예제 #1
파일: hyp_brep.cpp 프로젝트: kanzure/brlcad
extern "C" void
rt_hyp_brep(ON_Brep **b, const struct rt_db_internal *ip, const struct bn_tol *)
    struct rt_hyp_internal *eip;

    eip = (struct rt_hyp_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

    point_t p1_origin, p2_origin;
    ON_3dPoint plane1_origin, plane2_origin;
    ON_3dVector plane_x_dir, plane_y_dir;

    //  First, find planes corresponding to the top and bottom faces - initially

    vect_t x_dir, y_dir;
    VMOVE(x_dir, eip->hyp_A);
    VCROSS(y_dir, eip->hyp_A, eip->hyp_Hi);
    VREVERSE(y_dir, y_dir);

    VMOVE(p1_origin, eip->hyp_Vi);
    plane1_origin = ON_3dPoint(p1_origin);
    plane_x_dir = ON_3dVector(x_dir);
    plane_y_dir = ON_3dVector(y_dir);
    const ON_Plane hyp_bottom_plane(plane1_origin, plane_x_dir, plane_y_dir);

    VADD2(p2_origin, eip->hyp_Vi, eip->hyp_Hi);
    plane2_origin = ON_3dPoint(p2_origin);
    const ON_Plane hyp_top_plane(plane2_origin, plane_x_dir, plane_y_dir);

    // Next, create ellipses in the planes corresponding to the edges of the hyp

    ON_Ellipse b_ell(hyp_bottom_plane, MAGNITUDE(eip->hyp_A), eip->hyp_b);
    ON_NurbsCurve* bcurve = ON_NurbsCurve::New();
    bcurve->SetDomain(0.0, 1.0);

    ON_Ellipse t_ell(hyp_top_plane, MAGNITUDE(eip->hyp_A), eip->hyp_b);
    ON_NurbsCurve* tcurve = ON_NurbsCurve::New();
    tcurve->SetDomain(0.0, 1.0);

    // Generate the bottom cap
    ON_SimpleArray<ON_Curve*> boundary;
    ON_PlaneSurface* bp = new ON_PlaneSurface();
    bp->m_plane = hyp_bottom_plane;
    bp->SetDomain(0, -100.0, 100.0);
    bp->SetDomain(1, -100.0, 100.0);
    bp->SetExtents(0, bp->Domain(0));
    bp->SetExtents(1, bp->Domain(1));
    const int bsi = (*b)->m_S.Count() - 1;
    ON_BrepFace& bface = (*b)->NewFace(bsi);
    (*b)->NewPlanarFaceLoop(bface.m_face_index, ON_BrepLoop::outer, boundary, true);
    const ON_BrepLoop* bloop = (*b)->m_L.Last();
    bp->SetDomain(0, bloop->m_pbox.m_min.x, bloop->m_pbox.m_max.x);
    bp->SetDomain(1, bloop->m_pbox.m_min.y, bloop->m_pbox.m_max.y);
    bp->SetExtents(0, bp->Domain(0));
    bp->SetExtents(1, bp->Domain(1));
    delete bcurve;

    // Generate the top cap
    ON_PlaneSurface* tp = new ON_PlaneSurface();
    tp->m_plane = hyp_top_plane;
    tp->SetDomain(0, -100.0, 100.0);
    tp->SetDomain(1, -100.0, 100.0);
    tp->SetExtents(0, bp->Domain(0));
    tp->SetExtents(1, bp->Domain(1));
    int tsi = (*b)->m_S.Count() - 1;
    ON_BrepFace& tface = (*b)->NewFace(tsi);
    (*b)->NewPlanarFaceLoop(tface.m_face_index, ON_BrepLoop::outer, boundary, true);
    ON_BrepLoop* tloop = (*b)->m_L.Last();
    tp->SetDomain(0, tloop->m_pbox.m_min.x, tloop->m_pbox.m_max.x);
    tp->SetDomain(1, tloop->m_pbox.m_min.y, tloop->m_pbox.m_max.y);
    tp->SetExtents(0, bp->Domain(0));
    tp->SetExtents(1, bp->Domain(1));
    delete tcurve;

    //  Now, the hard part.  Need an elliptical hyperbolic NURBS surface.
    //  First step is to create a nurbs curve.

    double MX = eip->hyp_b * eip->hyp_bnr;
    point_t ep1, ep2, ep3;
    VSET(ep1, -eip->hyp_b, 0, 0.5*MAGNITUDE(eip->hyp_Hi));
    VSET(ep2, -MX*eip->hyp_bnr, 0, 0);
    VSET(ep3, -eip->hyp_b, 0, -0.5*MAGNITUDE(eip->hyp_Hi));

    ON_3dPoint onp1 = ON_3dPoint(ep1);
    ON_3dPoint onp2 = ON_3dPoint(ep2);
    ON_3dPoint onp3 = ON_3dPoint(ep3);

    ON_3dPointArray cpts(3);
    ON_BezierCurve *bezcurve = new ON_BezierCurve(cpts);
    bezcurve->SetWeight(1, bezcurve->Weight(0)/eip->hyp_bnr);

    ON_NurbsCurve* tnurbscurve = ON_NurbsCurve::New();
    delete bezcurve;

    ON_3dPoint revpnt1 = ON_3dPoint(0, 0, -0.5*MAGNITUDE(eip->hyp_Hi));
    ON_3dPoint revpnt2 = ON_3dPoint(0, 0, 0.5*MAGNITUDE(eip->hyp_Hi));

    ON_Line revaxis = ON_Line(revpnt1, revpnt2);
    ON_RevSurface* hyp_surf = ON_RevSurface::New();
    hyp_surf->m_curve = tnurbscurve;
    hyp_surf->m_axis = revaxis;
    hyp_surf->m_angle = ON_Interval(0, 2*ON_PI);

    // Get the NURBS form of the surface
    ON_NurbsSurface *hypcurvedsurf = ON_NurbsSurface::New();
    hyp_surf->GetNurbForm(*hypcurvedsurf, 0.0);
    delete hyp_surf;

    for (int i = 0; i < hypcurvedsurf->CVCount(0); i++) {
	for (int j = 0; j < hypcurvedsurf->CVCount(1); j++) {
	    point_t cvpt;
	    ON_4dPoint ctrlpt;
	    hypcurvedsurf->GetCV(i, j, ctrlpt);

	    // Scale and shear
	    vect_t proj_ah;
	    vect_t proj_ax;
	    fastf_t factor;

	    VPROJECT(eip->hyp_A, eip->hyp_Hi, proj_ah, proj_ax);
	    VSET(cvpt, ctrlpt.x * MAGNITUDE(proj_ax)/eip->hyp_b, ctrlpt.y, ctrlpt.z);
	    factor = VDOT(eip->hyp_A, eip->hyp_Hi)>0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
	    cvpt[2] += factor*cvpt[0]/MAGNITUDE(proj_ax)*MAGNITUDE(proj_ah) + 0.5*MAGNITUDE(eip->hyp_Hi)*ctrlpt.w;

	    // Rotate
	    vect_t Au, Bu, Hu;
	    mat_t R;
	    point_t new_cvpt;

	    VSCALE(Bu, y_dir, 1/MAGNITUDE(y_dir));
	    VSCALE(Hu, eip->hyp_Hi, 1/MAGNITUDE(eip->hyp_Hi));
	    VCROSS(Au, Bu, Hu);
	    VMOVE(&R[0], Au);
	    VMOVE(&R[4], Bu);
	    VMOVE(&R[8], Hu);
	    VEC3X3MAT(new_cvpt, cvpt, R);
	    VMOVE(cvpt, new_cvpt);

	    // Translate
	    vect_t scale_v;
	    VSCALE(scale_v, eip->hyp_Vi, ctrlpt.w);
	    VADD2(cvpt, cvpt, scale_v);
	    ON_4dPoint newpt = ON_4dPoint(cvpt[0], cvpt[1], cvpt[2], ctrlpt.w);
	    hypcurvedsurf->SetCV(i, j, newpt);

    int surfindex = (*b)->m_S.Count();
    ON_BrepFace& face = (*b)->NewFace(surfindex - 1);
    int faceindex = (*b)->m_F.Count();

예제 #2
파일: ehy_brep.cpp 프로젝트: kanzure/brlcad
extern "C" void
rt_ehy_brep(ON_Brep **b, const struct rt_db_internal *ip, const struct bn_tol *)
    struct rt_ehy_internal *eip;

    eip = (struct rt_ehy_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

    // Check the parameters
    if (!NEAR_ZERO(VDOT(eip->ehy_Au, eip->ehy_H), RT_DOT_TOL)) {
	bu_log("rt_ehy_brep: Au and H are not perpendicular!\n");

    if (!NEAR_EQUAL(MAGNITUDE(eip->ehy_Au), 1.0, RT_LEN_TOL)) {
	bu_log("rt_ehy_brep: Au not a unit vector!\n");

    if (MAGNITUDE(eip->ehy_H) < RT_LEN_TOL
	|| eip->ehy_c < RT_LEN_TOL
	|| eip->ehy_r1 < RT_LEN_TOL
	|| eip->ehy_r2 < RT_LEN_TOL) {
	bu_log("rt_ehy_brep: not all dimensions positive!\n");

    if (eip->ehy_r2 > eip->ehy_r1) {
	bu_log("rt_ehy_brep: semi-minor axis cannot be longer than semi-major axis!\n");

    point_t p1_origin;
    ON_3dPoint plane1_origin, plane2_origin;
    ON_3dVector plane_x_dir, plane_y_dir;

    //  First, find plane in 3 space corresponding to the bottom face of the EPA.

    vect_t x_dir, y_dir;

    VMOVE(x_dir, eip->ehy_Au);
    VCROSS(y_dir, eip->ehy_Au, eip->ehy_H);

    VMOVE(p1_origin, eip->ehy_V);
    plane1_origin = ON_3dPoint(p1_origin);
    plane_x_dir = ON_3dVector(x_dir);
    plane_y_dir = ON_3dVector(y_dir);
    const ON_Plane ehy_bottom_plane(plane1_origin, plane_x_dir, plane_y_dir);

    //  Next, create an ellipse in the plane corresponding to the edge of the ehy.

    ON_Ellipse ellipse1(ehy_bottom_plane, eip->ehy_r1, eip->ehy_r2);
    ON_NurbsCurve* ellcurve1 = ON_NurbsCurve::New();
    ellcurve1->SetDomain(0.0, 1.0);

    // Generate the bottom cap
    ON_SimpleArray<ON_Curve*> boundary;
    ON_PlaneSurface* bp = new ON_PlaneSurface();
    bp->m_plane = ehy_bottom_plane;
    bp->SetDomain(0, -100.0, 100.0);
    bp->SetDomain(1, -100.0, 100.0);
    bp->SetExtents(0, bp->Domain(0));
    bp->SetExtents(1, bp->Domain(1));
    const int bsi = (*b)->m_S.Count() - 1;
    ON_BrepFace& bface = (*b)->NewFace(bsi);
    (*b)->NewPlanarFaceLoop(bface.m_face_index, ON_BrepLoop::outer, boundary, true);
    const ON_BrepLoop* bloop = (*b)->m_L.Last();
    bp->SetDomain(0, bloop->m_pbox.m_min.x, bloop->m_pbox.m_max.x);
    bp->SetDomain(1, bloop->m_pbox.m_min.y, bloop->m_pbox.m_max.y);
    bp->SetExtents(0, bp->Domain(0));
    bp->SetExtents(1, bp->Domain(1));
    delete ellcurve1;

    //  Now, the hard part.  Need an elliptical hyperbolic NURBS surface
    //  First step is to create a nurbs curve.

    double intercept_calc = (eip->ehy_c)*(eip->ehy_c)/(MAGNITUDE(eip->ehy_H) + eip->ehy_c);
    double intercept_dist = MAGNITUDE(eip->ehy_H) + eip->ehy_c - intercept_calc;
    double intercept_length = intercept_dist - MAGNITUDE(eip->ehy_H);
    double MX = MAGNITUDE(eip->ehy_H);
    double MP = MX + intercept_length;
    double w = (MX/MP)/(1-MX/MP);

    point_t ep1, ep2, ep3;
    VSET(ep1, -eip->ehy_r1, 0, 0);
    VSET(ep2, 0, 0, w*intercept_dist);
    VSET(ep3, eip->ehy_r1, 0, 0);
    ON_3dPoint onp1 = ON_3dPoint(ep1);
    ON_3dPoint onp2 = ON_3dPoint(ep2);
    ON_3dPoint onp3 = ON_3dPoint(ep3);

    ON_3dPointArray cpts(3);
    ON_BezierCurve *bcurve = new ON_BezierCurve(cpts);
    bcurve->SetWeight(1, w);

    ON_NurbsCurve* tnurbscurve = ON_NurbsCurve::New();
    ON_NurbsCurve* hypbnurbscurve = ON_NurbsCurve::New();
    const ON_Interval subinterval = ON_Interval(0, 0.5);
    tnurbscurve->GetNurbForm(*hypbnurbscurve, 0.0, &subinterval);

    // Next, rotate that curve around the height vector.

    point_t revpoint1, revpoint2;
    VSET(revpoint1, 0, 0, 0);
    VSET(revpoint2, 0, 0, MX);
    ON_3dPoint rpnt1 = ON_3dPoint(revpoint1);
    ON_3dPoint rpnt2 = ON_3dPoint(revpoint2);

    ON_Line revaxis = ON_Line(rpnt1, rpnt2);
    ON_RevSurface* hyp_surf = ON_RevSurface::New();
    hyp_surf->m_curve = hypbnurbscurve;
    hyp_surf->m_axis = revaxis;
    hyp_surf->m_angle = ON_Interval(0, 2*ON_PI);

    // Get the NURBS form of the surface
    ON_NurbsSurface *ehycurvedsurf = ON_NurbsSurface::New();
    hyp_surf->GetNurbForm(*ehycurvedsurf, 0.0);

    delete hyp_surf;
    delete tnurbscurve;
    delete bcurve;

    // Transformations

    for (int i = 0; i < ehycurvedsurf->CVCount(0); i++) {
	for (int j = 0; j < ehycurvedsurf->CVCount(1); j++) {
	    point_t cvpt;
	    ON_4dPoint ctrlpt;
	    ehycurvedsurf->GetCV(i, j, ctrlpt);

	    // Scale the control points of the
	    // resulting surface to map to the shorter axis.
	    VSET(cvpt, ctrlpt.x, ctrlpt.y * eip->ehy_r2/eip->ehy_r1, ctrlpt.z);

	    // Rotate according to the directions of Au and H
	    vect_t Hu;
	    mat_t R;
	    point_t new_cvpt;

	    VSCALE(Hu, eip->ehy_H, 1/MAGNITUDE(eip->ehy_H));
	    VMOVE(&R[0], eip->ehy_Au);
	    VMOVE(&R[4], y_dir);
	    VMOVE(&R[8], Hu);
	    VEC3X3MAT(new_cvpt, cvpt, R);
	    VMOVE(cvpt, new_cvpt);

	    // Translate according to V
	    vect_t scale_v;
	    VSCALE(scale_v, eip->ehy_V, ctrlpt.w);
	    VADD2(cvpt, cvpt, scale_v);

	    ON_4dPoint newpt = ON_4dPoint(cvpt[0], cvpt[1], cvpt[2], ctrlpt.w);
	    ehycurvedsurf->SetCV(i, j, newpt);

    int surfindex = (*b)->m_S.Count();
    ON_BrepFace& face = (*b)->NewFace(surfindex - 1);
    int faceindex = (*b)->m_F.Count();