예제 #1
    try {
	PDFlib *p;
	int image;
	char *imagefile = (char *) "nesrin.jpg";
	// This is where font/image/PDF input files live. Adjust as necessary. 
	char *searchpath = (char *) "../data";

	p = new PDFlib();

	//  This means we must check return values of load_font() etc.
	p->set_parameter("errorpolicy", "return");

	p->set_parameter("SearchPath", searchpath);

	// This line is required to avoid problems on Japanese systems
	p->set_parameter("hypertextencoding", "host");

	if (p->begin_document("image.pdf", "") == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p->get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

	p->set_info("Creator", "image.cpp");
	p->set_info("Author", "Thomas Merz");
	p->set_info("Title", "image sample (C++)!");

	image = p->load_image("auto", imagefile, "");

	if (image == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p->get_errmsg() << endl;

	// dummy page size, will be adjusted by PDF_fit_image()
	p->begin_page_ext(10, 10, "");
	p->fit_image(image, 0.0, 0.0, "adjustpage");


    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
	cerr << "PDFlib exception occurred in hello sample: " << endl;
	cerr << "[" << ex.get_errnum() << "] " << ex.get_apiname()
	    << ": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
	return 2;

    return 0;
예제 #2
파일: hello.cpp 프로젝트: dennisman/M1
    try {
        int font;
        PDFlib p;

        //  This means we must check return values of load_font() etc.
        p.set_parameter("errorpolicy", "return");

        // This line is required to avoid problems on Japanese systems
        p.set_parameter("hypertextencoding", "host");

        if (p.begin_document("hello.pdf", "") == -1) {
            cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;

        p.set_info("Creator", "hello.cpp");
        p.set_info("Author", "Thomas Merz");
        p.set_info("Title", "Hello, world (C++)!");

        p.begin_page_ext(a4_width, a4_height, "");

        // Change "host" encoding to "winansi" or whatever you need!
        font = p.load_font("Helvetica-Bold", "host", "");
        if (font == -1) {
            cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
        p.setfont(font, 24);
        p.set_text_pos(50, 700);
        p.show("Hello, world!");
        p.continue_text("(says C++)");


    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
        cerr << "PDFlib exception occurred in hello sample: " << endl;
        cerr << "[" << ex.get_errnum() << "] " << ex.get_apiname()
             << ": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
        return 2;

    return 0;
예제 #3
    try {
	/* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */
	const wstring searchpath = L"../data";

	PDFlib p;
	const wstring pdffiles[] =
        const int filecount = sizeof(pdffiles) / sizeof(pdffiles[0]);
	int i;

	//  This means we must check return values of load_font() etc.
	p.set_parameter(L"errorpolicy", L"return");

	p.set_parameter(L"SearchPath", searchpath);

	if (p.begin_document(L"starter_pdfmerge.pdf", L"") == -1) {
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;
	p.set_info(L"Creator", L"PDFlib starter sample");
	p.set_info(L"Title", L"starter_pdfmerge");

	for (i = 0; i < filecount; i++) {
	    int indoc, endpage, pageno, page; 

	    /* Open the input PDF */
	    indoc = p.open_pdi_document(pdffiles[i], L"");
	    if (indoc == -1) {
		wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
                return 2;

	    endpage = static_cast<int>(p.pcos_get_number(indoc, L"length:pages"));

	    /* Loop over all pages of the input document */
	    for (pageno = 1; pageno <= endpage; pageno++)
		page = p.open_pdi_page(indoc, pageno, L"");
		if (page == -1) {
		    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
		/* Dummy page size; will be adjusted later */
		p.begin_page_ext(10, 10, L"");

		/* Create a bookmark with the file name */
		if (pageno == 1)
		    p.create_bookmark(pdffiles[i], L"");

		/* Place the imported page on the output page, and
		 * adjust the page size
		p.fit_pdi_page(page, 0, 0, L"adjustpage");


    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
	wcerr << L"PDFlib exception occurred:" << endl
	      << L"[" << ex.get_errnum() << L"] " << ex.get_apiname()
	      << L": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
	return 2;

    return 0;
예제 #4
    try {
	int         i, stationery, page, regularfont, boldfont;
	const wstring infile = L"stationery.pdf";
	// This is where font/image/PDF input files live. Adjust as necessary.
	wstring      searchpath = L"../data";
	const double left = 55;
	const double right = 530;
	time_t      timer;
	struct tm   ltime;
	double      fontsize = 12, leading, y;
	double      sum, total;
	double      pagewidth = 595, pageheight = 842;
	wostringstream buf;
	wostringstream optlist;
	const wstring baseopt =
	    L"ruler        {   30 45     275   375   475} "
	    L"tabalignment {right left right right right} "
	    L"hortabmethod ruler fontsize 12 ";
	int         textflow;
	PDFlib      p;
	const wstring closingtext =
	    L"Terms of payment: <fillcolor={rgb 1 0 0}>30 days net. "
	    L"<fillcolor={gray 0}>90 days warranty starting at the day "
	    L"of sale. This warranty covers defects in workmanship only. "
	    L"<fontname=Helvetica-BoldOblique encoding=host>Kraxi Systems, "
	    L"Inc. <resetfont>will, at its option, repair or replace the "
	    L"product under the warranty. This warranty is not transferable. "
	    L"No returns or exchanges will be accepted for wet products.";

	struct articledata {
	    articledata(wstring n, double pr, int q):
		name(n), price(pr), quantity(q) {}
	    wstring name;
	    double price;
	    int quantity;

	const articledata data[] = {
	    articledata(L"Super Kite",         20,     2),
	    articledata(L"Turbo Flyer",        40,     5),
	    articledata(L"Giga Trash",         180,    1),
	    articledata(L"Bare Bone Kit",      50,     3),
	    articledata(L"Nitty Gritty",       20,     10),
	    articledata(L"Pretty Dark Flyer",  75,     1),
	    articledata(L"Free Gift",          0,      1),

        const int ARTICLECOUNT = sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]);

	static const wstring months[] = {
	    L"January", L"February", L"March", L"April", L"May", L"June",
	    L"July", L"August", L"September", L"October", L"November", L"December"

	//  This means we must check return values of load_font() etc.
	p.set_parameter(L"errorpolicy", L"return");

	p.set_parameter(L"SearchPath", searchpath);

        if (p.begin_document(L"invoice.pdf", L"") == -1) {
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2);

        p.set_info(L"Creator", L"invoice.cpp");
        p.set_info(L"Author", L"Thomas Merz");
        p.set_info(L"Title", L"PDFlib invoice generation demo (C++)");

        stationery = p.open_pdi_document(infile, L"");
        if (stationery == -1) {
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;

        page = p.open_pdi_page(stationery, 1, L"");
        if (page == -1) {
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;

        boldfont = p.load_font(L"Helvetica-Bold", L"host", L"");
	if (boldfont == -1) {
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;
        regularfont = p.load_font(L"Helvetica", L"host", L"");
	if (regularfont == -1) {
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;
        leading = fontsize + 2;

        // Establish coordinates with the origin in the upper left corner.
        p.begin_page_ext(pagewidth, pageheight, L"topdown");

        p.fit_pdi_page(page, 0, pageheight, L"");

        p.setfont(regularfont, 12);

        // Print the address
        y = 170;
        p.set_value(L"leading", leading);

        p.show_xy(L"John Q. Doe", left, y);
        p.continue_text(L"255 Customer Lane");
        p.continue_text(L"Suite B");
        p.continue_text(L"12345 User Town");

        // Print the header and date

        p.setfont(boldfont, 12);
        y = 300;
        p.show_xy(L"INVOICE", left, y);

        ltime = *localtime(&timer);

        buf << months[ltime.tm_mon].c_str() << " " << ltime.tm_mday
            << ", " << ltime.tm_year + 1900;

        p.fit_textline(buf.str(), right, y, L"position {100 0}");

        // Print the invoice header line
        p.setfont(boldfont, 12);

        // L"position {0 0}" is left-aligned, L"position {100 0}" right-aligned
        y = 370;
        optlist << baseopt << " font " << boldfont;
	textflow = p.create_textflow(
        if (textflow == -1) {
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;
	p.fit_textflow(textflow, left, y-leading, right, y, L"");

        // Print the article list

        p.setfont(regularfont, 12);
        y += 2*leading;
        total = 0;

        optlist << baseopt << " font " << regularfont;

        for (i = 0; i < (int)ARTICLECOUNT; i++) {
            sum = data[i].price * data[i].quantity;

            buf << L"\t" << (i + 1) << L"\t" << data[i].name << L"\t"
                << data[i].quantity << L"\t";
            buf.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield);
            buf << data[i].price << L"\t" << sum;

	    textflow = p.create_textflow(buf.str(), optlist.str());
	    if (textflow == -1) {
		wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
		return 2;
	    p.fit_textflow(textflow, left, y-leading, right, y, L"");

            y += leading;
            total += sum;

        y += leading;
        p.setfont(boldfont, 12);
        buf.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield);
        buf << total;
        p.fit_textline(buf.str(), right, y, L"position {100 0}");

        // Print the closing text

        y += 5*leading;
        optlist << L"alignment=justify leading=120% "
                << L"fontname=Helvetica fontsize=12 encoding=host ";

	textflow = p.create_textflow(closingtext, optlist.str());
	if (textflow == -1) {
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;
	p.fit_textflow(textflow, left, y+6*leading, right, y, L"");


    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
	wcerr << L"PDFlib exception occurred in invoice sample: " << endl
	      << L"[" << ex.get_errnum() << L"] " << ex.get_apiname()
	      << L": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
	return 2;

    return 0;
예제 #5
    try {

        /* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */
        string searchpath = "../data";
        string outfile = "starter_layer.pdf";

        PDFlib p;
        string rgb = "nesrin.jpg";
        string gray = "nesrin_gray.jpg";

#define BUFLEN 1024
        char buf[BUFLEN];
        int font, imageRGB, imageGray, layerRGB, layerGray, layerEN, layerDE;

        /* This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. */
        p.set_parameter("errorpolicy", "return");

        p.set_parameter("SearchPath", searchpath);

        /* Open the document with the "Layers" navigation tab visible */
        if (p.begin_document(outfile, "openmode=layers") == -1) {
            cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

        p.set_info("Creator", "PDFlib starter sample");
        p.set_info("Title", "starter_layer");

        /* Load the font */
        font = p.load_font("Helvetica", "winansi", "");

        if (font == -1) {
            cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

        /* Load the Grayscale image */
        imageGray = p.load_image("auto", gray, "");
        if (imageGray == -1) {
            cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

        /* Load the RGB image */
        imageRGB = p.load_image("auto", rgb, "");
        if (imageRGB == -1) {
            cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

	 * Define all layers which will be used, and their relationships.
         * This should be done before the first page if the layers are
	 * used on more than one page.

        /* Define the layer "RGB" */
        layerRGB = p.define_layer("RGB", "");

        /* Define the layer "Grayscale" which is hidden when opening the
         * document or printing it.
        layerGray = p.define_layer("Grayscale",
                    "initialviewstate=false initialprintstate=false");

        /* At most one of the "Grayscale" and "RGB" layers should be visible */
        sprintf(buf, "group={%d %d}", layerGray, layerRGB);
        p.set_layer_dependency("Radiobtn", buf);

        /* Define the layer "English" */
        layerEN = p.define_layer("English", "");

        /* Define the layer "German" which is hidden when opening the document
         * or printing it.
        layerDE = p.define_layer("German",
                    "initialviewstate=false initialprintstate=false");

        /* At most one of the "English" and "German" layers should be visible */
        sprintf(buf, "group={%d %d}", layerEN, layerDE);
        p.set_layer_dependency("Radiobtn", buf);

        /* Start page */
        p.begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.width height=a4.height");

	/* Place the RGB image on the layer "RGB" */
        p.fit_image(imageRGB, 100, 400,
                    "boxsize={400 300} fitmethod=meet");

	/* Place the Grayscale image on the layer "Grayscale" */
        p.fit_image(imageGray, 100, 400,
                    "boxsize={400 300} fitmethod=meet");

	/* Place an English image caption on the layer "English" */
        sprintf(buf, "font=%d fontsize=20", font);
        p.fit_textline("This is the Nesrin image.", 100, 370, buf);

	/* Place a German image caption on the layer "German".  */
        sprintf(buf, "font=%d fontsize=20", font);
        p.fit_textline("Das ist das Nesrin-Bild.", 100, 370, buf);





    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
        cerr << "PDFlib exception occurred:" << endl;
        cerr << "[" << ex.get_errnum() << "] " << ex.get_apiname()
            << ": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
        return 2;

    return 0;
예제 #6
    try {
        /* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */
        const wstring searchpath = L"../data";
        const wstring outfile = L"starter_type3font.pdf";

        wostringstream buf;
        PDFlib p;
        int font;
        double x, y;

        p.set_parameter(L"SearchPath", searchpath);

        /* This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. */
        p.set_parameter(L"errorpolicy", L"return");

        if (p.begin_document(outfile, L"") == -1) {
            wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;

        p.set_info(L"Creator", L"PDFlib starter sample");
        p.set_info(L"Title", L"starter_type3font");

        /* Create the font "SimpleFont" containing the glyph L"l",
         * the glyph "space" for spaces and the glyph ".notdef" for any
         * undefined character
        p.begin_font(L"SimpleFont", 0.001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, 0.0, L"");
        p.begin_glyph(L".notdef", 266, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        p.begin_glyph(L"space", 266, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        p.begin_glyph(L"l", 266, 0, 0, 266, 570);
        p.setdash(0, 0);
        x = 197;
        y = 10;
        p.moveto(x, y);
        y += 530;
        p.lineto(x, y);
        x -= 64;
        p.lineto(x, y);
        y -= 530;
        p.moveto(x, y);
        x += 128;
        p.lineto(x, y);



        /* Start page */
        p.begin_page_ext(0, 0, L"width=300 height=200");

        /* Load the new L"SimpleFont" font */
        font = p.load_font(L"SimpleFont", L"winansi", L"");

        if (font == -1) {
            wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

        /* Output the characters L"l" and L"space" of the L"SimpleFont" font.
         * The character L"x" is undefined and will be mapped to L".notdef"
        buf << L"font=" << font << L" fontsize=40";
        p.fit_textline(L"lll lllxlll", 100, 100, buf.str());


    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
        wcerr << L"PDFlib exception occurred in invoice sample: " << endl
              << L"[" << ex.get_errnum() << L"] " << ex.get_apiname()
              << L": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
        return 2;

    return 0;
예제 #7
    try {
	int         i, stationery, page, regularfont, boldfont;
	string      infile = "stationery.pdf";
	// This is where font/image/PDF input files live. Adjust as necessary.
	string      searchpath = "../data";
	const double left = 55;
	const double right = 530;
	time_t      timer;
	struct tm   ltime;
	double      fontsize = 12, leading, y;
	double      sum, total;
	double      pagewidth = 595, pageheight = 842;
	char        buf[256];
	char        optlist[256];
	char        baseopt[256] =
	    "ruler        {   30 45     275   375   475} "
	    "tabalignment {right left right right right} "
	    "hortabmethod ruler fontsize 12 ";
	int         textflow;
	PDFlib      p;
	string      closingtext =
	    "Terms of payment: <fillcolor={rgb 1 0 0}>30 days net. "
	    "<fillcolor={gray 0}>90 days warranty starting at the day of sale. "
	    "This warranty covers defects in workmanship only. "
	    "<fontname=Helvetica-BoldOblique encoding=host>Kraxi Systems, Inc. "
	    "<resetfont>will, at its option, repair or replace the "
	    "product under the warranty. This warranty is not transferable. "
	    "No returns or exchanges will be accepted for wet products.";

	struct articledata {
	    articledata(string n, double pr, int q):
		name(n), price(pr), quantity(q){}
	    string name;
	    double price;
	    int quantity;

	articledata data[] = {
	    articledata("Super Kite",         20,     2),
	    articledata("Turbo Flyer",        40,     5),
	    articledata("Giga Trash",         180,    1),
	    articledata("Bare Bone Kit",      50,     3),
	    articledata("Nitty Gritty",       20,     10),
	    articledata("Pretty Dark Flyer",  75,     1),
	    articledata("Free Gift",          0,      1),

#define ARTICLECOUNT (sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]))

	static const string months[] = {
	    "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
	    "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"

	//  This means we must check return values of load_font() etc.
	p.set_parameter("errorpolicy", "return");

	p.set_parameter("SearchPath", searchpath);

	// This line is required to avoid problems on Japanese systems
	p.set_parameter("hypertextencoding", "host");

        if (p.begin_document("invoice.pdf", "") == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2);

        p.set_info("Creator", "invoice.cpp");
        p.set_info("Author", "Thomas Merz");
        p.set_info("Title", "PDFlib invoice generation demo (C++)");

        stationery = p.open_pdi_document(infile, "");
        if (stationery == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2);

        page = p.open_pdi_page(stationery, 1, "");
        if (page == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2);

        boldfont = p.load_font("Helvetica-Bold", "host", "");
	if (boldfont == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2);
        regularfont = p.load_font("Helvetica", "host", "");
	if (regularfont == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2);
        leading = fontsize + 2;

        // Establish coordinates with the origin in the upper left corner.
        p.begin_page_ext(pagewidth, pageheight, "topdown");

        p.fit_pdi_page(page, 0, pageheight, "");

        p.setfont(regularfont, 12);

        // Print the address
        y = 170;
        p.set_value("leading", leading);

        p.show_xy("John Q. Doe", left, y);
        p.continue_text("255 Customer Lane");
        p.continue_text("Suite B");
        p.continue_text("12345 User Town");

        // Print the header and date

        p.setfont(boldfont, 12);
        y = 300;
        p.show_xy("INVOICE",       left, y);

        ltime = *localtime(&timer);
        sprintf(buf, "%s %d, %d", months[ltime.tm_mon].c_str(),
			    ltime.tm_mday, ltime.tm_year + 1900);
        p.fit_textline(buf, right, y, "position {100 0}");

        // Print the invoice header line
        p.setfont(boldfont, 12);

        // "position {0 0}" is left-aligned, "position {100 0}" right-aligned
        y = 370;

	sprintf(optlist, "%s font %d ", baseopt, boldfont);

	textflow = p.create_textflow(buf, optlist);
        if (textflow == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2);
	p.fit_textflow(textflow, left, y-leading, right, y, "");

        // Print the article list

        p.setfont(regularfont, 12);
        y += 2*leading;
        total = 0;

	sprintf(optlist, "%s font %d ", baseopt, regularfont);

        for (i = 0; i < (int)ARTICLECOUNT; i++) {
            sum = data[i].price * data[i].quantity;

	    sprintf(buf, "\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%.2f\t%.2f", 
		i+1, (char *)data[i].name.c_str(), data[i].quantity, 
		data[i].price, sum);

	    textflow = p.create_textflow(buf, optlist);
	    if (textflow == -1) {
		cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
	    p.fit_textflow(textflow, left, y-leading, right, y, "");

            y += leading;
            total += sum;

        y += leading;
        p.setfont(boldfont, 12);
        sprintf(buf, "%.2f", total);
        p.fit_textline(buf, right, y, "position {100 0}");

        // Print the closing text

        y += 5*leading;
	strcpy(optlist, "alignment=justify leading=120% ");
	strcat(optlist, "fontname=Helvetica fontsize=12 encoding=host ");

	textflow = p.create_textflow(closingtext, optlist);
	if (textflow == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2);
	p.fit_textflow(textflow, left, y+6*leading, right, y, "");


    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
	cerr << "PDFlib exception occurred in invoice sample: " << endl;
	cerr << "[" << ex.get_errnum() << "] " << ex.get_apiname()
	    << ": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
	return 2;

    return 0;
예제 #8
    try {
	PDFlib p;
	int         i, blockcontainer, page;
	const string infile = "boilerplate.pdf";
        /* This is where font/image/PDF input files live. Adjust as necessary.
         * Note that this directory must also contain the LuciduxSans font
         * outline and metrics files.
	const string searchpath = "../data";
	struct blockdata {
	    blockdata(string n, string v): name(n), value(v){}
	    string name;
	    string value;

	blockdata data[] = {
	   blockdata("name",                   "Victor Kraxi"),
	   blockdata("business.title",         "Chief Paper Officer"),
	   blockdata("business.address.line1", "17, Aviation Road"),
	   blockdata("business.address.city",  "Paperfield"),
	   blockdata("business.telephone.voice","phone +1 234 567-89"),
	   blockdata("business.telephone.fax", "fax +1 234 567-98"),
	   blockdata("business.email",         "*****@*****.**"),
	   blockdata("business.homepage",      "www.kraxi.com"),

#define BLOCKCOUNT (sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]))
	//  This means we must check return values of load_font() etc.
	p.set_parameter("errorpolicy", "return");

	// Set the search path for fonts and PDF files
	p.set_parameter("SearchPath", searchpath);

	// This line is required to avoid problems on Japanese systems
	p.set_parameter("hypertextencoding", "host");

        if (p.begin_document("businesscard.pdf", "") == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;

        p.set_info("Creator", "businesscard.cpp");
        p.set_info("Author", "Thomas Merz");
        p.set_info("Title","PDFlib block processing sample (C++)");

        blockcontainer = p.open_pdi_document(infile, "");
        if (blockcontainer == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2);

        page = p.open_pdi_page(blockcontainer, 1, "");
        if (page == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2);

        p.begin_page_ext(20, 20, "");              // dummy page size

        // This will adjust the page size to the block container's size.
        p.fit_pdi_page(page, 0, 0, "adjustpage");

        // Fill all text blocks with dynamic data 
        for (i = 0; i < (int) BLOCKCOUNT; i++) {
            if (p.fill_textblock(page, data[i].name, data[i].value,
		"embedding encoding=host") == -1) {
		cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;



    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
	cerr << "PDFlib exception occurred in businesscard sample: " << endl;
	cerr << "[" << ex.get_errnum() << "] " << ex.get_apiname()
	    << ": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
	return 99;

    return 0;
예제 #9
    /* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */
    const wstring searchpath = L"../data";
    const wstring outfile = L"starter_opentype.pdf";

    wostringstream optlist;
    PDFlib p;
    int row, col, table, test, font;
    const double llx=50, lly=50, urx=800, ury=550;
    wstring result;

    /* This font will be used unless another one is specified in the table */
    const wstring defaulttestfont = L"DejaVuSerif";

    const wstring header[] = {
        L"OpenType feature",
        L"Option list",
        L"Font name",
        L"Raw input (feature disabled)",
        L"Feature enabled"
    const int MAXCOL = sizeof(header) / sizeof(header[0]);

    typedef struct {
        const wstring description;
        /* the default test font above will be used if this string is empty */
        const wstring fontname;
        const wstring feature;
        const wstring text;
    } testcase;

    static const testcase testcases[] = {
       L"ff fi fl ffi ffl"
      L"discretionary ligatures",
       L"st c/o"
      L"historical ligatures",
       L"&.longs;b &.longs;t"
      L"small capitals",
       L"1o 2a 3o"
       L"1/2 1/4 3/4"
      L"alternate fractions",
       L"1/2 1/4 3/4"
      L"slashed zero",
      L"historical forms",
      L"proportional figures",
      L"old-style figures",
      L"lining figures",
    const int n_testcases = sizeof(testcases) / sizeof(testcases[0]);

    try {
        p.set_parameter(L"SearchPath", searchpath);
        p.set_parameter(L"charref", L"true");

        /* This means that formatting and other errors will raise an
         * exception. This simplifies our sample code, but is not
         * recommended for production code.
        p.set_parameter(L"errorpolicy", L"exception");

        /* Set an output path according to the name of the topic */
        if (p.begin_document(outfile, L"") == -1) {
            wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;

        p.set_info(L"Creator", L"PDFlib starter sample");
        p.set_info(L"Title", L"starter_opentype");

        /* Start Page */
        p.begin_page_ext(0, 0, L"width=a4.height height=a4.width");

        table = -1;

        /* Table header */
        for (row=1, col=1; col <= MAXCOL; col++)
            optlist << L"fittextline={fontname=Helvetica-Bold encoding=unicode "
                       L"fontsize=12} margin=4";
            table = p.add_table_cell(table, col, row, header[col-1],

        /* Create a table with feature samples, one feature per table row */
        for (row=2, test=0; test < n_testcases; row++, test++)
            wstring testfont;
            wostringstream buf;

            /* Use the entry in the test table if available, and the
             * default test font otherwise. This way we can easily check
             * a font for all features, as well as insert suitable fonts
             * for individual features.
            if (testcases[test].fontname.length() > 0)
                testfont = testcases[test].fontname;
                testfont = defaulttestfont;

            col = 1;

            /* Common option list for columns 1-3 */
            optlist << L"fittextline={fontname=Helvetica encoding=unicode "
                       L"fontsize=12} margin=4";

            /* Column 1: feature description */
            table = p.add_table_cell(table, col++, row,

            /* Column 2: option list */
            buf << L"features={" << testcases[test].feature << L"}";
            table = p.add_table_cell(table, col++, row, buf.str(),

            /* Column 3: font name */
            table = p.add_table_cell(table, col++, row, testfont,

            /* Column 4: raw input text with  feature disabled */
            optlist << L"fittextline={fontname={" << testfont << L"} "
                       L"encoding=unicode fontsize=12 embedding} margin=4";
            table = p.add_table_cell(table, col++, row,
                    testcases[test].text, optlist.str());

            /* Column 5: text with enabled feature, or warning if the
             * feature is not available in the font
            font = p.load_font(testfont, L"unicode", L"embedding");

            /* Check whether font contains the required feature table */
            optlist << L"name=" << testcases[test].feature;
            if (p.info_font(font, L"feature", optlist.str()) == 1)
                /* feature is available: apply it to the text */                optlist.clear();
                optlist << L"fittextline={fontname={" << testfont << L"} "
                    << L"encoding=unicode fontsize=12 embedding features={"
                    << testcases[test].feature << L"}} margin=4";
                table = p.add_table_cell(table, col++, row,
                   testcases[test].text, optlist.str());
                /* feature is not available: emit a warning */
                optlist << L"fittextline={fontname=Helvetica encoding=unicode "
                           L"fontsize=12 fillcolor=red} margin=4";
                table = p.add_table_cell(table, col++, row,
                        L"(feature not available in this font)", optlist.str());

        /* Place the table */
        optlist << L"header=1 fill={{area=rowodd fillcolor={gray 0.9}}} "
        result = p.fit_table(table, llx, lly, urx, ury, optlist.str());

        if (result == L"_error")
            wcerr << L"Couldn't place table: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;

    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
        wcerr << L"PDFlib exception occurred:" << endl
              << L"[" << ex.get_errnum() << L"] " << ex.get_apiname()
              << L": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
        return 2;

    return 0;
예제 #10
    try {
	/* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary.*/
	const wstring searchpath = L"../data";

	PDFlib p;
	const wstring imagefile = L"nesrin.jpg";
	int font, image, spot, icc;
	wostringstream optlist;

	//  This means we must check return values of load_font() etc.
	p.set_parameter(L"errorpolicy", L"return");

	p.set_parameter(L"SearchPath", searchpath);

	if (p.begin_document(L"starter_pdfx3.pdf", L"pdfx=PDF/X-3:2003")
                                                                    == -1) {
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;

	p.set_info(L"Creator", L"PDFlib starter sample");
	p.set_info(L"Title", L"starter_pdfx3");

	 * You can use one of the Standard output intents (e.g. for SWOP
	 * printing) which do not require an ICC profile:

	p.load_iccprofile(L"CGATS TR 001", L"usage=outputintent");

	 * However, if you use ICC or Lab color you must load an ICC
	 * profile as output intent:
	if (p.load_iccprofile(L"ISOcoated.icc", L"usage=outputintent") == -1) {
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
	    wcerr << L"Please install the ICC profile package from " <<
		L"www.pdflib.com to run the PDF/X starter sample." << endl;
	    return 2;

	p.begin_page_ext(595, 842, L"");

	/* Font embedding is required for PDF/X */
	font = p.load_font(L"LuciduxSans-Oblique", L"winansi", L"embedding");
	if (font == -1) {
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;
	p.setfont(font, 24);

	spot = p.makespotcolor(L"PANTONE 123 C");
	p.setcolor(L"fill", L"spot", spot, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	p.fit_textline(L"PDF/X-3:2003 starter", 50, 700, L"");

	/* The RGB image below needs an ICC profile; we use sRGB. */
	icc = p.load_iccprofile(L"sRGB", L"");
        optlist << L"iccprofile=" << icc;
	image = p.load_image(L"auto", imagefile, optlist.str());

	if (image == -1) {
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;

	p.fit_image(image, 0.0, 0.0, L"scale=0.5");
    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
	wcerr << L"PDFlib exception occurred:" << endl
	      << L"[" << ex.get_errnum() << L"] " << ex.get_apiname()
	      << L": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
	return 2;

    return 0;
예제 #11
    try {
	/* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */
	const wstring searchpath = L"../data";

	PDFlib p;
	const wstring imagefile = L"nesrin.jpg";

	int font;
	int image;

	//  This means we must check return values of load_font() etc.
	p.set_parameter(L"errorpolicy", L"return");

	p.set_parameter(L"SearchPath", searchpath);

	if (p.begin_document(L"starter_pdfa1b.pdf",
                                        L"pdfa=PDF/A-1b:2005") == -1) {
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;

	 * We use sRGB as output intent since it allows the color
	 * spaces CIELab, ICC-based, grayscale, and RGB.
	 * If you need CMYK color you must use a CMYK output profile.

	p.load_iccprofile(L"sRGB", L"usage=outputintent");

	p.set_info(L"Creator", L"PDFlib starter sample");
	p.set_info(L"Title", L"starter_pdfa1b");

	p.begin_page_ext(595, 842, L"");

	/* Font embedding is required for PDF/A */
	font = p.load_font(L"LuciduxSans-Oblique", L"winansi", L"embedding");
	if (font == -1) {
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;
	p.setfont(font, 24);

	p.fit_textline(L"PDF/A-1b:2005 starter", 50, 700, L"");

	/* We can use an RGB image since we already supplied an
	 * output intent profile.
	image = p.load_image(L"auto", imagefile, L"");

	if (image == -1){
	    wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;

	/* Place the image at the bottom of the page */
	p.fit_image(image, 0.0, 0.0, L"scale=0.5");


    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
	wcerr << L"PDFlib exception occurred:" << endl
	      << L"[" << ex.get_errnum() << L"] " << ex.get_apiname()
	      << L": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
	return 2;

    return 0;
예제 #12
    try {
        /* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */
        const wstring searchpath = L"../data";
        const wstring outfile = L"starter_graphics.pdf";

        PDFlib p;
        double xt=20, x = 210, y=770, dy=90;
        int font;

        p.set_parameter(L"SearchPath", searchpath);

        /* This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. */
        p.set_parameter(L"errorpolicy", L"return");

        if (p.begin_document(outfile, L"") == -1) {
            wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

        p.set_info(L"Creator", L"PDFlib starter sample");
        p.set_info(L"Title", L"starter_graphics");

        font = p.load_font(L"Helvetica", L"winansi", L"");
        if (font == -1) {
            wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;

        /* Start an A4 page */
        p.begin_page_ext(0, 0, L"width=a4.width height=a4.height");

        /* Set the font */
        p.setfont(font, 14);

        /* Set the line width */

        /* Set the stroke color */
        p.setcolor(L"stroke", L"rgb", 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0);

        /* Set the fill color */
        p.setcolor(L"fill", L"rgb", 0.0, 0.85, 0.85, 0.0);

        /* -------------
         * Stroke a line
         * -------------

        /* Set the current point for graphics output */
        p.moveto(x, y);

        /* Draw a line from the current point to the supplied point */
        p.lineto(x+300, y+50);

        /* Stroke the path using the current line width and stroke color, and
         * clear it

        /* Output some descriptive black text */
        p.fit_textline(L"lineto() and stroke()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}");

        /* --------------
         * Stroke a curve
         * --------------

        /* Set the current point for graphics output */
        p.moveto(x, y-=dy);

        /* Draw a Bézier curve from the current point to (x3, y3), using three
         * control points
        p.curveto(x+50, y+40, x+200, y+80, x+300, y+30);

        /* Stroke the path using the current line width and stroke color, and
         * clear it

        /* Output some descriptive black text */
        p.fit_textline(L"curveto() and stroke()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}");

        /* ---------------
         * Stroke a circle
         * ---------------

        /* Draw a circle at position (x, y) with a radius of 40 */
        p.circle(x, y-=dy, 40);

        /* Stroke the path using the current line width and stroke color, and
         * clear it

        /* Output some descriptive black text */
        p.fit_textline(L"circle() and stroke()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}");

        /* ---------------------
         * Stroke an arc segment
         * ---------------------

        /* Draw an arc segment counterclockwise at position (x, y) with a radius
         * of 40 starting at an angle of 90 degrees and ending at 180 degrees
        p.arc(x, y-=dy+20, 40, 90, 180);

        /* Stroke the path using the current line width and stroke color, and
         * clear it

        /* Output some descriptive black text */
        p.fit_textline(L"arc() and stroke()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}");

        /* ------------------
         * Stroke a rectangle
         * ------------------

        /* Draw a rectangle at position (x, y) with a width of 200 and a height
         * of 50
        p.rect(x, y-=dy, 200, 50);

        /* Stroke the path using the current line width and stroke color, and
         * clear it

        /* Output some descriptive black text */
        p.fit_textline(L"rect() and stroke()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}");

        /* ----------------
         * Fill a rectangle
         * ----------------

        /* Draw a rectangle at position (x, y) with a width of 200 and a height
         * of 50
        p.rect(x, y-=dy, 200, 50);

        /* Fill the path using current fill color, and clear it */

        /* Output some descriptive black text */
        p.fit_textline(L"rect() and fill()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}");

        /* ---------------------------
         * Fill and stroke a rectangle
         * ---------------------------

        /* Draw a rectangle at position (x, y) with a width of 200 and a height
         * of 50
        p.rect(x, y-=dy, 200, 50);

        /* Fill and stroke the path using the current line width, fill color,
         * and stroke color, and clear it

        /* Output some descriptive black text */
        p.fit_textline(L"rect() and fill_stroke()", xt, y,
            L"fillcolor={gray 0}");

        /* -------------------------------------------------------------
         * Draw a line and an arc, close the path and fill and stroke it
         * -------------------------------------------------------------

        /* Set the current point for graphics output */
        p.moveto(x-40, y-=dy);

        /* Draw a line from the current point to the supplied point */
        p.lineto(x, y);

        /* Draw an arc segment counterclockwise at position (x, y) with a radius
         * of 40 starting at an angle of 90 degrees and ending at 180 degrees
        p.arc(x, y, 40, 90, 180);

        /* Close the path and stroke and fill it, i.e. close the current subpath
         * (add a straight line segment from the current point to the starting
         * point of the path), and stroke and fill the complete current path

        /* Output some descriptive black text */
        p.fit_textline(L"lineto(), arc(), and", xt, y+20,
            L"fillcolor={gray 0}");
        p.fit_textline(L"closepath_fill_stroke()", xt, y,
            L"fillcolor={gray 0}");

        /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
         * Draw a rectangle and use it as the clipping a path. Draw and fill
         * a circle and clip it according to the clipping path defined.
         * -----------------------------------------------------------------

        /* Save the current graphics state including the current clipping
         * path which is set to the entire page by default

        /* Draw a rectangle at position (x, y) with a width of 200 and a height
         * of 50
        p.rect(x, y-=dy, 200, 50);

        /* Use the current path as the clipping path for subsequent operations

        /* Draw a circle at position (x, y) with a radius of 100 */
        p.circle(x, y, 80);

        /* Fill the path with the current fill color and clear it

        /* Restore the graphics state which has been saved above */

        /* Output some descriptive black text */
        p.fit_textline(L"rect(), clip(),", xt, y+20,
            L"fillcolor={gray 0}");
        p.fit_textline(L"circle(), and fill()", xt, y,
            L"fillcolor={gray 0}");


    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
        wcerr << L"PDFlib exception occurred:" << endl
              << L"[" << ex.get_errnum() << L"] " << ex.get_apiname()
              << L": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
        return 2;

    return 0;
예제 #13
    try {

        /* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */
        const wstring searchpath = L"../data";
        const wstring outfile = L"starter_color.pdf";

        PDFlib p;
        int font, spot;
        int y = 800, x = 50, xoffset1=80, xoffset2 = 100, yoffset = 70, r = 30;
        double icchandle;

        p.set_parameter(L"SearchPath", searchpath);

        /* This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. */
        p.set_parameter(L"errorpolicy", L"return");

        if (p.begin_document(outfile, L"") == -1) {
            wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;

        p.set_info(L"Creator", L"PDFlib starter sample");
        p.set_info(L"Title", L"starter_color");

        /* Load the font */
        font = p.load_font(L"Helvetica", L"winansi", L"");

        if (font == -1) {
            wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl;
            return 2;

        /* Start the page */
        p.begin_page_ext(0, 0, L"width=a4.width height=a4.height");

        p.setfont(font, 14);

        /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
         * Use default colors
         * If no special color is set the default values will be used. The
         * default values are restored at the beginning of the page.
         * 0=black in the Gray color space is the default fill and stroke
         * color in many cases, as shown in our sample.
         * -------------------------------------------------------------------

        /* Fill a circle with the default black fill color */
        p.circle(x, y-=yoffset, r);

        /* Output text with default black fill color */
        p.fit_textline( L"Circle and text filled with default color {gray 0}",
                x+xoffset2, y, L"");

        p.fit_textline(L"1.",  x+xoffset1, y, L"");

        /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
         * Use the Gray color space
         * Gray color is defined by Gray values between 0=black and 1=white.
         * -------------------------------------------------------------------

        /* Using setcolor(), set the current fill color to a light gray
         * represented by (0.5, 0, 0, 0) which defines 50% gray. Since gray
         * colors are defined by only one value, the last three function
         * parameters must be set to 0.
        p.setcolor(L"fill", L"gray", 0.5, 0, 0, 0);

        /* Fill a circle with the current fill color defined above */
        p.circle(x, y-=yoffset, r);

        /* Output text with the current fill color */
        p.fit_textline(L"Circle and text filled with {gray 0.5}",
                x+xoffset2, y, L"");

        /* Alternatively, you can set the fill color in the call to
         * fit_textline() using the L"fillcolor" option. This case applies the
         * fill color just the single function call. The current fill color
         * won't be affected.
        p.fit_textline(L"2.", x+xoffset1, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0.5}");

        /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
         * Use the RGB color space
         * RGB color is defined by RGB triples, i.e. three values between 0 and
         * 1 specifying the percentage of red, green, and blue.
         * (0, 0, 0) is black and (1, 1, 1) is white. The commonly used RGB
         * color values in the range 0...255 must be divided by 255 in order to
         * scale them to the range 0...1 as required by PDFlib.
         * --------------------------------------------------------------------

        /* Use setcolor() to set the fill color to a grass-green
         * represented by (0.1, 0.95, 0.3, 0) which defines 10% red, 95% green,
         * 30% blue. Since RGB colors are defined by only three values, the last
         * function parameter must be set to 0.
        p.setcolor(L"fill", L"rgb", 0.1, 0.95, 0.3, 0);

        /* Draw a circle with the current fill color defined above */
        p.circle(x, y-=yoffset, r);

        /* Output a text line with the RGB fill color defined above */
        p.fit_textline(L"Circle and text filled with {rgb 0.1 0.95 0.3}",
                x+xoffset2, y, L"");

        /* Alternatively, you can set the fill color in the call to
         * fit_textline() using the L"fillcolor" option. This case applies the
         * fill color just the single function call. The current fill color
         * won't be affected.
        p.fit_textline(L"3.", x+xoffset1, y, L"fillcolor={rgb 0.1 0.95 0.3}");

        /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
         * Use the CMYK color space
         * CMYK color is defined by four CMYK values between 0 = no color and
         * 1 = full color representing cyan, magenta, yellow, and black values;
         * (0, 0, 0, 0) is white and (0, 0, 0, 1) is black.
         * --------------------------------------------------------------------

        /* Use setcolor() to set the current fill color to a pale
         * orange, represented by (0.1, 0.7, 0.7, 0.1) which defines 10% Cyan,
         * 70% Magenta, 70% Yellow, and 10% Black.
        p.setcolor(L"fill", L"cmyk", 0.1, 0.7, 0.7, 0.1);

        /* Fill a circle with the current fill color defined above */
        p.circle(x, y-=yoffset, r);

        /* Output a text line with the CMYK fill color defined above */
        p.fit_textline(L"Circle and text filled with {cmyk 0.1 0.7 0.7 0.1}",
                x+xoffset2, y, L"");

        /* Alternatively, you can set the fill color in the call to
         * fit_textline() using the L"fillcolor" option. This case applies the
         * fill color just the single function call. The current fill color
         * won't be affected.
        p.fit_textline(L"4.", x+xoffset1, y,
                                L"fillcolor={cmyk 0.1 0.7 0.7 0.1}");

        /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
         * Use a Lab color
         * Device-independent color in the CIE L*a*b* color space is specified
         * by a luminance value in the range 0-100 and two color values in the
         * range -127 to 128. The first value contains the green-red axis,
         * while the second value contains the blue-yellow axis.
         * --------------------------------------------------------------------

        /* Set the current fill color to a loud blue, represented by
         * (100, -127, -127, 0). Since Lab colors are defined by only three
         * values, the last function parameter must be set to 0.
        p.setcolor(L"fill", L"lab", 100, -127, -127, 0);

        /* Fill a circle with the fill color defined above */
        p.circle(x, y-=yoffset, r);

        /* Output a text line with the Lab fill color defined above */
        p.fit_textline(L"Circle and text filled with {lab 100 -127 -127}",
                x+xoffset2, y, L"");

        /* Alternatively, you can set the fill color in the call to
         * fit_textline() using the L"fillcolor" option. This case applies the
         * fill color just the single function call. The current fill color
         * won't be affected.
        p.fit_textline(L"5.", x+xoffset1, y, L"fillcolor={lab 100 -127 -127}");

        /* ---------------------------------------------------------------
         * Use an ICC based color
         * ICC-based colors are specified with the help of an ICC profile.
         * ---------------------------------------------------------------

        /* Load the sRGB profile. sRGB is guaranteed to be always available */
        icchandle = p.load_iccprofile(L"sRGB", L"usage=iccbased");

        /* Set the sRGB profile. (Accordingly, you can use
         * L"setcolor:iccprofilergb" or L"setcolor:iccprofilegray" with an
         * appropriate profile)
        p.set_value(L"setcolor:iccprofilergb", icchandle);

        /* Use setcolor() with the L"iccbasedrgb" color space to set the current
         * fill and stroke color to a grass-green, represented
         * by the RGB color values (0.1 0.95 0.3 0) which define 10% Red,
         * 95% Green, and 30% Blue. Since iccbasedrgb colors are defined by only
         * three values, the last function parameter must be set to 0.
        p.setcolor(L"fill", L"iccbasedrgb", 0.1, 0.95, 0.3, 0);

        /* Fill a circle with the ICC based RGB fill color defined above */
        p.circle(x, y-=yoffset, r);

        /* Output a text line with the ICC based RGB fill color defined above */
                L"Circle and text filled with {iccbasedrgb 0.1 0.95 0.3}",
                x+xoffset2, y, L"");

        /* Alternatively, you can set the fill color in the call to
         * fit_textline() using the L"fillcolor" option. This case applies the
         * fill color just the single function call. The current fill color
         * won't be affected.
        p.fit_textline(L"6.", x+xoffset1, y,
                L"fillcolor={iccbasedrgb 0.1 0.95 0.3}");

        /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
         * Use a spot color
         * Spot color (separation color space) is a predefined or arbitrarily
         * named custom color with an alternate representation in one of the
         * other color spaces above; this is generally used for preparing
         * documents which are intended to be printed on an offset printing
         * machine with one or more custom colors. The tint value (percentage)
         * ranges from 0 = no color to 1 = maximum intensity of the spot color.
         * --------------------------------------------------------------------

        /* Define the spot color L"PANTONE 281 U" from the builtin color
         * library PANTONE
        spot = p.makespotcolor(L"PANTONE 281 U");

        /* Set the spot color L"PANTONE 281 U" with a tint value of 1 (=100%)
         * and output some text. Since spot colors are defined by only two
         * values, the last two function parameters must be set to 0.
        p.setcolor(L"fill", L"spot", spot, 1.0, 0, 0);

        /* Fill a circle with the ICC based RGB fill color defined above */
        p.circle(x, y-=yoffset, r);

                L"Circle and text filled with {spotname {PANTONE 281 U} 1}",
                x+xoffset2, y, L"");

        /* Alternatively, you can set the fill color in the call to
         * fit_textline() using the L"fillcolor" option. This case applies the
         * fill color just the single function call. The current fill color
         * won't be affected.
        p.fit_textline(L"7.", x+xoffset1, y,
            L"fillcolor={spotname {PANTONE 281 U} 1}");

        /* or */
        wostringstream buf;
        buf << L"fillcolor={spot " << spot << L" 1}";
        p.fit_textline(L"7.", x+xoffset1, y, buf.str());

        /* ----------------------------------------------------------
         * For using the Pattern color space, see the Cookbook topics
         * graphics/fill_pattern and images/background_pattern.
         * ----------------------------------------------------------

        /* ---------------------------------------------------------
         * For using the Shading color space, see the Cookbook topic
         * color/color_gradient.
         * ---------------------------------------------------------


    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
        wcerr << L"PDFlib exception occurred:" << endl
              << L"[" << ex.get_errnum() << L"] " << ex.get_apiname()
              << L": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
        return 2;

    return 0;
예제 #14
    try {

        /* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */
        string searchpath = "../data";
        string outfile = "starter_image.pdf";

#define BUFLEN 1024
        char buf[BUFLEN];
        PDFlib p;
        string imagefile = "lionel.jpg";
        int font, image;
        int bw = 400, bh = 200;
        int x = 20, y = 580, yoffset = 260;

        p.set_parameter("SearchPath", searchpath);

        /* This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. */
        p.set_parameter("errorpolicy", "return");

        if (p.begin_document(outfile, "") == -1) {
            cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

        p.set_info("Creator", "PDFlib starter sample");
        p.set_info("Title", "starter_image");

        /* For PDFlib Lite: change "unicode" to "winansi" */
        font = p.load_font("Helvetica", "winansi", "");
        if (font == -1) {
            cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

        /* Load the image */
        image = p.load_image("auto", imagefile, "");
        if (image == -1) {
            cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

        /* Start page 1 */
        p.begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.width height=a4.height");
        p.setfont(font, 12);

        /* ------------------------------------
         * Place the image in its original size
         * ------------------------------------

        /* Position the image in its original size with its lower left corner
         * at the reference point (20, 380)
        p.fit_image(image, 20, 380, "");

        /* Output some descriptive text */
            "The image is placed with the lower left corner in its original "
            "size at reference point (20, 380):", 20, 820, "");
        p.fit_textline("fit_image(image, 20, 380, \"\");", 20, 800, "");

        /* --------------------------------------------------------
         * Place the image with scaling and orientation to the west
         * --------------------------------------------------------

        /* Position the image with its lower right corner at the reference
         * point (580, 20).
         * "scale=0.5" scales the image by 0.5.
         * "orientate=west" orientates the image to the west.
        p.fit_image(image, 580, 20,
            "scale=0.5 position={right bottom} orientate=west");

        /* Output some descriptive text */
            "The image is placed with a scaling of 0.5 and an orientation to "
            "the west with the lower right corner", 580, 320,
            "position={right bottom}");
            " at reference point (580, 20): fit_image(image, 580, 20, "
            "\"scale=0.5 orientate=west position={right bottom}\");",
            580, 300, "position={right bottom}");


        /* Start page 2 */
        p.begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.width height=a4.height");
        p.setfont(font, 12);

        /* --------------------------------------
         * Fit the image into a box with clipping
         * --------------------------------------

        /* The "boxsize" option defines a box with a given width and height and
         * its lower left corner located at the reference point.
         * "position={right top}" positions the image on the top right of the
         * box.
         * "fitmethod=clip" clips the image to fit it into the box.
        sprintf(buf, "boxsize={%d %d} position={right top} fitmethod=clip",
            bw, bh);
        p.fit_image(image, x, y, buf);

        /* Output some descriptive text */
            "fit_image(image, x, y, \"boxsize={400 200} position={right top} "
            "fitmethod=clip\");", 20, y+bh+10, "");

        /* ---------------------------------------------------
         * Fit the image into a box with proportional resizing
         * ---------------------------------------------------

        /* The "boxsize" option defines a box with a given width and height and
         * its lower left corner located at the reference point.
         * "position={center}" positions the image in the center of the
         * box.
         * "fitmethod=meet" resizes the image proportionally until its height
         * or width completely fits into the box.
         * The "showborder" option is used to illustrate the borders of the box.
            "boxsize={%d %d} position={center} fitmethod=meet showborder",
            bw, bh);
        p.fit_image(image, x, y-=yoffset, buf);

        /* Output some descriptive text */
            "fit_image(image, x, y, \"boxsize={400 200} position={center} "
            "fitmethod=meet showborder\");", 20, y+bh+10, "");

        /* ---------------------------------
         * Fit the image into a box entirely
         * ---------------------------------

        /* The "boxsize" option defines a box with a given width and height and
         * its lower left corner located at the reference point.
         * By default, the image is positioned in the lower left corner of the
         * box.
         * "fitmethod=entire" resizes the image proportionally until its height
         * or width completely fits into the box.
        sprintf(buf, "boxsize={%d %d} fitmethod=entire", bw, bh);
        p.fit_image(image, x, y-=yoffset, buf);

        /* Output some descriptive text */
            "fit_image(image, x, y, \"boxsize={400 200} fitmethod=entire\");",
            20, y+bh+10, "");





    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
        cerr << "PDFlib exception occurred:" << endl;
        cerr << "[" << ex.get_errnum() << "] " << ex.get_apiname()
            << ": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
        return 2;

    return 0;
예제 #15
    try {
	/* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */
	string searchpath = "../data";

	string imagefile = "nesrin.jpg";

	int row, col, font, image, tf=-1, tbl=-1;
	int rowmax=50, colmax=5;
	PDFlib p;
	double llx= 50, lly=50, urx=550, ury=800;
	string headertext = "Table header (centered across all columns)";
	string result;
	char optlist[256];

	/* Dummy text for filling a cell with multi-line Textflow */
	string tf_text = 
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adi&shy;pi&shy;sicing elit, \
sed do eius&shy;mod tempor incidi&shy;dunt ut labore et dolore magna \
ali&shy;qua. Ut enim ad minim ve&shy;niam, quis nostrud exer&shy;citation \
ull&shy;amco la&shy;bo&shy;ris nisi ut ali&shy;quip ex ea commodo \
con&shy;sequat. Duis aute irure dolor in repre&shy;henderit in voluptate \
velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pari&shy;atur. Excep&shy;teur \
sint occae&shy;cat cupi&shy;datat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia \
dese&shy;runt mollit anim id est laborum. ";

	//  This means we must check return values of load_font() etc.
	p.set_parameter("errorpolicy", "return");

	p.set_parameter("SearchPath", searchpath);

	if (p.begin_document("starter_table.pdf", "") == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;
	p.set_info("Creator", "PDFlib starter sample");
	p.set_info("Title", "starter_table");

	/* -------------------- Add table cells -------------------- */

	/* ---------- Row 1: table header (spans all columns) */
	row = 1; col = 1;
	font = p.load_font("Times-Bold", "winansi", "");
	if (font == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2);

	sprintf(optlist,"fittextline={position=center font=%d fontsize=14} "
			 "colspan=%d", font, colmax);

	tbl = p.add_table_cell(tbl, col, row, headertext, optlist);

	/* ---------- Row 2: various kinds of content */
	/* ----- Simple text cell */
	row++; col=1;

	sprintf(optlist, "fittextline={font=%d fontsize=10 orientate=west}", 

	tbl = p.add_table_cell(tbl, col, row, "vertical line", optlist);
	if (tbl == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

	/* ----- Colorized background */

	sprintf(optlist, "fittextline={font=%d fontsize=10} "
			 "matchbox={fillcolor={rgb 0.9 0.5 0}}", font);

	tbl = p.add_table_cell(tbl, col, row, "some color", optlist); 
	/* ----- Multi-line text with Textflow */
	font = p.load_font("Times-Roman", "winansi", "");
	if (font == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2);

	    "charref fontname=Times-Roman encoding=winansi fontsize=8 ");

	tf = p.add_textflow(tf, tf_text, optlist);
	if (tf == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return(2);

	    "marginleft=2 marginright=2 margintop=2 marginbottom=2 " 
	    "textflow=%d",  tf);

	tbl = p.add_table_cell(tbl, col, row, "", optlist);
	if (tbl == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

	/* ----- Rotated image */

	image = p.load_image("auto", imagefile, "");
	if (image == -1) {
	    cerr << "Couldn't load image: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

	sprintf(optlist, "image=%d fitimage={orientate=west}", image);

	tbl = p.add_table_cell(tbl, col, row, "", optlist);
	if (tbl == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

	/* ----- Diagonal stamp */

	sprintf(optlist, "fittextline={font=%d  fontsize=10 stamp=ll2ur}", 

	tbl = p.add_table_cell(tbl, col, row, "entry void", optlist);
	if (tbl == -1) {
	    cerr << "Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2;

	/* ---------- Fill row 3 and above with their numbers */
	for (row++; row <= rowmax; row++) {
	    for (col = 1; col <= colmax; col++) {
		char num[80];

		sprintf(num, "Col %d/Row %d", col, row);
		    "colwidth=20%% fittextline={font=%d fontsize=10}", font);
		tbl = p.add_table_cell(tbl, col, row, num, optlist);

	/* ---------- Place the table on one or more pages ---------- */

	 * Loop until all of the table is placed; create new pages
	 * as long as more table instances need to be placed.
	do {
	    p.begin_page_ext(0, 0, "width=a4.width height=a4.height");

	    /* Shade every other row; draw lines for all table cells.
	     * Add "showcells showborder" to visualize cell borders 
	    "header=1 fill={{area=rowodd fillcolor={gray 0.9}}} " 
	    "stroke={{line=other}} ");

	    /* Place the table instance */
	    result = p.fit_table(tbl, llx, lly, urx, ury, optlist);
	    if (result == "_error") {
		cerr << "Couldn't place table: " << p.get_errmsg()
		    << endl; return 2;


	} while (result == "_boxfull");

	/* Check the result; "_stop" means all is ok. */
	if (result != "_stop") {
	    if (result == "_error") {
		cerr << "Error when placing table: " << p.get_errmsg()
		    << endl; return 2;
	    } else {
		/* Any other return value is a user exit caused by
		 * the "return" option; this requires dedicated code to
		 * deal with.
		cerr << "User return found in Textflow" << endl; return 2;
	/* This will also delete Textflow handles used in the table */
	p.delete_table(tbl, "");


    catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) {
	cerr << "PDFlib exception occurred:" << endl;
	cerr << "[" << ex.get_errnum() << "] " << ex.get_apiname()
	    << ": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl;
	return 2;

    return 0;