bool ON_BrepExtrude( ON_Brep& brep, const ON_Curve& path_curve, bool bCap ) { ON_Workspace ws; const int vcount0 = brep.m_V.Count(); const int tcount0 = brep.m_T.Count(); const int lcount0 = brep.m_L.Count(); const int ecount0 = brep.m_E.Count(); const int fcount0 = brep.m_F.Count(); const ON_3dPoint PathStart = path_curve.PointAtStart(); ON_3dPoint P = path_curve.PointAtEnd(); if ( !PathStart.IsValid() || !P.IsValid() ) return false; const ON_3dVector height = P - PathStart; if ( !height.IsValid() || height.Length() <= ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE ) return false; ON_Xform tr; tr.Translation(height); // count number of new sides int side_count = 0; int i, vi, ei, fi; bool* bSideEdge = (bool*)ws.GetIntMemory(ecount0*sizeof(bSideEdge[0])); for ( ei = 0; ei < ecount0; ei++ ) { const ON_BrepEdge& e = brep.m_E[ei]; if ( 1 == e.m_ti.Count() ) { side_count++; bSideEdge[ei] = true; } else { bSideEdge[ei] = false; } } brep.m_V.Reserve( 2*vcount0 ); i = 4*side_count + (bCap?tcount0:0); brep.m_T.Reserve( tcount0 + i ); brep.m_C2.Reserve( brep.m_C2.Count() + i ); brep.m_L.Reserve( lcount0 + side_count + (bCap?lcount0:0) ); i = side_count + (bCap?ecount0:side_count); brep.m_E.Reserve( ecount0 + i ); brep.m_C3.Reserve( brep.m_C3.Count() + i ); i = side_count + (bCap?fcount0:0); brep.m_F.Reserve( fcount0 + i ); brep.m_S.Reserve( brep.m_S.Count() + i ); bool bOK = true; // build top vertices int* topvimap = ws.GetIntMemory(vcount0); memset(topvimap,0,vcount0*sizeof(topvimap[0])); if ( bCap ) { for ( vi = 0; vi < vcount0; vi++ ) { const ON_BrepVertex& bottomv = brep.m_V[vi]; ON_BrepVertex& topv = brep.NewVertex(bottomv.point+height,bottomv.m_tolerance); topvimap[vi] = topv.m_vertex_index; } } else { for ( ei = 0; ei < ecount0; ei++ ) { if ( bSideEdge[ei] ) { const ON_BrepEdge& bottome = brep.m_E[ei]; int bottomvi0 = bottome.m_vi[0]; if ( bottomvi0 < 0 || bottomvi0 >= vcount0 ) { bOK = false; break; } int bottomvi1 = bottome.m_vi[1]; if ( bottomvi1 < 0 || bottomvi1 >= vcount0 ) { bOK = false; break; } if ( !topvimap[bottomvi0] ) { const ON_BrepVertex& bottomv = brep.m_V[bottomvi0]; ON_BrepVertex& topv = brep.NewVertex(bottomv.point+height,bottomv.m_tolerance); topvimap[bottomvi0] = topv.m_vertex_index; } if ( !topvimap[bottomvi1] ) { const ON_BrepVertex& bottomv = brep.m_V[bottomvi1]; ON_BrepVertex& topv = brep.NewVertex(bottomv.point+height,bottomv.m_tolerance); topvimap[bottomvi1] = topv.m_vertex_index; } } } } // build top edges int* topeimap = ws.GetIntMemory(ecount0); memset(topeimap,0,ecount0*sizeof(topeimap[0])); if ( bOK ) for ( ei = 0; ei < ecount0; ei++ ) { if ( bCap || bSideEdge[ei] ) { const ON_BrepEdge& bottome = brep.m_E[ei]; ON_BrepVertex& topv0 = brep.m_V[topvimap[bottome.m_vi[0]]]; ON_BrepVertex& topv1 = brep.m_V[topvimap[bottome.m_vi[1]]]; ON_Curve* c3 = bottome.DuplicateCurve(); if ( !c3 ) { bOK = false; break; } c3->Transform(tr); int c3i = brep.AddEdgeCurve(c3); ON_BrepEdge& tope = brep.NewEdge(topv0,topv1,c3i,0,bottome.m_tolerance); topeimap[ei] = tope.m_edge_index; } } // build side edges int* sideveimap = ws.GetIntMemory(vcount0); memset(sideveimap,0,vcount0*sizeof(sideveimap[0])); if ( bOK ) for ( vi = 0; vi < vcount0; vi++ ) { ON_BrepVertex& bottomv = brep.m_V[vi]; for ( int vei = 0; vei < bottomv.m_ei.Count(); vei++ ) { if ( bSideEdge[bottomv.m_ei[vei]] && topvimap[vi] ) { ON_BrepVertex& topv = brep.m_V[topvimap[vi]]; ON_Curve* c3 = path_curve.DuplicateCurve(); if ( !c3 ) { bOK = false; } else { ON_3dVector D = bottomv.point - PathStart; c3->Translate(D); int c3i = brep.AddEdgeCurve(c3); const ON_BrepEdge& e = brep.NewEdge(bottomv,topv,c3i,0,0.0); sideveimap[vi] = e.m_edge_index; } break; } } } if ( bOK && bCap ) { // build top faces for (fi = 0; fi < fcount0; fi++ ) { const ON_BrepFace& bottomf = brep.m_F[fi]; ON_Surface* srf = bottomf.DuplicateSurface(); if ( !srf ) { bOK = false; break; } srf->Transform(tr); int si = brep.AddSurface(srf); ON_BrepFace& topf = brep.NewFace(si); topf.m_bRev = !bottomf.m_bRev; const int loop_count = bottomf.m_li.Count(); topf.m_li.Reserve(loop_count); for ( int fli = 0; fli < loop_count; fli++ ) { const ON_BrepLoop& bottoml = brep.m_L[bottomf.m_li[fli]]; ON_BrepLoop& topl = brep.NewLoop(bottoml.m_type,topf); const int loop_trim_count = bottoml.m_ti.Count(); topl.m_ti.Reserve(loop_trim_count); for ( int lti = 0; lti < loop_trim_count; lti++ ) { const ON_BrepTrim& bottomt = brep.m_T[bottoml.m_ti[lti]]; ON_NurbsCurve* c2 = ON_NurbsCurve::New(); if ( !bottomt.GetNurbForm(*c2) ) { delete c2; bOK = false; break; } int c2i = brep.AddTrimCurve(c2); ON_BrepTrim* topt = 0; if ( bottomt.m_ei >= 0 ) { ON_BrepEdge& tope = brep.m_E[topeimap[bottomt.m_ei]]; topt = &brep.NewTrim(tope,bottomt.m_bRev3d,topl,c2i); } else { // singular trim ON_BrepVertex& topv = brep.m_V[topvimap[bottomt.m_vi[0]]]; topt = &brep.NewSingularTrim(topv,topl,bottomt.m_iso,c2i); } topt->m_tolerance[0] = bottomt.m_tolerance[0]; topt->m_tolerance[1] = bottomt.m_tolerance[1]; topt->m_pbox = bottomt.m_pbox; topt->m_type = bottomt.m_type; topt->m_iso = bottomt.m_iso; } topl.m_pbox = bottoml.m_pbox; } } } // build sides int bRev3d[4] = {0,0,1,1}; int vid[4], eid[4]; if( bOK ) for ( ei = 0; ei < ecount0; ei++ ) { if ( bSideEdge[ei] && topeimap[ei] ) { ON_BrepEdge& bottome = brep.m_E[ei]; ON_BrepEdge& tope = brep.m_E[topeimap[ei]]; vid[0] = bottome.m_vi[0]; vid[1] = bottome.m_vi[1]; vid[2] = topvimap[vid[1]]; vid[3] = topvimap[vid[0]]; if ( sideveimap[vid[0]] && sideveimap[vid[1]] ) { ON_BrepEdge& leftedge = brep.m_E[sideveimap[vid[0]]]; ON_BrepEdge& rightedge = brep.m_E[sideveimap[vid[1]]]; ON_Curve* cx = bottome.DuplicateCurve(); if ( !cx ) { bOK = false; break; } ON_Curve* cy = leftedge.DuplicateCurve(); if ( !cy ) { delete cx; bOK = false; break; } ON_SumSurface* srf = new ON_SumSurface(); srf->m_curve[0] = cx; srf->m_curve[1] = cy; srf->m_basepoint = srf->m_curve[1]->PointAtStart(); srf->m_basepoint.x = -srf->m_basepoint.x; srf->m_basepoint.y = -srf->m_basepoint.y; srf->m_basepoint.z = -srf->m_basepoint.z; eid[0] = bottome.m_edge_index; eid[1] = rightedge.m_edge_index; eid[2] = tope.m_edge_index; eid[3] = leftedge.m_edge_index; ON_BrepFace* face = brep.NewFace(srf,vid,eid,bRev3d); if ( !face ) { bOK = false; break; } else if ( bottome.m_ti.Count() == 2 ) { const ON_BrepTrim& trim0 = brep.m_T[bottome.m_ti[0]]; const ON_BrepTrim& trim1 = brep.m_T[bottome.m_ti[1]]; const ON_BrepLoop& loop0 = brep.m_L[trim0.m_li]; const ON_BrepLoop& loop1 = brep.m_L[trim1.m_li]; bool bBottomFaceRev = brep.m_F[(loop0.m_fi != face->m_face_index) ? loop0.m_fi : loop1.m_fi].m_bRev; bool bSideFaceRev = ( trim0.m_bRev3d != trim1.m_bRev3d ) ? bBottomFaceRev : !bBottomFaceRev; face->m_bRev = bSideFaceRev; } } } } if ( !bOK ) { for ( vi = brep.m_V.Count(); vi >= vcount0; vi-- ) { brep.DeleteVertex(brep.m_V[vi]); } } return bOK; }
static bool ON_BrepExtrudeHelper_MakeTopLoop( ON_Brep& brep, ON_BrepFace& top_face, int bottom_loop_index, const ON_3dVector path_vector, const int* side_face_index // array of brep.m_L[bottom_loop_index].m_ti.Count() face indices ) { bool rc = true; int lti, top_trim_index, i; if ( bottom_loop_index < 0 || bottom_loop_index >= brep.m_L.Count() ) return false; ON_BrepLoop::TYPE loop_type = brep.m_L[bottom_loop_index].m_type; if ( loop_type != ON_BrepLoop::inner ) loop_type = ON_BrepLoop::outer; ON_BrepLoop& top_loop = brep.NewLoop( loop_type, top_face ); const ON_BrepLoop& bottom_loop = brep.m_L[bottom_loop_index]; const int loop_trim_count = bottom_loop.m_ti.Count(); brep.m_T.Reserve( brep.m_T.Count() + loop_trim_count ); // Set top_vertex_index[lti] = index of vertex above // vertex brep.m_V[brep.m_T[bottom_loop.m_ti[lti]].m_vi[0]]. // Set top_vertex_index[lti] = index of edge above // edge of brep.m_T[bottom_loop.m_ti[lti]]. // This informtion is needed for singular and seam trims. ON_SimpleArray<int> top_vertex_index(loop_trim_count); ON_SimpleArray<int> top_edge_index(loop_trim_count); ON_SimpleArray<bool> top_trim_bRev3d(loop_trim_count); for ( lti = 0; lti < loop_trim_count; lti++ ) { top_vertex_index.Append(-1); top_edge_index.Append(-1); top_trim_bRev3d.Append(false); } // some (often all of) of the "top" vertices are already on // the side faces for ( lti = 0; lti < loop_trim_count; lti++ ) { if ( side_face_index[lti] >= 0 ) { const ON_BrepFace& side_face = brep.m_F[side_face_index[lti]]; const ON_BrepLoop& side_loop = brep.m_L[side_face.m_li[0]]; const ON_BrepTrim& side_north_trim = brep.m_T[side_loop.m_ti[2]]; top_vertex_index[lti] = side_north_trim.m_vi[0]; top_vertex_index[(lti+1)%loop_trim_count] = side_north_trim.m_vi[1]; top_edge_index[lti] = side_north_trim.m_ei; } else { // fix for RR 20423 int lti_prev = (lti+loop_trim_count-1)%loop_trim_count; int lti_next = (lti+1)%loop_trim_count; if ( side_face_index[lti_prev] < 0 && side_face_index[lti_next] < 0 && top_vertex_index[lti] < 0 && top_vertex_index[lti_next] < 0 ) { int bottom_ti_prev = bottom_loop.m_ti[lti_prev]; int bottom_ti = bottom_loop.m_ti[lti]; int bottom_ti_next = bottom_loop.m_ti[lti_next]; if ( bottom_ti >= 0 && bottom_ti < brep.m_T.Count() && bottom_ti_prev >= 0 && bottom_ti_prev < brep.m_T.Count() && bottom_ti_next >= 0 && bottom_ti_next < brep.m_T.Count() ) { const ON_BrepTrim& bottom_trim_prev = brep.m_T[bottom_ti_prev]; const ON_BrepTrim& bottom_trim = brep.m_T[bottom_ti]; const ON_BrepTrim& bottom_trim_next = brep.m_T[bottom_ti_next]; if ( ON_BrepTrim::seam == bottom_trim_prev.m_type && ON_BrepTrim::singular == bottom_trim.m_type && ON_BrepTrim::seam == bottom_trim_next.m_type && bottom_trim.m_vi[0] == bottom_trim.m_vi[1] ) { int vi = bottom_trim.m_vi[0]; if ( vi >= 0 && vi < brep.m_V.Count() ) { ON_BrepVertex& top_vertex = brep.NewVertex(brep.m_V[vi].point+path_vector,0.0); top_vertex_index[lti] = top_vertex.m_vertex_index; top_vertex_index[lti_next] = top_vertex_index[lti]; } } } } } } // Fill in the missing "top" vertices that // are associated with singular and trim edges by looking // at their neighbors. { bool bKeepChecking = true; while( bKeepChecking ) { // set back to true if we make a change. This handles the // (very rare) cases of multiple adjacent singular trims. bKeepChecking = false; for ( lti = 0; lti < loop_trim_count; lti++ ) { if ( top_vertex_index[lti] == -1 ) { for ( i = lti+1; i < loop_trim_count; i++ ) { if ( ON_BrepTrim::singular != brep.m_T[bottom_loop.m_ti[i-1]].m_type ) break; if ( top_vertex_index[i] >= 0 ) { top_vertex_index[lti] = top_vertex_index[i]; bKeepChecking = true; break; } } } if ( top_vertex_index[lti] == -1 ) { for ( i = lti-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( ON_BrepTrim::singular != brep.m_T[bottom_loop.m_ti[i+1]].m_type ) break; if ( top_vertex_index[i] >= 0 ) { top_vertex_index[lti] = top_vertex_index[i]; bKeepChecking = true; break; } } } } } } // Fill in missing edges of "seam" trims. for ( lti = 0; lti < loop_trim_count; lti++ ) { if ( -1 != top_edge_index[lti] ) continue; int bottom_ti = bottom_loop.m_ti[lti]; if ( bottom_ti < 0 || bottom_ti >= brep.m_T.Count() ) continue; const ON_BrepTrim& bottom_trim = brep.m_T[bottom_ti]; if ( ON_BrepTrim::seam != bottom_trim.m_type ) continue; if ( bottom_trim.m_ei < 0 ) continue; if ( bottom_trim.m_ei >= brep.m_E.Count() ) continue; // duplicate bottom edge curve const ON_BrepEdge& bottom_edge = brep.m_E[bottom_trim.m_ei]; ON_Curve* top_c3 = bottom_edge.DuplicateCurve(); if ( 0 == top_c3 ) continue; // move new edge curve to top location top_c3->Translate(path_vector); ON_3dPoint P0 = top_c3->PointAtStart(); ON_3dPoint P1 = top_c3->PointAtEnd(); int top_c3i = brep.AddEdgeCurve(top_c3); top_c3 = 0; // get vertices at start/end of the new edge int e_vi0 = top_vertex_index[lti]; int e_vi1 = top_vertex_index[(lti+1)%loop_trim_count]; if ( bottom_trim.m_bRev3d ) { // put points in trim order ON_3dPoint tmp_P = P0; P0 = P1; P1 = tmp_P; } if ( e_vi0 < 0 ) { e_vi0 = brep.NewVertex(P0).m_vertex_index; top_vertex_index[lti] = e_vi0; } if ( e_vi1 < 0 ) { e_vi1 = brep.NewVertex(P1).m_vertex_index; top_vertex_index[(lti+1)%loop_trim_count] = e_vi1; } if ( bottom_trim.m_bRev3d ) { // put edge vertex indices in edge order int tmp_i = e_vi0; e_vi0 = e_vi1; e_vi1 = tmp_i; } ON_BrepEdge& top_edge = brep.NewEdge(brep.m_V[e_vi0],brep.m_V[e_vi1],top_c3i); top_edge.m_tolerance = bottom_edge.m_tolerance; top_edge_index[lti] = top_edge.m_edge_index; top_trim_bRev3d[lti] = bottom_trim.m_bRev3d?true:false; // find seam mate and set it's // top_edge_index[] to top_edge.m_edge_index. int mate_lti; for( mate_lti = lti+1; mate_lti < loop_trim_count; mate_lti++ ) { if ( top_edge_index[mate_lti] != -1 ) continue; int bottom_mate_ti = bottom_loop.m_ti[mate_lti]; if ( bottom_mate_ti < 0 || bottom_mate_ti >= brep.m_T.Count() ) continue; const ON_BrepTrim& bottom_mate_trim = brep.m_T[bottom_mate_ti]; if ( bottom_mate_trim.m_type != ON_BrepTrim::seam ) continue; if ( bottom_mate_trim.m_ei != bottom_trim.m_ei ) continue; top_edge_index[mate_lti] = top_edge.m_edge_index; top_trim_bRev3d[mate_lti] = bottom_mate_trim.m_bRev3d?true:false; break; } } for ( lti = 0; lti < loop_trim_count; lti++ ) { const ON_BrepTrim& bottom_trim = brep.m_T[ bottom_loop.m_ti[lti] ]; ON_Curve* top_c2 = bottom_trim.DuplicateCurve(); int top_c2i = (0!=top_c2) ? brep.AddTrimCurve(top_c2) : bottom_trim.m_c2i; top_trim_index = -1; if ( bottom_trim.m_type == ON_BrepTrim::singular && top_vertex_index[lti] >= 0 ) { top_trim_index = brep.NewSingularTrim(brep.m_V[top_vertex_index[lti]], top_loop, bottom_trim.m_iso, top_c2i ).m_trim_index; } else if ( bottom_trim.m_type != ON_BrepTrim::singular && top_edge_index[lti] >= 0 && top_edge_index[lti] < brep.m_E.Count() ) { ON_BrepEdge& top_edge = brep.m_E[top_edge_index[lti]]; top_trim_index = brep.NewTrim( top_edge, top_trim_bRev3d[lti], top_loop, top_c2i ).m_trim_index; } else { ON_ERROR("ON_BrepExtrudeHelper_MakeTopLoop ran into capping trouble."); rc = false; break; } ON_BrepTrim& top_trim = brep.m_T[top_trim_index]; top_trim.m_pline = bottom_trim.m_pline; top_trim.m_pbox = bottom_trim.m_pbox; top_trim.m_iso = bottom_trim.m_iso; top_trim.m_type = bottom_trim.m_type; top_trim.m_tolerance[0] = bottom_trim.m_tolerance[0]; top_trim.m_tolerance[1] = bottom_trim.m_tolerance[1]; top_trim.m__legacy_2d_tol = bottom_trim.m__legacy_2d_tol; top_trim.m__legacy_3d_tol = bottom_trim.m__legacy_2d_tol; top_trim.m__legacy_flags = bottom_trim.m__legacy_flags; } if (rc) { top_loop.m_pbox = bottom_loop.m_pbox; } return rc; }