예제 #1
void NxsTaxaBlockSurrogate::AssureTaxaBlock(bool allocBlock, NxsToken &token, const char *cmd)
	if (!allocBlock)
		if (taxa != NULL)
		if (!nxsReader)
			NxsString  errormsg =  "API Error: No nxsReader during parse in NxsTaxaBlockSurrogate::AssureTaxaBlock";
			throw NxsNCLAPIException(errormsg, token);
		unsigned nTb; 
		NxsTaxaBlockAPI * cb = nxsReader->GetTaxaBlockByTitle(NULL, &nTb);
		if (cb == NULL)
			NxsString errormsg =  "TAXA Block has been not been read, but a ";
			if (cmd)
				errormsg += cmd;
			errormsg += " command (which requires a TAXA block) has been encountered. Either add a TAXA block or (for blocks other than the TREES block) you may use a \"DIMENSIONS NEWTAXA NTAX= ...\" command to introduces taxa.";
			throw NxsException(errormsg, token);
		if (nTb > 1)
			NxsString errormsg =  "Multiple TAXA Blocks have been read (or implied using NEWTAXA in other blocks) and a";
			if (cmd)
				errormsg += cmd;
			errormsg += " command (which requires a TAXA block) has been encountered.\nA \"LINK TAXA=<title here>;\" command must be used to specify which TAXA block is needed.";
			cb->WarnDangerousContent(errormsg, token);
		taxa = cb;
	if (nxsReader != NULL)
		NxsTaxaBlockFactory * tbf = nxsReader->GetTaxaBlockFactory();
		if (tbf)
			std::string s("TAXA");
			taxa = tbf->GetBlockReaderForID(s, nxsReader, &token);
			ownsTaxaBlock = true;
			passedRefOfOwnedBlock = false;
			taxaLinkStatus = NxsBlock::BLOCK_LINK_TO_IMPLIED_BLOCK;
	if (taxa == NULL)
		taxa = new NxsTaxaBlock();
		ownsTaxaBlock = true;
		passedRefOfOwnedBlock = false;
		taxaLinkStatus = NxsBlock::BLOCK_LINK_TO_IMPLIED_BLOCK;
예제 #2
파일: nxstaxablock.cpp 프로젝트: cran/rncl
/* This function is called by derived classes right before they start to parse a command
	that requires a Taxa block.
	If a taxa block has not been set at this point, and one cannot be created then
	a NxsException will be generated.

	This enables lazy initialization of the taxa field.
void NxsTaxaBlockSurrogate::AssureTaxaBlock(bool allocBlock, NxsToken &token, const char *cmd)
	if (!allocBlock)
		if (taxa != NULL)
		if (!nxsReader)
			NxsString  errormsg =  "API Error: No nxsReader during parse in NxsTaxaBlockSurrogate::AssureTaxaBlock";
			throw NxsNCLAPIException(errormsg, token);
		unsigned nTb;
		NxsTaxaBlockAPI * cb = nxsReader->GetTaxaBlockByTitle(NULL, &nTb);
		if (cb == NULL)
			NxsString errormsg =  "TAXA Block has been not been read, but a ";
			if (cmd)
				errormsg += cmd;
			errormsg += " command (which requires a TAXA block) has been encountered. Either add a TAXA block or (for blocks other than the TREES block) you may use a \"DIMENSIONS NEWTAXA NTAX= ...\" command to introduces taxa.";
			throw NxsException(errormsg, token);
		if (nTb > 1)
			NxsString errormsg =  "Multiple TAXA Blocks have been read (or implied using NEWTAXA in other blocks) and a ";
			if (cmd)
				errormsg += cmd;
			errormsg += " command (which requires a TAXA block) has been encountered";
			std::string bn = token.GetBlockName();
			if (!bn.empty())
				errormsg += " in a ";
				errormsg += bn;
				errormsg += " block.";
			errormsg += ".\nThis can be caused by reading multiple files. It is possible that\neach file is readable separately, but cannot be read unambiguously when read in sequence.\n";
			errormsg += "One way to correct this is to use the\n    TITLE some-unique-name-here ;\ncommand in the TAXA block and an accompanying\n    LINK TAXA=the-unique-title-goes here;\n";
			errormsg += "command to specify which TAXA block is needed.";
			cb->WarnDangerousContent(errormsg, token);
		taxa = cb;
	if (nxsReader != NULL)
		NxsTaxaBlockFactory * tbf = nxsReader->GetTaxaBlockFactory();
		if (tbf)
			std::string s("TAXA");
			taxa = tbf->GetBlockReaderForID(s, nxsReader, &token);
			ownsTaxaBlock = true;
			passedRefOfOwnedBlock = false;
			taxaLinkStatus = NxsBlock::BLOCK_LINK_TO_IMPLIED_BLOCK;
	if (taxa == NULL)
		taxa = new NxsTaxaBlock();
		ownsTaxaBlock = true;
		passedRefOfOwnedBlock = false;
		taxaLinkStatus = NxsBlock::BLOCK_LINK_TO_IMPLIED_BLOCK;