예제 #1
void CtrlSliderBg::draw( OSGraphics &rImage, int xDest, int yDest )
    if( m_pImgSeq )
        if( m_bgWidth > 0 && m_bgHeight > 0 )
            // Compute the resize factors
            float factorX, factorY;
            getResizeFactors( factorX, factorY );

            // Rescale the image with the actual size of the control
            ScaledBitmap bmp( getIntf(), *m_pImgSeq,
                 m_bgWidth * m_nbHoriz - (int)(m_padHoriz * factorX),
                 m_bgHeight * m_nbVert - (int)(m_padVert * factorY) );

            // Locate the right image in the background bitmap
            int x = m_bgWidth * ( m_position % m_nbHoriz );
            int y = m_bgHeight * ( m_position / m_nbHoriz );
            // Draw the background image
            rImage.drawBitmap( bmp, x, y, xDest, yDest,
                               m_bgWidth - (int)(m_padHoriz * factorX),
                               m_bgHeight - (int)(m_padVert * factorY) );
예제 #2
void AnimBitmap::draw( OSGraphics &rImage, int xDest, int yDest )
    // Draw the current frame
    int height = m_pImage->getHeight() / m_nbFrames;
    int ySrc = height * m_curFrame;

    // The old way .... transparency was not taken care of
    // rImage.drawGraphics( *m_pImage, 0, ySrc, xDest, yDest,
    //                      m_pImage->getWidth(), height );

    // A new way .... needs to be tested thoroughly
    rImage.drawBitmap( m_rBitmap, 0, ySrc, xDest, yDest,
                       m_pImage->getWidth(), height, true );
예제 #3
void AnimBitmap::draw( OSGraphics &rImage, int xDest, int yDest, int w, int h,
                       int xOffset, int yOffset )
    // Draw the current frame
    int height = m_pImage->getHeight() / m_nbFrames;
    int ySrc = height * m_curFrame;

    // The old way .... transparency was not taken care of
    // rImage.drawGraphics( *m_pImage, 0, ySrc, xDest, yDest,
    //                      m_pImage->getWidth(), height );

    rImage.drawBitmap( m_rBitmap,
                       xOffset, ySrc + yOffset,
                       xDest, yDest, w, h, true );
void CtrlText::draw( OSGraphics &rImage, int xDest, int yDest, int w, int h )
    rect clip( xDest, yDest, w, h );
    const Position *pPos = getPosition();
    if( m_pCurrImg )
        // Compute the dimensions to draw
        int width = min( m_pCurrImg->getWidth() + m_xPos,
                         getPosition()->getWidth() );
        int height = min( m_pCurrImg->getHeight(), getPosition()->getHeight() );
        // Draw the current image
        if( width > 0 && height > 0 )
            int offset = 0;
            if( m_alignment == kLeft )
                // We align to the left
                offset = 0;
            else if( m_alignment == kRight &&
                     width < getPosition()->getWidth() )

                // The text is shorter than the width of the control, so we
                // can align it to the right
                offset = getPosition()->getWidth() - width;
            else if( m_alignment == kCenter &&
                     width < getPosition()->getWidth() )
                // The text is shorter than the width of the control, so we
                // can center it
                offset = (getPosition()->getWidth() - width) / 2;
            rect region( pPos->getLeft() + offset,
                         pPos->getTop(), width, height );
            rect inter;
            if( rect::intersect( region, clip, &inter ) )
                rImage.drawBitmap( *m_pCurrImg, -m_xPos + inter.x - region.x,
                                   inter.y - region.y,
                                   inter.x, inter.y,
                                   inter.width, inter.height, true );
예제 #5
void CtrlSliderBg::draw( OSGraphics &rImage, int xDest, int yDest, int w, int h )
    if( !m_pImgSeq || m_bgWidth <=0 || m_bgHeight <= 0 )

    // Compute the resize factors
    float factorX, factorY;
    getResizeFactors( factorX, factorY );

    int width = m_bgWidth * m_nbHoriz - (int)(m_padHoriz * factorX);
    int height = m_bgHeight * m_nbVert - (int)(m_padVert * factorY);

    // Rescale the image with the actual size of the control if needed
    if( !m_pScaledBmp ||
            m_pScaledBmp->getWidth() != width ||
            m_pScaledBmp->getHeight() != height )
        delete m_pScaledBmp;
        m_pScaledBmp = new ScaledBitmap( getIntf(), *m_pImgSeq, width, height );

    // Locate the right image in the background bitmap
    int x = m_bgWidth * ( m_position % m_nbHoriz );
    int y = m_bgHeight * ( m_position / m_nbHoriz );

    // Draw the background image
    const Position *pPos = getPosition();
    rect region( pPos->getLeft(), pPos->getTop(),
                 m_bgWidth - (int)(m_padHoriz * factorX),
                 m_bgHeight - (int)(m_padVert * factorY) );
    rect clip( xDest, yDest, w, h );
    rect inter;
    if( rect::intersect( region, clip, &inter ) )
        rImage.drawBitmap( *m_pScaledBmp,
                           x + inter.x - region.x,
                           y + inter.y - region.y,
                           inter.x, inter.y,
                           inter.width, inter.height );
예제 #6
void CtrlText::draw( OSGraphics &rImage, int xDest, int yDest )
    if( m_pCurrImg )
        // Compute the dimensions to draw
        int width = min( m_pCurrImg->getWidth() + m_xPos,
                         getPosition()->getWidth() );
        int height = min( m_pCurrImg->getHeight(), getPosition()->getHeight() );
        // Draw the current image
        if( width > 0 && height > 0 )
            int offset = 0;
            if( m_alignment == kLeft )
                // We align to the left
                offset = 0;
            else if( m_alignment == kRight &&
                     width < getPosition()->getWidth() )

                // The text is shorter than the width of the control, so we
                // can align it to the right
                offset = getPosition()->getWidth() - width;
            else if( m_alignment == kCenter &&
                     width < getPosition()->getWidth() )
                    // The text is shorter than the width of the control, so we
                    // can center it
                offset = (getPosition()->getWidth() - width) / 2;
            rImage.drawBitmap( *m_pCurrImg, -m_xPos, 0, xDest + offset,
                               yDest, width, height, true );