예제 #1
void _sys_ppu_thread_exit(PPUThread& ppu, u64 errorcode)
	sys_ppu_thread.trace("_sys_ppu_thread_exit(errorcode=0x%llx)", errorcode);


	// get all sys_mutex objects
	for (auto& mutex : idm::get_all<lv2_mutex_t>())
		// unlock mutex if locked by this thread
		if (mutex->owner.get() == &ppu)

	if (!ppu.is_joinable)

	// Throw if this syscall was not called directly by the SC instruction
	if (~ppu.hle_code != 41)
		throw CPUThreadExit{};
예제 #2
s32 sys_ppu_thread_get_id(PPUThread& ppu, vm::ptr<u64> thread_id)
	sysPrxForUser.Log("sys_ppu_thread_get_id(thread_id=*0x%x)", thread_id);

	*thread_id = ppu.get_id();

	return CELL_OK;
예제 #3
s32 sys_lwcond_signal(PPUThread& ppu, vm::ptr<sys_lwcond_t> lwcond)
	sysPrxForUser.trace("sys_lwcond_signal(lwcond=*0x%x)", lwcond);

	const vm::ptr<sys_lwmutex_t> lwmutex = lwcond->lwmutex;

	if ((lwmutex->attribute & SYS_SYNC_ATTR_PROTOCOL_MASK) == SYS_SYNC_RETRY)
		// TODO (protocol ignored)
		//return _sys_lwcond_signal(lwcond->lwcond_queue, 0, -1, 2);

	if (lwmutex->vars.owner.load() == ppu.get_id())
		// if owns the mutex

		// call the syscall
		if (s32 res = _sys_lwcond_signal(lwcond->lwcond_queue, lwmutex->sleep_queue, -1, 1))

			return res == CELL_EPERM ? CELL_OK : res;

		return CELL_OK;

	if (s32 res = sys_lwmutex_trylock(ppu, lwmutex))
		// if locking failed

		if (res != CELL_EBUSY)
			return CELL_ESRCH;

		// call the syscall
		return _sys_lwcond_signal(lwcond->lwcond_queue, 0, -1, 2);

	// if locking succeeded

	// call the syscall
	if (s32 res = _sys_lwcond_signal(lwcond->lwcond_queue, lwmutex->sleep_queue, -1, 3))

		// unlock the lightweight mutex
		sys_lwmutex_unlock(ppu, lwmutex);

		return res == CELL_ENOENT ? CELL_OK : res;

	return CELL_OK;
예제 #4
s32 sys_lwcond_signal_all(PPUThread& ppu, vm::ptr<sys_lwcond_t> lwcond)
	sysPrxForUser.trace("sys_lwcond_signal_all(lwcond=*0x%x)", lwcond);

	const vm::ptr<sys_lwmutex_t> lwmutex = lwcond->lwmutex;

	if ((lwmutex->attribute & SYS_SYNC_ATTR_PROTOCOL_MASK) == SYS_SYNC_RETRY)
		// TODO (protocol ignored)
		//return _sys_lwcond_signal_all(lwcond->lwcond_queue, lwmutex->sleep_queue, 2);

	if (lwmutex->vars.owner.load() == ppu.get_id())
		// if owns the mutex, call the syscall
		const s32 res = _sys_lwcond_signal_all(lwcond->lwcond_queue, lwmutex->sleep_queue, 1);

		if (res <= 0)
			// return error or CELL_OK
			return res;

		lwmutex->all_info += res;

		return CELL_OK;

	if (s32 res = sys_lwmutex_trylock(ppu, lwmutex))
		// if locking failed

		if (res != CELL_EBUSY)
			return CELL_ESRCH;

		// call the syscall
		return _sys_lwcond_signal_all(lwcond->lwcond_queue, lwmutex->sleep_queue, 2);

	// if locking succeeded, call the syscall
	s32 res = _sys_lwcond_signal_all(lwcond->lwcond_queue, lwmutex->sleep_queue, 1);

	if (res > 0)
		lwmutex->all_info += res;

		res = CELL_OK;

	// unlock mutex
	sys_lwmutex_unlock(ppu, lwmutex);

	return res;
예제 #5
s32 sys_lwcond_wait(PPUThread& ppu, vm::ptr<sys_lwcond_t> lwcond, u64 timeout)
	sysPrxForUser.trace("sys_lwcond_wait(lwcond=*0x%x, timeout=0x%llx)", lwcond, timeout);

	const be_t<u32> tid = ppu.get_id();

	const vm::ptr<sys_lwmutex_t> lwmutex = lwcond->lwmutex;

	if (lwmutex->vars.owner.load() != tid)
		// if not owner of the mutex
		return CELL_EPERM;

	// save old recursive value
	const be_t<u32> recursive_value = lwmutex->recursive_count;

	// set special value
	lwmutex->vars.owner = lwmutex_reserved;
	lwmutex->recursive_count = 0;

	// call the syscall
	s32 res = _sys_lwcond_queue_wait(ppu, lwcond->lwcond_queue, lwmutex->sleep_queue, timeout);

	if (res == CELL_OK || res == CELL_ESRCH)
		if (res == CELL_OK)

		// restore owner and recursive value
		const auto old = lwmutex->vars.owner.exchange(tid);
		lwmutex->recursive_count = recursive_value;

		if (old != lwmutex_reserved)
			throw EXCEPTION("Locking failed (lwmutex=*0x%x, owner=0x%x)", lwmutex, old);

		return res;

	if (res == CELL_EBUSY || res == CELL_ETIMEDOUT)
		const s32 res2 = sys_lwmutex_lock(ppu, lwmutex, 0);

		if (res2 == CELL_OK)
			// if successfully locked, restore recursive value
			lwmutex->recursive_count = recursive_value;

			return res == CELL_EBUSY ? CELL_OK : res;

		return res2;

	if (res == CELL_EDEADLK)
		// restore owner and recursive value
		const auto old = lwmutex->vars.owner.exchange(tid);
		lwmutex->recursive_count = recursive_value;

		if (old != lwmutex_reserved)
			throw EXCEPTION("Locking failed (lwmutex=*0x%x, owner=0x%x)", lwmutex, old);


	throw EXCEPTION("Unexpected syscall result (lwcond=*0x%x, result=0x%x)", lwcond, res);