예제 #1
// Warning: readPaymentRequestFromFile() is used in ipcSendCommandLine()
// so don't use "Q_EMIT message()", but "QMessageBox::"!
bool PaymentServer::readPaymentRequestFromFile(const QString& filename, PaymentRequestPlus& request)
    QFile f(filename);
    if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
        qWarning() << QString("PaymentServer::%1: Failed to open %2").arg(__func__).arg(filename);
        return false;

    // BIP70 DoS protection
    if (!verifySize(f.size())) {
        return false;

    QByteArray data = f.readAll();

    return request.parse(data);
예제 #2
QString TransactionDesc::toHTML(interfaces::Node& node, interfaces::Wallet& wallet, TransactionRecord *rec, int unit)
    int numBlocks;
    int64_t adjustedTime;
    interfaces::WalletTxStatus status;
    interfaces::WalletOrderForm orderForm;
    bool inMempool;
    interfaces::WalletTx wtx = wallet.getWalletTxDetails(rec->hash, status, orderForm, inMempool, numBlocks, adjustedTime);

    QString strHTML;

    strHTML += "<html><font face='verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif'>";

    int64_t nTime = wtx.time;
    CAmount nCredit = wtx.credit;
    CAmount nDebit = wtx.debit;
    CAmount nNet = nCredit - nDebit;

    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Status") + ":</b> " + FormatTxStatus(wtx, status, inMempool, numBlocks, adjustedTime);
    strHTML += "<br>";

    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Date") + ":</b> " + (nTime ? GUIUtil::dateTimeStr(nTime) : "") + "<br>";

    // From
    if (wtx.is_coinbase)
        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Source") + ":</b> " + tr("Generated") + "<br>";
    else if (wtx.value_map.count("from") && !wtx.value_map["from"].empty())
        // Online transaction
        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("From") + ":</b> " + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wtx.value_map["from"]) + "<br>";
        // Offline transaction
        if (nNet > 0)
            // Credit
            CTxDestination address = DecodeDestination(rec->address);
            if (IsValidDestination(address)) {
                std::string name;
                isminetype ismine;
                if (wallet.getAddress(address, &name, &ismine, /* purpose= */ nullptr))
                    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("From") + ":</b> " + tr("unknown") + "<br>";
                    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("To") + ":</b> ";
                    strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(rec->address);
                    QString addressOwned = ismine == ISMINE_SPENDABLE ? tr("own address") : tr("watch-only");
                    if (!name.empty())
                        strHTML += " (" + addressOwned + ", " + tr("label") + ": " + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(name) + ")";
                        strHTML += " (" + addressOwned + ")";
                    strHTML += "<br>";

    // To
    if (wtx.value_map.count("to") && !wtx.value_map["to"].empty())
        // Online transaction
        std::string strAddress = wtx.value_map["to"];
        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("To") + ":</b> ";
        CTxDestination dest = DecodeDestination(strAddress);
        std::string name;
        if (wallet.getAddress(
                dest, &name, /* is_mine= */ nullptr, /* purpose= */ nullptr) && !name.empty())
            strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(name) + " ";
        strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(strAddress) + "<br>";

    // Amount
    if (wtx.is_coinbase && nCredit == 0)
        // Coinbase
        CAmount nUnmatured = 0;
        for (const CTxOut& txout : wtx.tx->vout)
            nUnmatured += wallet.getCredit(txout, ISMINE_ALL);
        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> ";
        if (status.is_in_main_chain)
            strHTML += BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, nUnmatured)+ " (" + tr("matures in %n more block(s)", "", status.blocks_to_maturity) + ")";
            strHTML += "(" + tr("not accepted") + ")";
        strHTML += "<br>";
    else if (nNet > 0)
        // Credit
        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, nNet) + "<br>";
        isminetype fAllFromMe = ISMINE_SPENDABLE;
        for (isminetype mine : wtx.txin_is_mine)
            if(fAllFromMe > mine) fAllFromMe = mine;

        isminetype fAllToMe = ISMINE_SPENDABLE;
        for (isminetype mine : wtx.txout_is_mine)
            if(fAllToMe > mine) fAllToMe = mine;

        if (fAllFromMe)
            if(fAllFromMe & ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY)
                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("From") + ":</b> " + tr("watch-only") + "<br>";

            // Debit
            auto mine = wtx.txout_is_mine.begin();
            for (const CTxOut& txout : wtx.tx->vout)
                // Ignore change
                isminetype toSelf = *(mine++);
                if ((toSelf == ISMINE_SPENDABLE) && (fAllFromMe == ISMINE_SPENDABLE))

                if (!wtx.value_map.count("to") || wtx.value_map["to"].empty())
                    // Offline transaction
                    CTxDestination address;
                    if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address))
                        strHTML += "<b>" + tr("To") + ":</b> ";
                        std::string name;
                        if (wallet.getAddress(
                                address, &name, /* is_mine= */ nullptr, /* purpose= */ nullptr) && !name.empty())
                            strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(name) + " ";
                        strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(EncodeDestination(address));
                        if(toSelf == ISMINE_SPENDABLE)
                            strHTML += " (own address)";
                        else if(toSelf & ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY)
                            strHTML += " (watch-only)";
                        strHTML += "<br>";

                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Debit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, -txout.nValue) + "<br>";
                    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, txout.nValue) + "<br>";

            if (fAllToMe)
                // Payment to self
                CAmount nChange = wtx.change;
                CAmount nValue = nCredit - nChange;
                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Total debit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, -nValue) + "<br>";
                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Total credit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, nValue) + "<br>";

            CAmount nTxFee = nDebit - wtx.tx->GetValueOut();
            if (nTxFee > 0)
                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Transaction fee") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, -nTxFee) + "<br>";
            // Mixed debit transaction
            auto mine = wtx.txin_is_mine.begin();
            for (const CTxIn& txin : wtx.tx->vin) {
                if (*(mine++)) {
                    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Debit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, -wallet.getDebit(txin, ISMINE_ALL)) + "<br>";
            mine = wtx.txout_is_mine.begin();
            for (const CTxOut& txout : wtx.tx->vout) {
                if (*(mine++)) {
                    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, wallet.getCredit(txout, ISMINE_ALL)) + "<br>";

    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Net amount") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, nNet, true) + "<br>";

    // Message
    if (wtx.value_map.count("message") && !wtx.value_map["message"].empty())
        strHTML += "<br><b>" + tr("Message") + ":</b><br>" + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wtx.value_map["message"], true) + "<br>";
    if (wtx.value_map.count("comment") && !wtx.value_map["comment"].empty())
        strHTML += "<br><b>" + tr("Comment") + ":</b><br>" + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wtx.value_map["comment"], true) + "<br>";

    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Transaction ID") + ":</b> " + rec->getTxHash() + "<br>";
    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Transaction total size") + ":</b> " + QString::number(wtx.tx->GetTotalSize()) + " bytes<br>";
    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Transaction virtual size") + ":</b> " + QString::number(GetVirtualTransactionSize(*wtx.tx)) + " bytes<br>";
    strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Output index") + ":</b> " + QString::number(rec->getOutputIndex()) + "<br>";

    // Message from normal bitcoin:URI (bitcoin:123...?message=example)
    for (const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& r : orderForm)
        if (r.first == "Message")
            strHTML += "<br><b>" + tr("Message") + ":</b><br>" + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(r.second, true) + "<br>";

    // PaymentRequest info:
    for (const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& r : orderForm)
        if (r.first == "PaymentRequest")
            PaymentRequestPlus req;
            req.parse(QByteArray::fromRawData(r.second.data(), r.second.size()));
            QString merchant;
            if (req.getMerchant(PaymentServer::getCertStore(), merchant))
                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Merchant") + ":</b> " + GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(merchant) + "<br>";

    if (wtx.is_coinbase)
        quint32 numBlocksToMaturity = COINBASE_MATURITY +  1;
        strHTML += "<br>" + tr("Generated coins must mature %1 blocks before they can be spent. When you generated this block, it was broadcast to the network to be added to the block chain. If it fails to get into the chain, its state will change to \"not accepted\" and it won't be spendable. This may occasionally happen if another node generates a block within a few seconds of yours.").arg(QString::number(numBlocksToMaturity)) + "<br>";

    // Debug view
    if (node.getLogCategories() != BCLog::NONE)
        strHTML += "<hr><br>" + tr("Debug information") + "<br><br>";
        for (const CTxIn& txin : wtx.tx->vin)
                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Debit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, -wallet.getDebit(txin, ISMINE_ALL)) + "<br>";
        for (const CTxOut& txout : wtx.tx->vout)
                strHTML += "<b>" + tr("Credit") + ":</b> " + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, wallet.getCredit(txout, ISMINE_ALL)) + "<br>";

        strHTML += "<br><b>" + tr("Transaction") + ":</b><br>";
        strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(wtx.tx->ToString(), true);

        strHTML += "<br><b>" + tr("Inputs") + ":</b>";
        strHTML += "<ul>";

        for (const CTxIn& txin : wtx.tx->vin)
            COutPoint prevout = txin.prevout;

            Coin prev;
            if(node.getUnspentOutput(prevout, prev))
                    strHTML += "<li>";
                    const CTxOut &vout = prev.out;
                    CTxDestination address;
                    if (ExtractDestination(vout.scriptPubKey, address))
                        std::string name;
                        if (wallet.getAddress(address, &name, /* is_mine= */ nullptr, /* purpose= */ nullptr) && !name.empty())
                            strHTML += GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(name) + " ";
                        strHTML += QString::fromStdString(EncodeDestination(address));
                    strHTML = strHTML + " " + tr("Amount") + "=" + BitcoinUnits::formatHtmlWithUnit(unit, vout.nValue);
                    strHTML = strHTML + " IsMine=" + (wallet.txoutIsMine(vout) & ISMINE_SPENDABLE ? tr("true") : tr("false")) + "</li>";
                    strHTML = strHTML + " IsWatchOnly=" + (wallet.txoutIsMine(vout) & ISMINE_WATCH_ONLY ? tr("true") : tr("false")) + "</li>";

        strHTML += "</ul>";

    strHTML += "</font></html>";
    return strHTML;
예제 #3
void PaymentServer::netRequestFinished(QNetworkReply* reply)

    // BIP70 DoS protection
    if (!verifySize(reply->size())) {
        Q_EMIT message(tr("Payment request rejected"),
            tr("Payment request %1 is too large (%2 bytes, allowed %3 bytes).")

    if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) {
        QString msg = tr("Error communicating with %1: %2")

        qWarning() << "PaymentServer::netRequestFinished: " << msg;
        Q_EMIT message(tr("Payment request error"), msg, CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR);

    QByteArray data = reply->readAll();

    QString requestType = reply->request().attribute(QNetworkRequest::User).toString();
    if (requestType == BIP70_MESSAGE_PAYMENTREQUEST)
        PaymentRequestPlus request;
        SendCoinsRecipient recipient;
        if (!request.parse(data))
            qWarning() << "PaymentServer::netRequestFinished: Error parsing payment request";
            Q_EMIT message(tr("Payment request error"),
                tr("Payment request cannot be parsed!"),
        else if (processPaymentRequest(request, recipient))
            Q_EMIT receivedPaymentRequest(recipient);

    else if (requestType == BIP70_MESSAGE_PAYMENTACK)
        payments::PaymentACK paymentACK;
        if (!paymentACK.ParseFromArray(data.data(), data.size()))
            QString msg = tr("Bad response from server %1")

            qWarning() << "PaymentServer::netRequestFinished: " << msg;
            Q_EMIT message(tr("Payment request error"), msg, CClientUIInterface::MSG_ERROR);
            Q_EMIT receivedPaymentACK(GUIUtil::HtmlEscape(paymentACK.memo()));