bool DbNote::saveEntry(Note & note, save_t sav) { Category cat; cat.setKatKey(note.getKatKey()); if (! existCategory(cat)) { cout << "Category doesn't exists" << endl; return false; } if (note.getNoteRef() != 0) { Note ref_note; ref_note.setNoteKey(note.getNoteRef()); if( ! existNote(ref_note) ) { std::cout << "Can't find given note reference" << std::endl; return false; } } if (sav == append_entr) { if (note.getNoteKey() != 0) { cout << "Note entry exists" << endl; return false; } if (!insertTable(note)) { cerr << "Insert notice failed" << endl; return false; } } else if (sav == write_entr) { if ( ! existNote(note) ) { cout << "Can't override notice cause of the notice doesn't exists" << endl; return false; } if (!updateRow( note)) { cerr << "Update the notice failed" << endl; return false; } } return true; }
bool DbNote::updateRow(Note & note) { sqlite3_stmt *statement; string stmnt = "update NoteTable SET date=?,NoteText=?,NoteTitle=?,NoteRef=?,KatKey=? where NoteKey=?;"; if (!openDB()) { throw SQLError("Can't open the DB-Connection"); return false; } int req = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmnt.c_str(), -1, &statement, 0); if (req != SQLITE_OK) { throw SQLError("Preparing Update-Statement failed"); return false; } req = sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 1, (note.getDate().getDateString()).c_str(), (note.getDate().getDateString()).length(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); if (req != SQLITE_OK) { throw SQLError("Binding Date into update statement failed"); return false; } req = sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, (note.getNoteText()).c_str(), (note.getNoteText()).length(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); if (req != SQLITE_OK) { throw SQLError("Binding note text into update statement failed"); return false; } req = sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 3, (note.getNotetitle()).c_str(), (note.getNotetitle()).length(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); if (req != SQLITE_OK) { throw SQLError("Binding note title into update statement failed"); return false; } req = sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 4, note.getNoteRef()); if (req != SQLITE_OK) { throw SQLError("Binding note ref into update statement failed"); return false; } req = sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 5, note.getKatKey()); if (req != SQLITE_OK) { throw SQLError( "Binding note category key into update statement failed"); return false; } req = sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 6, note.getNoteKey()); if (req != SQLITE_OK) { throw SQLError("Binding note key into update statement failed"); return false; } req = sqlite3_step(statement); if (req != SQLITE_DONE) { throw SQLError("execute of insert statement failed"); return false; } sqlite3_finalize(statement); sqlite3_close(db); return true; }
bool DbNote::insertTable(Note & note) { sqlite3_stmt *statement; string stmnt = "insert into NoteTable (date,NoteText,NoteTitle,NoteRef,KatKey) values (?,?,?,?,?)"; if (!openDB()) { throw SQLError("Can't open the DB-Connection"); return false; } int req = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, stmnt.c_str(), stmnt.length(), &statement, 0); if (req != SQLITE_OK) { throw SQLError("Preparing Insert-Statement failed"); return false; } req = sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 1, (note.getDate().getDateString()).c_str(), (note.getDate().getDateString()).length(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); if (req != SQLITE_OK) { throw SQLError("Binding Date into insert statement failed"); return false; } req = sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 2, (note.getNoteText()).c_str(), (note.getNoteText()).length(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); if (req != SQLITE_OK) { throw SQLError("Binding note text into insert statement failed"); return false; } req = sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 3, (note.getNotetitle()).c_str(), (note.getNotetitle()).length(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); if (req != SQLITE_OK) { throw SQLError("Binding note title into insert statement failed"); return false; } req = sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 4, note.getNoteRef()); if (req != SQLITE_OK) { throw SQLError("Binding note ref into insert statement failed"); return false; } req = sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 5, note.getKatKey()); if (req != SQLITE_OK) { throw SQLError( "Binding note category key into insert statement failed"); return false; } req = sqlite3_step(statement); if (req != SQLITE_DONE) { throw SQLError("execute of insert statement failed"); return false; } sqlite3_finalize(statement); sqlite3_close(db); return true; }