t3); if (t1 >= 0) ++t1; if (t2 >= 0) ++t2; if (t3 >= 0) ++t3; } } const CCLib::VerticesIndexes* tsi = st->getNextTriangleVertIndexes(); //for per-triangle normals unsigned i1 = tsi->i1 + 1; unsigned i2 = tsi->i2 + 1; unsigned i3 = tsi->i3 + 1; stream << "f"; if (withNormals) { int n1 = static_cast<int>(i1); int n2 = static_cast<int>(i2); int n3 = static_cast<int>(i3); if (withTriNormals) { st->getTriangleNormalIndexes(i,n1,n2,n3); if (n1 >= 0) ++n1; if (n2 >= 0) ++n2; if (n3 >= 0) ++n3; } if (withTexCoordinates) { stream << " " << i1 << "/" << t1 << "/" << n1; stream << " " << i2 << "/" << t2 << "/" << n2; stream << " " << i3 << "/" << t3 << "/" << n3; } else { stream << " " << i1 << "//" << n1; stream << " " << i2 << "//" << n2; stream << " " << i3 << "//" << n3; } } else { if (withTexCoordinates) { stream << " " << i1 << "/" << t1; stream << " " << i2 << "/" << t2; stream << " " << i3 << "/" << t3; } else { stream << " " << i1; stream << " " << i2; stream << " " << i3; } } stream << endl; if (file.error() != QFile::NoError) return CC_FERR_WRITING; if (!nprogress.oneStep()) //cancel requested return CC_FERR_CANCELED_BY_USER; } stream << "#" << triNum << " faces" << endl; if (file.error() != QFile::NoError) return CC_FERR_WRITING; indexShift += triNum; } return CC_FERR_NO_ERROR; }
// Converts a CC mesh to an FBX mesh static FbxNode* ToFbxMesh(ccGenericMesh* mesh, FbxScene* pScene, QString filename, size_t meshIndex) { if (!mesh) return 0; FbxNode* lNode = FbxNode::Create(pScene,qPrintable(mesh->getName())); FbxMesh* lMesh = FbxMesh::Create(pScene, qPrintable(mesh->getName())); lNode->SetNodeAttribute(lMesh); ccGenericPointCloud* cloud = mesh->getAssociatedCloud(); if (!cloud) return 0; unsigned vertCount = cloud->size(); unsigned faceCount = mesh->size(); // Create control points. { lMesh->InitControlPoints(vertCount); FbxVector4* lControlPoints = lMesh->GetControlPoints(); for (unsigned i=0; i<vertCount; ++i) { const CCVector3* P = cloud->getPoint(i); lControlPoints[i] = FbxVector4(P->x,P->y,P->z); //lControlPoints[i] = FbxVector4(P->x,P->z,-P->y); //DGM: see loadFile (Y and Z are inverted) } } ccMesh* asCCMesh = 0; if (mesh->isA(CC_TYPES::MESH)) asCCMesh = static_cast<ccMesh*>(mesh); // normals if (mesh->hasNormals()) { FbxGeometryElementNormal* lGeometryElementNormal = lMesh->CreateElementNormal(); if (mesh->hasTriNormals()) { // We want to have one normal per vertex of each polygon, // so we set the mapping mode to eByPolygonVertex. lGeometryElementNormal->SetMappingMode(FbxGeometryElement::eByPolygonVertex); lGeometryElementNormal->SetReferenceMode(FbxGeometryElement::eIndexToDirect); lGeometryElementNormal->GetIndexArray().SetCount(faceCount*3); if (asCCMesh) { NormsIndexesTableType* triNorms = asCCMesh->getTriNormsTable(); assert(triNorms); for (unsigned i=0; i<triNorms->currentSize(); ++i) { const CCVector3& N = ccNormalVectors::GetNormal(triNorms->getValue(i)); FbxVector4 Nfbx(N.x,N.y,N.z); lGeometryElementNormal->GetDirectArray().Add(Nfbx); } for (unsigned j=0; j<faceCount; ++j) { int i1,i2,i3; asCCMesh->getTriangleNormalIndexes(j,i1,i2,i3); lGeometryElementNormal->GetIndexArray().SetAt(static_cast<int>(j)*3+0, i1); lGeometryElementNormal->GetIndexArray().SetAt(static_cast<int>(j)*3+1, i2); lGeometryElementNormal->GetIndexArray().SetAt(static_cast<int>(j)*3+2, i3); } } else { for (unsigned j=0; j<faceCount; ++j) { //we can't use the 'NormsIndexesTable' so we save all the normals of all the vertices CCVector3 Na,Nb,Nc; lGeometryElementNormal->GetDirectArray().Add(FbxVector4(Na.x,Na.y,Na.z)); lGeometryElementNormal->GetDirectArray().Add(FbxVector4(Nb.x,Nb.y,Nb.z)); lGeometryElementNormal->GetDirectArray().Add(FbxVector4(Nc.x,Nc.y,Nc.z)); mesh->getTriangleNormals(j,Na,Nb,Nc); lGeometryElementNormal->GetIndexArray().SetAt(static_cast<int>(j)*3+0, static_cast<int>(j)*3+0); lGeometryElementNormal->GetIndexArray().SetAt(static_cast<int>(j)*3+1, static_cast<int>(j)*3+1); lGeometryElementNormal->GetIndexArray().SetAt(static_cast<int>(j)*3+2, static_cast<int>(j)*3+2); } } } else { // We want to have one normal for each vertex (or control point), // so we set the mapping mode to eByControlPoint. lGeometryElementNormal->SetMappingMode(FbxGeometryElement::eByControlPoint); // The first method is to set the actual normal value // for every control point. lGeometryElementNormal->SetReferenceMode(FbxGeometryElement::eDirect); for (unsigned i=0; i<vertCount; ++i) { const CCVector3& N = cloud->getPointNormal(i); FbxVector4 Nfbx(N.x,N.y,N.z); lGeometryElementNormal->GetDirectArray().Add(Nfbx); } } } else { ccLog::Warning("[FBX] Mesh has no normal! You can manually compute them (select it then call \"Edit > Normals > Compute\")"); } // Set material mapping. bool hasMaterial = false; if (asCCMesh && asCCMesh->hasMaterials()) { const ccMaterialSet* matSet = asCCMesh->getMaterialSet(); size_t matCount = matSet->size(); //check if we have textures bool hasTextures = asCCMesh->hasTextures(); if (hasTextures) { //check that we actually have materials with textures as well! hasTextures = false; for (size_t i=0; i<matCount; ++i) { ccMaterial::CShared mat = matSet->at(i); if (mat->hasTexture()) { hasTextures = true; break; } } } static const char gDiffuseElementName[] = "DiffuseUV"; // Create UV for Diffuse channel if (hasTextures) { FbxGeometryElementUV* lUVDiffuseElement = lMesh->CreateElementUV(gDiffuseElementName); assert(lUVDiffuseElement != 0); lUVDiffuseElement->SetMappingMode(FbxGeometryElement::eByPolygonVertex); lUVDiffuseElement->SetReferenceMode(FbxGeometryElement::eIndexToDirect); //fill Direct Array const TextureCoordsContainer* texCoords = asCCMesh->getTexCoordinatesTable(); assert(texCoords); if (texCoords) { unsigned count = texCoords->currentSize(); lUVDiffuseElement->GetDirectArray().SetCount(static_cast<int>(count)); for (unsigned i=0; i<count; ++i) { const float* uv = texCoords->getValue(i); lUVDiffuseElement->GetDirectArray().SetAt(i,FbxVector2(uv[0],uv[1])); } } //fill Indexes Array assert(asCCMesh->hasPerTriangleTexCoordIndexes()); if (asCCMesh->hasPerTriangleTexCoordIndexes()) { unsigned triCount = asCCMesh->size(); lUVDiffuseElement->GetIndexArray().SetCount(static_cast<int>(3*triCount)); for (unsigned j=0; j<triCount; ++j) { int t1=0, t2=0, t3=0; asCCMesh->getTriangleTexCoordinatesIndexes(j, t1, t2, t3); lUVDiffuseElement->GetIndexArray().SetAt(j*3+0,t1); lUVDiffuseElement->GetIndexArray().SetAt(j*3+1,t2); lUVDiffuseElement->GetIndexArray().SetAt(j*3+2,t3); } } } //Textures used in this file QMap<QString,QString> texFilenames; //directory to save textures (if any) QFileInfo info(filename); QString textDirName = info.baseName() + QString(".fbm"); QDir baseDir = info.absoluteDir(); QDir texDir = QDir(baseDir.absolutePath() + QString("/") + textDirName); for (size_t i=0; i<matCount; ++i) { ccMaterial::CShared mat = matSet->at(i); FbxSurfacePhong *lMaterial = FbxSurfacePhong::Create(pScene, qPrintable(mat->getName())); const ccColor::Rgbaf& emission = mat->getEmission(); const ccColor::Rgbaf& ambient = mat->getAmbient(); const ccColor::Rgbaf& diffuse = mat->getDiffuseFront(); const ccColor::Rgbaf& specular = mat->getDiffuseFront(); lMaterial->Emissive.Set(FbxDouble3(emission.r,emission.g,emission.b)); lMaterial->Ambient .Set(FbxDouble3( ambient.r, ambient.g, ambient.b)); lMaterial->Diffuse .Set(FbxDouble3( diffuse.r, diffuse.g, diffuse.b)); lMaterial->Specular.Set(FbxDouble3(specular.r,specular.g,specular.b)); lMaterial->Shininess = mat->getShininessFront(); lMaterial->ShadingModel.Set("Phong"); if (hasTextures && mat->hasTexture()) { QString texFilename = mat->getTextureFilename(); //texture has not already been processed if (!texFilenames.contains(texFilename)) { //if necessary, we (try to) create a subfolder to store textures if (!texDir.exists()) { texDir = baseDir; if (texDir.mkdir(textDirName)) { texDir.cd(textDirName); } else { textDirName = QString(); ccLog::Warning("[FBX] Failed to create subfolder '%1' to store texture files (files will be stored next to the .fbx file)"); } } QFileInfo fileInfo(texFilename); QString baseTexName = fileInfo.fileName(); //add extension QString extension = QFileInfo(texFilename).suffix(); if (fileInfo.suffix().isEmpty()) baseTexName += QString(".png"); QString absoluteFilename = texDir.absolutePath() + QString("/") + baseTexName; ccLog::PrintDebug(QString("[FBX] Material '%1' texture: %2").arg(mat->getName()).arg(absoluteFilename)); texFilenames[texFilename] = absoluteFilename; } //mat.texture.save(absoluteFilename); // Set texture properties. FbxFileTexture* lTexture = FbxFileTexture::Create(pScene,"DiffuseTexture"); assert(!texFilenames[texFilename].isEmpty()); lTexture->SetFileName(qPrintable(texFilenames[texFilename])); lTexture->SetTextureUse(FbxTexture::eStandard); lTexture->SetMappingType(FbxTexture::eUV); lTexture->SetMaterialUse(FbxFileTexture::eModelMaterial); lTexture->SetSwapUV(false); lTexture->SetTranslation(0.0, 0.0); lTexture->SetScale(1.0, 1.0); lTexture->SetRotation(0.0, 0.0); lTexture->UVSet.Set(FbxString(gDiffuseElementName)); // Connect texture to the proper UV // don't forget to connect the texture to the corresponding property of the material lMaterial->Diffuse.ConnectSrcObject(lTexture); } int matIndex = lNode->AddMaterial(lMaterial); assert(matIndex == static_cast<int>(i)); } //don't forget to save the texture files { for (QMap<QString,QString>::ConstIterator it = texFilenames.begin(); it != texFilenames.end(); ++it) { const QImage image = ccMaterial::GetTexture(it.key()); image.mirrored().save(it.value()); } texFilenames.clear(); //don't need this anymore! } // Create 'triangle to material index' mapping { FbxGeometryElementMaterial* lMaterialElement = lMesh->CreateElementMaterial(); lMaterialElement->SetMappingMode(FbxGeometryElement::eByPolygon); lMaterialElement->SetReferenceMode(FbxGeometryElement::eIndexToDirect); } hasMaterial = true; } // colors if (cloud->hasColors()) { FbxGeometryElementVertexColor* lGeometryElementVertexColor = lMesh->CreateElementVertexColor(); lGeometryElementVertexColor->SetMappingMode(FbxGeometryElement::eByControlPoint); lGeometryElementVertexColor->SetReferenceMode(FbxGeometryElement::eDirect); lGeometryElementVertexColor->GetDirectArray().SetCount(vertCount); for (unsigned i=0; i<vertCount; ++i) { const colorType* C = cloud->getPointColor(i); FbxColor col( static_cast<double>(C[0])/ccColor::MAX, static_cast<double>(C[1])/ccColor::MAX, static_cast<double>(C[2])/ccColor::MAX ); lGeometryElementVertexColor->GetDirectArray().SetAt(i,col); } if (!hasMaterial) { //it seems that we have to create a fake material in order for the colors to be displayed (in Unity and FBX Review at least)! FbxSurfacePhong *lMaterial = FbxSurfacePhong::Create(pScene, "ColorMaterial"); lMaterial->Emissive.Set(FbxDouble3(0,0,0)); lMaterial->Ambient.Set(FbxDouble3(0,0,0)); lMaterial->Diffuse.Set(FbxDouble3(1,1,1)); lMaterial->Specular.Set(FbxDouble3(0,0,0)); lMaterial->Shininess = 0; lMaterial->ShadingModel.Set("Phong"); FbxGeometryElementMaterial* lMaterialElement = lMesh->CreateElementMaterial(); lMaterialElement->SetMappingMode(FbxGeometryElement::eAllSame); lMaterialElement->SetReferenceMode(FbxGeometryElement::eDirect); lNode->AddMaterial(lMaterial); } } // Create polygons { for (unsigned j=0; j<faceCount; ++j) { const CCLib::TriangleSummitsIndexes* tsi = mesh->getTriangleIndexes(j); int matIndex = hasMaterial ? asCCMesh->getTriangleMtlIndex(j) : -1; lMesh->BeginPolygon(matIndex); lMesh->AddPolygon(tsi->i1); lMesh->AddPolygon(tsi->i2); lMesh->AddPolygon(tsi->i3); lMesh->EndPolygon(); } } return lNode; }