예제 #1
ON_BOOL32 ON_PointCloud::Write( ON_BinaryArchive& file ) const
  bool rc = file.Write3dmChunkVersion(1,1);

  if (rc) rc = file.WriteArray( m_P );
  if (rc) rc = file.WritePlane( m_plane );
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteBoundingBox( m_bbox );
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteInt( m_flags);

  // added for 1.1  (7 December 2005)
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteArray(m_N);
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteArray(m_C);

  return rc;
예제 #2
ON_BOOL32 ON_Linetype::Write( ON_BinaryArchive& file) const
  bool rc = file.BeginWrite3dmChunk(TCODE_ANONYMOUS_CHUNK,1,1);
  if (rc)
      // chunk version 1.0 fields
      rc = file.WriteInt( LinetypeIndex());
      if(!rc) break;

      rc = file.WriteString( m_linetype_name );
      if (!rc) break;

      rc = file.WriteArray( m_segments );
      if(!rc) break;

      // chunk version 1.1 fields
      rc = file.WriteUuid( m_linetype_id );
      if (!rc) break;


    if ( !file.EndWrite3dmChunk() )
      rc = false;
  return rc;
예제 #3
// virtual ON_Object override
ON_BOOL32 ON__IDefLayerSettingsUserData::Write(ON_BinaryArchive& binary_archive) const
  bool rc = binary_archive.BeginWrite3dmChunk(TCODE_ANONYMOUS_CHUNK,1,1);
  if ( !rc )
    return false;

  rc = false;
    if ( !binary_archive.WriteArray(m_layers.Count(),m_layers.Array()) )

    // added in version 1.1 chunks
    bool bHaveParentLayer = ( 0 != m_idef_layer_table_parent_layer );
    if ( !binary_archive.WriteBool(bHaveParentLayer) )

    if ( bHaveParentLayer )
      if ( !binary_archive.WriteObject(m_idef_layer_table_parent_layer) )

    rc = true;

  if ( !binary_archive.EndWrite3dmChunk() )
    rc = false;

  return rc;
예제 #4
BOOL ON_HatchLine::Write( ON_BinaryArchive& ar) const
  BOOL rc = ar.Write3dmChunkVersion(1,1);

  if (rc) rc = ar.WriteDouble( m_angle);
  if (rc) rc = ar.WritePoint( m_base);
  if (rc) rc = ar.WriteVector( m_offset);
  if (rc) rc = ar.WriteArray( m_dashes);

  return rc;
예제 #5
ON_BrepVertex::Write( ON_BinaryArchive& file ) const
  BOOL rc = file.WriteInt( m_vertex_index );
  if ( rc )
    rc = file.WritePoint( point );
  if ( rc )
    rc = file.WriteArray( m_ei );
  if ( rc )
    rc = file.WriteDouble( m_tolerance );
  return rc;
예제 #6
BOOL ON_BrepFace::Write( ON_BinaryArchive& file ) const
  bool rc = file.WriteInt( m_face_index );
  if ( rc )
    rc = file.WriteArray( m_li );
  if ( rc )
    rc = file.WriteInt( m_si );
  if ( rc )
    rc = file.WriteInt( m_bRev );
  if ( rc )
    rc = file.WriteInt( m_face_material_channel );
  return rc;
예제 #7
BOOL ON_BrepLoop::Write( ON_BinaryArchive& file ) const
  int i;
  BOOL rc = file.WriteInt( m_loop_index );
  if (rc)
    rc = file.WriteArray( m_ti );
  i = m_type;
  if (rc)
    rc = file.WriteInt( i );
  if (rc)
    rc = file.WriteInt( m_fi );
  return rc;
예제 #8
BOOL ON_BrepEdge::Write( ON_BinaryArchive& file ) const
  BOOL rc = file.WriteInt( m_edge_index );
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteInt( m_c3i );
  int i = ProxyCurveIsReversed() ? 1 : 0;
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteInt( i );
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteInterval( ProxyCurveDomain() );
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteInt( 2, m_vi );
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteArray( m_ti );
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteDouble( m_tolerance );
  if ( file.Archive3dmVersion() >= 3 )
    // added in opennurbs version 200206180
    if (rc)
      rc = file.WriteInterval( Domain() );
  return rc;
ON_BOOL32 ON_BrepRegion::Write(ON_BinaryArchive& file) const
    bool rc = file.BeginWrite3dmChunk(TCODE_ANONYMOUS_CHUNK,1,0);
    if ( !rc )
        return false;
        rc = file.WriteInt( m_region_index );
        if (!rc) break;
        rc = file.WriteInt( m_type );
        if (!rc) break;
        rc = file.WriteArray( m_fsi );
        if (!rc) break;
        rc = file.WriteBoundingBox( m_bbox );
        if (!rc) break;

    if (!file.EndWrite3dmChunk())
        rc = false;
    return rc;
예제 #10
ON_BOOL32 ON_Annotation::Write( ON_BinaryArchive& file ) const
  int i;
  ON_BOOL32 rc = file.Write3dmChunkVersion( 1, 0 );
    // TODO: use 
    //    if (rc) rc = file.WritePoint(....);
    //    if (rc) rc = file.WriteString(....);
    //    if (rc) rc = file.WriteDouble(....);
    // to write object.
  i = m_type;
  if (rc) 
    rc = file.WriteInt( i );
  if (rc) 
    rc = file.WritePlane( m_plane );
  if (rc) 
    rc = file.WriteArray( m_points );
  if (rc) 
    rc = file.WriteString( m_usertext );
  if (rc) 
    rc = file.WriteString( m_defaulttext );
  if( rc )
    rc = file.WriteInt( m_userpositionedtext );
  return rc;
예제 #11
ON_BOOL32 ON_3dmObjectAttributes::Write( ON_BinaryArchive& file ) const
  if ( file.Archive3dmVersion() >= 5 )
    // added at opennurbs version 200712190
    return WriteV5Helper(file);

  bool rc = file.Write3dmChunkVersion(1,7);
  // version 1.0 fields
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteUuid(m_uuid);
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteInt(m_layer_index);
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteInt(m_material_index);
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteColor(m_color);

  if (rc)
    // OBSOLETE if (rc) rc = file.WriteLineStyle(m_line_style); // 23 March 2005 Dale Lear
    short s;
    s = (short)m_object_decoration;
    if (rc) rc = file.WriteShort(s);
    s = 0;
    if (rc) rc = file.WriteShort(s);
    if (rc) rc = file.WriteDouble(0.0);
    if (rc) rc = file.WriteDouble(1.0);

  if (rc) rc = file.WriteInt(m_wire_density);
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteChar(m_mode);
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteChar(m_color_source);
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteChar(m_linetype_source);
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteChar(m_material_source);
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteString(m_name);
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteString(m_url);

  // version 1.1 fields
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteArray(m_group);

  // version 1.2 fields
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteBool(m_bVisible);

  // version 1.3 fields
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteArray(m_dmref);

  // version 1.4 fields - 23 March 2005 Dale Lear
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteInt(m_object_decoration);
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteChar(m_plot_color_source);
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteColor(m_plot_color);
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteChar(m_plot_weight_source);
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteDouble(m_plot_weight_mm);

  // version 1.5 fields 11 April 2005
  if (rc) rc = file.WriteInt(m_linetype_index);

  // version 1.6 fields 2 September 2005
  if (rc)
    unsigned char uc = 0;
    case ON::no_space:    uc = 0; break;
    case ON::model_space: uc = 0; break;
    case ON::page_space:  uc = 1; break;
    rc = file.WriteChar(uc);
  if (rc)
    // 22 Sep 2006 - the way ON_3dmObjectAttiributes indicates
    // that an object is put on a particular page view changed
    // from being saved in the m_dmref[] list to using the
    // m_space and m_viewport_id settings.  But the file format
    // cannot change at this point.  So, the bAddPagespaceDMR
    // is here to save the page info in the old dmr format.
    int count = m_dmref.Count();
    if ( count < 0 )
      count = 0;
    bool bAddPagespaceDMR = ( ON::page_space == m_space && !ON_UuidIsNil(m_viewport_id) );
    rc = file.WriteInt( bAddPagespaceDMR ? (count+1) : count );
    if ( rc && bAddPagespaceDMR )
      rc = file.WriteUuid(m_viewport_id);
      if (rc) rc = file.WriteUuid(ON_ObsoletePageSpaceObjectId);
    int i;
    for ( i = 0; i < count && rc; i++ )
      const ON_DisplayMaterialRef& dmr = m_dmref[i];
      rc = file.WriteUuid(dmr.m_viewport_id);
      if (rc) rc = file.WriteUuid(dmr.m_display_material_id);

  // version 1.7 fields 6 June 2006
  if (rc) rc = m_rendering_attributes.Write(file);

  return rc;
예제 #12
bool ON_3dmObjectAttributes::WriteV5Helper( ON_BinaryArchive& file ) const
  unsigned char c;
  // 29 Nov. 2009 S. Baer
  // Chunk version updated to 2.1 in order to support m_display_order
  bool rc = file.Write3dmChunkVersion(2,1);
    if (!rc) break;
    rc = file.WriteUuid(m_uuid);
    if (!rc) break;
    rc = file.WriteInt(m_layer_index);
    if (!rc) break;

    // write non-default settings - skip everything else
    if ( !m_name.IsEmpty() )
      c = 1;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.WriteString(m_name);
      if (!rc) break;
    if ( !m_url.IsEmpty() )
      c = 2;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.WriteString(m_url);
      if (!rc) break;
    if ( -1 != m_linetype_index )
      c = 3;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.WriteInt(m_linetype_index);
      if (!rc) break;
    if ( -1 != m_material_index )
      c = 4;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.WriteInt(m_material_index);
      if (!rc) break;
    if (    m_rendering_attributes.m_mappings.Count() > 0
         || m_rendering_attributes.m_materials.Count() > 0
         || true != m_rendering_attributes.m_bCastsShadows
         || true != m_rendering_attributes.m_bReceivesShadows
         || false != m_rendering_attributes.AdvancedTexturePreview()
      c = 5;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = m_rendering_attributes.Write(file);
      if (!rc) break;
    if ( 0 != m_color )
      c = 6;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.WriteColor(m_color);
      if (!rc) break;
    if ( 0 != m_plot_color )
      c = 7;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.WriteColor(m_plot_color);
      if (!rc) break;
    if ( 0.0 != m_plot_weight_mm )
      c = 8;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.WriteDouble(m_plot_weight_mm);
      if (!rc) break;
    if ( ON::no_object_decoration != m_object_decoration )
      c = 9;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      c = (unsigned char)m_object_decoration;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
    if ( 1 != m_wire_density )
      c = 10;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.WriteInt(m_wire_density);
      if (!rc) break;
    if ( true != m_bVisible )
      c = 11;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.WriteBool(m_bVisible);
      if (!rc) break;
    if ( ON::normal_object != m_mode )
      c = 12;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.WriteChar(m_mode);
      if (!rc) break;
    if ( ON::color_from_layer != m_color_source )
      c = 13;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.WriteChar(m_color_source);
      if (!rc) break;
    if ( ON::plot_color_from_layer != m_plot_color_source )
      c = 14;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.WriteChar(m_plot_color_source);
      if (!rc) break;
    if ( ON::plot_weight_from_layer != m_plot_weight_source )
      c = 15;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.WriteChar(m_plot_weight_source);
      if (!rc) break;
    if ( ON::material_from_layer != m_material_source )
      c = 16;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.WriteChar(m_material_source);
      if (!rc) break;
    if ( ON::linetype_from_layer != m_linetype_source )
      c = 17;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.WriteChar(m_linetype_source);
      if (!rc) break;
    if ( m_group.Count() > 0 )
      c = 18;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.WriteArray(m_group);
      if (!rc) break;
    if ( ON::model_space != m_space )
      c = 19;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      c = (unsigned char)m_space;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
    if ( !ON_UuidIsNil(m_viewport_id) )
      c = 20;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.WriteUuid(m_viewport_id);
      if (!rc) break;
    if ( m_dmref.Count() > 0 )
      c = 21;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.WriteArray(m_dmref);
      if (!rc) break;

    // 29 Nov. 2009 - S. Baer
    // Only write m_display_order if it's value!=0
    // m_display_order is written to version 2.1 files
    if ( 0 != m_display_order )
      c = 22;
      rc = file.WriteChar(c);
      if (!rc) break;
      rc = file.WriteInt(m_display_order);
      if (!rc) break;

    // 0 indicates end of attributes;
    c = 0;
    rc = file.WriteChar(c);
  return rc;
예제 #13
ON_BOOL32 ON_InstanceDefinition::Write(
       ON_BinaryArchive& binary_archive
     ) const
  bool rc = binary_archive.Write3dmChunkVersion(1,5);

  // version 1.0 fields
  if ( rc )
    rc = binary_archive.WriteUuid( m_uuid );
  if ( rc )
    if (    binary_archive.Archive3dmVersion() >= 4
         && ON_InstanceDefinition::linked_def == m_idef_update_type )
      // linked instance definition geometry is never in the file
      ON_SimpleArray<ON_UUID> empty_uuid_list;
      rc = binary_archive.WriteArray( empty_uuid_list );
      rc = binary_archive.WriteArray( m_object_uuid );
  if ( rc )
    rc = binary_archive.WriteString( m_name );
  if ( rc )
    rc = binary_archive.WriteString( m_description );
  if ( rc )
    rc = binary_archive.WriteString( m_url );
  if ( rc )
    rc = binary_archive.WriteString( m_url_tag );
  if ( rc )
    rc = binary_archive.WriteBoundingBox( m_bbox );
  // m_idef_update_type was an unsigned int and got changed to an enum.  Read and write
  // as an unsigned int to support backwards compatibility
  if ( rc )
    rc = binary_archive.WriteInt( (unsigned int)m_idef_update_type );
  if ( rc )
    rc = binary_archive.WriteString( m_source_archive );
  // version 1.1 fields
  if (rc)
    rc = m_source_archive_checksum.Write( binary_archive );
  // version 1.2 fields
  if (rc)
    rc = binary_archive.WriteInt( m_us.m_unit_system );

  // version 1.3 fields - added 6 March 2006
  if (rc)
    rc = binary_archive.WriteDouble( m_us.m_custom_unit_scale );

  if ( rc )
    rc = binary_archive.WriteBool( m_source_bRelativePath );

  // version 1.4 fields
  if (rc)
    rc = m_us.Write(binary_archive);

  // version 1.5 fields
  if (rc)
    rc = binary_archive.WriteInt(m_idef_update_depth);

  return rc;
예제 #14
ON_BOOL32 ON_InstanceDefinition::Write(
       ON_BinaryArchive& binary_archive
     ) const
  bool rc = binary_archive.Write3dmChunkVersion(1,6);

  // version 1.0 fields
  if ( rc )
    rc = binary_archive.WriteUuid( m_uuid );
  if ( rc )
    if (    binary_archive.Archive3dmVersion() >= 4
         && ON_InstanceDefinition::linked_def == m_idef_update_type )
      // linked instance definition geometry is never in the file
      ON_SimpleArray<ON_UUID> empty_uuid_list;
      rc = binary_archive.WriteArray( empty_uuid_list );
      rc = binary_archive.WriteArray( m_object_uuid );
  if ( rc )
    rc = binary_archive.WriteString( m_name );
  if ( rc )
    rc = binary_archive.WriteString( m_description );
  if ( rc )
    rc = binary_archive.WriteString( m_url );
  if ( rc )
    rc = binary_archive.WriteString( m_url_tag );
  if ( rc )
    rc = binary_archive.WriteBoundingBox( m_bbox );

  // m_idef_update_type was an unsigned int and got changed to an enum.  Read and write
  // as an unsigned int to support backwards compatibility
  const unsigned int idef_update_type = (unsigned int)this->IdefUpdateType();
  if ( rc )
    rc = binary_archive.WriteInt( idef_update_type );
  if ( rc )
    // 7 February 2012
    //   Purge source archive information from static_defs
    if ( ON_InstanceDefinition::static_def == idef_update_type )
      ON_wString empty_string;
      rc = binary_archive.WriteString( empty_string );
      rc = binary_archive.WriteString( m_source_archive );
  // version 1.1 fields
  if (rc)
    // 7 February 2012
    //   Purge source archive information from static_defs
    if ( ON_InstanceDefinition::static_def == idef_update_type )
      rc = m_source_archive_checksum.Write( binary_archive );
  // version 1.2 fields
  if (rc)
    rc = binary_archive.WriteInt( m_us.m_unit_system );

  // version 1.3 fields - added 6 March 2006
  if (rc)
    rc = binary_archive.WriteDouble( m_us.m_custom_unit_scale );

  if ( rc )
    bool b = (ON_InstanceDefinition::static_def == idef_update_type)
           ? false
           : m_source_bRelativePath;
    rc = binary_archive.WriteBool( b );

  // version 1.4 fields
  if (rc)
    rc = m_us.Write(binary_archive);

  // version 1.5 fields
  if (rc)
    rc = binary_archive.WriteInt(m_idef_update_depth);

  // version 1.6 fields ( added 14 February 2012 )
  if (rc)
    rc = binary_archive.WriteInt(  m_idef_layer_style );

  return rc;