예제 #1
// Called by the above function.
// This ledger is an outbox, and it is creating a report of itself, 
// adding each report item to this balance item.
// DO NOT call this, it's meant to be used only by above function.
void OTLedger::ProduceOutboxReport(OTItem & theBalanceItem)  
	if (OTLedger::outbox != GetType())
		OTLog::Error("OTLedger::ProduceOutboxReport: Wrong ledger type.\n");
	// loop through the OUTBOX transactions, and produce a sub-item onto theBalanceItem for each, which will
	// be a report on each pending transfer in this outbox, therefore added to the balance item.
	// (So the balance item contains a complete report on the outoing transfers in this outbox.)
	OTTransaction * pTransaction = NULL;
	for (mapOfTransactions::iterator ii = m_mapTransactions.begin(); 
		 ii != m_mapTransactions.end(); ++ii)
		pTransaction = (*ii).second;
		OT_ASSERT(NULL != pTransaction);
		// it only reports receipts where we don't yet have balance agreement.
		pTransaction->ProduceOutboxReportItem(theBalanceItem);	// <======= This function adds a pending transfer sub-item to theBalanceItem, where appropriate.
	// ---------------------------------------------------------	