bool ColumnUnaryOperation::execute(ExecutionContext *ctx, SymbolTable &symTable)
    if (_prepState == sNOTPREPARED)
        if((_prepState = prepare(ctx, symTable)) != sPREPARED)
            return false;
    std::vector<QVariant> data(_inputTable->recordCount(), _number1),outdata(1, rUNDEF);
    if ( _column1 != sUNDEF)
        data = _inputTable->column(_column1);

    auto iter1 = data.begin();
    std::vector<double> values(data.size());
    int  i=0;
    for(auto v : data){
        values[i++] = v.toDouble();
    NumericStatistics stats;
    stats.calculate(values.begin(), values.end(),_method);
    double outputData = stats[_method];
    std::for_each(outdata.begin(), outdata.end(),[&](QVariant& v){
        v = outputData;

    if ( _outputTable.isValid()){
        QVariant var;
        ctx->setOutput(symTable,var, _outputTable->name(),itTABLE,_outputTable->source(),_outColumn);
        return true;
    return false;
예제 #2
QString IlwisObjectModel::rangeDefinition(bool defaultRange, bool calc, const QString& columnName) {
    try {
        IlwisTypes objectype = _ilwisobject->ilwisType();
        QString rangeString;
        if ( hasType( objectype, itCOVERAGE|itDOMAIN)){
            if ( objectype == itRASTER){
                IRasterCoverage raster =<RasterCoverage>();
                if ( defaultRange){
                  rangeString = raster->datadef().domain()->range()->toString();
                    if ( calc){
                  rangeString = raster->datadef().range()->toString();
            } else if ( hasType( objectype , itFEATURE)){
                IFeatureCoverage features =<FeatureCoverage>();
                ColumnDefinition coldef = features->attributeDefinitions().columndefinition(COVERAGEKEYCOLUMN);
                if ( coldef.isValid()){
                    if ( defaultRange)
                      rangeString =  coldef.datadef().domain()->range()->toString();
                        if ( calc){
                            std::vector<QVariant> data = features->attributeTable()->column(columnName);
                            if ( data.size() != 0){
                                std::vector<double> values(data.size());
                                int  i=0;
                                for(auto v : data)
                                    values[i++] = v.toDouble();
                                NumericStatistics stats; // realy like to do this with a template specialization of the proper calculate function, but the syntax was unclear to me
                                stats.calculate(values.begin(), values.end());
                                NumericRange *rng = new NumericRange(stats.prop(NumericStatistics::pMIN),stats.prop(NumericStatistics::pMAX));
                        rangeString = coldef.datadef().range()->toString();

            } else if ( hasType( objectype , itDOMAIN)){
                rangeString =<Domain>()->range()->toString();
        return rangeString;
    }catch(const ErrorObject& ){
        // no exceptions may escape here
    return "";

예제 #3
bool AggregateRaster::execute(ExecutionContext *ctx, SymbolTable& symTable)
    if (_prepState == sNOTPREPARED)
        if((_prepState = prepare(ctx,symTable)) != sPREPARED)
            return false;

    IRasterCoverage outputRaster =<RasterCoverage>();

    quint64 currentCount = 0;
    BoxedAsyncFunc aggregateFun = [&](const BoundingBox& box) -> bool {
        //Size sz = outputRaster->size();
        PixelIterator iterOut(outputRaster, box);
        BoundingBox inpBox(Pixel(box.min_corner().x,
                                             box.min_corner().y * groupSize(1),
                                             box.min_corner().z * groupSize(2)),
                             Pixel((box.max_corner().x+1) * groupSize(0) - 1,
                                             (box.max_corner().y + 1) * groupSize(1) - 1,
                                             (box.max_corner().z + 1) * groupSize(2) - 1) );

        BlockIterator blockIter(<RasterCoverage>(),Size<>(groupSize(0),groupSize(1), groupSize(2)), inpBox);
        NumericStatistics stats;
        PixelIterator iterEnd = iterOut.end();
        while(iterOut != iterEnd) {
            GridBlock& block = *blockIter;
            stats.calculate(block.begin(), block.end(), _method);
            double v = stats[_method];
           *iterOut = v;
            updateTranquilizer(currentCount++, 1000);
        return true;
    bool res = OperationHelperRaster::execute(ctx, aggregateFun, outputRaster);

    if ( res && ctx != 0) {
        QVariant value;
        ctx->setOutput(symTable,value,outputRaster->name(), itRASTER, outputRaster->source() );
    return res;