예제 #1
  static bool parseAtomRecord(char *buffer, OBMol &mol,int /*chainNum*/)
  /* ATOMFORMAT "(i5,1x,a4,a1,a3,1x,a1,i4,a1,3x,3f8.3,2f6.2,a2,a2)" */
    string sbuf = &buffer[6];
    if (sbuf.size() < 48)

    bool hetatm = (EQn(buffer,"HETATM",6)) ? true : false;
    bool elementFound = false; // true if correct element found in col 77-78

    /* serial number */
    string serno = sbuf.substr(0,5);

    /* atom name */
    string atmid = sbuf.substr(6,4);

    /* chain */
    char chain = sbuf.substr(15,1)[0];

    /* element */
    string element = "  ";
    if (sbuf.size() > 71)
        element = sbuf.substr(70,2);
        if (isalpha(element[1]))
            if (element[0] == ' ')
                element.erase(0, 1);
                elementFound = true;
            else if (isalpha(element[0]))
                elementFound = true;

    if (!elementFound)
        stringstream errorMsg;
        errorMsg << "WARNING: Problems reading a PDB file\n"
                 << "  Problems reading a HETATM or ATOM record.\n"
                 << "  According to the PDB specification,\n"
                 << "  columns 77-78 should contain the element symbol of an atom.\n"
                 << "  but OpenBabel found '" << element << "' (atom " << mol.NumAtoms()+1 << ")";
        obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, errorMsg.str(), obWarning);

    // charge - optional
    string scharge;
    if (sbuf.size() > 73)
        scharge = sbuf.substr(72,2);

    //trim spaces on the right and left sides
    while (!atmid.empty() && atmid[0] == ' ')
      atmid = atmid.erase(0, 1);

    while (!atmid.empty() && atmid[atmid.size()-1] == ' ')
      atmid = atmid.substr(0,atmid.size()-1);

    /* residue name */
    string resname = sbuf.substr(11,3);
    if (resname == "   ")
      resname = "UNK";
        while (!resname.empty() && resname[0] == ' ')
          resname = resname.substr(1,resname.size()-1);

        while (!resname.empty() && resname[resname.size()-1] == ' ')
          resname = resname.substr(0,resname.size()-1);

    string type;
    if (!elementFound) {
      // OK, we have to fall back to determining the element from the atom type
      // This is unreliable, but there's no other choice
      if (EQn(buffer,"ATOM",4)) {
        type = atmid.substr(0,2);
        if (isdigit(type[0])) {
          // sometimes non-standard files have, e.g 11HH
          if (!isdigit(type[1])) type = atmid.substr(1,1);
          else type = atmid.substr(2,1);
        } else if ((sbuf[6] == ' ' &&
                   strncasecmp(type.c_str(), "Zn", 2) != 0 &&
                   strncasecmp(type.c_str(), "Fe", 2) != 0) ||
                   isdigit(type[1]))	//type[1] is digit in Platon
          type = atmid.substr(0,1);     // one-character element

        if (resname.substr(0,2) == "AS" || resname[0] == 'N') {
          if (atmid == "AD1")
            type = "O";
          if (atmid == "AD2")
            type = "N";
        if (resname.substr(0,3) == "HIS" || resname[0] == 'H') {
          if (atmid == "AD1" || atmid == "AE2")
            type = "N";
          if (atmid == "AE1" || atmid == "AD2")
            type = "C";
        if (resname.substr(0,2) == "GL" || resname[0] == 'Q') {
          if (atmid == "AE1")
            type = "O";
          if (atmid == "AE2")
            type = "N";
        // fix: #2002557
        if (atmid[0] == 'H' &&
            (atmid[1] == 'D' || atmid[1] == 'E' ||
             atmid[1] == 'G' || atmid[1] == 'H')) // HD, HE, HG, HH, ..
          type = "H";
      } else { //must be hetatm record
        if (isalpha(element[1]) && (isalpha(element[0]) || (element[0] == ' '))) {
          if (isalpha(element[0]))
            type = element.substr(0,2);
            type = element.substr(1,1);

          if (type.size() == 2)
            type[1] = tolower(type[1]);
        } else { // no element column to use
          if (isalpha(atmid[0])) {
            if (atmid.size() > 2 && (atmid[2] == '\0' || atmid[2] == ' '))
              type = atmid.substr(0,2);
            else if (atmid[0] == 'A') // alpha prefix
              type = atmid.substr(1, atmid.size() - 1);
              type = atmid.substr(0,1);
          } else if (atmid[0] == ' ')
            type = atmid.substr(1,1); // one char element
            type = atmid.substr(1,2);

          // Some cleanup steps
          if (atmid == resname) {
            type = atmid;
            if (type.size() == 2)
              type[1] = tolower(type[1]);
          } else
            if (resname == "ADR" || resname == "COA" || resname == "FAD" ||
                resname == "GPG" || resname == "NAD" || resname == "NAL" ||
                resname == "NDP" || resname == "ABA") {
              if (type.size() > 1)
                type = type.substr(0,1);
            } else // other residues
              if (isdigit(type[0])){
                type = type.substr(1,1);
                if (type.size() > 1 && isdigit(type[1]))
                  type = type.substr(0,1);
                  if (type.size() > 1 && isalpha(type[1])) {
                    if (type[0] == 'O' && type[1] == 'H')
                      type = type.substr(0,1); // no "Oh" element (e.g. 1MBN)
                    else if(isupper(type[1])) {
                      type[1] = tolower(type[1]);

      } // HETATM records
    } // no element column to use

    OBAtom atom;
    /* X, Y, Z */
    string xstr = sbuf.substr(24,8);
    string ystr = sbuf.substr(32,8);
    string zstr = sbuf.substr(40,8);
    vector3 v(atof(xstr.c_str()),atof(ystr.c_str()),atof(zstr.c_str()));

    // useful for debugging unknown atom types (e.g., PR#1577238)
    //    cout << mol.NumAtoms() + 1  << " : '" << element << "'" << " " << etab.GetAtomicNum(element.c_str()) << endl;
    if (elementFound)
    else // use our old-style guess from athe atom type

    if ( (! scharge.empty()) && "  " != scharge )
        if ( isdigit(scharge[0]) && ('+' == scharge[1] || '-' == scharge[1]) )
            const char reorderCharge[3] = { scharge[1], scharge[0], '\0' };
            const int charge = atoi(reorderCharge);
            stringstream errorMsg;
            errorMsg << "WARNING: Problems reading a PDB file\n"
                     << "  Problems reading a HETATM or ATOM record.\n"
                     << "  According to the PDB specification,\n"
                     << "  columns 79-80 should contain charge of the atom\n"
                     << "  but OpenBabel found '" << scharge << "' (atom " << mol.NumAtoms()+1 << ").";
            obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, errorMsg.str(), obWarning);
    else {

    /* residue sequence number */
    string resnum = sbuf.substr(16,4);
    OBResidue *res  = (mol.NumResidues() > 0) ? mol.GetResidue(mol.NumResidues()-1) : NULL;
    if (res == NULL
        || res->GetName() != resname
        || res->GetNumString() != resnum
        || res->GetChain() != chain)
        vector<OBResidue*>::iterator ri;
        for (res = mol.BeginResidue(ri) ; res ; res = mol.NextResidue(ri))
          if (res->GetName() == resname
              && res->GetNumString() == resnum
              && static_cast<int>(res->GetChain()) == chain)

        if (res == NULL) {
          res = mol.NewResidue();

    if (!mol.AddAtom(atom))
    else {
      OBAtom *atom = mol.GetAtom(mol.NumAtoms());

      res->SetSerialNum(atom, atoi(serno.c_str()));
      res->SetAtomID(atom, sbuf.substr(6,4));
      res->SetHetAtom(atom, hetatm);

  } // end reading atom records