예제 #1
see https://developer.mozilla.org/en/NPP_NewStream

NPP_NewStream notifies the plug-in when a new stream is created. The NPStream* pointer is valid
until the stream is destroyed. The plug-in can store plug-in-private data associated with the
stream in stream->pdata. The MIME type of the stream is provided by the type parameter.

The data in the stream can be the file specified in the SRC attribute of the EMBED tag, for an
embedded instance, or the file itself, for a full-page instance. A plug-in can also request a
stream with the function NPN_GetURL. The browser calls NPP_DestroyStream when the stream completes
(either successfully or abnormally). The plug-in can terminate the stream itself by calling
NPError NpapiPlugin::NewStream(NPMIMEType type, NPStream* stream, NPBool seekable, uint16_t* stype)
    NpapiStream* s = static_cast<NpapiStream*>( stream->notifyData );
    // check for streams we did not request or create
    if ( !s ) return NPERR_NO_ERROR;

    s->setMimeType( type );
    s->setStream( stream );
    s->setLength( stream->end );
    s->setUrl( stream->url );
    if( stream->headers ) s->setHeaders( stream->headers );
    s->setSeekableByServer( seekable ? true : false );

    if ( s->isSeekableRequested() && !s->isSeekableByServer() )   // requested seekable stream, but stream was not seekable
    {                                                             //  stream can only be made seekable by downloading the entire file
                                                                  //  which we don't want to happen automatically.
        // If unsuccessful, the function should return one of the NPError Error Codes.
        // This will cause the browser to destroy the stream without calling NPP_DestroyStream.
        s->setStream( 0 );

    if ( s->isSeekable() ) *stype = NP_SEEK;
    else if ( s->isCached() ) *stype = NP_ASFILE;
    else *stype = NP_NORMAL;

    // first npp_newstream has to finish before the user may perform a RequestRead in the opened handler
    if ( s->isSeekable() ) signalStreamOpened( s ); //m_npHost->ScheduleAsyncCall( signalStreamOpened, s );
    else signalStreamOpened( s );

    return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
예제 #2
The browser calls the NPP_DestroyStream function when a data stream sent to the plug-in is
finished, either because it has completed successfully or terminated abnormally. After this, the
browser deletes the NPStream object.

You should delete any private data allocated in stream->pdata at this time, and should not make
any further references to the stream object.
NPError NpapiPlugin::DestroyStream(NPStream* stream, NPReason reason)
    NpapiStream* s = static_cast<NpapiStream*>( stream->notifyData );
    // check for streams we did not request or create
    if ( !s || !s->getStream() ) return NPERR_NO_ERROR;

    s->setStream( 0 );
    stream->notifyData = 0;

    if ( !s->isCompleted() ) s->signalCompleted( reason == NPRES_DONE );

    return NPERR_NO_ERROR;