예제 #1
TtbarHypothesis::TtbarHypothesis(const LeptonPointer& elec, const ParticlePointer& neut, const JetPointer& lepBJet,
		const JetPointer& hadBJet, const JetPointer& hadWJet1, const JetPointer& hadWJet2) :
		totalChi2(99999.), leptonicChi2(99999.), hadronicChi2(99999.), globalChi2(99999.), hadronicTop(), leptonicTop(), leptonicW(
				new Particle(*elec + *neut)), hadronicW(new Particle(*hadWJet1 + *hadWJet2)), resonance(), neutrinoFromW(
				neut), leptonicBjet(lepBJet), hadronicBJet(hadBJet), jet1FromW(hadWJet1), jet2FromW(hadWJet2), leptonFromW(
				elec), met(new MET(neut->px(), neut->py())) {

예제 #2
double Event::MT(const ParticlePointer particle, const METPointer met) {
	double energySquared = pow(particle->et() + met->et(), 2);
	double momentumSquared = pow(particle->px() + met->px(), 2) + pow(particle->py() + met->py(), 2);
	double MTSquared = energySquared - momentumSquared;

	if (MTSquared > 0)
		return sqrt(MTSquared);
		return -1;
예제 #3
TtbarHypothesis::TtbarHypothesis(const LeptonPointer& elec,
		const ParticlePointer& neut, const JetPointer& lepBJet,
		const JetPointer& hadBJet, const JetPointer& hadWJet1,
		const JetPointer& hadWJet2) :
		totalChi2(99999.), //
		leptonicChi2(99999.), //
		hadronicChi2(99999.), //
		globalChi2(99999.), //
		discriminator(999999), //
		hadronicTop(), //
		leptonicTop(), //
		leptonicW(new Particle(*elec + *neut)), //
		hadronicW(new Particle(*hadWJet1 + *hadWJet2)), //
		resonance(), //
		neutrinoFromW(neut), //
		leptonicBjet(lepBJet), //
		hadronicBJet(hadBJet), //
		jet1FromW(hadWJet1), //
		jet2FromW(hadWJet2), //
		leptonFromW(elec), //
		met(new MET(neut->px(), neut->py())), //
		decayChannel(Decay::unknown) {

예제 #4
void PseudoTopAnalyser::analyse(const EventPtr event) {
	weight_ = event->weight();


	// Store gen selection criteria
	treeMan_->Fill("isSemiLeptonicElectron", event->isSemiLeptonicElectron());
	treeMan_->Fill("isSemiLeptonicMuon", event->isSemiLeptonicMuon());

	const PseudoTopParticlesPointer pseudoTopParticles = event->PseudoTopParticles();
	const MCParticleCollection pseudoTops = pseudoTopParticles->getPseudoTops();
	const MCParticlePointer pseudoLeptonicW = pseudoTopParticles->getPseudoLeptonicW();
	const MCParticlePointer pseudoLepton = pseudoTopParticles->getPseudoLepton();
	const ParticleCollection allPseudoLeptons = pseudoTopParticles->getAllPseudoLeptons();
	const MCParticleCollection pseudoBs = pseudoTopParticles->getPseudoBs();
	const ParticlePointer pseudoMET = pseudoTopParticles->getPseudoMET();
	const ParticlePointer pseudoNeutrino = pseudoTopParticles->getPseudoNeutrino();
	const JetCollection pseudoJets = pseudoTopParticles->getPseudoJets();

	ParticleCollection pseudoTopsForTTbar;

	// // Only consider events with two pseudo tops
	// if ( pseudoTops.size() != 2 ) return;

	// // Also only consider events that are semi leptonic at the pseudo top level
	// if ( !pseudoTopParticles->isSemiLeptonic() ) return;

	// Check if event passes event selection (at pseudo top level)
	if ( passesEventSelection( pseudoLepton, pseudoNeutrino, pseudoJets, pseudoBs, allPseudoLeptons, pseudoMET ) ) {
	else {

	// Top reco at particle level performed

	// Store info on top
	for ( unsigned int ptIndex = 0; ptIndex < pseudoTops.size(); ++ ptIndex ) {
		// cout << "Getting pseudo top number : " << ptIndex << endl;
		const ParticlePointer pseudoTop = pseudoTops[ptIndex];
		pseudoTopsForTTbar.push_back( pseudoTop );
		treeMan_->Fill("pseudoTop_pT", pseudoTop->pt() );
		treeMan_->Fill("pseudoTop_y", pseudoTop->rapidity() );

	if( pseudoTopsForTTbar.size() == 2 ) {
		// Store info on ttbar
		ParticlePointer pseudoTTbar( new Particle( *pseudoTopsForTTbar[0] + *pseudoTopsForTTbar[1] ) );
		treeMan_->Fill("pseudoTTbar_pT", pseudoTTbar->pt() );
		treeMan_->Fill("pseudoTTbar_y", pseudoTTbar->rapidity() );
		treeMan_->Fill("pseudoTTbar_m", pseudoTTbar->mass() );

	// Store info on Bs
	if ( pseudoBs.size() == 2 ) {
		unsigned int leadingPsuedoBIndex = 0;
		if ( pseudoBs[1]->pt() > pseudoBs[0]->pt() ) {
			leadingPsuedoBIndex = 1;
		unsigned int subleadingPsuedoBIndex = ( leadingPsuedoBIndex == 0 ) ? 1 : 0;
		treeMan_->Fill("pseudoB_pT", pseudoBs[leadingPsuedoBIndex]->pt() );
		treeMan_->Fill("pseudoB_eta", pseudoBs[leadingPsuedoBIndex]->eta() );
		treeMan_->Fill("pseudoB_pT", pseudoBs[subleadingPsuedoBIndex]->pt() );
		treeMan_->Fill("pseudoB_eta", pseudoBs[subleadingPsuedoBIndex]->eta() );
		// for ( unsigned int pbIndex = 0; pbIndex < pseudoBs.size(); ++pbIndex ) {
		// 	treeMan_->Fill("pseudoB_pT", pseudoBs[pbIndex]->pt() );
		// 	treeMan_->Fill("pseudoB_eta", pseudoBs[pbIndex]->eta() );
		// }

	// No top reco at particle level

	if ( allPseudoLeptons.size() > 0 ) {
		// Store info on lepton
		treeMan_->Fill("pseudoLepton_pT", allPseudoLeptons[0]->pt() );
		treeMan_->Fill("pseudoLepton_eta", allPseudoLeptons[0]->eta() );		

	// Store pseudo MET
	if ( pseudoMET != 0 ) {
		treeMan_->Fill("pseudoMET", pseudoMET->et() );
		METAlgorithm::value metType = (METAlgorithm::value) 0;
		const METPointer met(event->MET(metType));
		if ( pseudoMET->et() <= 0 && met->et() > 0 ) {
		treeMan_->Fill("pseudoMET_mass", pseudoMET->mass() );

	// Store pseudo HT
	treeMan_->Fill("pseudoHT", event->HT( pseudoJets ) );

	// Store pseudo ST
	if ( allPseudoLeptons.size() > 0 ) {
		treeMan_->Fill("pseudoST", event->ST( pseudoJets, allPseudoLeptons[0], METPointer( new MET( pseudoMET->px(), pseudoMET->py() )) ) );

	// Store pseudo MT and WPT
	// These are from the W reconstructed from the pseudo particles
	// i.e. use the neutrino assocaited with the W rather than the more "global" MET
	if ( pseudoLeptonicW != 0 ) {
		treeMan_->Fill("pseudoWPT_reco", pseudoLeptonicW->pt() );

	if ( pseudoMET != 0 && allPseudoLeptons.size() > 0 ) {
		double WPT = event->WPT( allPseudoLeptons[0], METPointer( new MET( pseudoMET->px(), pseudoMET->py() ))  );
		treeMan_->Fill("pseudoWPT", WPT );

		double MT = event->MT( allPseudoLeptons[0], METPointer( new MET( pseudoMET->px(), pseudoMET->py() )) );
		treeMan_->Fill("pseudoMT", MT );
