예제 #1
* Determines the display radius of a single particle.
FloatType ParticleDisplay::particleRadius(size_t particleIndex, ParticlePropertyObject* radiusProperty, ParticleTypeProperty* typeProperty)
	OVITO_ASSERT(radiusProperty == nullptr || radiusProperty->type() == ParticleProperty::RadiusProperty);
	OVITO_ASSERT(typeProperty == nullptr || typeProperty->type() == ParticleProperty::ParticleTypeProperty);

	if(radiusProperty) {
		// Take particle radius directly from the radius property.
		OVITO_ASSERT(particleIndex < radiusProperty->size());
		return radiusProperty->getFloat(particleIndex);
	else if(typeProperty) {
		// Assign radius based on particle types.
		OVITO_ASSERT(particleIndex < typeProperty->size());
		ParticleType* ptype = typeProperty->particleType(typeProperty->getInt(particleIndex));
		if(ptype && ptype->radius() > 0)
			return ptype->radius();

	return defaultParticleRadius();
예제 #2
* Determines the display color of a single particle.
ColorA ParticleDisplay::particleColor(size_t particleIndex, ParticlePropertyObject* colorProperty, ParticleTypeProperty* typeProperty, ParticlePropertyObject* selectionProperty, ParticlePropertyObject* transparencyProperty)
	OVITO_ASSERT(colorProperty == nullptr || colorProperty->type() == ParticleProperty::ColorProperty);
	OVITO_ASSERT(typeProperty == nullptr || typeProperty->type() == ParticleProperty::ParticleTypeProperty);
	OVITO_ASSERT(selectionProperty == nullptr || selectionProperty->type() == ParticleProperty::SelectionProperty);
	OVITO_ASSERT(transparencyProperty == nullptr || transparencyProperty->type() == ParticleProperty::TransparencyProperty);

	// Check if particle is selected.
	if(selectionProperty) {
		OVITO_ASSERT(particleIndex < selectionProperty->size());
			return selectionParticleColor();

	ColorA c = defaultParticleColor();
	if(colorProperty) {
		// Take particle color directly from the color property.
		OVITO_ASSERT(particleIndex < colorProperty->size());
		c = colorProperty->getColor(particleIndex);
	else if(typeProperty) {
		// Return color based on particle types.
		OVITO_ASSERT(particleIndex < typeProperty->size());
		ParticleType* ptype = typeProperty->particleType(typeProperty->getInt(particleIndex));
			c = ptype->color();

	// Apply alpha component.
	if(transparencyProperty) {
		OVITO_ASSERT(particleIndex < transparencyProperty->size());
		c.a() = FloatType(1) - transparencyProperty->getFloat(particleIndex);

	return c;
예제 #3
bool ParticleSystem::UpdateSystem( float frametime )
	// the entity emitting this system
	cl_entity_t *source = UTIL_GetClientEntityWithServerIndex( m_iEntIndex );
//		gEngfuncs.Con_Printf("ent not found\n" );
		return false;
	// Don't update if the system is outside the player's PVS.
	if (source->curstate.msg_time < gEngfuncs.GetClientTime())
	{         //remove particles
		enable = 0;
	else enable = (source->curstate.renderfx == kRenderFxAurora);
	//check for contents to remove
	if(m_iKillCondition == gEngfuncs.PM_PointContents(source->curstate.origin, NULL))
          	enable = 0;
	if (m_pMainParticle == NULL)
		if (enable)
			ParticleType *pType = m_pMainType;
			if (pType)
				m_pMainParticle = pType->CreateParticle(this);//m_pMainParticle);
				if (m_pMainParticle)
					m_pMainParticle->m_iEntIndex = m_iEntIndex;
					m_pMainParticle->age_death = -1; // never die
	else if (!enable)
		m_pMainParticle->age_death = 0; // die now
		m_pMainParticle = NULL;

	particle* pParticle = m_pActiveParticle;
	particle* pLast = NULL;

	while( pParticle )
		if( UpdateParticle( pParticle, frametime ) )
			pLast = pParticle;
			pParticle = pParticle->nextpart;
		else // deactivate it
			if (pLast)
				pLast->nextpart = pParticle->nextpart;
				pParticle->nextpart = m_pFreeParticle;
				m_pFreeParticle = pParticle;
				pParticle = pLast->nextpart;
			else // deactivate the first particle in the list
				m_pActiveParticle = pParticle->nextpart;
				pParticle->nextpart = m_pFreeParticle;
				m_pFreeParticle = pParticle;
				pParticle = m_pActiveParticle;

	return true;

예제 #4
bool ParticleSystem::UpdateSystem( float frametime )
	// the entity emitting this system
	edict_t *source = GetEntityByIndex( m_iEntIndex );

	if( !source ) return false;

	// Don't update if the system is outside the player's PVS.
	enable = (source->v.renderfx == kRenderFxAurora);

	// check for contents to remove
	if( POINT_CONTENTS( source->v.origin ) == m_iKillCondition )
          	enable = 0;

	if( m_pMainParticle == NULL )
		if ( enable )
			ParticleType *pType = m_pMainType;
			if ( pType )
				m_pMainParticle = pType->CreateParticle( this );
				if ( m_pMainParticle )
					m_pMainParticle->m_iEntIndex = m_iEntIndex;
					m_pMainParticle->age_death = -1; // never die
	else if ( !enable )
		m_pMainParticle->age_death = 0; // die now
		m_pMainParticle = NULL;

	particle* pParticle = m_pActiveParticle;
	particle* pLast = NULL;

	while( pParticle )
		if ( UpdateParticle( pParticle, frametime ))
			pLast = pParticle;
			pParticle = pParticle->nextpart;
		else // deactivate it
			if ( pLast )
				pLast->nextpart = pParticle->nextpart;
				pParticle->nextpart = m_pFreeParticle;
				m_pFreeParticle = pParticle;
				pParticle = pLast->nextpart;
			else // deactivate the first particle in the list
				m_pActiveParticle = pParticle->nextpart;
				pParticle->nextpart = m_pFreeParticle;
				m_pFreeParticle = pParticle;
				pParticle = m_pActiveParticle;
	return true;
* Updates the display of atom properties.
void ParticleInformationApplet::updateInformationDisplay()
	DataSet* dataset = _mainWindow->datasetContainer().currentSet();
	if(!dataset) return;

	QString infoText;
	QTextStream stream(&infoText, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
	for(auto& pickedParticle : _inputMode->_pickedParticles) {
		const PipelineFlowState& flowState = pickedParticle.objNode->evalPipeline(dataset->animationSettings()->time());

		// If selection is based on particle ID, update the stored particle index in case order has changed.
		if(pickedParticle.particleId >= 0) {
			for(DataObject* dataObj : flowState.objects()) {
				ParticlePropertyObject* property = dynamic_object_cast<ParticlePropertyObject>(dataObj);
				if(property && property->type() == ParticleProperty::IdentifierProperty) {
					const int* begin = property->constDataInt();
					const int* end = begin + property->size();
					const int* iter = std::find(begin, end, pickedParticle.particleId);
					if(iter != end)
						pickedParticle.particleIndex = (iter - begin);

		stream << QStringLiteral("<b>") << tr("Particle index") << QStringLiteral(" ") << (pickedParticle.particleIndex + 1) << QStringLiteral(":</b>");
		stream << QStringLiteral("<table border=\"0\">");

		for(DataObject* dataObj : flowState.objects()) {
			ParticlePropertyObject* property = dynamic_object_cast<ParticlePropertyObject>(dataObj);
			if(!property || property->size() <= pickedParticle.particleIndex) continue;

			// Update saved particle position in case it has changed.
			if(property->type() == ParticleProperty::PositionProperty)
				pickedParticle.localPos = property->getPoint3(pickedParticle.particleIndex);

			if(property->dataType() != qMetaTypeId<int>() && property->dataType() != qMetaTypeId<FloatType>()) continue;
			for(size_t component = 0; component < property->componentCount(); component++) {
				QString propertyName = property->name();
				if(property->componentNames().empty() == false) {
				QString valueString;
				if(property->dataType() == qMetaTypeId<int>()) {
					valueString = QString::number(property->getIntComponent(pickedParticle.particleIndex, component));
					ParticleTypeProperty* typeProperty = dynamic_object_cast<ParticleTypeProperty>(property);
					if(typeProperty && typeProperty->particleTypes().empty() == false) {
						ParticleType* ptype = typeProperty->particleType(property->getIntComponent(pickedParticle.particleIndex, component));
						if(ptype) {
							valueString.append(" (" + ptype->name() + ")");
				else if(property->dataType() == qMetaTypeId<FloatType>())
					valueString = QString::number(property->getFloatComponent(pickedParticle.particleIndex, component));

				stream << QStringLiteral("<tr><td>") << propertyName << QStringLiteral(":</td><td>") << valueString << QStringLiteral("</td></tr>");
		stream << QStringLiteral("</table><hr>");
		infoText = tr("No particles selected.");
	else if(_inputMode->_pickedParticles.size() >= 2) {
		stream << QStringLiteral("<b>") << tr("Distances:") << QStringLiteral("</b>");
		stream << QStringLiteral("<table border=\"0\">");
		for(size_t i = 0; i < _inputMode->_pickedParticles.size(); i++) {
			const auto& p1 = _inputMode->_pickedParticles[i];
			for(size_t j = i + 1; j < _inputMode->_pickedParticles.size(); j++) {
				const auto& p2 = _inputMode->_pickedParticles[j];
				stream << QStringLiteral("<tr><td>(") <<
						(p1.particleIndex+1) << QStringLiteral(",") << (p2.particleIndex+1) <<
						QStringLiteral("):</td><td>") << (p1.localPos - p2.localPos).length() << QStringLiteral("</td></tr>");
		stream << QStringLiteral("</table><hr>");
	if(_inputMode->_pickedParticles.size() >= 3) {
		stream << QStringLiteral("<b>") << tr("Angles:") << QStringLiteral("</b>");
		stream << QStringLiteral("<table border=\"0\">");
		for(size_t i = 0; i < _inputMode->_pickedParticles.size(); i++) {
			const auto& p1 = _inputMode->_pickedParticles[i];
			for(size_t j = 0; j < _inputMode->_pickedParticles.size(); j++) {
				if(j == i) continue;
				const auto& p2 = _inputMode->_pickedParticles[j];
				for(size_t k = j + 1; k < _inputMode->_pickedParticles.size(); k++) {
					if(k == i) continue;
					const auto& p3 = _inputMode->_pickedParticles[k];
					Vector3 v1 = p2.localPos - p1.localPos;
					Vector3 v2 = p3.localPos - p1.localPos;
					FloatType angle = acos(v1.dot(v2));
					stream << QStringLiteral("<tr><td>(") <<
							(p2.particleIndex+1) << QStringLiteral(" - ") << (p1.particleIndex+1) << QStringLiteral(" - ") << (p3.particleIndex+1) <<
							QStringLiteral("):</td><td>") << (angle * 180.0f / FLOATTYPE_PI) << QStringLiteral("</td></tr>");
		stream << QStringLiteral("</table><hr>");