bool PaintLayerCompositor::attachFrameContentLayersToIframeLayer(LayoutPart* layoutObject)
    PaintLayerCompositor* innerCompositor = frameContentsCompositor(layoutObject);
    if (!innerCompositor || !innerCompositor->staleInCompositingMode() || innerCompositor->rootLayerAttachment() != RootLayerAttachedViaEnclosingFrame)
        return false;

    PaintLayer* layer = layoutObject->layer();
    if (!layer->hasCompositedLayerMapping())
        return false;

    layer->compositedLayerMapping()->setSublayers(GraphicsLayerVector(1, innerCompositor->rootGraphicsLayer()));
    return true;
bool PaintLayerCompositor::allocateOrClearCompositedLayerMapping(PaintLayer* layer, const CompositingStateTransitionType compositedLayerUpdate)
    bool compositedLayerMappingChanged = false;

    // FIXME: It would be nice to directly use the layer's compositing reason,
    // but allocateOrClearCompositedLayerMapping also gets called without having updated compositing
    // requirements fully.
    switch (compositedLayerUpdate) {
    case AllocateOwnCompositedLayerMapping:

        // If we need to issue paint invalidations, do so before allocating the compositedLayerMapping and clearing out the groupedMapping.

        // If this layer was previously squashed, we need to remove its reference to a groupedMapping right away, so
        // that computing paint invalidation rects will know the layer's correct compositingState.
        // FIXME: do we need to also remove the layer from it's location in the squashing list of its groupedMapping?
        // Need to create a test where a squashed layer pops into compositing. And also to cover all other
        // sorts of compositingState transitions.
        layer->setGroupedMapping(nullptr, PaintLayer::InvalidateLayerAndRemoveFromMapping);

        compositedLayerMappingChanged = true;

        // At this time, the ScrollingCooridnator only supports the top-level frame.
        if (layer->isRootLayer() && m_layoutView.frame()->isLocalRoot()) {
            if (ScrollingCoordinator* scrollingCoordinator = this->scrollingCoordinator())
    case RemoveOwnCompositedLayerMapping:
    // PutInSquashingLayer means you might have to remove the composited layer mapping first.
    case PutInSquashingLayer:
        if (layer->hasCompositedLayerMapping()) {
            // If we're removing the compositedLayerMapping from a reflection, clear the source GraphicsLayer's pointer to
            // its replica GraphicsLayer. In practice this should never happen because reflectee and reflection
            // are both either composited, or not composited.
            if (layer->isReflection()) {
                PaintLayer* sourceLayer = toLayoutBoxModelObject(layer->layoutObject()->parent())->layer();
                if (sourceLayer->hasCompositedLayerMapping()) {
                    ASSERT(sourceLayer->compositedLayerMapping()->mainGraphicsLayer()->replicaLayer() == layer->compositedLayerMapping()->mainGraphicsLayer());

            compositedLayerMappingChanged = true;

    case RemoveFromSquashingLayer:
    case NoCompositingStateChange:
        // Do nothing.

    if (compositedLayerMappingChanged && layer->layoutObject()->isLayoutPart()) {
        PaintLayerCompositor* innerCompositor = frameContentsCompositor(toLayoutPart(layer->layoutObject()));
        if (innerCompositor && innerCompositor->staleInCompositingMode())

    if (compositedLayerMappingChanged)

    // If a fixed position layer gained/lost a compositedLayerMapping or the reason not compositing it changed,
    // the scrolling coordinator needs to recalculate whether it can do fast scrolling.
    if (compositedLayerMappingChanged) {
        if (ScrollingCoordinator* scrollingCoordinator = this->scrollingCoordinator())

    return compositedLayerMappingChanged;