const char *OGRFeature::GetFieldAsString( int iField ) { OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); static char szTempBuffer[80]; CPLAssert( poFDefn != NULL || iField == -1 ); if( poFDefn == NULL ) return ""; if( !IsFieldSet(iField) ) return ""; if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTString ) { if( pauFields[iField].String == NULL ) return ""; else return pauFields[iField].String; } else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTInteger ) { sprintf( szTempBuffer, "%d", pauFields[iField].Integer ); return szTempBuffer; } else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTReal ) { char szFormat[64]; if( poFDefn->GetWidth() != 0 ) { sprintf( szFormat, "%%%d.%df", poFDefn->GetWidth(), poFDefn->GetPrecision() ); } else strcpy( szFormat, "%.16g" ); sprintf( szTempBuffer, szFormat, pauFields[iField].Real ); return szTempBuffer; } else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTIntegerList ) { char szItem[32]; int i, nCount = pauFields[iField].IntegerList.nCount; sprintf( szTempBuffer, "(%d:", nCount ); for( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { sprintf( szItem, "%d", pauFields[iField].IntegerList.paList[i] ); if( strlen(szTempBuffer) + strlen(szItem) + 6 > sizeof(szTempBuffer) ) { break; } if( i > 0 ) strcat( szTempBuffer, "," ); strcat( szTempBuffer, szItem ); } if( i < nCount ) strcat( szTempBuffer, ",...)" ); else strcat( szTempBuffer, ")" ); return szTempBuffer; } else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTRealList ) { char szItem[40]; char szFormat[64]; int i, nCount = pauFields[iField].RealList.nCount; if( poFDefn->GetWidth() != 0 ) { sprintf( szFormat, "%%%d.%df", poFDefn->GetWidth(), poFDefn->GetPrecision() ); } else strcpy( szFormat, "%.16g" ); sprintf( szTempBuffer, "(%d:", nCount ); for( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { sprintf( szItem, szFormat, pauFields[iField].RealList.paList[i] ); if( strlen(szTempBuffer) + strlen(szItem) + 6 > sizeof(szTempBuffer) ) { break; } if( i > 0 ) strcat( szTempBuffer, "," ); strcat( szTempBuffer, szItem ); } if( i < nCount ) strcat( szTempBuffer, ",...)" ); else strcat( szTempBuffer, ")" ); return szTempBuffer; } else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTStringList ) { int i, nCount = pauFields[iField].StringList.nCount; sprintf( szTempBuffer, "(%d:", nCount ); for( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { const char *pszItem = pauFields[iField].StringList.paList[i]; if( strlen(szTempBuffer) + strlen(pszItem) + 6 > sizeof(szTempBuffer) ) { break; } if( i > 0 ) strcat( szTempBuffer, "," ); strcat( szTempBuffer, pszItem ); } if( i < nCount ) strcat( szTempBuffer, ",...)" ); else strcat( szTempBuffer, ")" ); return szTempBuffer; } else return ""; }
SEXP ogrReadListColumn(OGRLayer *poLayer, SEXP FIDs, int iField, int k, int int64) { // read feature data and return something according to the type OGRFeatureDefn *poDefn; OGRFieldDefn *poField; OGRFeature *poFeature; int iRow,nRows,nlist; SEXP ans = R_NilValue; nRows=length(FIDs); // get field data from layer installErrorHandler(); poDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn(); poField = poDefn->GetFieldDefn(iField); uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); if(poField == NULL) { error("Error getting field %d ",iField); } // allocate an object for the result depending on the feature type: installErrorHandler(); switch(poField->GetType()) { case OFTIntegerList: PROTECT(ans=allocVector(INTSXP,nRows)); break; #ifdef GDALV2 case OFTInteger64List: if (int64 == 3) { PROTECT(ans=allocVector(STRSXP,nRows)); } else { PROTECT(ans=allocVector(INTSXP,nRows)); } break; #endif case OFTRealList: PROTECT(ans=allocVector(REALSXP,nRows)); break; case OFTStringList: PROTECT(ans=allocVector(STRSXP,nRows)); break; default: const char *desc = poField->GetFieldTypeName(poField->GetType()); uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); error("unsupported field type: %s", desc); break; } uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); // now go over each row and retrieve data. iRow is an index in a // vector of FIDs installErrorHandler(); poLayer->ResetReading(); OGRField* psField; iRow = 0; while((poFeature = poLayer->GetNextFeature()) != NULL) { if (poFeature->IsFieldSet(iField)) { // now get the value using the right type: psField = poFeature->GetRawFieldRef(iField); switch(poField->GetType()) { case OFTIntegerList: nlist = psField->IntegerList.nCount; if (k < nlist) INTEGER(ans)[iRow] = psField->IntegerList.paList[k]; else INTEGER(ans)[iRow]=NA_INTEGER; break; #ifdef GDALV2 case OFTInteger64List: nlist = psField->Integer64List.nCount; if (k < nlist) { if (int64 == 3) { // FIXME clang++ // GIntBig nVal64 = psField->Integer64List.paList[k]; char szItem[32]; snprintf(szItem, sizeof(szItem), CPL_FRMT_GIB, psField->Integer64List.paList[k]); SET_STRING_ELT(ans, iRow, mkChar(szItem)); } else { GIntBig nVal64 = psField->Integer64List.paList[k]; int nVal = (nVal64 > INT_MAX) ? INT_MAX : (nVal64 < INT_MIN) ? INT_MIN : (int) nVal64; if (((GIntBig)nVal != nVal64) && int64 == 2) { warning("Integer64 value clamped: feature %d", iRow); } INTEGER(ans)[iRow]=nVal; } } else { if (int64 == 3) { SET_STRING_ELT(ans, iRow, NA_STRING); } else { INTEGER(ans)[iRow]=NA_INTEGER; } } break; #endif case OFTRealList: nlist = psField->RealList.nCount; if (k < nlist) REAL(ans)[iRow] = psField->RealList.paList[k]; else REAL(ans)[iRow]=NA_REAL; break; case OFTStringList: nlist = psField->StringList.nCount; if (k < nlist) SET_STRING_ELT(ans,iRow,mkChar(psField->StringList.paList[k])); else SET_STRING_ELT(ans, iRow, NA_STRING); break; default: OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( poFeature ); // delete poFeature; uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); error("Unsupported field type. should have been caught before"); } } OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( poFeature ); // delete poFeature; iRow++; } uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); UNPROTECT(1); return(ans); }
static void ReportOnLayer( OGRLayer * poLayer, const char *pszWHERE, const char* pszGeomField, OGRGeometry *poSpatialFilter, bool bListMDD, bool bShowMetadata, char** papszExtraMDDomains, bool bFeatureCount, bool bExtent, const char* pszWKTFormat ) { OGRFeatureDefn *poDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Set filters if provided. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( pszWHERE != nullptr ) { if( poLayer->SetAttributeFilter(pszWHERE) != OGRERR_NONE ) { printf("FAILURE: SetAttributeFilter(%s) failed.\n", pszWHERE); exit(1); } } if( poSpatialFilter != nullptr ) { if( pszGeomField != nullptr ) { const int iGeomField = poDefn->GetGeomFieldIndex(pszGeomField); if( iGeomField >= 0 ) poLayer->SetSpatialFilter(iGeomField, poSpatialFilter); else printf("WARNING: Cannot find geometry field %s.\n", pszGeomField); } else { poLayer->SetSpatialFilter(poSpatialFilter); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Report various overall information. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( !bSuperQuiet ) { printf("\n"); printf("Layer name: %s\n", poLayer->GetName()); } GDALInfoReportMetadata(static_cast<GDALMajorObjectH>(poLayer), bListMDD, bShowMetadata, papszExtraMDDomains); if( bVerbose ) { const int nGeomFieldCount = poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetGeomFieldCount(); if( nGeomFieldCount > 1 ) { for(int iGeom = 0;iGeom < nGeomFieldCount; iGeom ++ ) { OGRGeomFieldDefn* poGFldDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetGeomFieldDefn(iGeom); printf("Geometry (%s): %s\n", poGFldDefn->GetNameRef(), OGRGeometryTypeToName(poGFldDefn->GetType())); } } else { printf("Geometry: %s\n", OGRGeometryTypeToName(poLayer->GetGeomType())); } if( bFeatureCount ) printf("Feature Count: " CPL_FRMT_GIB "\n", poLayer->GetFeatureCount()); OGREnvelope oExt; if( bExtent && nGeomFieldCount > 1 ) { for( int iGeom = 0;iGeom < nGeomFieldCount; iGeom ++ ) { if( poLayer->GetExtent(iGeom, &oExt, TRUE) == OGRERR_NONE ) { OGRGeomFieldDefn* poGFldDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetGeomFieldDefn(iGeom); CPLprintf("Extent (%s): (%f, %f) - (%f, %f)\n", poGFldDefn->GetNameRef(), oExt.MinX, oExt.MinY, oExt.MaxX, oExt.MaxY); } } } else if( bExtent && poLayer->GetExtent(&oExt, TRUE) == OGRERR_NONE ) { CPLprintf("Extent: (%f, %f) - (%f, %f)\n", oExt.MinX, oExt.MinY, oExt.MaxX, oExt.MaxY); } const auto displayDataAxisMapping = [](const OGRSpatialReference* poSRS) { const auto mapping = poSRS->GetDataAxisToSRSAxisMapping(); printf("Data axis to CRS axis mapping: "); for( size_t i = 0; i < mapping.size(); i++ ) { if( i > 0 ) { printf(","); } printf("%d", mapping[i]); } printf("\n"); }; if( nGeomFieldCount > 1 ) { for(int iGeom = 0;iGeom < nGeomFieldCount; iGeom ++ ) { OGRGeomFieldDefn* poGFldDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetGeomFieldDefn(iGeom); OGRSpatialReference* poSRS = poGFldDefn->GetSpatialRef(); char *pszWKT = nullptr; if( poSRS == nullptr ) { pszWKT = CPLStrdup("(unknown)"); } else { CPLString osWKTFormat("FORMAT="); osWKTFormat += pszWKTFormat; const char* const apszWKTOptions[] = { osWKTFormat.c_str(), "MULTILINE=YES", nullptr }; poSRS->exportToWkt(&pszWKT, apszWKTOptions); } printf("SRS WKT (%s):\n%s\n", poGFldDefn->GetNameRef(), pszWKT); CPLFree(pszWKT); if( poSRS ) { displayDataAxisMapping(poSRS); } } } else { char *pszWKT = nullptr; auto poSRS = poLayer->GetSpatialRef(); if( poSRS == nullptr ) { pszWKT = CPLStrdup("(unknown)"); } else { poSRS->exportToPrettyWkt(&pszWKT); } printf("Layer SRS WKT:\n%s\n", pszWKT); CPLFree(pszWKT); if( poSRS ) { displayDataAxisMapping(poSRS); } } if( strlen(poLayer->GetFIDColumn()) > 0 ) printf("FID Column = %s\n", poLayer->GetFIDColumn()); for(int iGeom = 0;iGeom < nGeomFieldCount; iGeom ++ ) { OGRGeomFieldDefn* poGFldDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetGeomFieldDefn(iGeom); if( nGeomFieldCount == 1 && EQUAL(poGFldDefn->GetNameRef(), "") && poGFldDefn->IsNullable() ) break; printf("Geometry Column "); if( nGeomFieldCount > 1 ) printf("%d ", iGeom + 1); if( !poGFldDefn->IsNullable() ) printf("NOT NULL "); printf("= %s\n", poGFldDefn->GetNameRef()); } for( int iAttr = 0; iAttr < poDefn->GetFieldCount(); iAttr++ ) { OGRFieldDefn *poField = poDefn->GetFieldDefn(iAttr); const char* pszType = (poField->GetSubType() != OFSTNone) ? CPLSPrintf( "%s(%s)", poField->GetFieldTypeName(poField->GetType()), poField->GetFieldSubTypeName(poField->GetSubType())) : poField->GetFieldTypeName(poField->GetType()); printf("%s: %s (%d.%d)", poField->GetNameRef(), pszType, poField->GetWidth(), poField->GetPrecision()); if( !poField->IsNullable() ) printf(" NOT NULL"); if( poField->GetDefault() != nullptr ) printf(" DEFAULT %s", poField->GetDefault()); printf("\n"); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Read, and dump features. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( nFetchFID == OGRNullFID && !bSummaryOnly ) { OGRFeature *poFeature = nullptr; while( (poFeature = poLayer->GetNextFeature()) != nullptr ) { if( !bSuperQuiet ) poFeature->DumpReadable(nullptr, papszOptions); OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(poFeature); } } else if( nFetchFID != OGRNullFID ) { OGRFeature *poFeature = poLayer->GetFeature(nFetchFID); if( poFeature == nullptr ) { printf("Unable to locate feature id " CPL_FRMT_GIB " on this layer.\n", nFetchFID); } else { poFeature->DumpReadable(nullptr, papszOptions); OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(poFeature); } } }
GIntBig *OGRFeatureQuery::EvaluateAgainstIndices( swq_expr_node *psExpr, OGRLayer *poLayer, GIntBig& nFIDCount ) { OGRAttrIndex *poIndex; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Does the expression meet our requirements? */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( psExpr == NULL || psExpr->eNodeType != SNT_OPERATION ) return NULL; if ((psExpr->nOperation == SWQ_OR || psExpr->nOperation == SWQ_AND) && psExpr->nSubExprCount == 2) { GIntBig nFIDCount1 = 0, nFIDCount2 = 0; GIntBig* panFIDList1 = EvaluateAgainstIndices( psExpr->papoSubExpr[0], poLayer, nFIDCount1 ); GIntBig* panFIDList2 = panFIDList1 == NULL ? NULL : EvaluateAgainstIndices( psExpr->papoSubExpr[1], poLayer, nFIDCount2 ); GIntBig* panFIDList = NULL; if (panFIDList1 != NULL && panFIDList2 != NULL) { if (psExpr->nOperation == SWQ_OR ) panFIDList = OGRORGIntBigArray(panFIDList1, nFIDCount1, panFIDList2, nFIDCount2, nFIDCount); else if (psExpr->nOperation == SWQ_AND ) panFIDList = OGRANDGIntBigArray(panFIDList1, nFIDCount1, panFIDList2, nFIDCount2, nFIDCount); } CPLFree(panFIDList1); CPLFree(panFIDList2); return panFIDList; } if( !(psExpr->nOperation == SWQ_EQ || psExpr->nOperation == SWQ_IN) || psExpr->nSubExprCount < 2 ) return NULL; swq_expr_node *poColumn = psExpr->papoSubExpr[0]; swq_expr_node *poValue = psExpr->papoSubExpr[1]; if( poColumn->eNodeType != SNT_COLUMN || poValue->eNodeType != SNT_CONSTANT ) return NULL; poIndex = poLayer->GetIndex()->GetFieldIndex( poColumn->field_index ); if( poIndex == NULL ) return NULL; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* OK, we have an index, now we need to query it. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRField sValue; OGRFieldDefn *poFieldDefn; poFieldDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetFieldDefn(poColumn->field_index); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Handle the case of an IN operation. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (psExpr->nOperation == SWQ_IN) { int nLength; GIntBig *panFIDs = NULL; int iIN; for( iIN = 1; iIN < psExpr->nSubExprCount; iIN++ ) { switch( poFieldDefn->GetType() ) { case OFTInteger: if (psExpr->papoSubExpr[iIN]->field_type == SWQ_FLOAT) sValue.Integer = (int) psExpr->papoSubExpr[iIN]->float_value; else sValue.Integer = (int) psExpr->papoSubExpr[iIN]->int_value; break; case OFTInteger64: if (psExpr->papoSubExpr[iIN]->field_type == SWQ_FLOAT) sValue.Integer64 = (GIntBig) psExpr->papoSubExpr[iIN]->float_value; else sValue.Integer64 = psExpr->papoSubExpr[iIN]->int_value; break; case OFTReal: sValue.Real = psExpr->papoSubExpr[iIN]->float_value; break; case OFTString: sValue.String = psExpr->papoSubExpr[iIN]->string_value; break; default: CPLAssert( FALSE ); return NULL; } int nFIDCount32 = 0; panFIDs = poIndex->GetAllMatches( &sValue, panFIDs, &nFIDCount32, &nLength ); nFIDCount = nFIDCount32; } if (nFIDCount > 1) { /* the returned FIDs are expected to be in sorted order */ qsort(panFIDs, (size_t)nFIDCount, sizeof(GIntBig), CompareGIntBig); } return panFIDs; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Handle equality test. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ switch( poFieldDefn->GetType() ) { case OFTInteger: if (poValue->field_type == SWQ_FLOAT) sValue.Integer = (int) poValue->float_value; else sValue.Integer = (int) poValue->int_value; break; case OFTInteger64: if (poValue->field_type == SWQ_FLOAT) sValue.Integer64 = (GIntBig) poValue->float_value; else sValue.Integer64 = poValue->int_value; break; case OFTReal: sValue.Real = poValue->float_value; break; case OFTString: sValue.String = poValue->string_value; break; default: CPLAssert( FALSE ); return NULL; } int nLength = 0; int nFIDCount32 = 0; GIntBig* panFIDs = poIndex->GetAllMatches( &sValue, NULL, &nFIDCount32, &nLength ); nFIDCount = nFIDCount32; if (nFIDCount > 1) { /* the returned FIDs are expected to be in sorted order */ qsort(panFIDs, (size_t)nFIDCount, sizeof(GIntBig), CompareGIntBig); } return panFIDs; }
// extern "C" { SEXP ogrInfo(SEXP ogrsourcename, SEXP Layer) { // return FIDs, nFields, fieldInfo SEXP ans, vec1, vec2, vec3,/*mat,*/drv, dvec; SEXP itemlist, itemnames, itemwidth, itemtype, itemTypeNames; SEXP itemlistmaxcount; #ifdef GDALV2 SEXP dFIDs; #endif /*SEXP geotype;*/ int nFIDs, nFields, iField, *nCount, pc=0; #ifdef GDALV2 GDALDriver *poDriver; GDALDataset *poDS; #else OGRDataSource *poDS; OGRSFDriver *poDriver; #endif OGRLayer *poLayer; OGRFeature *poFeature; OGRFeatureDefn *poDefn; /* OGRGeometry *poGeom;*/ installErrorHandler(); #ifdef GDALV2 poDS=(GDALDataset*) GDALOpenEx(CHAR(STRING_ELT(ogrsourcename, 0)), GDAL_OF_VECTOR, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(poDS==NULL) { uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); error("Cannot open data source"); } poDriver = poDS->GetDriver(); #else poDS=OGRSFDriverRegistrar::Open(CHAR(STRING_ELT(ogrsourcename, 0)), FALSE, &poDriver); #endif uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); if(poDS==NULL) { installErrorHandler(); #ifdef GDALV2 GDALClose( poDS ); #else OGRDataSource::DestroyDataSource( poDS ); #endif uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); // delete poDS; error("Cannot open file"); } installErrorHandler(); poLayer = poDS->GetLayerByName(CHAR(STRING_ELT(Layer, 0))); uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); if(poLayer == NULL) { installErrorHandler(); #ifdef GDALV2 GDALClose( poDS ); #else OGRDataSource::DestroyDataSource( poDS ); #endif uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); // delete poDS; error("Cannot open layer"); } // allocate a list for return values PROTECT(ans=allocVector(VECSXP,6)); pc++; PROTECT(drv=allocVector(STRSXP,1)); pc++; installErrorHandler(); #ifdef GDALV2 SET_STRING_ELT(drv, 0, mkChar(poDriver->GetDescription())); #else SET_STRING_ELT(drv, 0, mkChar(poDriver->GetName())); #endif uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans,3,drv); PROTECT(vec1=allocVector(INTSXP,1)); pc++; installErrorHandler(); #ifdef GDALV2 GIntBig nFIDs64 = poLayer->GetFeatureCount(); nFIDs = (nFIDs64 > INT_MAX) ? INT_MAX : (nFIDs64 < INT_MIN) ? INT_MIN : (int) nFIDs64; if ((GIntBig) nFIDs != nFIDs64) { warning("ogrInfo: feature count overflow"); INTEGER(vec1)[0]=NA_INTEGER; PROTECT(dFIDs=NEW_NUMERIC(1)); pc++; NUMERIC_POINTER(dFIDs)[0] = (double) nFIDs64; setAttrib(vec1, install("dFIDs"), dFIDs); } else { // store number of FIDs INTEGER(vec1)[0]=nFIDs; } #else nFIDs = poLayer->GetFeatureCount(); // store number of FIDs INTEGER(vec1)[0]=nFIDs; #endif uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); if (nFIDs == -1) { int i=0; installErrorHandler(); while( ((poFeature = poLayer->GetNextFeature()) != NULL) && i <= INT_MAX) { i++; OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( poFeature ); // delete poFeature; } uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); if (i == INT_MAX) { error("ogrInfo: undeclared feature count overflow"); } else { nFIDs = i; warning("ogrInfo: feature count not given; %d counted", nFIDs); } installErrorHandler(); poLayer->ResetReading(); uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); INTEGER(vec1)[0]=nFIDs; } SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans,0,vec1); // store other stuff.... installErrorHandler(); poDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn(); nFields = poDefn->GetFieldCount(); uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); // store number of fields PROTECT(vec2=allocVector(INTSXP,1)); pc++; INTEGER(vec2)[0]=nFields; SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans,1,vec2); installErrorHandler(); OGREnvelope oExt; if (poLayer->GetExtent(&oExt, TRUE) == OGRERR_NONE) { PROTECT(dvec=allocVector(REALSXP,4)); pc++; REAL(dvec)[0] = oExt.MinX; REAL(dvec)[1] = oExt.MinY; REAL(dvec)[2] = oExt.MaxX; REAL(dvec)[3] = oExt.MaxY; SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans,4,dvec); } uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); PROTECT(itemnames=allocVector(STRSXP,nFields)); pc++; PROTECT(itemtype=allocVector(INTSXP,nFields)); pc++; PROTECT(itemwidth=allocVector(INTSXP,nFields)); pc++; // try List types PROTECT(itemlistmaxcount=allocVector(INTSXP,nFields)); pc++; PROTECT(itemTypeNames=allocVector(STRSXP,nFields)); pc++; int listFieldCount=0; installErrorHandler(); for(iField=0; iField<nFields; iField++) { OGRFieldDefn *poField = poDefn->GetFieldDefn(iField); SET_STRING_ELT(itemnames,iField,mkChar(poField->GetNameRef())); INTEGER(itemtype)[iField]=poField->GetType(); if (INTEGER(itemtype)[iField] == OFTIntegerList || INTEGER(itemtype)[iField] == OFTRealList || INTEGER(itemtype)[iField] == OFTStringList) listFieldCount++; INTEGER(itemwidth)[iField]=poField->GetWidth(); SET_STRING_ELT(itemTypeNames,iField,mkChar(poField->GetFieldTypeName( poField->GetType()))); INTEGER(itemlistmaxcount)[iField] = 0; } uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); PROTECT(vec3=allocVector(INTSXP,1)); pc++; INTEGER(vec3)[0]=listFieldCount; SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans,5,vec3); PROTECT(itemlist=allocVector(VECSXP,5)); pc++; SET_VECTOR_ELT(itemlist,0,itemnames); SET_VECTOR_ELT(itemlist,1,itemtype); SET_VECTOR_ELT(itemlist,2,itemwidth); SET_VECTOR_ELT(itemlist,3,itemTypeNames); // try List types if (listFieldCount > 0) { poLayer->ResetReading(); OGRFeature* poFeature; nCount = (int *) R_alloc((size_t) nFields, sizeof(int)); for (iField=0; iField<nFields; iField++) nCount[iField] = 0; installErrorHandler(); OGRField* psField; while( (poFeature = poLayer->GetNextFeature()) != NULL ) { for(iField=0; iField<nFields; iField++) { psField = poFeature->GetRawFieldRef(iField); if (INTEGER(itemtype)[iField] == OFTIntegerList) { nCount[iField] = psField->IntegerList.nCount; if (nCount[iField] > INTEGER(itemlistmaxcount)[iField]) INTEGER(itemlistmaxcount)[iField] = nCount[iField]; } else if (INTEGER(itemtype)[iField] == OFTRealList) { nCount[iField] = psField->RealList.nCount; if (nCount[iField] > INTEGER(itemlistmaxcount)[iField]) INTEGER(itemlistmaxcount)[iField] = nCount[iField]; } else if (INTEGER(itemtype)[iField] == OFTStringList) { nCount[iField] = psField->StringList.nCount; if (nCount[iField] > INTEGER(itemlistmaxcount)[iField]) INTEGER(itemlistmaxcount)[iField] = nCount[iField]; } } OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( poFeature ); // delete poFeature; } uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); } SET_VECTOR_ELT(itemlist,4,itemlistmaxcount); SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans,2,itemlist); UNPROTECT(pc); installErrorHandler(); #ifdef GDALV2 GDALClose( poDS ); #else OGRDataSource::DestroyDataSource( poDS ); #endif uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); // delete poDS; return(ans); }
void DrawShape::paintMap(WPaintDevice *paintDevice) { WPainter painter(paintDevice); painter.setRenderHint(WPainter::LowQualityShadows);; if(!sfile.empty()) { vector<LABELS> label_list; OGRDataSource *poDS,*PointDS; string dfile = sfile + ".shp"; string shp = "g_4326/" + sfile + ".shp"; poDS = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::Open(shp.c_str(), FALSE ); //comment till here if(poDS==NULL) { printf( "Open failed.\n" ); exit( 1 ); } OGRLayer *poLayer; poLayer = poDS->GetLayerByName( sfile.c_str() ); // comment here OGRFeature *poFeature; OGREnvelope * psExtent = new OGREnvelope(); poLayer->GetExtent(psExtent); double xMin = psExtent->MinX; double yMin = psExtent->MinY; double xMax = psExtent->MaxX; double yMax = psExtent->MaxY; stringstream strm; strm << xMin; string exp; double scaleFactor; string bound_string = strm.str(); int size = bound_string.size(); size_t found=bound_string.find("+"); if (found!=string::npos) { exp = bound_string.substr(found+1,size); } if(exp.empty()) { stringstream strExtent; strExtent << yMin; bound_string = strExtent.str(); size = bound_string.size(); found = bound_string.find("+"); if(found!=string::npos) { exp = bound_string.substr(found+1,size); } } if(exp.empty()) { stringstream strExtent; strExtent << xMax; bound_string = strExtent.str(); size = bound_string.size(); found = bound_string.find("+"); if(found!=string::npos) { exp = bound_string.substr(found+1,size); } } if(exp.empty()) { stringstream strExtent; strExtent << yMax; bound_string = strExtent.str(); size = bound_string.size(); found = bound_string.find("+"); if(found!=string::npos) { exp = bound_string.substr(found+1,size); } } //cout << "EXXP: " << exp << endl; if(!exp.empty()) { int exponent = boost::lexical_cast<int>(exp); exponent-=3; scaleFactor = pow (10,exponent); } else { //cout << "EXXP is empty " << exp << endl; scaleFactor = 1; } xMin/=scaleFactor; xMax/=scaleFactor; yMin/=scaleFactor; yMax/=scaleFactor; double gWidth = xMax - xMin; double gHeight = yMax - yMin; double widthFactor = 1; double pwidth = abs(gWidth-gHeight); double s = gWidth - gHeight; if(s<0.16) gWidth = gHeight + 0.16; double ratio=gWidth/gHeight; //for zoom n pan if(increase_width<100 && increase_height<100){ painter.setWindow(xMin +(-x_pos_shift+increase_width/2)/100*gWidth* widthFactor, yMax+(y_pos_shift-increase_height/2)/100*gHeight * widthFactor, gWidth* widthFactor*(100-increase_width)/100, gHeight * widthFactor*(-1+increase_height/100)); brush.setStyle(SolidPattern); brush.setColor(backcolor); painter.setBrush(brush); painter.drawRect(xMin +(-x_pos_shift+increase_width/2)/100*gWidth* widthFactor, yMax+(y_pos_shift-increase_height/2)/100*gHeight * widthFactor, gWidth* widthFactor*(100-increase_width)/100, gHeight * widthFactor*(-1+increase_height/100)); } else{ painter.setWindow(xMin +x_pos_shift, yMax-y_pos_shift, 0, 0); } // for normal picture //painter.setWindow(xMin , yMax, gWidth* widthFactor, -gHeight * widthFactor); pwidth/=480; pwidth*=4; //if(iwidth<0.06) // iwidth=0.06; if(iwidth == 0.0015){ pen.setWidth(pwidth); } else { pen.setWidth(iwidth); } //std::cerr<<pwidth<<" "<<iwidth<<"\n"; pen.setColor(bordercolor); brush.setStyle(SolidPattern); brush.setColor(fillcolor); font= new WFont(); font->setSize(WLength(labelpercentage*gWidth*widthFactor)); painter.setFont(*font); painter.setPen(pen); painter.setBrush(brush); WPainterPath path; poLayer->ResetReading(); OGRPoint *centroid = new OGRPoint(); char label[100]; while( (poFeature = poLayer->GetNextFeature()) != NULL ) { centroid->empty(); label[0]=0; if(labelindex>0) { OGRFeatureDefn *PointFDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn(); OGRFieldDefn *PointFieldDefn = PointFDefn->GetFieldDefn(labelindex-1); if( PointFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTInteger ) sprintf(label, "%d", poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger(labelindex-1) ); else if( PointFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTReal ) sprintf(label, "%.3f", poFeature->GetFieldAsDouble(labelindex-1) ); else if( PointFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTString ) sprintf(label, "%s", poFeature->GetFieldAsString(labelindex-1) ); else sprintf(label, "%s", poFeature->GetFieldAsString(labelindex-1) ); } OGRGeometry *poGeometry; poGeometry = poFeature->GetGeometryRef(); if( poGeometry != NULL && wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbPoint ) { OGRPoint *poPoint = (OGRPoint *) poGeometry; double x = poPoint->getX(); double y = poPoint->getY(); //painter.drawPoint(x/scaleFactor,y/scaleFactor); painter.drawEllipse(x/scaleFactor-0.005*gWidth*widthFactor,y/scaleFactor-0.005*gWidth*widthFactor,0.01*gWidth*widthFactor,0.01*gWidth*widthFactor); poGeometry->Centroid(centroid); } //end wkbpoint else if( poGeometry != NULL && wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbLineString ) { OGRLineString *poPoint = (OGRLineString *) poGeometry; for(int i=0;i<poPoint->getNumPoints();i++) { double x=poPoint->getX(i) ; double y = poPoint->getY(i); x/=scaleFactor; y/=scaleFactor; if(i==0) path = WPainterPath( WPointF(x, y)); else path.lineTo( x , y); } painter.drawPath(path); poGeometry->Centroid(centroid); } else if( (poGeometry != NULL) && wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbPolygon) { OGRPolygon *poPoint = (OGRPolygon *) poGeometry; OGRLinearRing *extring = poPoint->getExteriorRing(); int n = extring->getNumPoints(); double x, y; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { x = extring->getX(i); y = extring->getY(i); x/=scaleFactor; y/=scaleFactor; if(i==0) path = WPainterPath( WPointF(x , y)); else path.lineTo( x , y); } painter.drawPath(path); poGeometry->Centroid(centroid); } else if( (poGeometry != NULL) && wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiPolygon) { double x, y; OGRMultiPolygon *poPoint = (OGRMultiPolygon *) poGeometry; int p = poPoint->getNumGeometries(); for(int k=0;k<p;k++) { OGRGeometry* geom = poPoint->getGeometryRef(k); OGRPolygon *poly = (OGRPolygon *) geom; OGRLinearRing *ring = poly->getExteriorRing(); for(int i=0;i<ring->getNumPoints();i++) { x = ring->getX(i); y = ring->getY(i); x/=scaleFactor; y/=scaleFactor; if(i==0) path = WPainterPath( WPointF(x , y)); else path.lineTo( x , y); } painter.drawPath(path); poGeometry->Centroid(centroid); } } if(labelindex>0 && !centroid->IsEmpty()){ LABELS l={centroid->getX(),centroid->getY(),label}; label_list.push_back(l); } } painter.restore(); //labelling the contents if(increase_width<100 && increase_height<100){ painter.setWindow(0.0, 0.0, (paintDevice->width()).value(),(paintDevice->height()).value()); font= new WFont(WFont::SansSerif); font->setSize(WLength(10*labelpercentage)); painter.setFont(*font); pen.setColor(labelcolor); painter.setPen(pen); std::vector<LABELS>::iterator the_iterator = label_list.begin(); double x, y, minx=(xMin+(-x_pos_shift+increase_width/2)/100*gWidth* widthFactor),miny=(yMax+(y_pos_shift-increase_height/2)/100*gHeight*widthFactor); double multx=(paintDevice->width().value())/(gWidth* widthFactor*(100-increase_width)/100); double multy=(paintDevice->height().value())/(gHeight*widthFactor*(-1+increase_height/100)); while( the_iterator != label_list.end() ) { x=((*the_iterator).x/scaleFactor-minx)*multx; y=((*the_iterator).y/scaleFactor-miny)*multy; painter.drawText(WRectF( x-(*the_iterator).label.size()*5*labelpercentage, y-5*labelpercentage, (*the_iterator).label.size() *10*labelpercentage,10*labelpercentage),AlignCenter,(*the_iterator).label); ++the_iterator; } pen.setColor(red); painter.setPen(pen); painter.setFont(*font); //painter.drawText(WRectF(paintDevice->width().value()-dfile.size()*10*labelpercentage,paintDevice->height().value()-10*labelpercentage*(paintDevice->height()).value(), dfile.size()*10*labelpercentage,10*labelpercentage ),AlignCenter,dfile); //this text is not seen in the picture when painted. } } }
void ogr_datasource::init(mapnik::parameters const& params) { #ifdef MAPNIK_STATS mapnik::progress_timer __stats__(std::clog, "ogr_datasource::init"); #endif // initialize ogr formats // NOTE: in GDAL >= 2.0 this is the same as GDALAllRegister() OGRRegisterAll(); boost::optional<std::string> file = params.get<std::string>("file"); boost::optional<std::string> string = params.get<std::string>("string"); if (!string) string = params.get<std::string>("inline"); if (! file && ! string) { throw datasource_exception("missing <file> or <string> parameter"); } if (string) { dataset_name_ = *string; } else { boost::optional<std::string> base = params.get<std::string>("base"); if (base) { dataset_name_ = *base + "/" + *file; } else { dataset_name_ = *file; } } std::string driver = *params.get<std::string>("driver",""); if (! driver.empty()) { #if GDAL_VERSION_MAJOR >= 2 unsigned int nOpenFlags = GDAL_OF_READONLY | GDAL_OF_VECTOR; const char* papszAllowedDrivers[] = { driver.c_str(), nullptr }; dataset_ = reinterpret_cast<gdal_dataset_type>(GDALOpenEx(dataset_name_.c_str(),nOpenFlags,papszAllowedDrivers, nullptr, nullptr)); #else OGRSFDriver * ogr_driver = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::GetRegistrar()->GetDriverByName(driver.c_str()); if (ogr_driver && ogr_driver != nullptr) { dataset_ = ogr_driver->Open((dataset_name_).c_str(), false); } #endif } else { // open ogr driver #if GDAL_VERSION_MAJOR >= 2 dataset_ = reinterpret_cast<gdal_dataset_type>(OGROpen(dataset_name_.c_str(), false, nullptr)); #else dataset_ = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::Open(dataset_name_.c_str(), false); #endif } if (! dataset_) { const std::string err = CPLGetLastErrorMsg(); if (err.size() == 0) { throw datasource_exception("OGR Plugin: connection failed: " + dataset_name_ + " was not found or is not a supported format"); } else { throw datasource_exception("OGR Plugin: " + err); } } // initialize layer boost::optional<std::string> layer_by_name = params.get<std::string>("layer"); boost::optional<mapnik::value_integer> layer_by_index = params.get<mapnik::value_integer>("layer_by_index"); boost::optional<std::string> layer_by_sql = params.get<std::string>("layer_by_sql"); int passed_parameters = 0; passed_parameters += layer_by_name ? 1 : 0; passed_parameters += layer_by_index ? 1 : 0; passed_parameters += layer_by_sql ? 1 : 0; if (passed_parameters > 1) { throw datasource_exception("OGR Plugin: you can only select an ogr layer by name " "('layer' parameter), by number ('layer_by_index' parameter), " "or by sql ('layer_by_sql' parameter), " "do not supply 2 or more of them at the same time" ); } if (layer_by_name) { layer_name_ = *layer_by_name; layer_.layer_by_name(dataset_, layer_name_); } else if (layer_by_index) { int num_layers = dataset_->GetLayerCount(); if (*layer_by_index >= num_layers) { std::ostringstream s; s << "OGR Plugin: only " << num_layers << " layer(s) exist, cannot find layer by index '" << *layer_by_index << "'"; throw datasource_exception(s.str()); } layer_.layer_by_index(dataset_, *layer_by_index); layer_name_ = layer_.layer_name(); } else if (layer_by_sql) { #ifdef MAPNIK_STATS mapnik::progress_timer __stats_sql__(std::clog, "ogr_datasource::init(layer_by_sql)"); #endif layer_.layer_by_sql(dataset_, *layer_by_sql); layer_name_ = layer_.layer_name(); } else { std::string s("OGR Plugin: missing <layer> or <layer_by_index> or <layer_by_sql> parameter, available layers are: "); unsigned num_layers = dataset_->GetLayerCount(); bool layer_found = false; std::vector<std::string> layer_names; for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_layers; ++i ) { OGRLayer* ogr_layer = dataset_->GetLayer(i); OGRFeatureDefn* ogr_layer_def = ogr_layer->GetLayerDefn(); if (ogr_layer_def != 0) { layer_found = true; layer_names.push_back(std::string("'") + ogr_layer_def->GetName() + std::string("'")); } } if (! layer_found) { s += "None (no layers were found in dataset)"; } else { s += boost::algorithm::join(layer_names,", "); } throw datasource_exception(s); } if (! layer_.is_valid()) { std::ostringstream s; s << "OGR Plugin: "; if (layer_by_name) { s << "cannot find layer by name '" << *layer_by_name; } else if (layer_by_index) { s << "cannot find layer by index number '" << *layer_by_index; } else if (layer_by_sql) { s << "cannot find layer by sql query '" << *layer_by_sql; } s << "' in dataset '" << dataset_name_ << "'"; throw datasource_exception(s.str()); } // work with real OGR layer OGRLayer* layer = layer_.layer(); // initialize envelope boost::optional<std::string> ext = params.get<std::string>("extent"); if (ext && !ext->empty()) { extent_.from_string(*ext); } else { OGREnvelope envelope; OGRErr e = layer->GetExtent(&envelope); if (e == OGRERR_FAILURE) { if (layer->GetFeatureCount() == 0) { MAPNIK_LOG_ERROR(ogr) << "could not determine extent, layer '" << layer->GetLayerDefn()->GetName() << "' appears to have no features"; } else { std::ostringstream s; s << "OGR Plugin: Cannot determine extent for layer '" << layer->GetLayerDefn()->GetName() << "'. Please provide a manual extent string (minx,miny,maxx,maxy)."; throw datasource_exception(s.str()); } } extent_.init(envelope.MinX, envelope.MinY, envelope.MaxX, envelope.MaxY); } // scan for index file // TODO - layer names don't match dataset name, so this will break for // any layer types of ogr than shapefiles, etc // fix here and in ogrindex size_t breakpoint = dataset_name_.find_last_of("."); if (breakpoint == std::string::npos) { breakpoint = dataset_name_.length(); } index_name_ = dataset_name_.substr(0, breakpoint) + ".ogrindex"; #if defined (_WINDOWS) std::ifstream index_file(mapnik::utf8_to_utf16(index_name_), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); #else std::ifstream index_file(index_name_.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); #endif if (index_file) { indexed_ = true; index_file.close(); } #if 0 // TODO - enable this warning once the ogrindex tool is a bit more stable/mature else { MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(ogr) << "ogr_datasource: no ogrindex file found for " << dataset_name_ << ", use the 'ogrindex' program to build an index for faster rendering"; } #endif #ifdef MAPNIK_STATS mapnik::progress_timer __stats2__(std::clog, "ogr_datasource::init(get_column_description)"); #endif // deal with attributes descriptions OGRFeatureDefn* def = layer->GetLayerDefn(); if (def != 0) { const int fld_count = def->GetFieldCount(); for (int i = 0; i < fld_count; i++) { OGRFieldDefn* fld = def->GetFieldDefn(i); const std::string fld_name = fld->GetNameRef(); const OGRFieldType type_oid = fld->GetType(); switch (type_oid) { case OFTInteger: desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::Integer)); break; case OFTReal: desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::Double)); break; case OFTString: case OFTWideString: // deprecated desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::String)); break; case OFTBinary: desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::Object)); break; case OFTIntegerList: case OFTRealList: case OFTStringList: case OFTWideStringList: // deprecated ! MAPNIK_LOG_WARN(ogr) << "ogr_datasource: Unhandled type_oid=" << type_oid; break; case OFTDate: case OFTTime: case OFTDateTime: // unhandled ! desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::Object)); MAPNIK_LOG_WARN(ogr) << "ogr_datasource: Unhandled type_oid=" << type_oid; break; } } } mapnik::parameters & extra_params = desc_.get_extra_parameters(); OGRSpatialReference * srs_ref = layer->GetSpatialRef(); char * srs_output = NULL; if (srs_ref && srs_ref->exportToProj4( &srs_output ) == OGRERR_NONE ) { extra_params["proj4"] = mapnik::util::trim_copy(srs_output); } CPLFree(srs_output); }
int main( int nArgc, char ** papszArgv ) { int nFirstSourceDataset = -1, bLayersWildcarded = TRUE, iArg; const char *pszFormat = "ESRI Shapefile"; const char *pszTileIndexField = "LOCATION"; const char *pszOutputName = NULL; int write_absolute_path = FALSE; int skip_different_projection = FALSE; char* current_path = NULL; int accept_different_schemas = FALSE; int bFirstWarningForNonMatchingAttributes = TRUE; /* Check strict compilation and runtime library version as we use C++ API */ if (! GDAL_CHECK_VERSION(papszArgv[0])) exit(1); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Register format(s). */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRRegisterAll(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Processing command line arguments. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for( iArg = 1; iArg < nArgc; iArg++ ) { if( EQUAL(papszArgv[iArg], "--utility_version") ) { printf("%s was compiled against GDAL %s and is running against GDAL %s\n", papszArgv[0], GDAL_RELEASE_NAME, GDALVersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME")); return 0; } else if( EQUAL(papszArgv[iArg],"-f") && iArg < nArgc-1 ) { pszFormat = papszArgv[++iArg]; } else if( EQUAL(papszArgv[iArg],"-write_absolute_path")) { write_absolute_path = TRUE; } else if( EQUAL(papszArgv[iArg],"-skip_different_projection")) { skip_different_projection = TRUE; } else if( EQUAL(papszArgv[iArg],"-accept_different_schemas")) { accept_different_schemas = TRUE; } else if( EQUAL(papszArgv[iArg],"-tileindex") && iArg < nArgc-1 ) { pszTileIndexField = papszArgv[++iArg]; } else if( EQUAL(papszArgv[iArg],"-lnum") || EQUAL(papszArgv[iArg],"-lname") ) { iArg++; bLayersWildcarded = FALSE; } else if( papszArgv[iArg][0] == '-' ) Usage(); else if( pszOutputName == NULL ) pszOutputName = papszArgv[iArg]; else if( nFirstSourceDataset == -1 ) nFirstSourceDataset = iArg; } if( pszOutputName == NULL || nFirstSourceDataset == -1 ) Usage(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Try to open as an existing dataset for update access. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ GDALDataset *poDstDS; OGRLayer *poDstLayer = NULL; poDstDS = (GDALDataset*) OGROpen( pszOutputName, TRUE, NULL ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If that failed, find the driver so we can create the tile index.*/ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( poDstDS == NULL ) { OGRSFDriverRegistrar *poR = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::GetRegistrar(); GDALDriver *poDriver = NULL; int iDriver; for( iDriver = 0; iDriver < poR->GetDriverCount() && poDriver == NULL; iDriver++ ) { if( EQUAL(poR->GetDriver(iDriver)->GetDescription(),pszFormat) ) { poDriver = poR->GetDriver(iDriver); } } if( poDriver == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unable to find driver `%s'.\n", pszFormat ); fprintf( stderr, "The following drivers are available:\n" ); for( iDriver = 0; iDriver < poR->GetDriverCount(); iDriver++ ) { fprintf( stderr, " -> `%s'\n", poR->GetDriver(iDriver)->GetDescription() ); } exit( 1 ); } if( !CSLTestBoolean( CSLFetchNameValueDef(poDriver->GetMetadata(), GDAL_DCAP_CREATE, "FALSE") ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s driver does not support data source creation.\n", pszFormat ); exit( 1 ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Now create it. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ poDstDS = poDriver->Create( pszOutputName, 0, 0, 0, GDT_Unknown, NULL ); if( poDstDS == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s driver failed to create %s\n", pszFormat, pszOutputName ); exit( 1 ); } if( poDstDS->GetLayerCount() == 0 ) { OGRFieldDefn oLocation( pszTileIndexField, OFTString ); oLocation.SetWidth( 200 ); if( nFirstSourceDataset < nArgc && papszArgv[nFirstSourceDataset][0] == '-' ) { nFirstSourceDataset++; } OGRSpatialReference* poSrcSpatialRef = NULL; /* Fetches the SRS of the first layer and use it when creating the tileindex layer */ if (nFirstSourceDataset < nArgc) { GDALDataset* poDS = (GDALDataset*) OGROpen(papszArgv[nFirstSourceDataset], FALSE, NULL); if (poDS) { int iLayer; for( iLayer = 0; iLayer < poDS->GetLayerCount(); iLayer++ ) { int bRequested = bLayersWildcarded; OGRLayer *poLayer = poDS->GetLayer(iLayer); for( iArg = 1; iArg < nArgc && !bRequested; iArg++ ) { if( EQUAL(papszArgv[iArg],"-lnum") && atoi(papszArgv[iArg+1]) == iLayer ) bRequested = TRUE; else if( EQUAL(papszArgv[iArg],"-lname") && EQUAL(papszArgv[iArg+1], poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetName()) ) bRequested = TRUE; } if( !bRequested ) continue; if ( poLayer->GetSpatialRef() ) poSrcSpatialRef = poLayer->GetSpatialRef()->Clone(); break; } } GDALClose( (GDALDatasetH)poDS ); } poDstLayer = poDstDS->CreateLayer( "tileindex", poSrcSpatialRef ); poDstLayer->CreateField( &oLocation, OFTString ); OGRSpatialReference::DestroySpatialReference( poSrcSpatialRef ); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Identify target layer and field. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int iTileIndexField; poDstLayer = poDstDS->GetLayer(0); if( poDstLayer == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't find any layer in output tileindex!\n" ); exit( 1 ); } iTileIndexField = poDstLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetFieldIndex( pszTileIndexField ); if( iTileIndexField == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't find %s field in tile index dataset.\n", pszTileIndexField ); exit( 1 ); } OGRFeatureDefn* poFeatureDefn = NULL; /* Load in memory existing file names in SHP */ int nExistingLayers = 0; char** existingLayersTab = NULL; OGRSpatialReference* alreadyExistingSpatialRef = NULL; int alreadyExistingSpatialRefValid = FALSE; nExistingLayers = poDstLayer->GetFeatureCount(); if (nExistingLayers) { int i; existingLayersTab = (char**)CPLMalloc(nExistingLayers * sizeof(char*)); for(i=0;i<nExistingLayers;i++) { OGRFeature* feature = poDstLayer->GetNextFeature(); existingLayersTab[i] = CPLStrdup(feature->GetFieldAsString( iTileIndexField)); if (i == 0) { GDALDataset *poDS; char* filename = CPLStrdup(existingLayersTab[i]); int j; for(j=strlen(filename)-1;j>=0;j--) { if (filename[j] == ',') break; } if (j >= 0) { int iLayer = atoi(filename + j + 1); filename[j] = 0; poDS = (GDALDataset*) OGROpen(filename, FALSE, NULL); if (poDS) { OGRLayer *poLayer = poDS->GetLayer(iLayer); if (poLayer) { alreadyExistingSpatialRefValid = TRUE; alreadyExistingSpatialRef = (poLayer->GetSpatialRef()) ? poLayer->GetSpatialRef()->Clone() : NULL; if (poFeatureDefn == NULL) poFeatureDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->Clone(); } GDALClose( (GDALDatasetH)poDS ); } } } } } if (write_absolute_path) { current_path = CPLGetCurrentDir(); if (current_path == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "This system does not support the CPLGetCurrentDir call. " "The option -write_absolute_path will have no effect\n"); write_absolute_path = FALSE; } } /* ==================================================================== */ /* Process each input datasource in turn. */ /* ==================================================================== */ for(; nFirstSourceDataset < nArgc; nFirstSourceDataset++ ) { int i; GDALDataset *poDS; if( papszArgv[nFirstSourceDataset][0] == '-' ) { nFirstSourceDataset++; continue; } char* fileNameToWrite; VSIStatBuf sStatBuf; if (write_absolute_path && CPLIsFilenameRelative( papszArgv[nFirstSourceDataset] ) && VSIStat( papszArgv[nFirstSourceDataset], &sStatBuf ) == 0) { fileNameToWrite = CPLStrdup(CPLProjectRelativeFilename(current_path,papszArgv[nFirstSourceDataset])); } else { fileNameToWrite = CPLStrdup(papszArgv[nFirstSourceDataset]); } poDS = (GDALDataset*) OGROpen( papszArgv[nFirstSourceDataset], FALSE, NULL ); if( poDS == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to open dataset %s, skipping.\n", papszArgv[nFirstSourceDataset] ); CPLFree(fileNameToWrite); continue; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check all layers, and see if they match requests. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int iLayer; for( iLayer = 0; iLayer < poDS->GetLayerCount(); iLayer++ ) { int bRequested = bLayersWildcarded; OGRLayer *poLayer = poDS->GetLayer(iLayer); for( iArg = 1; iArg < nArgc && !bRequested; iArg++ ) { if( EQUAL(papszArgv[iArg],"-lnum") && atoi(papszArgv[iArg+1]) == iLayer ) bRequested = TRUE; else if( EQUAL(papszArgv[iArg],"-lname") && EQUAL(papszArgv[iArg+1], poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetName()) ) bRequested = TRUE; } if( !bRequested ) continue; /* Checks that the layer is not already in tileindex */ for(i=0;i<nExistingLayers;i++) { char szLocation[5000]; sprintf( szLocation, "%s,%d", fileNameToWrite, iLayer ); if (EQUAL(szLocation, existingLayersTab[i])) { fprintf(stderr, "Layer %d of %s is already in tileindex. Skipping it.\n", iLayer, papszArgv[nFirstSourceDataset]); break; } } if (i != nExistingLayers) { continue; } OGRSpatialReference* spatialRef = poLayer->GetSpatialRef(); if (alreadyExistingSpatialRefValid) { if ((spatialRef != NULL && alreadyExistingSpatialRef != NULL && spatialRef->IsSame(alreadyExistingSpatialRef) == FALSE) || ((spatialRef != NULL) != (alreadyExistingSpatialRef != NULL))) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning : layer %d of %s is not using the same projection system as " "other files in the tileindex. This may cause problems when " "using it in MapServer for example.%s\n", iLayer, papszArgv[nFirstSourceDataset], (skip_different_projection) ? " Skipping it" : ""); if (skip_different_projection) { continue; } } } else { alreadyExistingSpatialRefValid = TRUE; alreadyExistingSpatialRef = (spatialRef) ? spatialRef->Clone() : NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Check if all layers in dataset have the same attributes schema. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( poFeatureDefn == NULL ) { poFeatureDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->Clone(); } else if ( !accept_different_schemas ) { OGRFeatureDefn* poFeatureDefnCur = poLayer->GetLayerDefn(); assert(NULL != poFeatureDefnCur); int fieldCount = poFeatureDefnCur->GetFieldCount(); if( fieldCount != poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount()) { fprintf( stderr, "Number of attributes of layer %s of %s does not match ... skipping it.\n", poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetName(), papszArgv[nFirstSourceDataset]); if (bFirstWarningForNonMatchingAttributes) { fprintf( stderr, "Note : you can override this behaviour with -accept_different_schemas option\n" "but this may result in a tileindex incompatible with MapServer\n"); bFirstWarningForNonMatchingAttributes = FALSE; } continue; } int bSkip = FALSE; for( int fn = 0; fn < poFeatureDefnCur->GetFieldCount(); fn++ ) { OGRFieldDefn* poField = poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(fn); OGRFieldDefn* poFieldCur = poFeatureDefnCur->GetFieldDefn(fn); /* XXX - Should those pointers be checked against NULL? */ assert(NULL != poField); assert(NULL != poFieldCur); if( poField->GetType() != poFieldCur->GetType() || poField->GetWidth() != poFieldCur->GetWidth() || poField->GetPrecision() != poFieldCur->GetPrecision() || !EQUAL( poField->GetNameRef(), poFieldCur->GetNameRef() ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Schema of attributes of layer %s of %s does not match ... skipping it.\n", poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetName(), papszArgv[nFirstSourceDataset]); if (bFirstWarningForNonMatchingAttributes) { fprintf( stderr, "Note : you can override this behaviour with -accept_different_schemas option\n" "but this may result in a tileindex incompatible with MapServer\n"); bFirstWarningForNonMatchingAttributes = FALSE; } bSkip = TRUE; break; } } if (bSkip) continue; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Get layer extents, and create a corresponding polygon */ /* geometry. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGREnvelope sExtents; OGRPolygon oRegion; OGRLinearRing oRing; if( poLayer->GetExtent( &sExtents, TRUE ) != OGRERR_NONE ) { fprintf( stderr, "GetExtent() failed on layer %s of %s, skipping.\n", poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetName(), papszArgv[nFirstSourceDataset] ); continue; } oRing.addPoint( sExtents.MinX, sExtents.MinY ); oRing.addPoint( sExtents.MinX, sExtents.MaxY ); oRing.addPoint( sExtents.MaxX, sExtents.MaxY ); oRing.addPoint( sExtents.MaxX, sExtents.MinY ); oRing.addPoint( sExtents.MinX, sExtents.MinY ); oRegion.addRing( &oRing ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Add layer to tileindex. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char szLocation[5000]; OGRFeature oTileFeat( poDstLayer->GetLayerDefn() ); sprintf( szLocation, "%s,%d", fileNameToWrite, iLayer ); oTileFeat.SetGeometry( &oRegion ); oTileFeat.SetField( iTileIndexField, szLocation ); if( poDstLayer->CreateFeature( &oTileFeat ) != OGRERR_NONE ) { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to create feature on tile index ... terminating." ); GDALClose( (GDALDatasetH) poDstDS ); exit( 1 ); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Cleanup this data source. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLFree(fileNameToWrite); GDALClose( (GDALDatasetH)poDS ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Close tile index and clear buffers. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ GDALClose( (GDALDatasetH) poDstDS ); OGRFeatureDefn::DestroyFeatureDefn( poFeatureDefn ); if (alreadyExistingSpatialRef != NULL) OGRSpatialReference::DestroySpatialReference( alreadyExistingSpatialRef ); CPLFree(current_path); if (nExistingLayers) { int i; for(i=0;i<nExistingLayers;i++) { CPLFree(existingLayersTab[i]); } CPLFree(existingLayersTab); } OGRCleanupAll(); return 0; }
void ogr_datasource::bind() const { if (is_bound_) return; // initialize ogr formats OGRRegisterAll(); // open ogr driver dataset_ = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::Open ((dataset_name_).c_str(), FALSE); if (!dataset_) { std::string err = CPLGetLastErrorMsg(); if( err.size() == 0 ) { throw datasource_exception("OGR Plugin: connection failed: " + dataset_name_ + " was not found or is not a supported format"); } else { throw datasource_exception("OGR Plugin: " + err); } } // initialize layer boost::optional<std::string> layer_by_name = params_.get<std::string>("layer"); boost::optional<unsigned> layer_by_index = params_.get<unsigned>("layer_by_index"); if (layer_by_name && layer_by_index) throw datasource_exception("OGR Plugin: you can only select an ogr layer by name ('layer' parameter) or by number ('layer_by_index' parameter), do not supply both parameters" ); if (layer_by_name) { layerName_ = *layer_by_name; layer_ = dataset_->GetLayerByName (layerName_.c_str()); } else if (layer_by_index) { unsigned num_layers = dataset_->GetLayerCount(); if (*layer_by_index >= num_layers) { std::ostringstream s; s << "OGR Plugin: only "; s << num_layers; s << " layer(s) exist, cannot find layer by index '" << *layer_by_index << "'"; throw datasource_exception(s.str()); } OGRLayer *ogr_layer = dataset_->GetLayer(*layer_by_index); if (ogr_layer) { OGRFeatureDefn* def = ogr_layer->GetLayerDefn(); if (def != 0) { layerName_ = def->GetName(); layer_ = ogr_layer; } } } else { std::ostringstream s; s << "OGR Plugin: missing <layer> or <layer_by_index> parameter, available layers are: "; unsigned num_layers = dataset_->GetLayerCount(); bool found = false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_layers; ++i ) { OGRLayer *ogr_layer = dataset_->GetLayer(i); OGRFeatureDefn* def = ogr_layer->GetLayerDefn(); if (def != 0) { found = true; s << " '" << def->GetName() << "' "; } } if (!found) { s << "None (no layers were found in dataset)"; } throw datasource_exception(s.str()); } if (!layer_) { std::string s("OGR Plugin: "); if (layer_by_name) s += "cannot find layer by name '" + *layer_by_name; else if (layer_by_index) s += "cannot find layer by index number '" + *layer_by_index; s += "' in dataset '" + dataset_name_ + "'"; throw datasource_exception(s); } // initialize envelope OGREnvelope envelope; layer_->GetExtent (&envelope); extent_.init (envelope.MinX, envelope.MinY, envelope.MaxX, envelope.MaxY); // scan for index file // TODO - layer names don't match dataset name, so this will break for // any layer types of ogr than shapefiles, etc // fix here and in ogrindex size_t breakpoint = dataset_name_.find_last_of ("."); if (breakpoint == std::string::npos) breakpoint = dataset_name_.length(); index_name_ = dataset_name_.substr(0, breakpoint) + ".ogrindex"; std::ifstream index_file (index_name_.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if (index_file) { indexed_=true; index_file.close(); } // enable this warning once the ogrindex tool is a bit more stable/mature //else /*{ std::clog << "### Notice: no ogrindex file found for " + dataset_name_ + ", use the 'ogrindex' program to build an index for faster rendering\n"; }*/ // deal with attributes descriptions OGRFeatureDefn* def = layer_->GetLayerDefn (); if (def != 0) { int fld_count = def->GetFieldCount (); for (int i = 0; i < fld_count; i++) { OGRFieldDefn* fld = def->GetFieldDefn (i); std::string fld_name = fld->GetNameRef (); OGRFieldType type_oid = fld->GetType (); switch (type_oid) { case OFTInteger: desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name,mapnik::Integer)); break; case OFTReal: desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name,mapnik::Double)); break; case OFTString: case OFTWideString: // deprecated desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name,mapnik::String)); break; case OFTBinary: desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name,mapnik::Object)); break; case OFTIntegerList: case OFTRealList: case OFTStringList: case OFTWideStringList: // deprecated ! #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG std::clog << "OGR Plugin: unhandled type_oid=" << type_oid << std::endl; #endif break; case OFTDate: case OFTTime: case OFTDateTime: // unhandled ! #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG std::clog << "OGR Plugin: unhandled type_oid=" << type_oid << std::endl; #endif desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name,mapnik::Object)); break; default: // unknown #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG std::clog << "OGR Plugin: unknown type_oid=" << type_oid << std::endl; #endif break; } } } is_bound_ = true; }
static void ReportOnLayer( OGRLayer * poLayer, int bVerbose ) { OGRFeatureDefn *poDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Report various overall information. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ printf( "\n" ); printf( "Layer name: %s\n", poLayer->GetName() ); if( bVerbose ) { int nGeomFieldCount = poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetGeomFieldCount(); if( nGeomFieldCount > 1 ) { for(int iGeom = 0;iGeom < nGeomFieldCount; iGeom ++ ) { OGRGeomFieldDefn* poGFldDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetGeomFieldDefn(iGeom); printf( "Geometry (%s): %s\n", poGFldDefn->GetNameRef(), OGRGeometryTypeToName( poGFldDefn->GetType() ) ); } } else { printf( "Geometry: %s\n", OGRGeometryTypeToName( poLayer->GetGeomType() ) ); } printf( "Feature Count: " CPL_FRMT_GIB "\n", poLayer->GetFeatureCount() ); OGREnvelope oExt; if( nGeomFieldCount > 1 ) { for(int iGeom = 0;iGeom < nGeomFieldCount; iGeom ++ ) { if (poLayer->GetExtent(iGeom, &oExt, TRUE) == OGRERR_NONE) { OGRGeomFieldDefn* poGFldDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetGeomFieldDefn(iGeom); CPLprintf("Extent (%s): (%f, %f) - (%f, %f)\n", poGFldDefn->GetNameRef(), oExt.MinX, oExt.MinY, oExt.MaxX, oExt.MaxY); } } } else if ( poLayer->GetExtent(&oExt, TRUE) == OGRERR_NONE) { CPLprintf("Extent: (%f, %f) - (%f, %f)\n", oExt.MinX, oExt.MinY, oExt.MaxX, oExt.MaxY); } char *pszWKT; if( nGeomFieldCount > 1 ) { for(int iGeom = 0;iGeom < nGeomFieldCount; iGeom ++ ) { OGRGeomFieldDefn* poGFldDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetGeomFieldDefn(iGeom); OGRSpatialReference* poSRS = poGFldDefn->GetSpatialRef(); if( poSRS == nullptr ) pszWKT = CPLStrdup( "(unknown)" ); else { poSRS->exportToPrettyWkt( &pszWKT ); } printf( "SRS WKT (%s):\n%s\n", poGFldDefn->GetNameRef(), pszWKT ); CPLFree( pszWKT ); } } else { if( poLayer->GetSpatialRef() == nullptr ) pszWKT = CPLStrdup( "(unknown)" ); else { poLayer->GetSpatialRef()->exportToPrettyWkt( &pszWKT ); } printf( "Layer SRS WKT:\n%s\n", pszWKT ); CPLFree( pszWKT ); } if( strlen(poLayer->GetFIDColumn()) > 0 ) printf( "FID Column = %s\n", poLayer->GetFIDColumn() ); for(int iGeom = 0;iGeom < nGeomFieldCount; iGeom ++ ) { OGRGeomFieldDefn* poGFldDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetGeomFieldDefn(iGeom); if( nGeomFieldCount == 1 && EQUAL(poGFldDefn->GetNameRef(), "") && poGFldDefn->IsNullable() ) break; printf( "Geometry Column "); if( nGeomFieldCount > 1 ) printf("%d ", iGeom + 1); if( !poGFldDefn->IsNullable() ) printf("NOT NULL "); printf("= %s\n", poGFldDefn->GetNameRef() ); } for( int iAttr = 0; iAttr < poDefn->GetFieldCount(); iAttr++ ) { OGRFieldDefn *poField = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iAttr ); const char* pszType = (poField->GetSubType() != OFSTNone) ? CPLSPrintf("%s(%s)", poField->GetFieldTypeName( poField->GetType() ), poField->GetFieldSubTypeName(poField->GetSubType())) : poField->GetFieldTypeName( poField->GetType() ); printf( "%s: %s (%d.%d)", poField->GetNameRef(), pszType, poField->GetWidth(), poField->GetPrecision() ); if( !poField->IsNullable() ) printf(" NOT NULL"); if( poField->GetDefault() != nullptr ) printf(" DEFAULT %s", poField->GetDefault() ); printf( "\n" ); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Read, and dump features. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRFeature *poFeature = nullptr; while( (poFeature = poLayer->GetNextFeature()) != nullptr ) { poFeature->DumpReadable( nullptr ); OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( poFeature ); } }
OGRLayer* OGROpenFileGDBDataSource::ExecuteSQL( const char *pszSQLCommand, OGRGeometry *poSpatialFilter, const char *pszDialect ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Special case GetLayerDefinition */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (EQUALN(pszSQLCommand, "GetLayerDefinition ", strlen("GetLayerDefinition "))) { OGROpenFileGDBLayer* poLayer = (OGROpenFileGDBLayer*) GetLayerByName(pszSQLCommand + strlen("GetLayerDefinition ")); if (poLayer) { OGRLayer* poRet = new OGROpenFileGDBSingleFeatureLayer( "LayerDefinition", poLayer->GetXMLDefinition().c_str() ); return poRet; } else return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Special case GetLayerMetadata */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (EQUALN(pszSQLCommand, "GetLayerMetadata ", strlen("GetLayerMetadata "))) { OGROpenFileGDBLayer* poLayer = (OGROpenFileGDBLayer*) GetLayerByName(pszSQLCommand + strlen("GetLayerMetadata ")); if (poLayer) { OGRLayer* poRet = new OGROpenFileGDBSingleFeatureLayer( "LayerMetadata", poLayer->GetXMLDocumentation().c_str() ); return poRet; } else return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Special case GetLayerAttrIndexUse (only for debugging purposes) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (EQUALN(pszSQLCommand, "GetLayerAttrIndexUse ", strlen("GetLayerAttrIndexUse "))) { OGROpenFileGDBLayer* poLayer = (OGROpenFileGDBLayer*) GetLayerByName(pszSQLCommand + strlen("GetLayerAttrIndexUse ")); if (poLayer) { OGRLayer* poRet = new OGROpenFileGDBSingleFeatureLayer( "LayerAttrIndexUse", CPLSPrintf("%d", poLayer->GetAttrIndexUse()) ); return poRet; } else return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Special case GetLayerSpatialIndexState (only for debugging purposes) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (EQUALN(pszSQLCommand, "GetLayerSpatialIndexState ", strlen("GetLayerSpatialIndexState "))) { OGROpenFileGDBLayer* poLayer = (OGROpenFileGDBLayer*) GetLayerByName(pszSQLCommand + strlen("GetLayerSpatialIndexState ")); if (poLayer) { OGRLayer* poRet = new OGROpenFileGDBSingleFeatureLayer( "LayerSpatialIndexState", CPLSPrintf("%d", poLayer->GetSpatialIndexState()) ); return poRet; } else return NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Special case GetLastSQLUsedOptimizedImplementation (only for debugging purposes) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (EQUAL(pszSQLCommand, "GetLastSQLUsedOptimizedImplementation")) { OGRLayer* poRet = new OGROpenFileGDBSingleFeatureLayer( "GetLastSQLUsedOptimizedImplementation", CPLSPrintf("%d", bLastSQLUsedOptimizedImplementation) ); return poRet; } bLastSQLUsedOptimizedImplementation = FALSE; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Special cases for SQL optimizations */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( EQUALN(pszSQLCommand, "SELECT ", strlen("SELECT ")) && (pszDialect == NULL || EQUAL(pszDialect, "") || EQUAL(pszDialect, "OGRSQL")) && CSLTestBoolean(CPLGetConfigOption("OPENFILEGDB_USE_INDEX", "YES")) ) { swq_select oSelect; if( oSelect.preparse(pszSQLCommand) != OGRERR_NONE ) return NULL; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* MIN/MAX/SUM/AVG/COUNT optimization */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( oSelect.join_count == 0 && oSelect.poOtherSelect == NULL && oSelect.table_count == 1 && oSelect.order_specs == 0 && oSelect.query_mode != SWQM_DISTINCT_LIST ) { OGROpenFileGDBLayer* poLayer = (OGROpenFileGDBLayer*)GetLayerByName( oSelect.table_defs[0].table_name); if( poLayer ) { OGRMemLayer* poMemLayer = NULL; int i; for(i = 0; i < oSelect.result_columns; i ++ ) { swq_col_func col_func = oSelect.column_defs[i].col_func; if( !(col_func == SWQCF_MIN || col_func == SWQCF_MAX || col_func == SWQCF_COUNT || col_func == SWQCF_AVG || col_func == SWQCF_SUM) ) break; if( oSelect.column_defs[i].field_name == NULL ) break; if( oSelect.column_defs[i].distinct_flag ) break; if( oSelect.column_defs[i].target_type != SWQ_OTHER ) break; int idx = poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetFieldIndex( oSelect.column_defs[i].field_name); if( idx < 0 ) break; OGRFieldDefn* poFieldDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetFieldDefn(idx); if( col_func == SWQCF_SUM && poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTDateTime ) break; int eOutOGRType = -1; int nCount = 0; double dfSum = 0.0; const OGRField* psField = NULL; OGRField sField; if( col_func == SWQCF_MIN || col_func == SWQCF_MAX ) { psField = poLayer->GetMinMaxValue( poFieldDefn, col_func == SWQCF_MIN, eOutOGRType); if( eOutOGRType < 0 ) break; } else { double dfMin = 0.0, dfMax = 0.0; if( !poLayer->GetMinMaxSumCount(poFieldDefn, dfMin, dfMax, dfSum, nCount) ) break; psField = &sField; if( col_func == SWQCF_AVG ) { if( nCount == 0 ) { eOutOGRType = OFTReal; psField = NULL; } else { if( poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTDateTime ) { eOutOGRType = OFTDateTime; FileGDBDoubleDateToOGRDate(dfSum / nCount, &sField); } else { eOutOGRType = OFTReal; sField.Real = dfSum / nCount; } } } else if( col_func == SWQCF_COUNT ) { sField.Integer = nCount; eOutOGRType = OFTInteger; } else { sField.Real = dfSum; eOutOGRType = OFTReal; } } if( poMemLayer == NULL ) { poMemLayer = new OGRMemLayer("SELECT", NULL, wkbNone); OGRFeature* poFeature = new OGRFeature(poMemLayer->GetLayerDefn()); poMemLayer->CreateFeature(poFeature); delete poFeature; } const char* pszMinMaxFieldName = CPLSPrintf( "%s_%s", (col_func == SWQCF_MIN) ? "MIN" : (col_func == SWQCF_MAX) ? "MAX" : (col_func == SWQCF_AVG) ? "AVG" : (col_func == SWQCF_SUM) ? "SUM" : "COUNT", oSelect.column_defs[i].field_name); OGRFieldDefn oFieldDefn(pszMinMaxFieldName, (OGRFieldType) eOutOGRType); poMemLayer->CreateField(&oFieldDefn); if( psField != NULL ) { OGRFeature* poFeature = poMemLayer->GetFeature(0); poFeature->SetField(oFieldDefn.GetNameRef(), (OGRField*) psField); poMemLayer->SetFeature(poFeature); delete poFeature; } } if( i != oSelect.result_columns ) { delete poMemLayer; } else { CPLDebug("OpenFileGDB", "Using optimized MIN/MAX/SUM/AVG/COUNT implementation"); bLastSQLUsedOptimizedImplementation = TRUE; return poMemLayer; } } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ORDER BY optimization */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( oSelect.join_count == 0 && oSelect.poOtherSelect == NULL && oSelect.table_count == 1 && oSelect.order_specs == 1 && oSelect.query_mode != SWQM_DISTINCT_LIST ) { OGROpenFileGDBLayer* poLayer = (OGROpenFileGDBLayer*)GetLayerByName( oSelect.table_defs[0].table_name); if( poLayer != NULL && poLayer->HasIndexForField(oSelect.order_defs[0].field_name) ) { OGRErr eErr = OGRERR_NONE; if( oSelect.where_expr != NULL ) { /* The where must be a simple comparison on the column */ /* that is used for ordering */ if( oSelect.where_expr->eNodeType == SNT_OPERATION && OGROpenFileGDBIsComparisonOp(oSelect.where_expr->nOperation) && oSelect.where_expr->nOperation != SWQ_NE && oSelect.where_expr->nSubExprCount == 2 && (oSelect.where_expr->papoSubExpr[0]->eNodeType == SNT_COLUMN || oSelect.where_expr->papoSubExpr[0]->eNodeType == SNT_CONSTANT) && oSelect.where_expr->papoSubExpr[0]->field_type == SWQ_STRING && EQUAL(oSelect.where_expr->papoSubExpr[0]->string_value, oSelect.order_defs[0].field_name) && oSelect.where_expr->papoSubExpr[1]->eNodeType == SNT_CONSTANT ) { /* ok */ } else eErr = OGRERR_FAILURE; } if( eErr == OGRERR_NONE ) { int i; for(i = 0; i < oSelect.result_columns; i ++ ) { if( oSelect.column_defs[i].col_func != SWQCF_NONE ) break; if( oSelect.column_defs[i].field_name == NULL ) break; if( oSelect.column_defs[i].distinct_flag ) break; if( oSelect.column_defs[i].target_type != SWQ_OTHER ) break; if( strcmp(oSelect.column_defs[i].field_name, "*") != 0 && poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetFieldIndex( oSelect.column_defs[i].field_name) < 0 ) break; } if( i != oSelect.result_columns ) eErr = OGRERR_FAILURE; } if( eErr == OGRERR_NONE ) { int op = -1; swq_expr_node* poValue = NULL; if( oSelect.where_expr != NULL ) { op = oSelect.where_expr->nOperation; poValue = oSelect.where_expr->papoSubExpr[1]; } FileGDBIterator *poIter = poLayer->BuildIndex( oSelect.order_defs[0].field_name, oSelect.order_defs[0].ascending_flag, op, poValue); /* Check that they are no NULL values */ if( oSelect.where_expr == NULL && poIter->GetRowCount() != poLayer->GetFeatureCount(FALSE) ) { delete poIter; poIter = NULL; } if( poIter != NULL ) { CPLDebug("OpenFileGDB", "Using OGROpenFileGDBSimpleSQLLayer"); bLastSQLUsedOptimizedImplementation = TRUE; return new OGROpenFileGDBSimpleSQLLayer(poLayer, poIter, oSelect.result_columns, oSelect.column_defs); } } } } } return OGRDataSource::ExecuteSQL(pszSQLCommand, poSpatialFilter, pszDialect); }
OGRFeature *OGRDODSSequenceLayer::GetFeature( long nFeatureId ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Ensure we have the dataset. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( !ProvideDataDDS() ) return NULL; Sequence *seq = dynamic_cast<Sequence *>(poTargetVar); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Figure out what the super and subsequence number this */ /* feature will be, and validate it. If there is not super */ /* sequence the feature id is the subsequence number. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int iSubSeq = -1; if( nFeatureId < 0 || nFeatureId >= nRecordCount ) return NULL; if( poSuperSeq == NULL ) iSubSeq = nFeatureId; else { int nSeqOffset = 0, iSuperSeq; // for now we just scan through till find find out what // super sequence this in. In the long term we need a better (cached) // approach that doesn't involve this quadratic cost. for( iSuperSeq = 0; iSuperSeq < nSuperSeqCount; iSuperSeq++ ) { if( nSeqOffset + panSubSeqSize[iSuperSeq] > nFeatureId ) { iSubSeq = nFeatureId - nSeqOffset; break; } nSeqOffset += panSubSeqSize[iSuperSeq]; } CPLAssert( iSubSeq != -1 ); // Make sure we have the right target var ... the one // corresponding to our current super sequence. if( iSuperSeq != iLastSuperSeq ) { iLastSuperSeq = iSuperSeq; poTargetVar = poSuperSeq->var_value( iSuperSeq, pszSubSeqPath ); seq = dynamic_cast<Sequence *>(poTargetVar); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create the feature being read. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRFeature *poFeature; poFeature = new OGRFeature( poFeatureDefn ); poFeature->SetFID( nFeatureId ); m_nFeaturesRead++; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Process all the regular data fields. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int iField; for( iField = 0; iField < poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount(); iField++ ) { if( papoFields[iField]->pszPathToSequence ) continue; BaseType *poFieldVar = GetFieldValue( papoFields[iField], iSubSeq, NULL ); if( poFieldVar == NULL ) continue; switch( poFieldVar->type() ) { case dods_byte_c: { signed char byVal; void *pValPtr = &byVal; poFieldVar->buf2val( &pValPtr ); poFeature->SetField( iField, byVal ); } break; case dods_int16_c: { GInt16 nIntVal; void *pValPtr = &nIntVal; poFieldVar->buf2val( &pValPtr ); poFeature->SetField( iField, nIntVal ); } break; case dods_uint16_c: { GUInt16 nIntVal; void *pValPtr = &nIntVal; poFieldVar->buf2val( &pValPtr ); poFeature->SetField( iField, nIntVal ); } break; case dods_int32_c: { GInt32 nIntVal; void *pValPtr = &nIntVal; poFieldVar->buf2val( &pValPtr ); poFeature->SetField( iField, nIntVal ); } break; case dods_uint32_c: { GUInt32 nIntVal; void *pValPtr = &nIntVal; poFieldVar->buf2val( &pValPtr ); poFeature->SetField( iField, (int) nIntVal ); } break; case dods_float32_c: poFeature->SetField( iField, dynamic_cast<Float32 *>(poFieldVar)->value()); break; case dods_float64_c: poFeature->SetField( iField, dynamic_cast<Float64 *>(poFieldVar)->value()); break; case dods_str_c: case dods_url_c: { string *poStrVal = NULL; poFieldVar->buf2val( (void **) &poStrVal ); poFeature->SetField( iField, poStrVal->c_str() ); delete poStrVal; } break; default: break; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Handle data nested in sequences. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for( iField = 0; iField < poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount(); iField++ ) { OGRDODSFieldDefn *poFD = papoFields[iField]; const char *pszPathFromSubSeq; if( poFD->pszPathToSequence == NULL ) continue; CPLAssert( strlen(poFD->pszPathToSequence) < strlen(poFD->pszFieldName)-1 ); if( strstr(poFD->pszFieldName,poFD->pszPathToSequence) != NULL ) pszPathFromSubSeq = strstr(poFD->pszFieldName,poFD->pszPathToSequence) + strlen(poFD->pszPathToSequence) + 1; else continue; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Get the sequence out of which this variable will be collected. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ BaseType *poFieldVar = seq->var_value( iSubSeq, poFD->pszPathToSequence ); Sequence *poSubSeq; int nSubSeqCount; if( poFieldVar == NULL ) continue; poSubSeq = dynamic_cast<Sequence *>( poFieldVar ); if( poSubSeq == NULL ) continue; nSubSeqCount = poSubSeq->number_of_rows(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Allocate array to put values into. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRFieldDefn *poOFD = poFeature->GetFieldDefnRef( iField ); int *panIntList = NULL; double *padfDblList = NULL; char **papszStrList = NULL; if( poOFD->GetType() == OFTIntegerList ) { panIntList = (int *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(int),nSubSeqCount); } else if( poOFD->GetType() == OFTRealList ) { padfDblList = (double *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(double),nSubSeqCount); } else if( poOFD->GetType() == OFTStringList ) { papszStrList = (char **) CPLCalloc(sizeof(char*),nSubSeqCount+1); } else continue; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Loop, fetching subsequence values. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int iSubIndex; for( iSubIndex = 0; iSubIndex < nSubSeqCount; iSubIndex++ ) { poFieldVar = poSubSeq->var_value( iSubIndex, pszPathFromSubSeq ); if( poFieldVar == NULL ) continue; switch( poFieldVar->type() ) { case dods_byte_c: { signed char byVal; void *pValPtr = &byVal; poFieldVar->buf2val( &pValPtr ); panIntList[iSubIndex] = byVal; } break; case dods_int16_c: { GInt16 nIntVal; void *pValPtr = &nIntVal; poFieldVar->buf2val( &pValPtr ); panIntList[iSubIndex] = nIntVal; } break; case dods_uint16_c: { GUInt16 nIntVal; void *pValPtr = &nIntVal; poFieldVar->buf2val( &pValPtr ); panIntList[iSubIndex] = nIntVal; } break; case dods_int32_c: { GInt32 nIntVal; void *pValPtr = &nIntVal; poFieldVar->buf2val( &pValPtr ); panIntList[iSubIndex] = nIntVal; } break; case dods_uint32_c: { GUInt32 nIntVal; void *pValPtr = &nIntVal; poFieldVar->buf2val( &pValPtr ); panIntList[iSubIndex] = nIntVal; } break; case dods_float32_c: padfDblList[iSubIndex] = dynamic_cast<Float32 *>(poFieldVar)->value(); break; case dods_float64_c: padfDblList[iSubIndex] = dynamic_cast<Float64 *>(poFieldVar)->value(); break; case dods_str_c: case dods_url_c: { string *poStrVal = NULL; poFieldVar->buf2val( (void **) &poStrVal ); papszStrList[iSubIndex] = CPLStrdup( poStrVal->c_str() ); delete poStrVal; } break; default: break; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Apply back to feature. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( poOFD->GetType() == OFTIntegerList ) { poFeature->SetField( iField, nSubSeqCount, panIntList ); CPLFree(panIntList); } else if( poOFD->GetType() == OFTRealList ) { poFeature->SetField( iField, nSubSeqCount, padfDblList ); CPLFree(padfDblList); } else if( poOFD->GetType() == OFTStringList ) { poFeature->SetField( iField, papszStrList ); CSLDestroy( papszStrList ); } } /* ==================================================================== */ /* Fetch the geometry. */ /* ==================================================================== */ if( oXField.bValid && oYField.bValid ) { int iXField = poFeature->GetFieldIndex( oXField.pszFieldName ); int iYField = poFeature->GetFieldIndex( oYField.pszFieldName ); int iZField = -1; if( oZField.bValid ) iZField = poFeature->GetFieldIndex(oZField.pszFieldName); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If we can't find the values in attributes then use the more */ /* general mechanism to fetch the value. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( iXField == -1 || iYField == -1 || (oZField.bValid && iZField == -1) ) { poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly( new OGRPoint( GetFieldValueAsDouble( &oXField, iSubSeq ), GetFieldValueAsDouble( &oYField, iSubSeq ), GetFieldValueAsDouble( &oZField, iSubSeq ) ) ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If the fields are list values, then build a linestring. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if( poFeature->GetFieldDefnRef(iXField)->GetType() == OFTRealList && poFeature->GetFieldDefnRef(iYField)->GetType() == OFTRealList ) { const double *padfX, *padfY, *padfZ = NULL; int nPointCount, i; OGRLineString *poLS = new OGRLineString(); padfX = poFeature->GetFieldAsDoubleList( iXField, &nPointCount ); padfY = poFeature->GetFieldAsDoubleList( iYField, &nPointCount ); if( iZField != -1 ) padfZ = poFeature->GetFieldAsDoubleList(iZField,&nPointCount); poLS->setPoints( nPointCount, (double *) padfX, (double *) padfY, (double *) padfZ ); // Make a pass clearing out NaN or Inf values. for( i = 0; i < nPointCount; i++ ) { double dfX = poLS->getX(i); double dfY = poLS->getY(i); double dfZ = poLS->getZ(i); int bReset = FALSE; if( OGRDODSIsDoubleInvalid( &dfX ) ) { dfX = 0.0; bReset = TRUE; } if( OGRDODSIsDoubleInvalid( &dfY ) ) { dfY = 0.0; bReset = TRUE; } if( OGRDODSIsDoubleInvalid( &dfZ ) ) { dfZ = 0.0; bReset = TRUE; } if( bReset ) poLS->setPoint( i, dfX, dfY, dfZ ); } poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly( poLS ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Otherwise build a point. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else { poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly( new OGRPoint( poFeature->GetFieldAsDouble( iXField ), poFeature->GetFieldAsDouble( iYField ), poFeature->GetFieldAsDouble( iZField ) ) ); } } return poFeature; }
void ogr_datasource::bind() const { if (is_bound_) return; #ifdef MAPNIK_STATS mapnik::progress_timer __stats__(std::clog, "ogr_datasource::bind"); #endif // initialize ogr formats OGRRegisterAll(); std::string driver = *params_.get<std::string>("driver",""); if (! driver.empty()) { OGRSFDriver * ogr_driver = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::GetRegistrar()->GetDriverByName(driver.c_str()); if (ogr_driver && ogr_driver != NULL) { dataset_ = ogr_driver->Open((dataset_name_).c_str(), FALSE); } } else { // open ogr driver dataset_ = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::Open((dataset_name_).c_str(), FALSE); } if (! dataset_) { const std::string err = CPLGetLastErrorMsg(); if (err.size() == 0) { throw datasource_exception("OGR Plugin: connection failed: " + dataset_name_ + " was not found or is not a supported format"); } else { throw datasource_exception("OGR Plugin: " + err); } } // initialize layer boost::optional<std::string> layer_by_name = params_.get<std::string>("layer"); boost::optional<unsigned> layer_by_index = params_.get<unsigned>("layer_by_index"); boost::optional<std::string> layer_by_sql = params_.get<std::string>("layer_by_sql"); int passed_parameters = 0; passed_parameters += layer_by_name ? 1 : 0; passed_parameters += layer_by_index ? 1 : 0; passed_parameters += layer_by_sql ? 1 : 0; if (passed_parameters > 1) { throw datasource_exception("OGR Plugin: you can only select an ogr layer by name " "('layer' parameter), by number ('layer_by_index' parameter), " "or by sql ('layer_by_sql' parameter), " "do not supply 2 or more of them at the same time" ); } if (layer_by_name) { layer_name_ = *layer_by_name; layer_.layer_by_name(dataset_, layer_name_); } else if (layer_by_index) { const unsigned num_layers = dataset_->GetLayerCount(); if (*layer_by_index >= num_layers) { std::ostringstream s; s << "OGR Plugin: only "; s << num_layers; s << " layer(s) exist, cannot find layer by index '" << *layer_by_index << "'"; throw datasource_exception(s.str()); } layer_.layer_by_index(dataset_, *layer_by_index); layer_name_ = layer_.layer_name(); } else if (layer_by_sql) { #ifdef MAPNIK_STATS mapnik::progress_timer __stats_sql__(std::clog, "ogr_datasource::bind(layer_by_sql)"); #endif layer_.layer_by_sql(dataset_, *layer_by_sql); layer_name_ = layer_.layer_name(); } else { std::ostringstream s; s << "OGR Plugin: missing <layer> or <layer_by_index> or <layer_by_sql> " << "parameter, available layers are: "; unsigned num_layers = dataset_->GetLayerCount(); bool layer_found = false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_layers; ++i ) { OGRLayer* ogr_layer = dataset_->GetLayer(i); OGRFeatureDefn* ogr_layer_def = ogr_layer->GetLayerDefn(); if (ogr_layer_def != 0) { layer_found = true; s << " '" << ogr_layer_def->GetName() << "' "; } } if (! layer_found) { s << "None (no layers were found in dataset)"; } throw datasource_exception(s.str()); } if (! layer_.is_valid()) { std::ostringstream s("OGR Plugin: "); if (layer_by_name) { s << "cannot find layer by name '" << *layer_by_name; } else if (layer_by_index) { s << "cannot find layer by index number '" << *layer_by_index; } else if (layer_by_sql) { s << "cannot find layer by sql query '" << *layer_by_sql; } s << "' in dataset '" << dataset_name_ << "'"; throw datasource_exception(s.str()); } // work with real OGR layer OGRLayer* layer = layer_.layer(); // initialize envelope OGREnvelope envelope; layer->GetExtent(&envelope); extent_.init(envelope.MinX, envelope.MinY, envelope.MaxX, envelope.MaxY); // scan for index file // TODO - layer names don't match dataset name, so this will break for // any layer types of ogr than shapefiles, etc // fix here and in ogrindex size_t breakpoint = dataset_name_.find_last_of("."); if (breakpoint == std::string::npos) { breakpoint = dataset_name_.length(); } index_name_ = dataset_name_.substr(0, breakpoint) + ".ogrindex"; std::ifstream index_file(index_name_.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if (index_file) { indexed_ = true; index_file.close(); } #if 0 // TODO - enable this warning once the ogrindex tool is a bit more stable/mature else { MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(ogr) << "ogr_datasource: no ogrindex file found for " << dataset_name_ << ", use the 'ogrindex' program to build an index for faster rendering"; } #endif #ifdef MAPNIK_STATS mapnik::progress_timer __stats2__(std::clog, "ogr_datasource::bind(get_column_description)"); #endif // deal with attributes descriptions OGRFeatureDefn* def = layer->GetLayerDefn(); if (def != 0) { const int fld_count = def->GetFieldCount(); for (int i = 0; i < fld_count; i++) { OGRFieldDefn* fld = def->GetFieldDefn(i); const std::string fld_name = fld->GetNameRef(); const OGRFieldType type_oid = fld->GetType(); switch (type_oid) { case OFTInteger: desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::Integer)); break; case OFTReal: desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::Double)); break; case OFTString: case OFTWideString: // deprecated desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::String)); break; case OFTBinary: desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::Object)); break; case OFTIntegerList: case OFTRealList: case OFTStringList: case OFTWideStringList: // deprecated ! MAPNIK_LOG_WARN(ogr) << "ogr_datasource: Unhandled type_oid=" << type_oid; break; case OFTDate: case OFTTime: case OFTDateTime: // unhandled ! desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::Object)); MAPNIK_LOG_WARN(ogr) << "ogr_datasource: Unhandled type_oid=" << type_oid; break; } } } is_bound_ = true; }
CPLXMLNode *OGRFMELayerCached::SerializeToXML() { CPLXMLNode *psLayer; char szGeomType[64]; psLayer = CPLCreateXMLNode( NULL, CXT_Element, "OGRLayer" ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Handle various layer values. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psLayer, "Name", poFeatureDefn->GetName()); sprintf( szGeomType, "%d", (int) poFeatureDefn->GetGeomType() ); CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psLayer, "GeomType", szGeomType ); CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psLayer, "SpatialCacheName", pszIndexBase ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Handle spatial reference if available. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( GetSpatialRef() != NULL ) { char *pszWKT = NULL; OGRSpatialReference *poSRS = GetSpatialRef(); poSRS->exportToWkt( &pszWKT ); if( pszWKT != NULL ) { CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psLayer, "SRS", pszWKT ); CPLFree( pszWKT ); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Handle extents if available. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGREnvelope sEnvelope; if( GetExtent( &sEnvelope, FALSE ) == OGRERR_NONE ) { char szExtent[512]; sprintf( szExtent, "%24.15E,%24.15E,%24.15E,%24.15E", sEnvelope.MinX, sEnvelope.MinY, sEnvelope.MaxX, sEnvelope.MaxY ); CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psLayer, "Extent", szExtent ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Emit the field schemas. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ CPLXMLNode *psSchema = CPLCreateXMLNode( psLayer, CXT_Element, "Schema" ); for( int iField = 0; iField < poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount(); iField++ ) { OGRFieldDefn *poFieldDef = poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); const char *pszType; char szWidth[32], szPrecision[32]; CPLXMLNode *psXMLFD; sprintf( szWidth, "%d", poFieldDef->GetWidth() ); sprintf( szPrecision, "%d", poFieldDef->GetPrecision() ); if( poFieldDef->GetType() == OFTInteger ) pszType = "Integer"; else if( poFieldDef->GetType() == OFTIntegerList ) pszType = "IntegerList"; else if( poFieldDef->GetType() == OFTReal ) pszType = "Real"; else if( poFieldDef->GetType() == OFTRealList ) pszType = "RealList"; else if( poFieldDef->GetType() == OFTString ) pszType = "String"; else if( poFieldDef->GetType() == OFTStringList ) pszType = "StringList"; else if( poFieldDef->GetType() == OFTBinary ) pszType = "Binary"; else pszType = "Unsupported"; psXMLFD = CPLCreateXMLNode( psSchema, CXT_Element, "OGRFieldDefn" ); CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psXMLFD, "Name",poFieldDef->GetNameRef()); CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psXMLFD, "Type", pszType ); CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psXMLFD, "Width", szWidth ); CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue( psXMLFD, "Precision", szPrecision ); } return psLayer; }
OGRErr OGRFeatureQuery::Compile( OGRFeatureDefn *poDefn, const char * pszExpression ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Clear any existing expression. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( pSWQExpr != NULL ) { delete (swq_expr_node *) pSWQExpr; pSWQExpr = NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Build list of fields. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char **papszFieldNames; swq_field_type *paeFieldTypes; int iField; int nFieldCount = poDefn->GetFieldCount() + SPECIAL_FIELD_COUNT; papszFieldNames = (char **) CPLMalloc(sizeof(char *) * nFieldCount ); paeFieldTypes = (swq_field_type *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(swq_field_type) * nFieldCount ); for( iField = 0; iField < poDefn->GetFieldCount(); iField++ ) { OGRFieldDefn *poField = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); papszFieldNames[iField] = (char *) poField->GetNameRef(); switch( poField->GetType() ) { case OFTInteger: paeFieldTypes[iField] = SWQ_INTEGER; break; case OFTReal: paeFieldTypes[iField] = SWQ_FLOAT; break; case OFTString: paeFieldTypes[iField] = SWQ_STRING; break; case OFTDate: case OFTTime: case OFTDateTime: paeFieldTypes[iField] = SWQ_TIMESTAMP; break; default: paeFieldTypes[iField] = SWQ_OTHER; break; } } iField = 0; while (iField < SPECIAL_FIELD_COUNT) { papszFieldNames[poDefn->GetFieldCount() + iField] = (char *) SpecialFieldNames[iField]; paeFieldTypes[poDefn->GetFieldCount() + iField] = SpecialFieldTypes[iField]; ++iField; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Try to parse. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRErr eErr = OGRERR_NONE; CPLErr eCPLErr; poTargetDefn = poDefn; eCPLErr = swq_expr_compile( pszExpression, nFieldCount, papszFieldNames, paeFieldTypes, (swq_expr_node **) &pSWQExpr ); if( eCPLErr != CE_None ) { eErr = OGRERR_CORRUPT_DATA; pSWQExpr = NULL; } CPLFree( papszFieldNames ); CPLFree( paeFieldTypes ); return eErr; }
static void ReportOnLayer( OGRLayer * poLayer, const char *pszWHERE, OGRGeometry *poSpatialFilter ) { OGRFeatureDefn *poDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Set filters if provided. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( pszWHERE != NULL ) poLayer->SetAttributeFilter( pszWHERE ); if( poSpatialFilter != NULL ) poLayer->SetSpatialFilter( poSpatialFilter ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Report various overall information. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ printf( "\n" ); printf( "Layer name: %s\n", poLayer->GetName() ); if( bVerbose ) { printf( "Geometry: %s\n", OGRGeometryTypeToName( poLayer->GetGeomType() ) ); printf( "Feature Count: %d\n", poLayer->GetFeatureCount() ); OGREnvelope oExt; if (poLayer->GetExtent(&oExt, TRUE) == OGRERR_NONE) { printf("Extent: (%f, %f) - (%f, %f)\n", oExt.MinX, oExt.MinY, oExt.MaxX, oExt.MaxY); } char *pszWKT; if( poLayer->GetSpatialRef() == NULL ) pszWKT = CPLStrdup( "(unknown)" ); else { poLayer->GetSpatialRef()->exportToPrettyWkt( &pszWKT ); } printf( "Layer SRS WKT:\n%s\n", pszWKT ); CPLFree( pszWKT ); if( strlen(poLayer->GetFIDColumn()) > 0 ) printf( "FID Column = %s\n", poLayer->GetFIDColumn() ); if( strlen(poLayer->GetGeometryColumn()) > 0 ) printf( "Geometry Column = %s\n", poLayer->GetGeometryColumn() ); for( int iAttr = 0; iAttr < poDefn->GetFieldCount(); iAttr++ ) { OGRFieldDefn *poField = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iAttr ); printf( "%s: %s (%d.%d)\n", poField->GetNameRef(), poField->GetFieldTypeName( poField->GetType() ), poField->GetWidth(), poField->GetPrecision() ); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Read, and dump features. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRFeature *poFeature = NULL; if( nFetchFID == OGRNullFID && !bSummaryOnly ) { while( (poFeature = poLayer->GetNextFeature()) != NULL ) { poFeature->DumpReadable( NULL, papszOptions ); OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( poFeature ); } } else if( nFetchFID != OGRNullFID ) { poFeature = poLayer->GetFeature( nFetchFID ); if( poFeature == NULL ) { printf( "Unable to locate feature id %d on this layer.\n", nFetchFID ); } else { poFeature->DumpReadable( NULL, papszOptions ); OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( poFeature ); } } }
void OGRGMLDataSource::InsertHeader() { FILE *fpSchema; int nSchemaStart = 0; if( fpOutput == NULL || fpOutput == stdout ) return; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Do we want to write the schema within the GML instance doc */ /* or to a separate file? For now we only support external. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszSchemaURI = CSLFetchNameValue(papszCreateOptions, "XSISCHEMAURI"); const char *pszSchemaOpt = CSLFetchNameValue( papszCreateOptions, "XSISCHEMA" ); if( pszSchemaURI != NULL ) return; if( pszSchemaOpt == NULL || EQUAL(pszSchemaOpt,"EXTERNAL") ) { const char *pszXSDFilename = CPLResetExtension( pszName, "xsd" ); fpSchema = VSIFOpen( pszXSDFilename, "wt" ); if( fpSchema == NULL ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, "Failed to open file %.500s for schema output.", pszXSDFilename ); return; } fprintf( fpSchema, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" ); } else if( EQUAL(pszSchemaOpt,"INTERNAL") ) { nSchemaStart = VSIFTell( fpOutput ); fpSchema = fpOutput; } else return; /* ==================================================================== */ /* Write the schema section at the end of the file. Once */ /* complete, we will read it back in, and then move the whole */ /* file "down" enough to insert the schema at the beginning. */ /* ==================================================================== */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Emit the start of the schema section. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszTargetNameSpace = ""; const char *pszPrefix = "ogr"; VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, "<xs:schema targetNamespace=\"%s\" xmlns:%s=\"%s\" xmlns:xs=\"\" xmlns:gml=\"\" elementFormDefault=\"qualified\" version=\"1.0\">\n", pszTargetNameSpace, pszPrefix, pszTargetNameSpace ); VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, "<xs:import namespace=\"\" schemaLocation=\"\"/>" ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Define the FeatureCollection */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, "<xs:element name=\"FeatureCollection\" type=\"%s:FeatureCollectionType\" substitutionGroup=\"gml:_FeatureCollection\"/>\n", pszPrefix ); VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, "<xs:complexType name=\"FeatureCollectionType\">\n" " <xs:complexContent>\n" " <xs:extension base=\"gml:AbstractFeatureCollectionType\">\n" " <xs:attribute name=\"lockId\" type=\"xs:string\" use=\"optional\"/>\n" " <xs:attribute name=\"scope\" type=\"xs:string\" use=\"optional\"/>\n" " </xs:extension>\n" " </xs:complexContent>\n" "</xs:complexType>\n" ); /* ==================================================================== */ /* Define the schema for each layer. */ /* ==================================================================== */ int iLayer; for( iLayer = 0; iLayer < GetLayerCount(); iLayer++ ) { OGRFeatureDefn *poFDefn = GetLayer(iLayer)->GetLayerDefn(); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Emit initial stuff for a feature type. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, "<xs:element name=\"%s\" type=\"%s:%s_Type\" substitutionGroup=\"gml:_Feature\"/>\n", poFDefn->GetName(), pszPrefix, poFDefn->GetName() ); VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, "<xs:complexType name=\"%s_Type\">\n" " <xs:complexContent>\n" " <xs:extension base=\"gml:AbstractFeatureType\">\n" " <xs:sequence>\n", poFDefn->GetName() ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Define the geometry attribute. For now I always use the */ /* generic geometry type, but eventually we should express */ /* particulars if available. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, "<xs:element name=\"geometryProperty\" type=\"gml:GeometryPropertyType\" nillable=\"true\" minOccurs=\"1\" maxOccurs=\"1\"/>\n" ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Emit each of the attributes. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for( int iField = 0; iField < poFDefn->GetFieldCount(); iField++ ) { OGRFieldDefn *poFieldDefn = poFDefn->GetFieldDefn(iField); if( poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTInteger ) { int nWidth; if( poFieldDefn->GetWidth() > 0 ) nWidth = poFieldDefn->GetWidth(); else nWidth = 16; VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, " <xs:element name=\"%s\" nillable=\"true\" minOccurs=\"0\" maxOccurs=\"1\">\n" " <xs:simpleType>\n" " <xs:restriction base=\"xs:integer\">\n" " <xs:totalDigits value=\"%d\"/>\n" " </xs:restriction>\n" " </xs:simpleType>\n" " </xs:element>\n", poFieldDefn->GetNameRef(), nWidth ); } else if( poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTReal ) { int nWidth, nDecimals; if( poFieldDefn->GetPrecision() == 0 ) nDecimals = 0; else nDecimals = poFieldDefn->GetPrecision(); if( poFieldDefn->GetWidth() > 0 ) nWidth = poFieldDefn->GetWidth(); else nWidth = 33; VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, " <xs:element name=\"%s\" nillable=\"true\" minOccurs=\"0\" maxOccurs=\"1\">\n" " <xs:simpleType>\n" " <xs:restriction base=\"xs:decimal\">\n" " <xs:totalDigits value=\"%d\"/>\n" " <xs:fractionDigits value=\"%d\"/>\n" " </xs:restriction>\n" " </xs:simpleType>\n" " </xs:element>\n", poFieldDefn->GetNameRef(), nWidth, nDecimals ); } else if( poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTString ) { char szMaxLength[48]; if( poFieldDefn->GetWidth() == 0 ) sprintf( szMaxLength, "unbounded" ); else sprintf( szMaxLength, "%d", poFieldDefn->GetWidth() ); VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, " <xs:element name=\"%s\" nillable=\"true\" minOccurs=\"0\" maxOccurs=\"1\">\n" " <xs:simpleType>\n" " <xs:restriction base=\"xs:string\">\n" " <xs:maxLength value=\"%s\"/>\n" " </xs:restriction>\n" " </xs:simpleType>\n" " </xs:element>\n", poFieldDefn->GetNameRef(), szMaxLength ); } else if( poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTDate || poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTDateTime ) { VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, " <xs:element name=\"%s\" nillable=\"true\" minOccurs=\"0\" maxOccurs=\"1\">\n" " <xs:simpleType>\n" " <xs:restriction base=\"xs:string\">\n" " <xs:maxLength value=\"unbounded\"/>\n" " </xs:restriction>\n" " </xs:simpleType>\n" " </xs:element>\n", poFieldDefn->GetNameRef() ); } else { /* TODO */ } } /* next field */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Finish off feature type. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, " </xs:sequence>\n" " </xs:extension>\n" " </xs:complexContent>\n" "</xs:complexType>\n" ); } /* next layer */ VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, "</xs:schema>\n" ); /* ==================================================================== */ /* Move schema to the start of the file. */ /* ==================================================================== */ if( fpSchema == fpOutput ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Read the schema into memory. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int nSchemaSize = VSIFTell( fpOutput ) - nSchemaStart; char *pszSchema = (char *) CPLMalloc(nSchemaSize+1); VSIFSeek( fpOutput, nSchemaStart, SEEK_SET ); VSIFRead( pszSchema, 1, nSchemaSize, fpOutput ); pszSchema[nSchemaSize] = '\0'; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Move file data down by "schema size" bytes from after <?xml> */ /* header so we have room insert the schema. Move in pretty */ /* big chunks. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int nChunkSize = MIN(nSchemaStart-nSchemaInsertLocation,250000); char *pszChunk = (char *) CPLMalloc(nChunkSize); int nEndOfUnmovedData = nSchemaStart; for( nEndOfUnmovedData = nSchemaStart; nEndOfUnmovedData > nSchemaInsertLocation; ) { int nBytesToMove = MIN(nChunkSize, nEndOfUnmovedData - nSchemaInsertLocation ); VSIFSeek( fpOutput, nEndOfUnmovedData - nBytesToMove, SEEK_SET ); VSIFRead( pszChunk, 1, nBytesToMove, fpOutput ); VSIFSeek( fpOutput, nEndOfUnmovedData - nBytesToMove + nSchemaSize, SEEK_SET ); VSIFWrite( pszChunk, 1, nBytesToMove, fpOutput ); nEndOfUnmovedData -= nBytesToMove; } CPLFree( pszChunk ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Write the schema in the opened slot. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ VSIFSeek( fpOutput, nSchemaInsertLocation, SEEK_SET ); VSIFWrite( pszSchema, 1, nSchemaSize, fpOutput ); VSIFSeek( fpOutput, 0, SEEK_END ); nBoundedByLocation += nSchemaSize; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Close external schema files. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else VSIFClose( fpSchema ); }
OGRFeature *OGRMySQLLayer::RecordToFeature( char **papszRow, unsigned long *panLengths ) { mysql_field_seek( hResultSet, 0 ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Create a feature from the current result. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRFeature *poFeature = new OGRFeature( poFeatureDefn ); poFeature->SetFID( iNextShapeId ); m_nFeaturesRead++; /* ==================================================================== */ /* Transfer all result fields we can. */ /* ==================================================================== */ for( int iField = 0; iField < (int) mysql_num_fields(hResultSet); iField++ ) { MYSQL_FIELD *psMSField = mysql_fetch_field(hResultSet); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Handle FID. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( bHasFid && EQUAL(psMSField->name,pszFIDColumn) ) { if( papszRow[iField] == nullptr ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "NULL primary key in RecordToFeature()" ); return nullptr; } poFeature->SetFID( CPLAtoGIntBig(papszRow[iField]) ); } if( papszRow[iField] == nullptr ) { const int iOGRField = poFeatureDefn->GetFieldIndex(psMSField->name); if( iOGRField >= 0 ) poFeature->SetFieldNull( iOGRField ); continue; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Handle MySQL geometry */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( pszGeomColumn && EQUAL(psMSField->name,pszGeomColumn)) { OGRGeometry *poGeometry = nullptr; // Geometry columns will have the first 4 bytes contain the SRID. OGRGeometryFactory::createFromWkb( papszRow[iField] + 4, nullptr, &poGeometry, static_cast<int>(panLengths[iField] - 4) ); if( poGeometry != nullptr ) { poGeometry->assignSpatialReference( GetSpatialRef() ); poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly( poGeometry ); } continue; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Transfer regular data fields. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const int iOGRField = poFeatureDefn->GetFieldIndex(psMSField->name); if( iOGRField < 0 ) continue; OGRFieldDefn *psFieldDefn = poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn( iOGRField ); if( psFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTBinary ) { poFeature->SetField( iOGRField, static_cast<int>(panLengths[iField]), (GByte *) papszRow[iField] ); } else { poFeature->SetField( iOGRField, papszRow[iField] ); } } return poFeature; }
OGRErr OGRGMLLayer::ICreateFeature( OGRFeature *poFeature ) { int bIsGML3Output = poDS->IsGML3Output(); VSILFILE *fp = poDS->GetOutputFP(); int bWriteSpaceIndentation = poDS->WriteSpaceIndentation(); const char* pszPrefix = poDS->GetAppPrefix(); int bRemoveAppPrefix = poDS->RemoveAppPrefix(); if( !bWriter ) return OGRERR_FAILURE; poFeature->FillUnsetWithDefault(TRUE, NULL); if( !poFeature->Validate( OGR_F_VAL_ALL & ~OGR_F_VAL_GEOM_TYPE & ~OGR_F_VAL_ALLOW_NULL_WHEN_DEFAULT, TRUE ) ) return OGRERR_FAILURE; if (bWriteSpaceIndentation) VSIFPrintfL(fp, " "); if (bIsGML3Output) { if( bRemoveAppPrefix ) poDS->PrintLine( fp, "<featureMember>" ); else poDS->PrintLine( fp, "<%s:featureMember>", pszPrefix ); } else poDS->PrintLine( fp, "<gml:featureMember>" ); if( iNextGMLId == 0 ) { bSameSRS = true; for( int iGeomField = 1; iGeomField < poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldCount(); iGeomField++ ) { OGRGeomFieldDefn *poFieldDefn0 = poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldDefn(0); OGRGeomFieldDefn *poFieldDefn = poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldDefn(iGeomField); OGRSpatialReference* poSRS0 = poFieldDefn0->GetSpatialRef(); OGRSpatialReference* poSRS = poFieldDefn->GetSpatialRef(); if( poSRS0 != NULL && poSRS == NULL ) bSameSRS = false; else if( poSRS0 == NULL && poSRS != NULL ) bSameSRS = false; else if( poSRS0 != NULL && poSRS != NULL && poSRS0 != poSRS && !poSRS0->IsSame(poSRS) ) { bSameSRS = false; } } } if( poFeature->GetFID() == OGRNullFID ) poFeature->SetFID( iNextGMLId++ ); int nGMLIdIndex = -1; if (bWriteSpaceIndentation) VSIFPrintfL(fp, " "); VSIFPrintfL(fp, "<"); if( !bRemoveAppPrefix ) VSIFPrintfL(fp, "%s:", pszPrefix); if (bIsGML3Output) { nGMLIdIndex = poFeatureDefn->GetFieldIndex("gml_id"); if (nGMLIdIndex >= 0 && poFeature->IsFieldSet( nGMLIdIndex ) ) poDS->PrintLine( fp, "%s gml:id=\"%s\">", poFeatureDefn->GetName(), poFeature->GetFieldAsString(nGMLIdIndex) ); else poDS->PrintLine( fp, "%s gml:id=\"%s." CPL_FRMT_GIB "\">", poFeatureDefn->GetName(), poFeatureDefn->GetName(), poFeature->GetFID() ); } else { nGMLIdIndex = poFeatureDefn->GetFieldIndex("fid"); if (bUseOldFIDFormat) { poDS->PrintLine( fp, "%s fid=\"F" CPL_FRMT_GIB "\">", poFeatureDefn->GetName(), poFeature->GetFID() ); } else if (nGMLIdIndex >= 0 && poFeature->IsFieldSet( nGMLIdIndex ) ) { poDS->PrintLine( fp, "%s fid=\"%s\">", poFeatureDefn->GetName(), poFeature->GetFieldAsString(nGMLIdIndex) ); } else { poDS->PrintLine( fp, "%s fid=\"%s." CPL_FRMT_GIB "\">", poFeatureDefn->GetName(), poFeatureDefn->GetName(), poFeature->GetFID() ); } } for( int iGeomField = 0; iGeomField < poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldCount(); iGeomField++ ) { OGRGeomFieldDefn *poFieldDefn = poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldDefn(iGeomField); // Write out Geometry - for now it isn't indented properly. /* GML geometries don't like very much the concept of empty geometry */ OGRGeometry* poGeom = poFeature->GetGeomFieldRef(iGeomField); if( poGeom != NULL && !poGeom->IsEmpty()) { char *pszGeometry; OGREnvelope3D sGeomBounds; int nCoordDimension = poGeom->getCoordinateDimension(); poGeom->getEnvelope( &sGeomBounds ); if( bSameSRS ) poDS->GrowExtents( &sGeomBounds, nCoordDimension ); if (poGeom->getSpatialReference() == NULL && poFieldDefn->GetSpatialRef() != NULL) poGeom->assignSpatialReference(poFieldDefn->GetSpatialRef()); if (bIsGML3Output && poDS->WriteFeatureBoundedBy()) { bool bCoordSwap; char* pszSRSName = GML_GetSRSName(poGeom->getSpatialReference(), poDS->IsLongSRSRequired(), &bCoordSwap); char szLowerCorner[75], szUpperCorner[75]; if (bCoordSwap) { OGRMakeWktCoordinate(szLowerCorner, sGeomBounds.MinY, sGeomBounds.MinX, sGeomBounds.MinZ, nCoordDimension); OGRMakeWktCoordinate(szUpperCorner, sGeomBounds.MaxY, sGeomBounds.MaxX, sGeomBounds.MaxZ, nCoordDimension); } else { OGRMakeWktCoordinate(szLowerCorner, sGeomBounds.MinX, sGeomBounds.MinY, sGeomBounds.MinZ, nCoordDimension); OGRMakeWktCoordinate(szUpperCorner, sGeomBounds.MaxX, sGeomBounds.MaxY, sGeomBounds.MaxZ, nCoordDimension); } if (bWriteSpaceIndentation) VSIFPrintfL(fp, " "); poDS->PrintLine( fp, "<gml:boundedBy><gml:Envelope%s%s><gml:lowerCorner>%s</gml:lowerCorner><gml:upperCorner>%s</gml:upperCorner></gml:Envelope></gml:boundedBy>", (nCoordDimension == 3) ? " srsDimension=\"3\"" : "",pszSRSName, szLowerCorner, szUpperCorner); CPLFree(pszSRSName); } char** papszOptions = (bIsGML3Output) ? CSLAddString(NULL, "FORMAT=GML3") : NULL; if (bIsGML3Output && !poDS->IsLongSRSRequired()) papszOptions = CSLAddString(papszOptions, "GML3_LONGSRS=NO"); const char* pszSRSDimensionLoc = poDS->GetSRSDimensionLoc(); if( pszSRSDimensionLoc != NULL ) papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszOptions, "SRSDIMENSION_LOC", pszSRSDimensionLoc); if (poDS->IsGML32Output()) { if( poFeatureDefn->GetGeomFieldCount() > 1 ) papszOptions = CSLAddString(papszOptions, CPLSPrintf("GMLID=%s.%s." CPL_FRMT_GIB, poFeatureDefn->GetName(), poFieldDefn->GetNameRef(), poFeature->GetFID())); else papszOptions = CSLAddString(papszOptions, CPLSPrintf("GMLID=%s.geom." CPL_FRMT_GIB, poFeatureDefn->GetName(), poFeature->GetFID())); } if( !bIsGML3Output && OGR_GT_IsNonLinear(poGeom->getGeometryType()) ) { OGRGeometry* poGeomTmp = OGRGeometryFactory::forceTo( poGeom->clone(),OGR_GT_GetLinear(poGeom->getGeometryType())); pszGeometry = poGeomTmp->exportToGML(papszOptions); delete poGeomTmp; } else pszGeometry = poGeom->exportToGML(papszOptions); CSLDestroy(papszOptions); if (bWriteSpaceIndentation) VSIFPrintfL(fp, " "); if( bRemoveAppPrefix ) poDS->PrintLine( fp, "<%s>%s</%s>", poFieldDefn->GetNameRef(), pszGeometry, poFieldDefn->GetNameRef() ); else poDS->PrintLine( fp, "<%s:%s>%s</%s:%s>", pszPrefix, poFieldDefn->GetNameRef(), pszGeometry, pszPrefix, poFieldDefn->GetNameRef() ); CPLFree( pszGeometry ); } } // Write all "set" fields. for( int iField = 0; iField < poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount(); iField++ ) { OGRFieldDefn *poFieldDefn = poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); if( poFeature->IsFieldSet( iField ) && iField != nGMLIdIndex ) { OGRFieldType eType = poFieldDefn->GetType(); if (eType == OFTStringList ) { char ** papszIter = poFeature->GetFieldAsStringList( iField ); while( papszIter != NULL && *papszIter != NULL ) { char *pszEscaped = OGRGetXML_UTF8_EscapedString( *papszIter ); GMLWriteField(poDS, fp, bWriteSpaceIndentation, pszPrefix, bRemoveAppPrefix, poFieldDefn, pszEscaped); CPLFree( pszEscaped ); papszIter ++; } } else if (eType == OFTIntegerList ) { int nCount = 0; const int* panVals = poFeature->GetFieldAsIntegerList( iField, &nCount ); if( poFieldDefn->GetSubType() == OFSTBoolean ) { for(int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { /* 0 and 1 are OK, but the canonical representation is false and true */ GMLWriteField(poDS, fp, bWriteSpaceIndentation, pszPrefix, bRemoveAppPrefix, poFieldDefn, panVals[i] ? "true" : "false"); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { GMLWriteField(poDS, fp, bWriteSpaceIndentation, pszPrefix, bRemoveAppPrefix, poFieldDefn, CPLSPrintf("%d", panVals[i])); } } } else if (eType == OFTInteger64List ) { int nCount = 0; const GIntBig* panVals = poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger64List( iField, &nCount ); if( poFieldDefn->GetSubType() == OFSTBoolean ) { for(int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { /* 0 and 1 are OK, but the canonical representation is false and true */ GMLWriteField(poDS, fp, bWriteSpaceIndentation, pszPrefix, bRemoveAppPrefix, poFieldDefn, panVals[i] ? "true" : "false"); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { GMLWriteField(poDS, fp, bWriteSpaceIndentation, pszPrefix, bRemoveAppPrefix, poFieldDefn, CPLSPrintf(CPL_FRMT_GIB, panVals[i])); } } } else if (eType == OFTRealList ) { int nCount = 0; const double* padfVals = poFeature->GetFieldAsDoubleList( iField, &nCount ); for(int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { char szBuffer[80]; CPLsnprintf( szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), "%.15g", padfVals[i]); GMLWriteField(poDS, fp, bWriteSpaceIndentation, pszPrefix, bRemoveAppPrefix, poFieldDefn, szBuffer); } } else if ((eType == OFTInteger || eType == OFTInteger64) && poFieldDefn->GetSubType() == OFSTBoolean ) { /* 0 and 1 are OK, but the canonical representation is false and true */ GMLWriteField(poDS, fp, bWriteSpaceIndentation, pszPrefix, bRemoveAppPrefix, poFieldDefn, (poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger(iField)) ? "true" : "false"); } else { const char *pszRaw = poFeature->GetFieldAsString( iField ); char *pszEscaped = OGRGetXML_UTF8_EscapedString( pszRaw ); GMLWriteField(poDS, fp, bWriteSpaceIndentation, pszPrefix, bRemoveAppPrefix, poFieldDefn, pszEscaped); CPLFree( pszEscaped ); } } } if (bWriteSpaceIndentation) VSIFPrintfL(fp, " "); if( bRemoveAppPrefix ) poDS->PrintLine( fp, "</%s>", poFeatureDefn->GetName() ); else poDS->PrintLine( fp, "</%s:%s>", pszPrefix, poFeatureDefn->GetName() ); if (bWriteSpaceIndentation) VSIFPrintfL(fp, " "); if (bIsGML3Output) { if( bRemoveAppPrefix ) poDS->PrintLine( fp, "</featureMember>" ); else poDS->PrintLine( fp, "</%s:featureMember>", pszPrefix ); } else poDS->PrintLine( fp, "</gml:featureMember>" ); return OGRERR_NONE; }
feature_ptr ogr_featureset::next() { ogr_feature_ptr feat (layer_.GetNextFeature()); if ((*feat) != NULL) { OGRGeometry* geom=(*feat)->GetGeometryRef(); if (!geom->IsEmpty()) { feature_ptr feature(new Feature((*feat)->GetFID())); ogr_converter::convert_geometry (geom, feature, multiple_geometries_); ++count_; int fld_count = layerdef_->GetFieldCount(); for (int i = 0; i < fld_count; i++) { OGRFieldDefn* fld = layerdef_->GetFieldDefn (i); OGRFieldType type_oid = fld->GetType (); std::string fld_name = fld->GetNameRef (); switch (type_oid) { case OFTInteger: { boost::put(*feature,fld_name,(*feat)->GetFieldAsInteger (i)); break; } case OFTReal: { boost::put(*feature,fld_name,(*feat)->GetFieldAsDouble (i)); break; } case OFTString: case OFTWideString: // deprecated ! { UnicodeString ustr = tr_->transcode((*feat)->GetFieldAsString (i)); boost::put(*feature,fld_name,ustr); break; } case OFTIntegerList: case OFTRealList: case OFTStringList: case OFTWideStringList: // deprecated ! { #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG clog << "unhandled type_oid=" << type_oid << endl; #endif break; } case OFTBinary: { #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG clog << "unhandled type_oid=" << type_oid << endl; #endif //boost::put(*feature,name,feat->GetFieldAsBinary (i, size)); break; } case OFTDate: case OFTTime: case OFTDateTime: // unhandled ! { #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG clog << "unhandled type_oid=" << type_oid << endl; #endif break; } default: // unknown { #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG clog << "unknown type_oid=" << type_oid << endl; #endif break; } } } return feature; } } #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG clog << count_ << " features" << endl; #endif return feature_ptr(); }
FBErr FBProjectGdal::readFromDataset (QString datasetPath) { // Firstly try to open dataset and check its correctness. QByteArray ba; ba = datasetPath.toUtf8(); GDALDataset *dataset; dataset = (GDALDataset*) GDALOpenEx(, GDAL_OF_VECTOR, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (dataset == NULL) { FBProject::CUR_ERR_INFO = QObject::tr("Unable to open dataset via GDAL"); return FBErrIncorrectGdalDataset; } // Check layer's count. int layerCount = dataset->GetLayerCount(); if (layerCount == 0 || layerCount > 1) { GDALClose(dataset); FBProject::CUR_ERR_INFO = QObject::tr("Selected GDAL dataset must contain 1" "layer, while it contains ") + QString::number(layerCount); return FBErrIncorrectGdalDataset; } OGRLayer *layer = dataset->GetLayer(0); if (layer == NULL) { GDALClose(dataset); FBProject::CUR_ERR_INFO = QObject::tr("Unable to read layer in selected GDAL" "dataset"); return FBErrIncorrectGdalDataset; } OGRFeatureDefn *layerDefn = layer->GetLayerDefn(); if (layerDefn->GetFieldCount() == 0) { GDALClose(dataset); FBProject::CUR_ERR_INFO = QObject::tr("Selected GDAL dataset's layer must" " contain at least one field, while it contains no fields"); return FBErrIncorrectGdalDataset_NotForNgw; } OGRSpatialReference *layerSpaRef = layer->GetSpatialRef(); if (layerSpaRef == NULL) { GDALClose(dataset); FBProject::CUR_ERR_INFO = QObject::tr("Selected GDAL dataset does not contain" " its spatial reference system description"); return FBErrIncorrectGdalDataset; } // All checks were made and we can fill the rest metadata of the project, which // can be read via GDAL. OGRwkbGeometryType geomType = layerDefn->GetGeomType(); FbGeomType *gt = FBProject::findGeomTypeByGdal(geomType); if (gt == NULL) { // No default value for geometry type. NextGIS Mobile will not be able // to read "undefined" geometry. So rise error here. // TODO: do not rise error for GDAL types which can be translated, such as // wkbPolygon25D to simple Polygon. GDALClose(dataset); FBProject::CUR_ERR_INFO = QObject::tr("Selected GDAL dataset has unsupported" " geometry type: ") + OGRGeometryTypeToName(geomType); return FBErrIncorrectGdalDataset_NotForNgw; } geometry_type = gt; for (int i=0; i<layerDefn->GetFieldCount(); i++) { FBField descr; OGRFieldDefn *fieldDefn = layerDefn->GetFieldDefn(i); OGRFieldType fieldType = fieldDefn->GetType(); FbDataType *dt = FBProject::findDataTypeByGdal(fieldType); if (dt == NULL) { // Default datatype. // Data will be converted to string during the writing into JSON file. descr.datataype = DATA_TYPES[FB_TYPEINDEX_DATA_STRING]; } else { descr.datataype = dt; } descr.display_name = QString::fromUtf8(fieldDefn->GetNameRef()); fields.insert(QString::fromUtf8(fieldDefn->GetNameRef()), descr); } GDALClose(dataset); return FBErrNone; }
void field2kml ( OGRFeature * poOgrFeat, OGRLIBKMLLayer * poOgrLayer, KmlFactory * poKmlFactory, PlacemarkPtr poKmlPlacemark ) { int i; SchemaDataPtr poKmlSchemaData = poKmlFactory->CreateSchemaData ( ); SchemaPtr poKmlSchema = poOgrLayer->GetKmlSchema ( ); /***** set the url to the schema *****/ if ( poKmlSchema && poKmlSchema->has_id ( ) ) { std::string oKmlSchemaID = poKmlSchema->get_id ( ); std::string oKmlSchemaURL = "#"; oKmlSchemaURL.append ( oKmlSchemaID ); poKmlSchemaData->set_schemaurl ( oKmlSchemaURL ); } const char *namefield = CPLGetConfigOption ( "LIBKML_NAME_FIELD", "Name" ); const char *descfield = CPLGetConfigOption ( "LIBKML_DESCRIPTION_FIELD", "description" ); const char *tsfield = CPLGetConfigOption ( "LIBKML_TIMESTAMP_FIELD", "timestamp" ); const char *beginfield = CPLGetConfigOption ( "LIBKML_BEGIN_FIELD", "begin" ); const char *endfield = CPLGetConfigOption ( "LIBKML_END_FIELD", "end" ); const char *altitudeModefield = CPLGetConfigOption ( "LIBKML_ALTITUDEMODE_FIELD", "altitudeMode" ); const char *tessellatefield = CPLGetConfigOption ( "LIBKML_TESSELLATE_FIELD", "tessellate" ); const char *extrudefield = CPLGetConfigOption ( "LIBKML_EXTRUDE_FIELD", "extrude" ); const char *visibilityfield = CPLGetConfigOption ( "LIBKML_VISIBILITY_FIELD", "visibility" ); TimeSpanPtr poKmlTimeSpan = NULL; int nFields = poOgrFeat->GetFieldCount ( ); int iSkip1 = -1; int iSkip2 = -1; for ( i = 0; i < nFields; i++ ) { /***** if the field is set to skip, do so *****/ if ( i == iSkip1 || i == iSkip2 ) continue; /***** if the field isn't set just bail now *****/ if ( !poOgrFeat->IsFieldSet ( i ) ) continue; OGRFieldDefn *poOgrFieldDef = poOgrFeat->GetFieldDefnRef ( i ); OGRFieldType type = poOgrFieldDef->GetType ( ); const char *name = poOgrFieldDef->GetNameRef ( ); SimpleDataPtr poKmlSimpleData = NULL; int year, month, day, hour, min, sec, tz; switch ( type ) { case OFTString: // String of ASCII chars { char* pszUTF8String = OGRLIBKMLSanitizeUTF8String( poOgrFeat->GetFieldAsString ( i )); /***** name *****/ if ( EQUAL ( name, namefield ) ) { poKmlPlacemark->set_name ( pszUTF8String ); CPLFree( pszUTF8String ); continue; } /***** description *****/ else if ( EQUAL ( name, descfield ) ) { poKmlPlacemark->set_description ( pszUTF8String ); CPLFree( pszUTF8String ); continue; } /***** altitudemode *****/ else if ( EQUAL ( name, altitudeModefield ) ) { const char *pszAltitudeMode = pszUTF8String ; int isGX = FALSE; int iAltitudeMode = kmldom::ALTITUDEMODE_CLAMPTOGROUND; if ( EQUAL ( pszAltitudeMode, "clampToGround" ) ) iAltitudeMode = kmldom::ALTITUDEMODE_CLAMPTOGROUND; else if ( EQUAL ( pszAltitudeMode, "relativeToGround" ) ) iAltitudeMode = kmldom::ALTITUDEMODE_RELATIVETOGROUND; else if ( EQUAL ( pszAltitudeMode, "absolute" ) ) iAltitudeMode = kmldom::ALTITUDEMODE_ABSOLUTE; else if ( EQUAL ( pszAltitudeMode, "relativeToSeaFloor" ) ) { iAltitudeMode = kmldom::GX_ALTITUDEMODE_RELATIVETOSEAFLOOR; isGX = TRUE; } else if ( EQUAL ( pszAltitudeMode, "clampToSeaFloor" ) ) { iAltitudeMode = kmldom::GX_ALTITUDEMODE_CLAMPTOSEAFLOOR; isGX = TRUE; } if ( poKmlPlacemark->has_geometry ( ) ) { GeometryPtr poKmlGeometry = poKmlPlacemark->get_geometry ( ); ogr2altitudemode_rec ( poKmlGeometry, iAltitudeMode, isGX ); } CPLFree( pszUTF8String ); continue; } /***** timestamp *****/ else if ( EQUAL ( name, tsfield ) ) { TimeStampPtr poKmlTimeStamp = poKmlFactory->CreateTimeStamp ( ); poKmlTimeStamp->set_when ( pszUTF8String ); poKmlPlacemark->set_timeprimitive ( poKmlTimeStamp ); CPLFree( pszUTF8String ); continue; } /***** begin *****/ if ( EQUAL ( name, beginfield ) ) { if ( !poKmlTimeSpan ) { poKmlTimeSpan = poKmlFactory->CreateTimeSpan ( ); poKmlPlacemark->set_timeprimitive ( poKmlTimeSpan ); } poKmlTimeSpan->set_begin ( pszUTF8String ); CPLFree( pszUTF8String ); continue; } /***** end *****/ else if ( EQUAL ( name, endfield ) ) { if ( !poKmlTimeSpan ) { poKmlTimeSpan = poKmlFactory->CreateTimeSpan ( ); poKmlPlacemark->set_timeprimitive ( poKmlTimeSpan ); } poKmlTimeSpan->set_end ( pszUTF8String ); CPLFree( pszUTF8String ); continue; } /***** other *****/ poKmlSimpleData = poKmlFactory->CreateSimpleData ( ); poKmlSimpleData->set_name ( name ); poKmlSimpleData->set_text ( pszUTF8String ); CPLFree( pszUTF8String ); break; } case OFTDate: // Date { poOgrFeat->GetFieldAsDateTime ( i, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &min, &sec, &tz ); int iTimeField; for ( iTimeField = i + 1; iTimeField < nFields; iTimeField++ ) { if ( iTimeField == iSkip1 || iTimeField == iSkip2 ) continue; OGRFieldDefn *poOgrFieldDef2 = poOgrFeat->GetFieldDefnRef ( i ); OGRFieldType type2 = poOgrFieldDef2->GetType ( ); const char *name2 = poOgrFieldDef2->GetNameRef ( ); if ( EQUAL ( name2, name ) && type2 == OFTTime && ( EQUAL ( name, tsfield ) || EQUAL ( name, beginfield ) || EQUAL ( name, endfield ) ) ) { int year2, month2, day2, hour2, min2, sec2, tz2; poOgrFeat->GetFieldAsDateTime ( iTimeField, &year2, &month2, &day2, &hour2, &min2, &sec2, &tz2 ); hour = hour2; min = min2; sec = sec2; tz = tz2; if ( 0 > iSkip1 ) iSkip1 = iTimeField; else iSkip2 = iTimeField; } } goto Do_DateTime; } case OFTTime: // Time { poOgrFeat->GetFieldAsDateTime ( i, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &min, &sec, &tz ); int iTimeField; for ( iTimeField = i + 1; iTimeField < nFields; iTimeField++ ) { if ( iTimeField == iSkip1 || iTimeField == iSkip2 ) continue; OGRFieldDefn *poOgrFieldDef2 = poOgrFeat->GetFieldDefnRef ( i ); OGRFieldType type2 = poOgrFieldDef2->GetType ( ); const char *name2 = poOgrFieldDef2->GetNameRef ( ); if ( EQUAL ( name2, name ) && type2 == OFTTime && ( EQUAL ( name, tsfield ) || EQUAL ( name, beginfield ) || EQUAL ( name, endfield ) ) ) { int year2, month2, day2, hour2, min2, sec2, tz2; poOgrFeat->GetFieldAsDateTime ( iTimeField, &year2, &month2, &day2, &hour2, &min2, &sec2, &tz2 ); year = year2; month = month2; day = day2; if ( 0 > iSkip1 ) iSkip1 = iTimeField; else iSkip2 = iTimeField; } } goto Do_DateTime; } case OFTDateTime: // Date and Time { poOgrFeat->GetFieldAsDateTime ( i, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &min, &sec, &tz ); Do_DateTime: /***** timestamp *****/ if ( EQUAL ( name, tsfield ) ) { char *timebuf = OGRGetXMLDateTime ( year, month, day, hour, min, sec, tz ); TimeStampPtr poKmlTimeStamp = poKmlFactory->CreateTimeStamp ( ); poKmlTimeStamp->set_when ( timebuf ); poKmlPlacemark->set_timeprimitive ( poKmlTimeStamp ); CPLFree( timebuf ); continue; } /***** begin *****/ if ( EQUAL ( name, beginfield ) ) { char *timebuf = OGRGetXMLDateTime ( year, month, day, hour, min, sec, tz ); if ( !poKmlTimeSpan ) { poKmlTimeSpan = poKmlFactory->CreateTimeSpan ( ); poKmlPlacemark->set_timeprimitive ( poKmlTimeSpan ); } poKmlTimeSpan->set_begin ( timebuf ); CPLFree( timebuf ); continue; } /***** end *****/ else if ( EQUAL ( name, endfield ) ) { char *timebuf = OGRGetXMLDateTime ( year, month, day, hour, min, sec, tz ); if ( !poKmlTimeSpan ) { poKmlTimeSpan = poKmlFactory->CreateTimeSpan ( ); poKmlPlacemark->set_timeprimitive ( poKmlTimeSpan ); } poKmlTimeSpan->set_end ( timebuf ); CPLFree( timebuf ); continue; } /***** other *****/ poKmlSimpleData = poKmlFactory->CreateSimpleData ( ); poKmlSimpleData->set_name ( name ); poKmlSimpleData->set_text ( poOgrFeat-> GetFieldAsString ( i ) ); break; } case OFTInteger: // Simple 32bit integer /***** extrude *****/ if ( EQUAL ( name, extrudefield ) ) { if ( poKmlPlacemark->has_geometry ( ) && -1 < poOgrFeat->GetFieldAsInteger ( i ) ) { GeometryPtr poKmlGeometry = poKmlPlacemark->get_geometry ( ); ogr2extrude_rec ( poOgrFeat->GetFieldAsInteger ( i ), poKmlGeometry ); } continue; } /***** tessellate *****/ if ( EQUAL ( name, tessellatefield ) ) { if ( poKmlPlacemark->has_geometry ( ) && -1 < poOgrFeat->GetFieldAsInteger ( i ) ) { GeometryPtr poKmlGeometry = poKmlPlacemark->get_geometry ( ); ogr2tessellate_rec ( poOgrFeat->GetFieldAsInteger ( i ), poKmlGeometry ); } continue; } /***** visibility *****/ if ( EQUAL ( name, visibilityfield ) ) { if ( -1 < poOgrFeat->GetFieldAsInteger ( i ) ) poKmlPlacemark->set_visibility ( poOgrFeat-> GetFieldAsInteger ( i ) ); continue; } /***** other *****/ poKmlSimpleData = poKmlFactory->CreateSimpleData ( ); poKmlSimpleData->set_name ( name ); poKmlSimpleData->set_text ( poOgrFeat->GetFieldAsString ( i ) ); break; case OFTReal: // Double Precision floating point { poKmlSimpleData = poKmlFactory->CreateSimpleData ( ); poKmlSimpleData->set_name ( name ); char* pszStr = CPLStrdup( poOgrFeat->GetFieldAsString ( i ) ); /* Use point as decimal separator */ char* pszComma = strchr(pszStr, ','); if (pszComma) *pszComma = '.'; poKmlSimpleData->set_text ( pszStr ); CPLFree(pszStr); break; } case OFTStringList: // Array of strings case OFTIntegerList: // List of 32bit integers case OFTRealList: // List of doubles case OFTBinary: // Raw Binary data case OFTWideStringList: // deprecated default: /***** other *****/ poKmlSimpleData = poKmlFactory->CreateSimpleData ( ); poKmlSimpleData->set_name ( name ); poKmlSimpleData->set_text ( poOgrFeat->GetFieldAsString ( i ) ); break; } poKmlSchemaData->add_simpledata ( poKmlSimpleData ); } /***** dont add it to the placemark unless there is data *****/ if ( poKmlSchemaData->get_simpledata_array_size ( ) > 0 ) { ExtendedDataPtr poKmlExtendedData = poKmlFactory->CreateExtendedData ( ); poKmlExtendedData->add_schemadata ( poKmlSchemaData ); poKmlPlacemark->set_extendeddata ( poKmlExtendedData ); } return; }
OGRErr OGRFeatureQuery::Compile( OGRFeatureDefn *poDefn, const char * pszExpression, int bCheck, swq_custom_func_registrar* poCustomFuncRegistrar ) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Clear any existing expression. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( pSWQExpr != NULL ) { delete (swq_expr_node *) pSWQExpr; pSWQExpr = NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Build list of fields. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ char **papszFieldNames; swq_field_type *paeFieldTypes; int iField; int nFieldCount = poDefn->GetFieldCount() + SPECIAL_FIELD_COUNT + poDefn->GetGeomFieldCount(); papszFieldNames = (char **) CPLMalloc(sizeof(char *) * nFieldCount ); paeFieldTypes = (swq_field_type *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(swq_field_type) * nFieldCount ); for( iField = 0; iField < poDefn->GetFieldCount(); iField++ ) { OGRFieldDefn *poField = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); papszFieldNames[iField] = (char *) poField->GetNameRef(); switch( poField->GetType() ) { case OFTInteger: { if( poField->GetSubType() == OFSTBoolean ) paeFieldTypes[iField] = SWQ_BOOLEAN; else paeFieldTypes[iField] = SWQ_INTEGER; break; } case OFTInteger64: { if( poField->GetSubType() == OFSTBoolean ) paeFieldTypes[iField] = SWQ_BOOLEAN; else paeFieldTypes[iField] = SWQ_INTEGER64; break; } case OFTReal: paeFieldTypes[iField] = SWQ_FLOAT; break; case OFTString: paeFieldTypes[iField] = SWQ_STRING; break; case OFTDate: case OFTTime: case OFTDateTime: paeFieldTypes[iField] = SWQ_TIMESTAMP; break; default: paeFieldTypes[iField] = SWQ_OTHER; break; } } iField = 0; while (iField < SPECIAL_FIELD_COUNT) { papszFieldNames[poDefn->GetFieldCount() + iField] = (char *) SpecialFieldNames[iField]; paeFieldTypes[poDefn->GetFieldCount() + iField] = SpecialFieldTypes[iField]; ++iField; } for( iField = 0; iField < poDefn->GetGeomFieldCount(); iField++ ) { OGRGeomFieldDefn *poField = poDefn->GetGeomFieldDefn( iField ); int iDstField = poDefn->GetFieldCount() + SPECIAL_FIELD_COUNT + iField; papszFieldNames[iDstField] = (char *) poField->GetNameRef(); if( *papszFieldNames[iDstField] == '\0' ) papszFieldNames[iDstField] = (char*) OGR_GEOMETRY_DEFAULT_NON_EMPTY_NAME; paeFieldTypes[iDstField] = SWQ_GEOMETRY; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Try to parse. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRErr eErr = OGRERR_NONE; CPLErr eCPLErr; poTargetDefn = poDefn; eCPLErr = swq_expr_compile( pszExpression, nFieldCount, papszFieldNames, paeFieldTypes, bCheck, poCustomFuncRegistrar, (swq_expr_node **) &pSWQExpr ); if( eCPLErr != CE_None ) { eErr = OGRERR_CORRUPT_DATA; pSWQExpr = NULL; } CPLFree( papszFieldNames ); CPLFree( paeFieldTypes ); return eErr; }
OGRErr OGRMemLayer::AlterFieldDefn( int iField, OGRFieldDefn* poNewFieldDefn, int nFlags ) { if (!bUpdatable) return OGRERR_FAILURE; if (iField < 0 || iField >= poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount()) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Invalid field index"); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } OGRFieldDefn* poFieldDefn = poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn(iField); if ((nFlags & ALTER_TYPE_FLAG) && poFieldDefn->GetType() != poNewFieldDefn->GetType()) { if ((poNewFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTDate || poNewFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTTime || poNewFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTDateTime) && (poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTDate || poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTTime || poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTDateTime)) { /* do nothing on features */ } else if (poNewFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTInteger64 && poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTInteger) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Update all the internal features. Hopefully there aren't any */ /* external features referring to our OGRFeatureDefn! */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for( GIntBig i = 0; i < nMaxFeatureCount; i++ ) { if( papoFeatures[i] == NULL ) continue; OGRField* poFieldRaw = papoFeatures[i]->GetRawFieldRef(iField); if( papoFeatures[i]->IsFieldSet(iField) ) { poFieldRaw->Integer64 = poFieldRaw->Integer; } } } else if (poNewFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTReal && poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTInteger) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Update all the internal features. Hopefully there aren't any */ /* external features referring to our OGRFeatureDefn! */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for( GIntBig i = 0; i < nMaxFeatureCount; i++ ) { if( papoFeatures[i] == NULL ) continue; OGRField* poFieldRaw = papoFeatures[i]->GetRawFieldRef(iField); if( papoFeatures[i]->IsFieldSet(iField) ) { poFieldRaw->Real = poFieldRaw->Integer; } } } else if (poNewFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTReal && poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTInteger64) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Update all the internal features. Hopefully there aren't any */ /* external features referring to our OGRFeatureDefn! */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for( GIntBig i = 0; i < nMaxFeatureCount; i++ ) { if( papoFeatures[i] == NULL ) continue; OGRField* poFieldRaw = papoFeatures[i]->GetRawFieldRef(iField); if( papoFeatures[i]->IsFieldSet(iField) ) { poFieldRaw->Real = (double) poFieldRaw->Integer64; } } } else { if (poNewFieldDefn->GetType() != OFTString) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Can only convert from OFTInteger to OFTReal, or from anything to OFTString"); return OGRERR_FAILURE; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Update all the internal features. Hopefully there aren't any */ /* external features referring to our OGRFeatureDefn! */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ for( GIntBig i = 0; i < nMaxFeatureCount; i++ ) { if( papoFeatures[i] == NULL ) continue; OGRField* poFieldRaw = papoFeatures[i]->GetRawFieldRef(iField); if( papoFeatures[i]->IsFieldSet(iField) ) { char* pszVal = CPLStrdup(papoFeatures[i]->GetFieldAsString(iField)); /* Little trick to unallocate the field */ OGRField sField; sField.Set.nMarker1 = OGRUnsetMarker; sField.Set.nMarker2 = OGRUnsetMarker; papoFeatures[i]->SetField(iField, &sField); poFieldRaw->String = pszVal; } } } poFieldDefn->SetType(poNewFieldDefn->GetType()); } if (nFlags & ALTER_NAME_FLAG) poFieldDefn->SetName(poNewFieldDefn->GetNameRef()); if (nFlags & ALTER_WIDTH_PRECISION_FLAG) { poFieldDefn->SetWidth(poNewFieldDefn->GetWidth()); poFieldDefn->SetPrecision(poNewFieldDefn->GetPrecision()); } return OGRERR_NONE; }
SEXP ogrReadColumn(OGRLayer *poLayer, SEXP FIDs, int iField, int int64, int ENC_DEBUG) { // read feature data and return something according to the type OGRFeatureDefn *poDefn; OGRFieldDefn *poField; OGRFeature *poFeature; int iRow,nRows; SEXP ans = R_NilValue; nRows=length(FIDs); // get field data from layer installErrorHandler(); poDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn(); poField = poDefn->GetFieldDefn(iField); uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); if(poField == NULL) { error("Error getting field %d ",iField); } // allocate an object for the result depending on the feature type: installErrorHandler(); switch(poField->GetType()) { case OFTInteger: PROTECT(ans=allocVector(INTSXP,nRows)); break; #ifdef GDALV2 case OFTInteger64: if (int64 ==3) { PROTECT(ans=allocVector(STRSXP,nRows)); } else { PROTECT(ans=allocVector(INTSXP,nRows)); } break; #endif case OFTReal: PROTECT(ans=allocVector(REALSXP,nRows)); break; case OFTString: PROTECT(ans=allocVector(STRSXP,nRows)); break; case OFTDate: PROTECT(ans=allocVector(STRSXP,nRows)); break; case OFTDateTime: PROTECT(ans=allocVector(STRSXP,nRows)); break; case OFTTime: PROTECT(ans=allocVector(STRSXP,nRows)); break; default: const char *desc = poField->GetFieldTypeName(poField->GetType()); uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); error("unsupported field type: %s", desc); break; } uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); // now go over each row and retrieve data. iRow is an index in a // vector of FIDs /*#ifndef EJP installErrorHandler(); for(iRow=0;iRow<nRows;iRow++){ poFeature=poLayer->GetFeature(INTEGER(FIDs)[iRow]); if(poFeature == NULL){ error("Error getting feature FID: %d",(INTEGER(FIDs)[iRow])); } } uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); #else*/ // EJP, changed into: installErrorHandler(); poLayer->ResetReading(); iRow = 0; while((poFeature = poLayer->GetNextFeature()) != NULL) { //#endif // now get the value using the right type: switch(poField->GetType()) { case OFTInteger: if (poFeature->IsFieldSet(iField)) INTEGER(ans)[iRow]=poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger(iField); else INTEGER(ans)[iRow]=NA_INTEGER; break; #ifdef GDALV2 case OFTInteger64: if (poFeature->IsFieldSet(iField)) { if (int64 == 3) { SET_STRING_ELT(ans, iRow, mkChar(poFeature->GetFieldAsString(iField))); } else { GIntBig nVal64 = poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger64(iField); int nVal = (nVal64 > INT_MAX) ? INT_MAX : (nVal64 < INT_MIN) ? INT_MIN : (int) nVal64; INTEGER(ans)[iRow]=nVal; if (((GIntBig)nVal != nVal64) && int64 == 2) { warning("Integer64 value clamped: feature %d", iRow); } } } else { if (int64 == 3) { SET_STRING_ELT(ans, iRow, NA_STRING); } else { INTEGER(ans)[iRow]=NA_INTEGER; } } break; #endif case OFTReal: if (poFeature->IsFieldSet(iField)) REAL(ans)[iRow]=poFeature->GetFieldAsDouble(iField); else REAL(ans)[iRow]=NA_REAL; break; case OFTString: // ENC char str[4096]; size_t stln; if (poFeature->IsFieldSet(iField)) { stln = CPLStrnlen(poFeature->GetFieldAsString(iField), 4096); CPLStrlcpy(str, (const char *) poFeature->GetFieldAsString(iField), 4096); SET_STRING_ELT(ans, iRow, mkChar(str)); } else SET_STRING_ELT(ans, iRow, NA_STRING); if (ENC_DEBUG) { Rprintf("iField: %d, iRow: %d stln %u Enc %s ", iField, iRow, stln, CPLIsUTF8(str, (int) stln)?"UTF-8":"other"); for (int si=0; si < (int) stln; si++) Rprintf("%x ", (unsigned char) str[si]); Rprintf("\n"); } /* FIXME */ break; case OFTDate: if (poFeature->IsFieldSet(iField)) SET_STRING_ELT(ans,iRow,mkChar(poFeature->GetFieldAsString(iField))); else SET_STRING_ELT(ans, iRow, NA_STRING); break; case OFTDateTime: if (poFeature->IsFieldSet(iField)) SET_STRING_ELT(ans,iRow,mkChar(poFeature->GetFieldAsString(iField))); else SET_STRING_ELT(ans, iRow, NA_STRING); break; case OFTTime: if (poFeature->IsFieldSet(iField)) SET_STRING_ELT(ans,iRow,mkChar(poFeature->GetFieldAsString(iField))); else SET_STRING_ELT(ans, iRow, NA_STRING); break; default: OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( poFeature ); // delete poFeature; uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); error("Unsupported field type. should have been caught before"); } OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( poFeature ); // delete poFeature; //#ifdef EJP // according to tutorial: OGRFeature::DestroyFeature(poFeature); // see comment FW in OGR tutorial: We could just "delete" it, // but this can cause problems in windows builds where the GDAL DLL // has a different "heap" from the main program. To be on the safe // side we use a GDAL function to delete the feature. iRow++; //#endif } uninstallErrorHandlerAndTriggerError(); UNPROTECT(1); return(ans); }
feature_ptr ogr_index_featureset<filterT>::next() { while (itr_ != ids_.end()) { int pos = *itr_++; layer_.SetNextByIndex (pos); OGRFeature *poFeature = layer_.GetNextFeature(); if (poFeature == nullptr) { return feature_ptr(); } // ogr feature ids start at 0, so add one to stay // consistent with other mapnik datasources that start at 1 mapnik::value_integer feature_id = (poFeature->GetFID() + 1); feature_ptr feature(feature_factory::create(ctx_,feature_id)); OGRGeometry* geom=poFeature->GetGeometryRef(); if (geom && !geom->IsEmpty()) { geom->getEnvelope(&feature_envelope_); if (!filter_.pass(mapnik::box2d<double>(feature_envelope_.MinX,feature_envelope_.MinY, feature_envelope_.MaxX,feature_envelope_.MaxY))) continue; auto geom_corrected = ogr_converter::convert_geometry(geom); mapnik::geometry::correct(geom_corrected); feature->set_geometry(std::move(geom_corrected)); } else { MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(ogr) << "ogr_index_featureset: Feature with null geometry=" << poFeature->GetFID(); OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( poFeature ); continue; } int fld_count = layerdef_->GetFieldCount(); for (int i = 0; i < fld_count; i++) { OGRFieldDefn* fld = layerdef_->GetFieldDefn (i); OGRFieldType type_oid = fld->GetType (); std::string fld_name = fld->GetNameRef (); switch (type_oid) { case OFTInteger: { feature->put<mapnik::value_integer>(fld_name,poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger (i)); break; } #if GDAL_VERSION_MAJOR >= 2 case OFTInteger64: { feature->put<mapnik::value_integer>( fld_name, poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger64(i)); break; } #endif case OFTReal: { feature->put(fld_name,poFeature->GetFieldAsDouble (i)); break; } case OFTString: case OFTWideString: // deprecated ! { feature->put(fld_name,tr_->transcode(poFeature->GetFieldAsString (i))); break; } case OFTIntegerList: #if GDAL_VERSION_MAJOR >= 2 case OFTInteger64List: #endif case OFTRealList: case OFTStringList: case OFTWideStringList: // deprecated ! { MAPNIK_LOG_WARN(ogr) << "ogr_index_featureset: Unhandled type_oid=" << type_oid; break; } case OFTBinary: { MAPNIK_LOG_WARN(ogr) << "ogr_index_featureset: Unhandled type_oid=" << type_oid; //feature->put(name,feat->GetFieldAsBinary (i, size)); break; } case OFTDate: case OFTTime: case OFTDateTime: // unhandled ! { MAPNIK_LOG_WARN(ogr) << "ogr_index_featureset: Unhandled type_oid=" << type_oid; break; } } } OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( poFeature ); return feature; } return feature_ptr(); }
void CDlg_GISDataExchange::ExportDataToCSV(CString csv_file_name) { #ifndef _WIN64 CString message_str; OGRRegisterAll(); OGRDataSource *poDS; poDS = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::Open(m_GIS_ShapeFile, FALSE ); if( poDS == NULL ) { m_MessageList.AddString("Open file failed." ); return; } ofstream CSVFile; (csv_file_name, ios::out); if(CSVFile.is_open () == false) { AfxMessageBox("This file cannot be found or opened.\n It might be currently used and locked by EXCEL."); return; }else { CSVFile.width(15); CSVFile.precision(6) ; CSVFile.setf(ios::fixed); } int poLayers = ((OGRDataSource*)poDS)->GetLayerCount() ; for (int i=0; i < poLayers; i++) { OGRLayer *poLayer; poLayer = ((OGRDataSource*)poDS)->GetLayer(i); if(poLayer == NULL) { message_str.Format("Open layer %d failed", i+1); m_MessageList.AddString (message_str); return; } OGRFeature *poFeature; int feature_count = 0; poLayer->ResetReading(); while( (poFeature = poLayer->GetNextFeature()) != NULL ) { OGRFeatureDefn *poFDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn(); int iField; if(feature_count == 0) // first feature point, output field name; { for( iField = 0; iField < poFDefn->GetFieldCount(); iField++ ) { OGRFieldDefn *poFieldDefn = poFDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); CString str = poFieldDefn->GetNameRef(); str.Replace(" ", NULL); // remove space CSVFile << str << "," ; } CSVFile << "geometry" << endl; } for( iField = 0; iField < poFDefn->GetFieldCount(); iField++ ) { OGRFieldDefn *poFieldDefn = poFDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); CString str; if( poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTInteger ) CSVFile << poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger( iField ) << ","; else if( poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTReal ) CSVFile << poFeature->GetFieldAsDouble(iField) << ","; else if( poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTString ) { str = poFeature->GetFieldAsString(iField); if(str.Find(',') >=0) CSVFile << "\"" << poFeature->GetFieldAsString(iField) << "\","; else CSVFile << poFeature->GetFieldAsString(iField) << ","; } else { str = poFeature->GetFieldAsString(iField); if(str.Find(',') >=0) CSVFile << "\"" << poFeature->GetFieldAsString(iField) << "\","; else CSVFile << poFeature->GetFieldAsString(iField) << ","; } } OGRGeometry *poGeometry; poGeometry = poFeature->GetGeometryRef(); if( poGeometry != NULL ) { if(wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbPoint ) { OGRPoint *poPoint = (OGRPoint *) poGeometry; CSVFile << "\"<Point><coordinates>" << poPoint->getX() << "," << poPoint->getY() << ",0.0" << "</coordinates></Point>\"" ; } else if (wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbLineString) { OGRLineString *poLine = (OGRLineString *) poGeometry; CSVFile << "\"<LineString><coordinates>"; for(unsigned int si = 0; si< poLine->getNumPoints(); si++) { CSVFile << poLine->getX(si) << "," << poLine->getY(si) << ",0.0"; if(si!=poLine->getNumPoints()-1) CSVFile << " "; } CSVFile << "</coordinates></LineString>\","; } if (wkbFlatten(poGeometry->getGeometryType()) == wkbPolygon ) { OGRPolygon* polygon = (OGRPolygon*)(poGeometry); OGRLinearRing *ring = polygon->getExteriorRing(); OGRPoint point; CSVFile << "\"<Polygon><outerBoundaryIs><LinearRing><coordinates>"; for(int i = 0; i < ring->getNumPoints(); i++) { ring->getPoint(i, &point); CSVFile << point.getX() << "," << point.getY() << ",0.0"; if(i!=ring->getNumPoints()-1) CSVFile << " "; } CSVFile << "</coordinates></LinearRing></outerBoundaryIs></Polygon>\""; } CSVFile << endl; } feature_count ++; } OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( poFeature ); message_str.Format("Layer %d has %d features.", i+1, feature_count); m_MessageList.AddString(message_str); } OGRDataSource::DestroyDataSource( poDS ); CSVFile.close(); #endif }
long *OGRFeatureQuery::EvaluateAgainstIndices( OGRLayer *poLayer, OGRErr *peErr ) { swq_expr_node *psExpr = (swq_expr_node *) pSWQExpr; OGRAttrIndex *poIndex; if( peErr != NULL ) *peErr = OGRERR_NONE; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Does the expression meet our requirements? Do we have an */ /* index on the targetted field? */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( psExpr == NULL || psExpr->eNodeType != SNT_OPERATION || !(psExpr->nOperation == SWQ_EQ || psExpr->nOperation == SWQ_IN) || poLayer->GetIndex() == NULL || psExpr->nSubExprCount < 2 ) return NULL; swq_expr_node *poColumn = psExpr->papoSubExpr[0]; swq_expr_node *poValue = psExpr->papoSubExpr[1]; if( poColumn->eNodeType != SNT_COLUMN || poValue->eNodeType != SNT_CONSTANT ) return NULL; poIndex = poLayer->GetIndex()->GetFieldIndex( poColumn->field_index ); if( poIndex == NULL ) return NULL; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* OK, we have an index, now we need to query it. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ OGRField sValue; OGRFieldDefn *poFieldDefn; poFieldDefn = poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetFieldDefn(poColumn->field_index); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Handle the case of an IN operation. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (psExpr->nOperation == SWQ_IN) { int nFIDCount = 0, nLength; long *panFIDs = NULL; int iIN; for( iIN = 1; iIN < psExpr->nSubExprCount; iIN++ ) { switch( poFieldDefn->GetType() ) { case OFTInteger: if (psExpr->papoSubExpr[iIN]->field_type == SWQ_FLOAT) sValue.Integer = (int) psExpr->papoSubExpr[iIN]->float_value; else sValue.Integer = psExpr->papoSubExpr[iIN]->int_value; break; case OFTReal: sValue.Real = psExpr->papoSubExpr[iIN]->float_value; break; case OFTString: sValue.String = psExpr->papoSubExpr[iIN]->string_value; break; default: CPLAssert( FALSE ); return NULL; } panFIDs = poIndex->GetAllMatches( &sValue, panFIDs, &nFIDCount, &nLength ); } if (nFIDCount > 1) { /* the returned FIDs are expected to be in sorted order */ qsort(panFIDs, nFIDCount, sizeof(long), CompareLong); } return panFIDs; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Handle equality test. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ switch( poFieldDefn->GetType() ) { case OFTInteger: if (poValue->field_type == SWQ_FLOAT) sValue.Integer = (int) poValue->float_value; else sValue.Integer = poValue->int_value; break; case OFTReal: sValue.Real = poValue->float_value; break; case OFTString: sValue.String = poValue->string_value; break; default: CPLAssert( FALSE ); return NULL; } int nFIDCount = 0, nLength = 0; long *panFIDs = poIndex->GetAllMatches( &sValue, NULL, &nFIDCount, &nLength ); if (nFIDCount > 1) { /* the returned FIDs are expected to be in sorted order */ qsort(panFIDs, nFIDCount, sizeof(long), CompareLong); } return panFIDs; }
OGRErr OGRGMLLayer::CreateFeature( OGRFeature *poFeature ) { int bIsGML3Output = poDS->IsGML3Output(); VSILFILE *fp = poDS->GetOutputFP(); int bWriteSpaceIndentation = poDS->WriteSpaceIndentation(); if( !bWriter ) return OGRERR_FAILURE; if (bWriteSpaceIndentation) VSIFPrintfL(fp, " "); if (bIsGML3Output) poDS->PrintLine( fp, "<ogr:featureMember>" ); else poDS->PrintLine( fp, "<gml:featureMember>" ); if( poFeature->GetFID() == OGRNullFID ) poFeature->SetFID( iNextGMLId++ ); int nGMLIdIndex = -1; if (bWriteSpaceIndentation) VSIFPrintfL(fp, " "); if (bIsGML3Output) { nGMLIdIndex = poFeatureDefn->GetFieldIndex("gml_id"); if (nGMLIdIndex >= 0 && poFeature->IsFieldSet( nGMLIdIndex ) ) poDS->PrintLine( fp, "<ogr:%s gml:id=\"%s\">", poFeatureDefn->GetName(), poFeature->GetFieldAsString(nGMLIdIndex) ); else poDS->PrintLine( fp, "<ogr:%s gml:id=\"%s.%ld\">", poFeatureDefn->GetName(), poFeatureDefn->GetName(), poFeature->GetFID() ); } else poDS->PrintLine( fp, "<ogr:%s fid=\"F%ld\">", poFeatureDefn->GetName(), poFeature->GetFID() ); // Write out Geometry - for now it isn't indented properly. /* GML geometries don't like very much the concept of empty geometry */ OGRGeometry* poGeom = poFeature->GetGeometryRef(); if( poGeom != NULL && !poGeom->IsEmpty()) { char *pszGeometry; OGREnvelope sGeomBounds; poGeom->getEnvelope( &sGeomBounds ); poDS->GrowExtents( &sGeomBounds ); if (bIsGML3Output) { int bCoordSwap; if (poGeom->getSpatialReference() == NULL && poSRS != NULL) poGeom->assignSpatialReference(poSRS); char* pszSRSName = GML_GetSRSName(poGeom->getSpatialReference(), poDS->IsLongSRSRequired(), &bCoordSwap); char szLowerCorner[75], szUpperCorner[75]; if (bCoordSwap) { OGRMakeWktCoordinate(szLowerCorner, sGeomBounds.MinY, sGeomBounds.MinX, 0, 2); OGRMakeWktCoordinate(szUpperCorner, sGeomBounds.MaxY, sGeomBounds.MaxX, 0, 2); } else { OGRMakeWktCoordinate(szLowerCorner, sGeomBounds.MinX, sGeomBounds.MinY, 0, 2); OGRMakeWktCoordinate(szUpperCorner, sGeomBounds.MaxX, sGeomBounds.MaxY, 0, 2); } if (bWriteSpaceIndentation) VSIFPrintfL(fp, " "); poDS->PrintLine( fp, "<gml:boundedBy><gml:Envelope%s><gml:lowerCorner>%s</gml:lowerCorner><gml:upperCorner>%s</gml:upperCorner></gml:Envelope></gml:boundedBy>", pszSRSName, szLowerCorner, szUpperCorner); CPLFree(pszSRSName); } char** papszOptions = (bIsGML3Output) ? CSLAddString(NULL, "FORMAT=GML3") : NULL; if (bIsGML3Output && !poDS->IsLongSRSRequired()) papszOptions = CSLAddString(papszOptions, "GML3_LONGSRS=NO"); pszGeometry = poGeom->exportToGML(papszOptions); CSLDestroy(papszOptions); if (bWriteSpaceIndentation) VSIFPrintfL(fp, " "); poDS->PrintLine( fp, "<ogr:geometryProperty>%s</ogr:geometryProperty>", pszGeometry ); CPLFree( pszGeometry ); } // Write all "set" fields. for( int iField = 0; iField < poFeatureDefn->GetFieldCount(); iField++ ) { OGRFieldDefn *poFieldDefn = poFeatureDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); if( poFeature->IsFieldSet( iField ) && iField != nGMLIdIndex ) { const char *pszRaw = poFeature->GetFieldAsString( iField ); while( *pszRaw == ' ' ) pszRaw++; char *pszEscaped = OGRGetXML_UTF8_EscapedString( pszRaw ); if (poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTReal) { /* Use point as decimal separator */ char* pszComma = strchr(pszEscaped, ','); if (pszComma) *pszComma = '.'; } if (bWriteSpaceIndentation) VSIFPrintfL(fp, " "); poDS->PrintLine( fp, "<ogr:%s>%s</ogr:%s>", poFieldDefn->GetNameRef(), pszEscaped, poFieldDefn->GetNameRef() ); CPLFree( pszEscaped ); } } if (bWriteSpaceIndentation) VSIFPrintfL(fp, " "); poDS->PrintLine( fp, "</ogr:%s>", poFeatureDefn->GetName() ); if (bWriteSpaceIndentation) VSIFPrintfL(fp, " "); if (bIsGML3Output) poDS->PrintLine( fp, "</ogr:featureMember>" ); else poDS->PrintLine( fp, "</gml:featureMember>" ); return OGRERR_NONE; }
void OGRFeature::SetField( int iField, OGRField * puValue ) { OGRFieldDefn *poFDefn = poDefn->GetFieldDefn( iField ); CPLAssert( poFDefn != NULL || iField == -1 ); if( poFDefn == NULL ) return; if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTInteger ) { pauFields[iField] = *puValue; } else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTReal ) { pauFields[iField] = *puValue; } else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTString ) { if( IsFieldSet( iField ) ) CPLFree( pauFields[iField].String ); if( puValue->String == NULL ) pauFields[iField].String = NULL; else if( puValue->Set.nMarker1 == OGRUnsetMarker && puValue->Set.nMarker2 == OGRUnsetMarker ) pauFields[iField] = *puValue; else pauFields[iField].String = CPLStrdup( puValue->String ); } else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTIntegerList ) { int nCount = puValue->IntegerList.nCount; if( IsFieldSet( iField ) ) CPLFree( pauFields[iField].IntegerList.paList ); if( puValue->Set.nMarker1 == OGRUnsetMarker && puValue->Set.nMarker2 == OGRUnsetMarker ) { pauFields[iField] = *puValue; } else { pauFields[iField].IntegerList.paList = (int *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(int) * nCount); memcpy( pauFields[iField].IntegerList.paList, puValue->IntegerList.paList, sizeof(int) * nCount ); pauFields[iField].IntegerList.nCount = nCount; } } else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTRealList ) { int nCount = puValue->RealList.nCount; if( IsFieldSet( iField ) ) CPLFree( pauFields[iField].RealList.paList ); if( puValue->Set.nMarker1 == OGRUnsetMarker && puValue->Set.nMarker2 == OGRUnsetMarker ) { pauFields[iField] = *puValue; } else { pauFields[iField].RealList.paList = (double *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(double) * nCount); memcpy( pauFields[iField].RealList.paList, puValue->RealList.paList, sizeof(double) * nCount ); pauFields[iField].RealList.nCount = nCount; } } else if( poFDefn->GetType() == OFTStringList ) { if( IsFieldSet( iField ) ) CSLDestroy( pauFields[iField].StringList.paList ); if( puValue->Set.nMarker1 == OGRUnsetMarker && puValue->Set.nMarker2 == OGRUnsetMarker ) { pauFields[iField] = *puValue; } else { pauFields[iField].StringList.paList = CSLDuplicate( puValue->StringList.paList ); pauFields[iField].StringList.nCount = puValue->StringList.nCount; CPLAssert( CSLCount(puValue->StringList.paList) == puValue->StringList.nCount ); } } else /* do nothing for other field types */; }