int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { try{ // Set up lp solver OsiClpSolverInterface lpSolver; lpSolver.getModelPtr()->setDualBound(1.0e10); lpSolver.messageHandler()->setLogLevel(0); // Create BLIS model BlisModel model; model.setSolver(&lpSolver); #ifdef COIN_HAS_MPI AlpsKnowledgeBrokerMPI broker(argc, argv, model); #else AlpsKnowledgeBrokerSerial broker(argc, argv, model); #endif // Search for best solution; // Report the best solution found and its ojective value broker.printBestSolution(); } catch(CoinError& er) { std::cerr << "\nBLIS ERROR: \"" << er.message() << "\""<< std::endl << " from function \"" << er.methodName() << "\""<< std::endl << " from class \"" << er.className() << "\"" << std::endl; } catch(...) { std::cerr << "Something went wrong!" << std::endl; } return 0; }
// inner part of dive int CbcHeuristicDive::solution(double & solutionValue, int & numberNodes, int & numberCuts, OsiRowCut ** cuts, CbcSubProblem ** & nodes, double * newSolution) { #ifdef DIVE_DEBUG int nRoundInfeasible = 0; int nRoundFeasible = 0; #endif int reasonToStop = 0; double time1 = CoinCpuTime(); int numberSimplexIterations = 0; int maxSimplexIterations = (model_->getNodeCount()) ? maxSimplexIterations_ : maxSimplexIterationsAtRoot_; // but can't be exactly coin_int_max maxSimplexIterations = CoinMin(maxSimplexIterations,COIN_INT_MAX>>3); OsiSolverInterface * solver = cloneBut(6); // was model_->solver()->clone(); # ifdef COIN_HAS_CLP OsiClpSolverInterface * clpSolver = dynamic_cast<OsiClpSolverInterface *> (solver); if (clpSolver) { ClpSimplex * clpSimplex = clpSolver->getModelPtr(); int oneSolveIts = clpSimplex->maximumIterations(); oneSolveIts = CoinMin(1000+2*(clpSimplex->numberRows()+clpSimplex->numberColumns()),oneSolveIts); clpSimplex->setMaximumIterations(oneSolveIts); if (!nodes) { // say give up easily clpSimplex->setMoreSpecialOptions(clpSimplex->moreSpecialOptions() | 64); } else { // get ray int specialOptions = clpSimplex->specialOptions(); specialOptions &= ~0x3100000; specialOptions |= 32; clpSimplex->setSpecialOptions(specialOptions); clpSolver->setSpecialOptions(clpSolver->specialOptions() | 1048576); if ((model_->moreSpecialOptions()&16777216)!=0) { // cutoff is constraint clpSolver->setDblParam(OsiDualObjectiveLimit, COIN_DBL_MAX); } } } # endif const double * lower = solver->getColLower(); const double * upper = solver->getColUpper(); const double * rowLower = solver->getRowLower(); const double * rowUpper = solver->getRowUpper(); const double * solution = solver->getColSolution(); const double * objective = solver->getObjCoefficients(); double integerTolerance = model_->getDblParam(CbcModel::CbcIntegerTolerance); double primalTolerance; solver->getDblParam(OsiPrimalTolerance, primalTolerance); int numberRows = matrix_.getNumRows(); assert (numberRows <= solver->getNumRows()); int numberIntegers = model_->numberIntegers(); const int * integerVariable = model_->integerVariable(); double direction = solver->getObjSense(); // 1 for min, -1 for max double newSolutionValue = direction * solver->getObjValue(); int returnCode = 0; // Column copy const double * element = matrix_.getElements(); const int * row = matrix_.getIndices(); const CoinBigIndex * columnStart = matrix_.getVectorStarts(); const int * columnLength = matrix_.getVectorLengths(); #ifdef DIVE_FIX_BINARY_VARIABLES // Row copy const double * elementByRow = matrixByRow_.getElements(); const int * column = matrixByRow_.getIndices(); const CoinBigIndex * rowStart = matrixByRow_.getVectorStarts(); const int * rowLength = matrixByRow_.getVectorLengths(); #endif // Get solution array for heuristic solution int numberColumns = solver->getNumCols(); memcpy(newSolution, solution, numberColumns*sizeof(double)); // vectors to store the latest variables fixed at their bounds int* columnFixed = new int [numberIntegers]; double* originalBound = new double [numberIntegers+2*numberColumns]; double * lowerBefore = originalBound+numberIntegers; double * upperBefore = lowerBefore+numberColumns; memcpy(lowerBefore,lower,numberColumns*sizeof(double)); memcpy(upperBefore,upper,numberColumns*sizeof(double)); double * lastDjs=newSolution+numberColumns; bool * fixedAtLowerBound = new bool [numberIntegers]; PseudoReducedCost * candidate = new PseudoReducedCost [numberIntegers]; double * random = new double [numberIntegers]; int maxNumberAtBoundToFix = static_cast<int> (floor(percentageToFix_ * numberIntegers)); assert (!maxNumberAtBoundToFix||!nodes); // count how many fractional variables int numberFractionalVariables = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) { random[i] = randomNumberGenerator_.randomDouble() + 0.3; int iColumn = integerVariable[i]; double value = newSolution[iColumn]; if (fabs(floor(value + 0.5) - value) > integerTolerance) { numberFractionalVariables++; } } const double* reducedCost = NULL; // See if not NLP if (model_->solverCharacteristics()->reducedCostsAccurate()) reducedCost = solver->getReducedCost(); int iteration = 0; while (numberFractionalVariables) { iteration++; // initialize any data initializeData(); // select a fractional variable to bound int bestColumn = -1; int bestRound; // -1 rounds down, +1 rounds up bool canRound = selectVariableToBranch(solver, newSolution, bestColumn, bestRound); // if the solution is not trivially roundable, we don't try to round; // if the solution is trivially roundable, we try to round. However, // if the rounded solution is worse than the current incumbent, // then we don't round and proceed normally. In this case, the // bestColumn will be a trivially roundable variable if (canRound) { // check if by rounding all fractional variables // we get a solution with an objective value // better than the current best integer solution double delta = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) { int iColumn = integerVariable[i]; double value = newSolution[iColumn]; if (fabs(floor(value + 0.5) - value) > integerTolerance) { assert(downLocks_[i] == 0 || upLocks_[i] == 0); double obj = objective[iColumn]; if (downLocks_[i] == 0 && upLocks_[i] == 0) { if (direction * obj >= 0.0) delta += (floor(value) - value) * obj; else delta += (ceil(value) - value) * obj; } else if (downLocks_[i] == 0) delta += (floor(value) - value) * obj; else delta += (ceil(value) - value) * obj; } } if (direction*(solver->getObjValue() + delta) < solutionValue) { #ifdef DIVE_DEBUG nRoundFeasible++; #endif if (!nodes||bestColumn<0) { // Round all the fractional variables for (int i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) { int iColumn = integerVariable[i]; double value = newSolution[iColumn]; if (fabs(floor(value + 0.5) - value) > integerTolerance) { assert(downLocks_[i] == 0 || upLocks_[i] == 0); if (downLocks_[i] == 0 && upLocks_[i] == 0) { if (direction * objective[iColumn] >= 0.0) newSolution[iColumn] = floor(value); else newSolution[iColumn] = ceil(value); } else if (downLocks_[i] == 0) newSolution[iColumn] = floor(value); else newSolution[iColumn] = ceil(value); } } break; } else { // can't round if going to use in branching int i; for (i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) { int iColumn = integerVariable[i]; double value = newSolution[bestColumn]; if (fabs(floor(value + 0.5) - value) > integerTolerance) { if (iColumn==bestColumn) { assert(downLocks_[i] == 0 || upLocks_[i] == 0); double obj = objective[bestColumn]; if (downLocks_[i] == 0 && upLocks_[i] == 0) { if (direction * obj >= 0.0) bestRound=-1; else bestRound=1; } else if (downLocks_[i] == 0) bestRound=-1; else bestRound=1; break; } } } } } #ifdef DIVE_DEBUG else nRoundInfeasible++; #endif } // do reduced cost fixing #ifdef DIVE_DEBUG int numberFixed = reducedCostFix(solver); std::cout << "numberReducedCostFixed = " << numberFixed << std::endl; #else reducedCostFix(solver); #endif int numberAtBoundFixed = 0; #ifdef DIVE_FIX_BINARY_VARIABLES // fix binary variables based on pseudo reduced cost if (binVarIndex_.size()) { int cnt = 0; int n = static_cast<int>(binVarIndex_.size()); for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { int iColumn1 = binVarIndex_[j]; double value = newSolution[iColumn1]; if (fabs(value) <= integerTolerance && lower[iColumn1] != upper[iColumn1]) { double maxPseudoReducedCost = 0.0; #ifdef DIVE_DEBUG std::cout << "iColumn1 = " << iColumn1 << ", value = " << value << std::endl; #endif int iRow = vbRowIndex_[j]; double chosenValue = 0.0; for (int k = rowStart[iRow]; k < rowStart[iRow] + rowLength[iRow]; k++) { int iColumn2 = column[k]; #ifdef DIVE_DEBUG std::cout << "iColumn2 = " << iColumn2 << std::endl; #endif if (iColumn1 != iColumn2) { double pseudoReducedCost = fabs(reducedCost[iColumn2] * elementByRow[k]); #ifdef DIVE_DEBUG int k2; for (k2 = rowStart[iRow]; k2 < rowStart[iRow] + rowLength[iRow]; k2++) { if (column[k2] == iColumn1) break; } std::cout << "reducedCost[" << iColumn2 << "] = " << reducedCost[iColumn2] << ", elementByRow[" << iColumn2 << "] = " << elementByRow[k] << ", elementByRow[" << iColumn1 << "] = " << elementByRow[k2] << ", pseudoRedCost = " << pseudoReducedCost << std::endl; #endif if (pseudoReducedCost > maxPseudoReducedCost) maxPseudoReducedCost = pseudoReducedCost; } else { // save value chosenValue = fabs(elementByRow[k]); } } assert (chosenValue); maxPseudoReducedCost /= chosenValue; #ifdef DIVE_DEBUG std::cout << ", maxPseudoRedCost = " << maxPseudoReducedCost << std::endl; #endif candidate[cnt].var = iColumn1; candidate[cnt++].pseudoRedCost = maxPseudoReducedCost; } } #ifdef DIVE_DEBUG std::cout << "candidates for rounding = " << cnt << std::endl; #endif std::sort(candidate, candidate + cnt, compareBinaryVars); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int iColumn = candidate[i].var; if (numberAtBoundFixed < maxNumberAtBoundToFix) { columnFixed[numberAtBoundFixed] = iColumn; originalBound[numberAtBoundFixed] = upper[iColumn]; fixedAtLowerBound[numberAtBoundFixed] = true; solver->setColUpper(iColumn, lower[iColumn]); numberAtBoundFixed++; if (numberAtBoundFixed == maxNumberAtBoundToFix) break; } } } #endif // fix other integer variables that are at their bounds int cnt = 0; #ifdef GAP double gap = 1.0e30; #endif if (reducedCost && true) { #ifndef JJF_ONE cnt = fixOtherVariables(solver, solution, candidate, random); #else #ifdef GAP double cutoff = model_->getCutoff() ; if (cutoff < 1.0e20 && false) { double direction = solver->getObjSense() ; gap = cutoff - solver->getObjValue() * direction ; gap *= 0.1; // Fix more if plausible double tolerance; solver->getDblParam(OsiDualTolerance, tolerance) ; if (gap <= 0.0) gap = tolerance; gap += 100.0 * tolerance; } int nOverGap = 0; #endif int numberFree = 0; int numberFixed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) { int iColumn = integerVariable[i]; if (upper[iColumn] > lower[iColumn]) { numberFree++; double value = newSolution[iColumn]; if (fabs(floor(value + 0.5) - value) <= integerTolerance) { candidate[cnt].var = iColumn; candidate[cnt++].pseudoRedCost = fabs(reducedCost[iColumn] * random[i]); #ifdef GAP if (fabs(reducedCost[iColumn]) > gap) nOverGap++; #endif } } else { numberFixed++; } } #ifdef GAP int nLeft = maxNumberAtBoundToFix - numberAtBoundFixed; #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE4 printf("cutoff %g obj %g nover %d - %d free, %d fixed\n", cutoff, solver->getObjValue(), nOverGap, numberFree, numberFixed); #endif if (nOverGap > nLeft && true) { nOverGap = CoinMin(nOverGap, nLeft + maxNumberAtBoundToFix / 2); maxNumberAtBoundToFix += nOverGap - nLeft; } #else #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE4 printf("cutoff %g obj %g - %d free, %d fixed\n", model_->getCutoff(), solver->getObjValue(), numberFree, numberFixed); #endif #endif #endif } else { for (int i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) { int iColumn = integerVariable[i]; if (upper[iColumn] > lower[iColumn]) { double value = newSolution[iColumn]; if (fabs(floor(value + 0.5) - value) <= integerTolerance) { candidate[cnt].var = iColumn; candidate[cnt++].pseudoRedCost = numberIntegers - i; } } } } std::sort(candidate, candidate + cnt, compareBinaryVars); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int iColumn = candidate[i].var; if (upper[iColumn] > lower[iColumn]) { double value = newSolution[iColumn]; if (fabs(floor(value + 0.5) - value) <= integerTolerance && numberAtBoundFixed < maxNumberAtBoundToFix) { // fix the variable at one of its bounds if (fabs(lower[iColumn] - value) <= integerTolerance) { columnFixed[numberAtBoundFixed] = iColumn; originalBound[numberAtBoundFixed] = upper[iColumn]; fixedAtLowerBound[numberAtBoundFixed] = true; solver->setColUpper(iColumn, lower[iColumn]); numberAtBoundFixed++; } else if (fabs(upper[iColumn] - value) <= integerTolerance) { columnFixed[numberAtBoundFixed] = iColumn; originalBound[numberAtBoundFixed] = lower[iColumn]; fixedAtLowerBound[numberAtBoundFixed] = false; solver->setColLower(iColumn, upper[iColumn]); numberAtBoundFixed++; } if (numberAtBoundFixed == maxNumberAtBoundToFix) break; } } } #ifdef DIVE_DEBUG std::cout << "numberAtBoundFixed = " << numberAtBoundFixed << std::endl; #endif double originalBoundBestColumn; double bestColumnValue; int whichWay; if (bestColumn >= 0) { bestColumnValue = newSolution[bestColumn]; if (bestRound < 0) { originalBoundBestColumn = upper[bestColumn]; solver->setColUpper(bestColumn, floor(bestColumnValue)); whichWay=0; } else { originalBoundBestColumn = lower[bestColumn]; solver->setColLower(bestColumn, ceil(bestColumnValue)); whichWay=1; } } else { break; } int originalBestRound = bestRound; int saveModelOptions = model_->specialOptions(); while (1) { model_->setSpecialOptions(saveModelOptions | 2048); solver->resolve(); model_->setSpecialOptions(saveModelOptions); if (!solver->isAbandoned()&&!solver->isIterationLimitReached()) { numberSimplexIterations += solver->getIterationCount(); } else { numberSimplexIterations = maxSimplexIterations + 1; reasonToStop += 100; break; } if (!solver->isProvenOptimal()) { if (nodes) { if (solver->isProvenPrimalInfeasible()) { if (maxSimplexIterationsAtRoot_!=COIN_INT_MAX) { // stop now printf("stopping on first infeasibility\n"); break; } else if (cuts) { // can do conflict cut printf("could do intermediate conflict cut\n"); bool localCut; OsiRowCut * cut = model_->conflictCut(solver,localCut); if (cut) { if (!localCut) { model_->makePartialCut(cut,solver); cuts[numberCuts++]=cut; } else { delete cut; } } } } else { reasonToStop += 10; break; } } if (numberAtBoundFixed > 0) { // Remove the bound fix for variables that were at bounds for (int i = 0; i < numberAtBoundFixed; i++) { int iColFixed = columnFixed[i]; if (fixedAtLowerBound[i]) solver->setColUpper(iColFixed, originalBound[i]); else solver->setColLower(iColFixed, originalBound[i]); } numberAtBoundFixed = 0; } else if (bestRound == originalBestRound) { bestRound *= (-1); whichWay |=2; if (bestRound < 0) { solver->setColLower(bestColumn, originalBoundBestColumn); solver->setColUpper(bestColumn, floor(bestColumnValue)); } else { solver->setColLower(bestColumn, ceil(bestColumnValue)); solver->setColUpper(bestColumn, originalBoundBestColumn); } } else break; } else break; } if (!solver->isProvenOptimal() || direction*solver->getObjValue() >= solutionValue) { reasonToStop += 1; } else if (iteration > maxIterations_) { reasonToStop += 2; } else if (CoinCpuTime() - time1 > maxTime_) { reasonToStop += 3; } else if (numberSimplexIterations > maxSimplexIterations) { reasonToStop += 4; // also switch off #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE printf("switching off diving as too many iterations %d, %d allowed\n", numberSimplexIterations, maxSimplexIterations); #endif when_ = 0; } else if (solver->getIterationCount() > 1000 && iteration > 3 && !nodes) { reasonToStop += 5; // also switch off #ifdef CLP_INVESTIGATE printf("switching off diving one iteration took %d iterations (total %d)\n", solver->getIterationCount(), numberSimplexIterations); #endif when_ = 0; } memcpy(newSolution, solution, numberColumns*sizeof(double)); numberFractionalVariables = 0; double sumFractionalVariables=0.0; for (int i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) { int iColumn = integerVariable[i]; double value = newSolution[iColumn]; double away = fabs(floor(value + 0.5) - value); if (away > integerTolerance) { numberFractionalVariables++; sumFractionalVariables += away; } } if (nodes) { // save information //branchValues[numberNodes]=bestColumnValue; //statuses[numberNodes]=whichWay+(bestColumn<<2); //bases[numberNodes]=solver->getWarmStart(); ClpSimplex * simplex = clpSolver->getModelPtr(); CbcSubProblem * sub = new CbcSubProblem(clpSolver,lowerBefore,upperBefore, simplex->statusArray(),numberNodes); nodes[numberNodes]=sub; // other stuff sub->branchValue_=bestColumnValue; sub->problemStatus_=whichWay; sub->branchVariable_=bestColumn; sub->objectiveValue_ = simplex->objectiveValue(); sub->sumInfeasibilities_ = sumFractionalVariables; sub->numberInfeasibilities_ = numberFractionalVariables; printf("DiveNode %d column %d way %d bvalue %g obj %g\n", numberNodes,sub->branchVariable_,sub->problemStatus_, sub->branchValue_,sub->objectiveValue_); numberNodes++; if (solver->isProvenOptimal()) { memcpy(lastDjs,solver->getReducedCost(),numberColumns*sizeof(double)); memcpy(lowerBefore,lower,numberColumns*sizeof(double)); memcpy(upperBefore,upper,numberColumns*sizeof(double)); } } if (!numberFractionalVariables||reasonToStop) break; } if (nodes) { printf("Exiting dive for reason %d\n",reasonToStop); if (reasonToStop>1) { printf("problems in diving\n"); int whichWay=nodes[numberNodes-1]->problemStatus_; CbcSubProblem * sub; if ((whichWay&2)==0) { // leave both ways sub = new CbcSubProblem(*nodes[numberNodes-1]); nodes[numberNodes++]=sub; } else { sub = nodes[numberNodes-1]; } if ((whichWay&1)==0) sub->problemStatus_=whichWay|1; else sub->problemStatus_=whichWay&~1; } if (!numberNodes) { // was good at start! - create fake clpSolver->resolve(); ClpSimplex * simplex = clpSolver->getModelPtr(); CbcSubProblem * sub = new CbcSubProblem(clpSolver,lowerBefore,upperBefore, simplex->statusArray(),numberNodes); nodes[numberNodes]=sub; // other stuff sub->branchValue_=0.0; sub->problemStatus_=0; sub->branchVariable_=-1; sub->objectiveValue_ = simplex->objectiveValue(); sub->sumInfeasibilities_ = 0.0; sub->numberInfeasibilities_ = 0; printf("DiveNode %d column %d way %d bvalue %g obj %g\n", numberNodes,sub->branchVariable_,sub->problemStatus_, sub->branchValue_,sub->objectiveValue_); numberNodes++; assert (solver->isProvenOptimal()); } nodes[numberNodes-1]->problemStatus_ |= 256*reasonToStop; // use djs as well if (solver->isProvenPrimalInfeasible()&&cuts) { // can do conflict cut and re-order printf("could do final conflict cut\n"); bool localCut; OsiRowCut * cut = model_->conflictCut(solver,localCut); if (cut) { printf("cut - need to use conflict and previous djs\n"); if (!localCut) { model_->makePartialCut(cut,solver); cuts[numberCuts++]=cut; } else { delete cut; } } else { printf("bad conflict - just use previous djs\n"); } } } // re-compute new solution value double objOffset = 0.0; solver->getDblParam(OsiObjOffset, objOffset); newSolutionValue = -objOffset; for (int i = 0 ; i < numberColumns ; i++ ) newSolutionValue += objective[i] * newSolution[i]; newSolutionValue *= direction; //printf("new solution value %g %g\n",newSolutionValue,solutionValue); if (newSolutionValue < solutionValue && !reasonToStop) { double * rowActivity = new double[numberRows]; memset(rowActivity, 0, numberRows*sizeof(double)); // paranoid check memset(rowActivity, 0, numberRows*sizeof(double)); for (int i = 0; i < numberColumns; i++) { int j; double value = newSolution[i]; if (value) { for (j = columnStart[i]; j < columnStart[i] + columnLength[i]; j++) { int iRow = row[j]; rowActivity[iRow] += value * element[j]; } } } // check was approximately feasible bool feasible = true; for (int i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) { if (rowActivity[i] < rowLower[i]) { if (rowActivity[i] < rowLower[i] - 1000.0*primalTolerance) feasible = false; } else if (rowActivity[i] > rowUpper[i]) { if (rowActivity[i] > rowUpper[i] + 1000.0*primalTolerance) feasible = false; } } for (int i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) { int iColumn = integerVariable[i]; double value = newSolution[iColumn]; if (fabs(floor(value + 0.5) - value) > integerTolerance) { feasible = false; break; } } if (feasible) { // new solution solutionValue = newSolutionValue; //printf("** Solution of %g found by CbcHeuristicDive\n",newSolutionValue); //if (cuts) //clpSolver->getModelPtr()->writeMps("good8.mps", 2); returnCode = 1; } else { // Can easily happen //printf("Debug CbcHeuristicDive giving bad solution\n"); } delete [] rowActivity; } #ifdef DIVE_DEBUG std::cout << "nRoundInfeasible = " << nRoundInfeasible << ", nRoundFeasible = " << nRoundFeasible << ", returnCode = " << returnCode << ", reasonToStop = " << reasonToStop << ", simplexIts = " << numberSimplexIterations << ", iterations = " << iteration << std::endl; #endif delete [] columnFixed; delete [] originalBound; delete [] fixedAtLowerBound; delete [] candidate; delete [] random; delete [] downArray_; downArray_ = NULL; delete [] upArray_; upArray_ = NULL; delete solver; return returnCode; }
int CbcHeuristicDive::reducedCostFix (OsiSolverInterface* solver) { //return 0; // temp #ifndef JJF_ONE if (!model_->solverCharacteristics()->reducedCostsAccurate()) return 0; //NLP #endif double cutoff = model_->getCutoff() ; if (cutoff > 1.0e20) return 0; #ifdef DIVE_DEBUG std::cout << "cutoff = " << cutoff << std::endl; #endif double direction = solver->getObjSense() ; double gap = cutoff - solver->getObjValue() * direction ; gap *= 0.5; // Fix more double tolerance; solver->getDblParam(OsiDualTolerance, tolerance) ; if (gap <= 0.0) gap = tolerance; //return 0; gap += 100.0 * tolerance; double integerTolerance = model_->getDblParam(CbcModel::CbcIntegerTolerance); const double *lower = solver->getColLower() ; const double *upper = solver->getColUpper() ; const double *solution = solver->getColSolution() ; const double *reducedCost = solver->getReducedCost() ; int numberIntegers = model_->numberIntegers(); const int * integerVariable = model_->integerVariable(); int numberFixed = 0 ; # ifdef COIN_HAS_CLP OsiClpSolverInterface * clpSolver = dynamic_cast<OsiClpSolverInterface *> (solver); ClpSimplex * clpSimplex = NULL; if (clpSolver) clpSimplex = clpSolver->getModelPtr(); # endif for (int i = 0 ; i < numberIntegers ; i++) { int iColumn = integerVariable[i] ; double djValue = direction * reducedCost[iColumn] ; if (upper[iColumn] - lower[iColumn] > integerTolerance) { if (solution[iColumn] < lower[iColumn] + integerTolerance && djValue > gap) { #ifdef COIN_HAS_CLP // may just have been fixed before if (clpSimplex) { if (clpSimplex->getColumnStatus(iColumn) == ClpSimplex::basic) { #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP printf("DJfix %d has status of %d, dj of %g gap %g, bounds %g %g\n", iColumn, clpSimplex->getColumnStatus(iColumn), djValue, gap, lower[iColumn], upper[iColumn]); #endif } else { assert(clpSimplex->getColumnStatus(iColumn) == ClpSimplex::atLowerBound || clpSimplex->getColumnStatus(iColumn) == ClpSimplex::isFixed); } } #endif solver->setColUpper(iColumn, lower[iColumn]) ; numberFixed++ ; } else if (solution[iColumn] > upper[iColumn] - integerTolerance && -djValue > gap) { #ifdef COIN_HAS_CLP // may just have been fixed before if (clpSimplex) { if (clpSimplex->getColumnStatus(iColumn) == ClpSimplex::basic) { #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP printf("DJfix %d has status of %d, dj of %g gap %g, bounds %g %g\n", iColumn, clpSimplex->getColumnStatus(iColumn), djValue, gap, lower[iColumn], upper[iColumn]); #endif } else { assert(clpSimplex->getColumnStatus(iColumn) == ClpSimplex::atUpperBound || clpSimplex->getColumnStatus(iColumn) == ClpSimplex::isFixed); } } #endif solver->setColLower(iColumn, upper[iColumn]) ; numberFixed++ ; } } } return numberFixed; }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { if ( argc < 2 ) { printf("Invalid number of parameters!\n"); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } char problemName[ 256 ]; getFileName( problemName, argv[1] ); clock_t start = clock(); OsiClpSolverInterface *realSolver = new OsiClpSolverInterface(); realSolver->getModelPtr()->setPerturbation(50); /* makes CLP faster for hard instances */ OsiSolverInterface *solver = (OsiSolverInterface*) realSolver; parseParameters( argc, argv ); readLP( solver, argv[1] ); FILE *log = NULL; if(!output.empty()) { log = fopen(output.c_str(), "a"); if(!log) { printf("Could not open the file!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } const int numCols = solver->getNumCols(), numRows = solver->getNumRows(); int pass = 0, newCuts = 0, totalCuts = 0; double pTime, opt, cgTime; CGraph *cgraph = NULL; if(sepMethod == Npsep) cgraph = build_cgraph_osi( solver ); if(!optFile.empty()) { getOptimals(); if(optimals.find(problemName) == optimals.end()) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: optimal value not found!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } opt = optimals[problemName]; } solver->initialSolve(); if (!solver->isProvenOptimal()) { if (solver->isAbandoned()) { fprintf( stderr, "LP solver abandoned due to numerical dificulties.\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (solver->isProvenPrimalInfeasible()) { fprintf( stderr, "LP solver says PRIMAL INFEASIBLE.\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (solver->isProvenDualInfeasible()) { fprintf( stderr, "LP solver says DUAL INFEASIBLE.\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (solver->isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached()) { fprintf( stderr, "LP solver says isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached.\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (solver->isDualObjectiveLimitReached()) { fprintf( stderr, "LP solver says isDualObjectiveLimitReached.\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (solver->isIterationLimitReached()) { fprintf( stderr, "LP solver says isIterationLimitReached.\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not solve LP relaxation to optimality. Checking status...\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } double initialBound = solver->getObjValue(); printf("%.2lf %d %d %.7lf", ((double)(clock()-start)) / ((double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC), pass, 0, solver->getObjValue()); if(!optFile.empty()) { printf(" %.7lf %.7lf", opt, abs_mip_gap(solver->getObjValue(), opt)); } printf("\n"); do { clock_t startSep = clock(); newCuts = 0; switch (sepMethod) { case Npsep: { CglEClique cliqueGen; OsiCuts cuts; CglTreeInfo info; info.level = 0; info.pass = 1; vector<string> varNames = getVarNames(solver->getColNames(), numCols); cliqueGen.parseParameters( argc, (const char**)argv ); cliqueGen.setCGraph( cgraph ); cliqueGen.setGenOddHoles( true ); //allow (or not) inserting odd hole cuts cliqueGen.colNames = &varNames; cliqueGen.generateCuts( *solver, cuts, info ); newCuts = cuts.sizeCuts(); solver->applyCuts( cuts ); } break; case CglSepM: { CglClique cliqueGen; OsiCuts cuts; CglTreeInfo info; info.level = 0; info.pass = 1; cliqueGen.setMinViolation( MIN_VIOLATION ); cliqueGen.setStarCliqueReport(false); cliqueGen.setRowCliqueReport(false); cliqueGen.generateCuts( *solver, cuts, info ); newCuts = cuts.sizeCuts(); solver->applyCuts( cuts ); } break; Default: { fprintf( stderr, "Separation Method does not recognized!\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } } pTime = ((double)(clock()-start)) / ((double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); if(pTime > MAX_TIME) break; totalCuts += newCuts; ++pass; if (newCuts) { solver->resolve(); if (!solver->isProvenOptimal()) { if (solver->isAbandoned()) { fprintf( stderr, "LP solver abandoned due to numerical dificulties.\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (solver->isProvenPrimalInfeasible()) { fprintf( stderr, "LP solver says PRIMAL INFEASIBLE.\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (solver->isProvenDualInfeasible()) { fprintf( stderr, "LP solver says DUAL INFEASIBLE.\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (solver->isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached()) { fprintf( stderr, "LP solver says isPrimalObjectiveLimitReached.\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (solver->isDualObjectiveLimitReached()) { fprintf( stderr, "LP solver says isDualObjectiveLimitReached.\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } if (solver->isIterationLimitReached()) { fprintf( stderr, "LP solver says isIterationLimitReached.\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Could not solve LP relaxation. Exiting.\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } pTime = ((double)(clock()-start)) / ((double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); if(pTime > MAX_TIME) break; double sepTime = ((double)(clock()-startSep)) / ((double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); printf("%.2lf %d %d %.7lf", sepTime, pass, newCuts, solver->getObjValue()); if(!optFile.empty()) printf(" %.7lf %.7lf", opt, abs_mip_gap(solver->getObjValue(), opt)); printf("\n"); } } while ( (newCuts>0) && (pass<MAX_PASSES) ) ; if(log) { double totalTime = ((double)(clock()-start)) / ((double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); fprintf(log, "%s %.2lf %d %d %.7lf", problemName, totalTime, pass - 1, totalCuts, solver->getObjValue()); if(!optFile.empty()) fprintf(log, " %.7lf", abs_mip_gap(solver->getObjValue(), opt)); fprintf(log, "\n"); } if(cgraph) cgraph_free( &cgraph ); delete realSolver; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
CbcBranchingObject * CbcGeneralDepth::createCbcBranch(OsiSolverInterface * solver, const OsiBranchingInformation * info, int /*way*/) { int numberDo = numberNodes_; if (whichSolution_ >= 0 && (model_->moreSpecialOptions()&33554432)==0) numberDo--; assert (numberDo > 0); // create object CbcGeneralBranchingObject * branch = new CbcGeneralBranchingObject(model_); // skip solution branch->numberSubProblems_ = numberDo; // If parentBranch_ back in then will have to be 2* branch->numberSubLeft_ = numberDo; branch->setNumberBranches(numberDo); CbcSubProblem * sub = new CbcSubProblem[numberDo]; int iProb = 0; branch->subProblems_ = sub; branch->numberRows_ = model_->solver()->getNumRows(); int iNode; //OsiSolverInterface * solver = model_->solver(); OsiClpSolverInterface * clpSolver = dynamic_cast<OsiClpSolverInterface *> (solver); assert (clpSolver); ClpSimplex * simplex = clpSolver->getModelPtr(); int numberColumns = simplex->numberColumns(); if ((model_->moreSpecialOptions()&33554432)==0) { double * lowerBefore = CoinCopyOfArray(simplex->getColLower(), numberColumns); double * upperBefore = CoinCopyOfArray(simplex->getColUpper(), numberColumns); ClpNodeStuff * info = nodeInfo_; double * weight = new double[numberNodes_]; int * whichNode = new int [numberNodes_]; // Sort for (iNode = 0; iNode < numberNodes_; iNode++) { if (iNode != whichSolution_) { double objectiveValue = info->nodeInfo_[iNode]->objectiveValue(); double sumInfeasibilities = info->nodeInfo_[iNode]->sumInfeasibilities(); int numberInfeasibilities = info->nodeInfo_[iNode]->numberInfeasibilities(); double thisWeight = 0.0; #if 1 // just closest thisWeight = 1.0e9 * numberInfeasibilities; thisWeight += sumInfeasibilities; thisWeight += 1.0e-7 * objectiveValue; // Try estimate thisWeight = info->nodeInfo_[iNode]->estimatedSolution(); #else thisWeight = 1.0e-3 * numberInfeasibilities; thisWeight += 1.0e-5 * sumInfeasibilities; thisWeight += objectiveValue; #endif whichNode[iProb] = iNode; weight[iProb++] = thisWeight; } } assert (iProb == numberDo); CoinSort_2(weight, weight + numberDo, whichNode); for (iProb = 0; iProb < numberDo; iProb++) { iNode = whichNode[iProb]; ClpNode * node = info->nodeInfo_[iNode]; // move bounds node->applyNode(simplex, 3); // create subproblem sub[iProb] = CbcSubProblem(clpSolver, lowerBefore, upperBefore, node->statusArray(), node->depth()); sub[iProb].objectiveValue_ = node->objectiveValue(); sub[iProb].sumInfeasibilities_ = node->sumInfeasibilities(); sub[iProb].numberInfeasibilities_ = node->numberInfeasibilities(); #ifdef CHECK_PATH if (simplex->numberColumns() == numberColumns_Z) { bool onOptimal = true; const double * columnLower = simplex->columnLower(); const double * columnUpper = simplex->columnUpper(); for (int i = 0; i < numberColumns_Z; i++) { if (iNode == gotGoodNode_Z) printf("good %d %d %g %g\n", iNode, i, columnLower[i], columnUpper[i]); if (columnUpper[i] < debuggerSolution_Z[i] || columnLower[i] > debuggerSolution_Z[i] && simplex->isInteger(i)) { onOptimal = false; break; } } if (onOptimal) { printf("adding to node %x as %d - objs\n", this, iProb); for (int j = 0; j <= iProb; j++) printf("%d %g\n", j, sub[j].objectiveValue_); } } #endif } delete [] weight; delete [] whichNode; const double * lower = solver->getColLower(); const double * upper = solver->getColUpper(); // restore bounds for ( int j = 0; j < numberColumns; j++) { if (lowerBefore[j] != lower[j]) solver->setColLower(j, lowerBefore[j]); if (upperBefore[j] != upper[j]) solver->setColUpper(j, upperBefore[j]); } delete [] upperBefore; delete [] lowerBefore; } else { // from diving CbcSubProblem ** nodes = reinterpret_cast<CbcSubProblem **> (model_->temporaryPointer()); assert (nodes); int adjustDepth=info->depth_; assert (numberDo); numberNodes_=0; for (iProb = 0; iProb < numberDo; iProb++) { if ((nodes[iProb]->problemStatus_&2)==0) { // create subproblem (and swap way and/or make inactive) sub[numberNodes_].takeOver(*nodes[iProb],true); // but adjust depth sub[numberNodes_].depth_+=adjustDepth; numberNodes_++; } delete nodes[iProb]; } branch->numberSubProblems_ = numberNodes_; branch->numberSubLeft_ = numberNodes_; branch->setNumberBranches(numberNodes_); if (!numberNodes_) { // infeasible delete branch; branch=NULL; } delete [] nodes; } return branch; }
// Infeasibility - large is 0.5 double CbcGeneralDepth::infeasibility(const OsiBranchingInformation * /*info*/, int &/*preferredWay*/) const { whichSolution_ = -1; // should use genuine OsiBranchingInformation usefulInfo = model_->usefulInformation(); // for now assume only called when correct //if (usefulInfo.depth_>=4&&!model_->parentModel() // &&(usefulInfo.depth_%2)==0) { if (true) { OsiSolverInterface * solver = model_->solver(); OsiClpSolverInterface * clpSolver = dynamic_cast<OsiClpSolverInterface *> (solver); if (clpSolver) { if ((model_->moreSpecialOptions()&33554432)==0) { ClpNodeStuff * info = nodeInfo_; info->integerTolerance_ = model_->getIntegerTolerance(); info->integerIncrement_ = model_->getCutoffIncrement(); info->numberBeforeTrust_ = model_->numberBeforeTrust(); info->stateOfSearch_ = model_->stateOfSearch(); // Compute "small" change in branch int nBranches = model_->getIntParam(CbcModel::CbcNumberBranches); if (nBranches) { double average = model_->getDblParam(CbcModel::CbcSumChange) / static_cast<double>(nBranches); info->smallChange_ = CoinMax(average * 1.0e-5, model_->getDblParam(CbcModel::CbcSmallestChange)); info->smallChange_ = CoinMax(info->smallChange_, 1.0e-8); } else { info->smallChange_ = 1.0e-8; } int numberIntegers = model_->numberIntegers(); double * down = new double[numberIntegers]; double * up = new double[numberIntegers]; int * priority = new int[numberIntegers]; int * numberDown = new int[numberIntegers]; int * numberUp = new int[numberIntegers]; int * numberDownInfeasible = new int[numberIntegers]; int * numberUpInfeasible = new int[numberIntegers]; model_->fillPseudoCosts(down, up, priority, numberDown, numberUp, numberDownInfeasible, numberUpInfeasible); info->fillPseudoCosts(down, up, priority, numberDown, numberUp, numberDownInfeasible, numberUpInfeasible, numberIntegers); info->presolveType_ = 1; delete [] down; delete [] up; delete [] numberDown; delete [] numberUp; delete [] numberDownInfeasible; delete [] numberUpInfeasible; bool takeHint; OsiHintStrength strength; solver->getHintParam(OsiDoReducePrint, takeHint, strength); ClpSimplex * simplex = clpSolver->getModelPtr(); int saveLevel = simplex->logLevel(); if (strength != OsiHintIgnore && takeHint && saveLevel == 1) simplex->setLogLevel(0); clpSolver->setBasis(); whichSolution_ = simplex->fathomMany(info); //printf("FAT %d nodes, %d iterations\n", //info->numberNodesExplored_,info->numberIterations_); //printf("CbcBranch %d rows, %d columns\n",clpSolver->getNumRows(), // clpSolver->getNumCols()); model_->incrementExtra(info->numberNodesExplored_, info->numberIterations_); // update pseudo costs double smallest = 1.0e50; double largest = -1.0; OsiObject ** objects = model_->objects(); #ifndef NDEBUG const int * integerVariable = model_->integerVariable(); #endif for (int i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) { #ifndef NDEBUG CbcSimpleIntegerDynamicPseudoCost * obj = dynamic_cast <CbcSimpleIntegerDynamicPseudoCost *>(objects[i]) ; assert (obj && obj->columnNumber() == integerVariable[i]); #else CbcSimpleIntegerDynamicPseudoCost * obj = static_cast <CbcSimpleIntegerDynamicPseudoCost *>(objects[i]) ; #endif if (info->numberUp_[i] > 0) { if (info->downPseudo_[i] > largest) largest = info->downPseudo_[i]; if (info->downPseudo_[i] < smallest) smallest = info->downPseudo_[i]; if (info->upPseudo_[i] > largest) largest = info->upPseudo_[i]; if (info->upPseudo_[i] < smallest) smallest = info->upPseudo_[i]; obj->updateAfterMini(info->numberDown_[i], info->numberDownInfeasible_[i], info->downPseudo_[i], info->numberUp_[i], info->numberUpInfeasible_[i], info->upPseudo_[i]); } } //printf("range of costs %g to %g\n",smallest,largest); simplex->setLogLevel(saveLevel); numberNodes_ = info->nNodes_; } else { // Try diving // See if any diving heuristics set to do dive+save CbcHeuristicDive * dive=NULL; for (int i = 0; i < model_->numberHeuristics(); i++) { CbcHeuristicDive * possible = dynamic_cast<CbcHeuristicDive *>(model_->heuristic(i)); if (possible&&possible->maxSimplexIterations()==COIN_INT_MAX) { // if more than one then rotate later? //if (possible->canHeuristicRun()) { dive=possible; break; } } assert (dive); // otherwise moreSpecial should have been turned off CbcSubProblem ** nodes=NULL; int branchState=dive->fathom(model_,numberNodes_,nodes); if (branchState) { printf("new solution\n"); whichSolution_=numberNodes_-1; } else { whichSolution_=-1; } #if 0 if (0) { for (int iNode=0;iNode<numberNodes;iNode++) { //tree_->push(nodes[iNode]) ; } assert (node->nodeInfo()); if (node->nodeInfo()->numberBranchesLeft()) { tree_->push(node) ; } else { node->setActive(false); } } #endif //delete [] nodes; model_->setTemporaryPointer(reinterpret_cast<void *>(nodes)); // end try diving } int numberDo = numberNodes_; if (numberDo > 0 || whichSolution_ >= 0) { return 0.5; } else { // no solution return COIN_DBL_MAX; // say infeasible } } else { return -1.0; } } else { return -1.0; } }
// Generate cuts void CglFakeClique::generateCuts(const OsiSolverInterface& si, OsiCuts & cs, const CglTreeInfo info) { if (fakeSolver_) { assert (si.getNumCols()==fakeSolver_->getNumCols()); fakeSolver_->setColLower(si.getColLower()); const double * solution = si.getColSolution(); fakeSolver_->setColSolution(solution); fakeSolver_->setColUpper(si.getColUpper()); // get and set branch and bound cutoff double cutoff; si.getDblParam(OsiDualObjectiveLimit,cutoff); fakeSolver_->setDblParam(OsiDualObjectiveLimit,COIN_DBL_MAX); #ifdef COIN_HAS_CLP OsiClpSolverInterface * clpSolver = dynamic_cast<OsiClpSolverInterface *> (fakeSolver_); if (clpSolver) { // fix up fake solver const ClpSimplex * siSimplex = clpSolver->getModelPtr(); // need to set djs memcpy(siSimplex->primalColumnSolution(), si.getReducedCost(),si.getNumCols()*sizeof(double)); fakeSolver_->setDblParam(OsiDualObjectiveLimit,cutoff); } #endif const CoinPackedMatrix * matrixByRow = si.getMatrixByRow(); const double * elementByRow = matrixByRow->getElements(); const int * column = matrixByRow->getIndices(); const CoinBigIndex * rowStart = matrixByRow->getVectorStarts(); const int * rowLength = matrixByRow->getVectorLengths(); const double * rowUpper = si.getRowUpper(); const double * rowLower = si.getRowLower(); // Scan all rows looking for possibles int numberRows = si.getNumRows(); double tolerance = 1.0e-3; for (int iRow=0;iRow<numberRows;iRow++) { CoinBigIndex start = rowStart[iRow]; CoinBigIndex end = start + rowLength[iRow]; double upRhs = rowUpper[iRow]; double loRhs = rowLower[iRow]; double sum = 0.0; for (CoinBigIndex j=start;j<end;j++) { int iColumn=column[j]; double value = elementByRow[j]; sum += solution[iColumn]*value; } if (sum<loRhs-tolerance||sum>upRhs+tolerance) { // add as cut OsiRowCut rc; rc.setLb(loRhs); rc.setUb(upRhs); rc.setRow(end-start,column+start,elementByRow+start,false); CoinAbsFltEq equal(1.0e-12); cs.insertIfNotDuplicate(rc,equal); } } CglClique::generateCuts(*fakeSolver_,cs,info); if (probing_) { probing_->generateCuts(*fakeSolver_,cs,info); } } else { // just use real solver CglClique::generateCuts(si,cs,info); } }
/* Randomized Rounding Heuristic Returns 1 if solution, 0 if not */ int CbcHeuristicRandRound::solution(double & solutionValue, double * betterSolution) { // rlh: Todo: Memory Cleanup // std::cout << "Entering the Randomized Rounding Heuristic" << std::endl; setWhen(1); // setWhen(1) didn't have the effect I expected (e.g., run once). // Run only once. // // See if at root node bool atRoot = model_->getNodeCount() == 0; int passNumber = model_->getCurrentPassNumber(); // Just do once if (!atRoot || passNumber > 1) { // std::cout << "Leaving the Randomized Rounding Heuristic" << std::endl; return 0; } std::cout << "Entering the Randomized Rounding Heuristic" << std::endl; typedef struct { int numberSolutions; int maximumSolutions; int numberColumns; double ** solution; int * numberUnsatisfied; } clpSolution; double start = CoinCpuTime(); numCouldRun_++; // #ifdef HEURISTIC_INFORM printf("Entering heuristic %s - nRuns %d numCould %d when %d\n", heuristicName(),numRuns_,numCouldRun_,when_); #endif // Todo: Ask JJHF what "number of times // the heuristic could run" means. OsiSolverInterface * solver = model_->solver()->clone(); double primalTolerance ; solver->getDblParam(OsiPrimalTolerance, primalTolerance) ; OsiClpSolverInterface * clpSolver = dynamic_cast<OsiClpSolverInterface *> (solver); assert (clpSolver); ClpSimplex * simplex = clpSolver->getModelPtr(); // Initialize the structure holding the solutions for the Simplex iterations clpSolution solutions; // Set typeStruct field of ClpTrustedData struct to 1 to indicate // desired behavior for RandRound heuristic (which is what?) ClpTrustedData trustedSolutions; trustedSolutions.typeStruct = 1; = &solutions; solutions.numberSolutions = 0; solutions.maximumSolutions = 0; solutions.numberColumns = simplex->numberColumns(); solutions.solution = NULL; solutions.numberUnsatisfied = NULL; simplex->setTrustedUserPointer(&trustedSolutions); // Solve from all slack to get some points simplex->allSlackBasis(); // Calling primal() invalidates pointers to some rim vectors, // like...row sense (!) simplex->primal(); // 1. Okay - so a workaround would be to copy the data I want BEFORE // calling primal. // 2. Another approach is to ask the simplex solvers NOT to mess up my // rims. // 3. See freeCachedResults() for what is getting // deleted. Everything else points into the structure. // ...or use collower and colupper rather than rowsense. // address of where one of these // Store the basic problem information // -Get the number of columns, rows and rhs vector int numCols = clpSolver->getNumCols(); int numRows = clpSolver->getNumRows(); // Find the integer variables (use columnType(?)) // One if not continuous, that is binary or general integer) // columnType() = 0 continuous // = 1 binary // = 2 general integer bool * varClassInt = new bool[numCols]; const char* columnType = clpSolver->columnType(); int numGenInt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) { if (clpSolver->isContinuous(i)) varClassInt[i] = 0; else varClassInt[i] = 1; if (columnType[i] == 2) numGenInt++; } // Heuristic is for problems with general integer variables. // If there are none, quit. if (numGenInt++ < 1) { delete [] varClassInt ; std::cout << "Leaving the Randomized Rounding Heuristic" << std::endl; return 0; } // -Get the rows sense const char * rowSense; rowSense = clpSolver->getRowSense(); // -Get the objective coefficients double *originalObjCoeff = CoinCopyOfArray(clpSolver->getObjCoefficients(), numCols); // -Get the matrix of the problem // rlh: look at using sparse representation double ** matrix = new double * [numRows]; for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { matrix[i] = new double[numCols]; for (int j = 0; j < numCols; j++) matrix[i][j] = 0; } const CoinPackedMatrix* matrixByRow = clpSolver->getMatrixByRow(); const double * matrixElements = matrixByRow->getElements(); const int * matrixIndices = matrixByRow->getIndices(); const int * matrixStarts = matrixByRow->getVectorStarts(); for (int j = 0; j < numRows; j++) { for (int i = matrixStarts[j]; i < matrixStarts[j+1]; i++) { matrix[j][matrixIndices[i]] = matrixElements[i]; } } double * newObj = new double [numCols]; srand ( static_cast<unsigned int>(time(NULL) + 1)); int randNum; // Shuffle the rows: // Put the rows in a random order // so that the optimal solution is a different corner point than the // starting point. int * index = new int [numRows]; for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) index[i] = i; for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { int temp = index[i]; int randNumTemp = i + intRand(numRows - i); index[i] = index[randNumTemp]; index[randNumTemp] = temp; } // Start finding corner points by iteratively doing the following: // - contruct a randomly tilted objective // - solve for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { // TODO: that 10,000 could be a param in the member data if (solutions.numberSolutions > 10000) break; randNum = intRand(2); for (int j = 0; j < numCols; j++) { // for row i and column j vary the coefficient "a bit" if (randNum == 1) // if the element is zero, then set the new obj // coefficient to 0.1 (i.e., round up) if (fabs(matrix[index[i]][j]) < primalTolerance) newObj[j] = 0.1; else // if the element is nonzero, then increase the new obj // coefficient "a bit" newObj[j] = matrix[index[i]][j] * 1.1; else // if randnum is 2, then // if the element is zero, then set the new obj coeffient // to NEGATIVE 0.1 (i.e., round down) if (fabs(matrix[index[i]][j]) < primalTolerance) newObj[j] = -0.1; else // if the element is nonzero, then DEcrease the new obj coeffienct "a bit" newObj[j] = matrix[index[i]][j] * 0.9; } // Use the new "tilted" objective clpSolver->setObjective(newObj); // Based on the row sense, we decide whether to max or min if (rowSense[i] == 'L') clpSolver->setObjSense(-1); else clpSolver->setObjSense(1); // Solve with primal simplex simplex->primal(1); // rlh+ll: This was the original code. But we already have the // model pointer (it's in simplex). And, calling getModelPtr() // invalidates the cached data in the OsiClpSolverInterface // object, which means our precious rowsens is lost. So let's // not use the line below... /******* clpSolver->getModelPtr()->primal(1); */ printf("---------------------------------------------------------------- %d\n", i); } // Iteratively do this process until... // either you reach the max number of corner points (aka 10K) // or all the rows have been used as an objective. // Look at solutions int numberSolutions = solutions.numberSolutions; //const char * integerInfo = simplex->integerInformation(); //const double * columnLower = simplex->columnLower(); //const double * columnUpper = simplex->columnUpper(); printf("there are %d solutions\n", numberSolutions); // Up to here we have all the corner points // Now we need to do the random walks and roundings double ** cornerPoints = new double * [numberSolutions]; for (int j = 0; j < numberSolutions; j++) cornerPoints[j] = solutions.solution[j]; bool feasibility = 1; // rlh: use some COIN max instead of 1e30 (?) double bestObj = 1e30; std::vector< std::vector <double> > feasibles; int numFeasibles = 0; // Check the feasibility of the corner points int numCornerPoints = numberSolutions; const double * rhs = clpSolver->getRightHandSide(); // rlh: row sense hasn't changed. why a fresh copy? // Delete next line. rowSense = clpSolver->getRowSense(); for (int i = 0; i < numCornerPoints; i++) { //get the objective value for this this point double objValue = 0; for (int k = 0; k < numCols; k++) objValue += cornerPoints[i][k] * originalObjCoeff[k]; if (objValue < bestObj) { // check integer feasibility feasibility = 1; for (int j = 0; j < numCols; j++) { if (varClassInt[j]) { double closest = floor(cornerPoints[i][j] + 0.5); if (fabs(cornerPoints[i][j] - closest) > primalTolerance) { feasibility = 0; break; } } } // check all constraints satisfied if (feasibility) { for (int irow = 0; irow < numRows; irow++) { double lhs = 0; for (int j = 0; j < numCols; j++) { lhs += matrix[irow][j] * cornerPoints[i][j]; } if (rowSense[irow] == 'L' && lhs > rhs[irow] + primalTolerance) { feasibility = 0; break; } if (rowSense[irow] == 'G' && lhs < rhs[irow] - primalTolerance) { feasibility = 0; break; } if (rowSense[irow] == 'E' && (lhs - rhs[irow] > primalTolerance || lhs - rhs[irow] < -primalTolerance)) { feasibility = 0; break; } } } if (feasibility) { numFeasibles++; feasibles.push_back(std::vector <double> (numCols)); for (int k = 0; k < numCols; k++) feasibles[numFeasibles-1][k] = cornerPoints[i][k]; printf("obj: %f\n", objValue); if (objValue < bestObj) bestObj = objValue; } } } int numFeasibleCorners; numFeasibleCorners = numFeasibles; //find the center of gravity of the corner points as the first random point double * rp = new double[numCols]; for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) { rp[i] = 0; for (int j = 0; j < numCornerPoints; j++) { rp[i] += cornerPoints[j][i]; } rp[i] = rp[i] / numCornerPoints; } //------------------------------------------- //main loop: // -generate the next random point // -round the random point // -check the feasibility of the random point //------------------------------------------- srand ( static_cast<unsigned int>(time(NULL) + 1)); int numRandomPoints = 0; while (numRandomPoints < 50000) { numRandomPoints++; //generate the next random point int randomIndex = intRand(numCornerPoints); double random = CoinDrand48(); for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) { rp[i] = (random * (cornerPoints[randomIndex][i] - rp[i])) + rp[i]; } //CRISP ROUNDING //round the random point just generated double * roundRp = new double[numCols]; for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) { roundRp[i] = rp[i]; if (varClassInt[i]) { if (rp[i] >= 0) { if (fmod(rp[i], 1) > 0.5) roundRp[i] = floor(rp[i]) + 1; else roundRp[i] = floor(rp[i]); } else { if (fabs(fmod(rp[i], 1)) > 0.5) roundRp[i] = floor(rp[i]); else roundRp[i] = floor(rp[i]) + 1; } } } //SOFT ROUNDING // Look at original files for the "how to" on soft rounding; // Soft rounding omitted here. //Check the feasibility of the rounded random point // -Check the feasibility // -Get the rows sense rowSense = clpSolver->getRowSense(); rhs = clpSolver->getRightHandSide(); //get the objective value for this feasible point double objValue = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) objValue += roundRp[i] * originalObjCoeff[i]; if (objValue < bestObj) { feasibility = 1; for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { double lhs = 0; for (int j = 0; j < numCols; j++) { lhs += matrix[i][j] * roundRp[j]; } if (rowSense[i] == 'L' && lhs > rhs[i] + primalTolerance) { feasibility = 0; break; } if (rowSense[i] == 'G' && lhs < rhs[i] - primalTolerance) { feasibility = 0; break; } if (rowSense[i] == 'E' && (lhs - rhs[i] > primalTolerance || lhs - rhs[i] < -primalTolerance)) { feasibility = 0; break; } } if (feasibility) { printf("Feasible Found.\n"); printf("%.2f\n", CoinCpuTime() - start); numFeasibles++; feasibles.push_back(std::vector <double> (numCols)); for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) feasibles[numFeasibles-1][i] = roundRp[i]; printf("obj: %f\n", objValue); if (objValue < bestObj) bestObj = objValue; } } delete [] roundRp; } printf("Number of Feasible Corners: %d\n", numFeasibleCorners); printf("Number of Feasibles Found: %d\n", numFeasibles); if (numFeasibles > 0) printf("Best Objective: %f\n", bestObj); printf("time: %.2f\n", CoinCpuTime() - start); if (numFeasibles == 0) { // cleanup delete [] varClassInt; for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) delete matrix[i]; delete [] matrix; delete [] newObj; delete [] index; for (int i = 0; i < numberSolutions; i++) delete cornerPoints[i]; delete [] cornerPoints; delete [] rp; return 0; } // We found something better solutionValue = bestObj; for (int k = 0; k < numCols; k++) { betterSolution[k] = feasibles[numFeasibles-1][k]; } delete [] varClassInt; for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) delete matrix[i]; delete [] matrix; delete [] newObj; delete [] index; for (int i = 0; i < numberSolutions; i++) delete cornerPoints[i]; delete [] cornerPoints; delete [] rp; std::cout << "Leaving the Randomized Rounding Heuristic" << std::endl; return 1; }
void CglLandP::CachedData::getData(const OsiSolverInterface &si) { int nBasics = si.getNumRows(); int nNonBasics = si.getNumCols(); if (basis_ != NULL) delete basis_; basis_ = dynamic_cast<CoinWarmStartBasis *> (si.getWarmStart()); if (!basis_) throw NoBasisError(); if (nBasics_ > 0 || nBasics != nBasics_) { delete [] basics_; basics_ = NULL; } if (basics_ == NULL) { basics_ = new int[nBasics]; nBasics_ = nBasics; } if (nNonBasics_ > 0 || nNonBasics != nNonBasics_) { delete [] nonBasics_; nonBasics_ = NULL; } if (nonBasics_ == NULL) { nonBasics_ = new int[nNonBasics]; nNonBasics_ = nNonBasics; } int n = nBasics + nNonBasics; if ( nBasics_ + nNonBasics_ > 0 || nBasics_ + nNonBasics_ != n) { delete [] colsol_; delete [] integers_; integers_ = NULL; colsol_ = NULL; slacks_ = NULL; } if (colsol_ == NULL) { colsol_ = new double[n]; slacks_ = &colsol_[nNonBasics]; } if (integers_ == NULL) { integers_ = new bool[n]; } const double * rowLower = si.getRowLower(); const double * rowUpper = si.getRowUpper(); //determine which slacks are integer const CoinPackedMatrix * m = si.getMatrixByCol(); const double * elems = m->getElements(); const int * inds = m->getIndices(); const CoinBigIndex * starts = m->getVectorStarts(); const int * lengths = m->getVectorLengths(); // int numElems = m->getNumElements(); int numCols = m->getNumCols(); assert(numCols == nNonBasics_); // int numRows = m->getNumRows(); CoinFillN(integers_ ,n, true); for (int i = 0 ; i < numCols ; i++) { if (si.isContinuous(i)) integers_[i] = false; } bool * integerSlacks = integers_ + numCols; for (int i = 0 ; i < nBasics ; i++) { if (rowLower[i] > -1e50 && INT_INFEAS(rowLower[i]) > 1e-15) integerSlacks[i] = false; if (rowUpper[i] < 1e50 && INT_INFEAS(rowUpper[i]) > 1e-15) integerSlacks[i] = false; } for (int i = 0 ; i < numCols ; i++) { CoinBigIndex end = starts[i] + lengths[i]; if (integers_[i]) { for (CoinBigIndex k=starts[i] ; k < end; k++) { if (integerSlacks[inds[k]] && INT_INFEAS(elems[k])>1e-15 ) integerSlacks[inds[k]] = false; } } else { for (CoinBigIndex k=starts[i] ; k < end; k++) { if (integerSlacks[inds[k]]) integerSlacks[inds[k]] = false; } } } CoinCopyN(si.getColSolution(), si.getNumCols(), colsol_); CoinCopyN(si.getRowActivity(), si.getNumRows(), slacks_); for (int i = 0 ; i < si.getNumRows() ; i++) { slacks_[i]*=-1; if (rowLower[i]>-1e50) { slacks_[i] += rowLower[i]; } else { slacks_[i] += rowUpper[i]; } } //Now get the fill the arrays; nNonBasics = 0; nBasics = 0; //For having the index variables correctly ordered we need to access to OsiSimplexInterface { OsiSolverInterface * ncSi = (const_cast<OsiSolverInterface *>(&si)); ncSi->enableSimplexInterface(0); ncSi->getBasics(basics_); // Save enabled solver solver_ = si.clone(); #ifdef COIN_HAS_OSICLP OsiClpSolverInterface * clpSi = dynamic_cast<OsiClpSolverInterface *>(solver_); const OsiClpSolverInterface * clpSiRhs = dynamic_cast<const OsiClpSolverInterface *>(&si); if (clpSi) clpSi->getModelPtr()->copyEnabledStuff(clpSiRhs->getModelPtr());; #endif ncSi->disableSimplexInterface(); } int numStructural = basis_->getNumStructural(); for (int i = 0 ; i < numStructural ; i++) { if (basis_->getStructStatus(i)== CoinWarmStartBasis::basic) { nBasics++; //Basically do nothing } else { nonBasics_[nNonBasics++] = i; } } int numArtificial = basis_->getNumArtificial(); for (int i = 0 ; i < numArtificial ; i++) { if (basis_->getArtifStatus(i)== CoinWarmStartBasis::basic) { //Just check number of basics nBasics++; } else { nonBasics_[nNonBasics++] = i + basis_->getNumStructural(); } } }