ParticlesTemp CHARMMStereochemistryRestraint::get_input_particles() const { ParticlesTemp ps; for (Particles::const_iterator b = bonds_.begin(); b != bonds_.end(); ++b) { ps.push_back(*b); ParticlesTemp bps = bond_score_->get_input_particles(*b); ps.insert(ps.end(), bps.begin(), bps.end()); } for (Particles::const_iterator a = angles_.begin(); a != angles_.end(); ++a) { ps.push_back(*a); ParticlesTemp bps = angle_score_->get_input_particles(*a); ps.insert(ps.end(), bps.begin(), bps.end()); } for (Particles::const_iterator d = dihedrals_.begin(); d != dihedrals_.end(); ++d) { ps.push_back(*d); ParticlesTemp bps = dihedral_score_->get_input_particles(*d); ps.insert(ps.end(), bps.begin(), bps.end()); } for (Particles::const_iterator i = impropers_.begin(); i != impropers_.end(); ++i) { ps.push_back(*i); ParticlesTemp bps = improper_score_->get_input_particles(*i); ps.insert(ps.end(), bps.begin(), bps.end()); } return ps; }
ParticlesTemp GaussianProcessInterpolationRestraintSparse::get_input_particles() const { ParticlesTemp ret; ParticlesTemp ret1 = gpi_->mean_function_->get_input_particles(); ret.insert(ret.end(),ret1.begin(),ret1.end()); ParticlesTemp ret2 = gpi_->covariance_function_->get_input_particles(); ret.insert(ret.end(),ret2.begin(),ret2.end()); return ret; }
ParticlesTemp CoreCloseBipartitePairContainer::get_all_possible_particles() const { ParticlesTemp ret = sc_[0]->get_particles(); ParticlesTemp ret1= sc_[1]->get_particles(); ret.insert(ret.end(), ret1.begin(), ret1.end()); return ret; }
core::MonteCarloMoverResult BallMover::do_propose() { IMP_OBJECT_LOG; // random displacement algebra::Vector3D displacement = algebra::get_random_vector_in( algebra::Sphere3D(algebra::Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), max_tr_)); // store old coordinates of master particle oldcoord_ = core::XYZ(p_).get_coordinates(); // master particle coordinates after displacement algebra::Vector3D nc = oldcoord_ + displacement; // find center of the closest cell double mindist = 1.0e+24; unsigned icell = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < ctrs_.size(); ++i) { // calculate distance between nc and cell center double dist = algebra::get_l2_norm(nc - ctrs_[i]); // find minimum distance if (dist < mindist) { mindist = dist; icell = i; } } // find inverse transformation algebra::Transformation3D cell_tr = trs_[icell].get_inverse(); // set new coordinates for master particle core::XYZ(p_).set_coordinates(cell_tr.get_transformed(nc)); // set new coordinates for slave particles oldcoords_.clear(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ps_.size(); ++i) { core::XYZ xyz = core::XYZ(ps_[i]); algebra::Vector3D oc = xyz.get_coordinates(); // store old coordinates oldcoords_.push_back(oc); // apply transformation algebra::Vector3D nc = cell_tr.get_transformed(oc); xyz.set_coordinates(nc); } ParticlesTemp ret; ret.push_back(p_); ret.insert(ret.end(), ps_.begin(), ps_.end()); return core::MonteCarloMoverResult(get_indexes(ret), 1.0); }
// write approximate function, remove rigid bodies for intermediates core::RigidBody create_rigid_body(const Hierarchies& h, std::string name) { if (h.empty()) return core::RigidBody(); for (unsigned int i=0; i< h.size(); ++i) { IMP_USAGE_CHECK(h[i].get_is_valid(true), "Invalid hierarchy passed."); } Particle *rbp= new Particle(h[0]->get_model()); rbp->set_name(name); ParticlesTemp all; for (unsigned int i=0; i< h.size(); ++i) { ParticlesTemp cur= rb_process(h[i]); all.insert(all.end(), cur.begin(), cur.end()); } core::RigidBody rbd = core::RigidBody::setup_particle(rbp, core::XYZs(all)); rbd.set_coordinates_are_optimized(true); for (unsigned int i=0; i< h.size(); ++i) { IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(h[i].get_is_valid(true), "Invalid hierarchy produced"); } return rbd; }
ModelObjectsTemp BallMover::do_get_inputs() const { ParticlesTemp ret; ret.push_back(p_); ret.insert(ret.end(), ps_.begin(), ps_.end()); return ret; }
core::MonteCarloMoverResult RigidBodyMover::do_propose() { IMP_OBJECT_LOG; // store last reference frame of master rigid body oldtr_ = d_.get_reference_frame().get_transformation_to(); // generate new coordinates of center of mass of master rb algebra::Vector3D nc = algebra::get_random_vector_in( algebra::Sphere3D(d_.get_coordinates(), max_tr_)); // find center of the closest cell double mindist = 1.0e+24; unsigned icell = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ctrs_.size(); ++i) { // calculate distance between nc and cell center double dist = algebra::get_l2_norm(nc - ctrs_[i]); // find minimum distance if (dist < mindist) { mindist = dist; icell = i; } } // find inverse transformation algebra::Transformation3D cell_tr = trs_[icell].get_inverse(); // r: rotation around random axis algebra::VectorD<3> axis = algebra::get_random_vector_on( algebra::Sphere3D(algebra::VectorD<3>(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 1.)); ::boost::uniform_real<> rand(-max_ang_, max_ang_); Float angle = rand(random_number_generator); algebra::Rotation3D r = algebra::get_rotation_about_axis(axis, angle); // ri: composing rotation of reference frame transformation and // rotation due to boundary-crossing algebra::Rotation3D ri = cell_tr.get_rotation() * d_.get_reference_frame().get_transformation_to().get_rotation(); // rc: composing ri with random rotation r algebra::Rotation3D rc = r * ri; // new reference frame for master rb d_.set_reference_frame(algebra::ReferenceFrame3D( algebra::Transformation3D(rc, cell_tr.get_transformed(nc)))); // set new coordinates for slave particles oldcoords_.clear(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ps_norb_.size(); ++i) { core::XYZ xyz = core::XYZ(ps_norb_[i]); algebra::Vector3D oc = xyz.get_coordinates(); // store old coordinates oldcoords_.push_back(oc); // apply cell transformation algebra::Vector3D nc = cell_tr.get_transformed(oc); xyz.set_coordinates(nc); } // set new reference frames for slave rbs oldtrs_.clear(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < rbs_.size(); ++i) { algebra::Transformation3D ot = rbs_[i].get_reference_frame().get_transformation_to(); // store old reference frame transformation oldtrs_.push_back(ot); // create new reference frame algebra::Rotation3D rr = cell_tr.get_rotation() * ot.get_rotation(); algebra::Vector3D tt = cell_tr.get_transformed(rbs_[i].get_coordinates()); // set new reference frame for slave rbs rbs_[i].set_reference_frame( algebra::ReferenceFrame3D(algebra::Transformation3D(rr, tt))); } ParticlesTemp ret = ParticlesTemp(1, d_); ret.insert(ret.end(), ps_.begin(), ps_.end()); return core::MonteCarloMoverResult(get_indexes(ret), 1.0); }
ModelObjectsTemp RigidBodyMover::do_get_inputs() const { ParticlesTemp ret = ParticlesTemp(1, d_); ret.insert(ret.end(), ps_.begin(), ps_.end()); return ret; }