예제 #1
    // starting function (executed once at the beginning of the simulation loop)
    void start(const OdeHandle& odeHandle, const OsgHandle& osgHandle, GlobalData& global)
        setCameraHomePos(Pos(5.2728, 7.2112, 3.31768), Pos(140.539, -13.1456, 0));

        // initialization
        // - set noise to 0.1
        // - register file chess.ppm as a texture called chessTexture (used for the wheels)
        //    global.odeConfig.setParam("gravity", 0);
        global.odeConfig.setParam("controlinterval", 5);
        global.odeConfig.setParam("simstepsize", 0.01);

        // use Playground as boundary:
        OctaPlayground* playground = new OctaPlayground(odeHandle, osgHandle, osg::Vec3(11, 0.2, 1), 12);
        playground->setPosition(osg::Vec3(0,0,0)); // playground positionieren und generieren
             for(int i=0; i<50; i++){
               PassiveSphere* s = new PassiveSphere(odeHandle, osgHandle.changeColor(Color(0.0,1.0,0.0)), 0.5);
        OdeRobot* nimm2;
        //    AbstractController* contrl;
        AbstractWiring* wiring;
        OdeAgent* agent;

        Nimm2Conf conf = Nimm2::getDefaultConf();
        wiring = new One2OneWiring(new ColorUniformNoise(0.1));
        //controller = new InvertMotorNStep();
        controller = new InvertNChannelController(10);
        //          controller = new InvertMotorSpace(10);
        agent = new OdeAgent(global);
        nimm2 = new Nimm2(odeHandle, osgHandle, conf, "Nimm2Yellow");
        agent->init(controller, nimm2, wiring);
        /*          controller->setParam("adaptrate", 0.000);
              controller->setParam("nomupdate", 0.0005);
              controller->setParam("epsA", 0.01);
              controller->setParam("epsC", 0.05);
              controller->setParam("rootE", 0);
              controller->setParam("steps", 2);
              controller->setParam("s4avg", 5);
              controller->setParam("s4del", 5);

예제 #2
  // starting function (executed once at the beginning of the simulation loop)
  void start(const OdeHandle& odeHandle, const OsgHandle& osgHandle, GlobalData& global)
    setCameraHomePos(Pos(5.2728, 7.2112, 3.31768), Pos(140.539, -13.1456, 0));
    // initialization
    // - set global noise sensor to 0.05
    //  global.odeConfig.setParam("gravity", 0); // no gravity

    // use Playground as boundary:
    // - create pointer to playground (odeHandle contains things like world and space the
    //   playground should be created in; odeHandle is generated in simulation.cpp)
    // - setting initial position of the playground: setPosition(osg::Vec3(double x, double y, double z))
    // - push playground to the global list of obstacles (global list comes from simulation.cpp)
    OctaPlayground* playground = new OctaPlayground(odeHandle, osgHandle, osg::Vec3(10, 0.2, 1), 12);
    playground->setPosition(osg::Vec3(0,0,0)); // place and create playground

    // add passive spheres as obstacles
    // - create pointer to sphere (with odehandle, osghandle and
    //   optional parameters radius and mass,where the latter is not used here) )
    // - set Pose(Position) of sphere
    // - add sphere to list of obstacles
    for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
      PassiveSphere* s = new PassiveSphere(odeHandle, osgHandle.changeColor(Color(0.0,1.0,0.0)), 0.5);

    // Spherical Robot with axis (gyro) sensors:
    // - get default configuration for robot
    // - create pointer to spherical robot (with odeHandle, osgHandle and configuration)
    // - place robot (unfortunatelly there is a type cast necessary, which is not quite understandable)
    Sphererobot3MassesConf conf = Sphererobot3Masses::getDefaultConf();
    conf.pendularrange= 0.35;
    robot = new Sphererobot3Masses ( odeHandle, osgHandle.changeColor(Color(1.0,0.0,0)),
                                       conf, "Spherical", 0.2);
    (robot)->place ( Pos( 0 , 0 , 0.1 ));

    // Selforg - Controller (Note there are several: use Sos or Sox now)
    // create pointer to controller
    // set some parameters
    // push controller in global list of configurables
    controller = new InvertMotorSpace(10);
    controller->setParam("epsA",0.05); // model learning rate
    controller->setParam("epsC",0.2); // controller learning rate
    controller->setParam("rootE",3);    // model and contoller learn with square rooted error
    global.configs.push_back ( controller );

    // SineController (produces just sine waves)
    // controller = new SineController();
    // controller->setParam("sinerate", 40);
    // controller->setParam("phaseshift", 0.0);

    // create pointer to one2onewiring which uses colored-noise
    One2OneWiring* wiring = new One2OneWiring ( new ColorUniformNoise() );

    // create pointer to agent
    // initialize pointer with controller, robot and wiring
    // push agent in globel list of agents
    OdeAgent* agent = new OdeAgent ( global );
    agent->init ( controller , robot , wiring );
      // the following line will enables a position tracking of the robot, which is written into a file
      // you can customize what is logged with the TrackRobotConf
      TrackRobotConf tc = TrackRobot::getDefaultConf();
      tc.scene = "zaxis";
      tc.displayTrace = true;
    global.agents.push_back ( agent );