예제 #1
void MediaKeys::timerFired(TimerBase*) {

  // Swap the queue to a local copy to avoid problems if resolving promises
  // run synchronously.
  HeapDeque<Member<PendingAction>> pendingActions;

  while (!pendingActions.isEmpty()) {
    PendingAction* action = pendingActions.takeFirst();
    DVLOG(MEDIA_KEYS_LOG_LEVEL) << __func__ << "(" << this << ") Certificate";

    // 5.1 Let cdm be the cdm during the initialization of this object.
    WebContentDecryptionModule* cdm = contentDecryptionModule();

    // 5.2 Use the cdm to process certificate.
        static_cast<unsigned char*>(action->data()->data()),
        action->data()->byteLength(), action->result()->result());
    // 5.3 If any of the preceding steps failed, reject promise with a
    //     new DOMException whose name is the appropriate error name.
    // 5.4 Resolve promise.
    // (These are handled by Chromium and the CDM.)
void MediaKeySession::actionTimerFired(Timer<MediaKeySession>*)

    // Resolving promises now run synchronously and may result in additional
    // actions getting added to the queue. As a result, swap the queue to
    // a local copy to avoid problems if this happens.
    HeapDeque<Member<PendingAction>> pendingActions;

    while (!pendingActions.isEmpty()) {
        PendingAction* action = pendingActions.takeFirst();

        switch (action->type()) {
        case PendingAction::GenerateRequest:
            // NOTE: Continue step 9 of MediaKeySession::generateRequest().
            WTF_LOG(Media, "MediaKeySession(%p)::actionTimerFired: GenerateRequest", this);

            // initializeNewSession() in Chromium will execute steps 9.1 to 9.7.
            m_session->initializeNewSession(action->initDataType(), static_cast<unsigned char*>(action->data()->data()), action->data()->byteLength(), m_sessionType, action->result()->result());

            // Remaining steps (from 9.8) executed in finishGenerateRequest(),
            // called when |result| is resolved.

        case PendingAction::Load:
            // NOTE: Continue step 8 of MediaKeySession::load().
            WTF_LOG(Media, "MediaKeySession(%p)::actionTimerFired: Load", this);

            // 8.1 Let sanitized session ID be a validated and/or sanitized
            //     version of sessionId. The user agent should thoroughly
            //     validate the sessionId value before passing it to the CDM.
            //     At a minimum, this should include checking that the length
            //     and value (e.g. alphanumeric) are reasonable.
            // 8.2 If the previous step failed, reject promise with a new
            //     DOMException whose name is "InvalidAccessError".
            if (!isValidSessionId(action->sessionId())) {
                action->result()->completeWithError(WebContentDecryptionModuleExceptionInvalidAccessError, 0, "Invalid sessionId");

            // 8.3 If there is an unclosed session in the object's Document
            //     whose sessionId attribute is sanitized session ID, reject
            //     promise with a new DOMException whose name is
            //     QuotaExceededError. In other words, do not create a session
            //     if a non-closed session, regardless of type, already exists
            //     for this sanitized session ID in this browsing context.
            //     (Done in the CDM.)

            // 8.4 Let expiration time be NaN.
            //     (Done in the constructor.)

            // load() in Chromium will execute steps 8.5 through 8.8.
            m_session->load(action->sessionId(), action->result()->result());

            // Remaining steps (from 8.9) executed in finishLoad(), called
            // when |result| is resolved.

        case PendingAction::Update:
            // NOTE: Continue step 5 of MediaKeySession::update().
            WTF_LOG(Media, "MediaKeySession(%p)::actionTimerFired: Update", this);

            // update() in Chromium will execute steps 5.1 through 5.8.
            m_session->update(static_cast<unsigned char*>(action->data()->data()), action->data()->byteLength(), action->result()->result());

            // Last step (5.9 Resolve promise) will be done when |result| is
            // resolved.

        case PendingAction::Close:
            // NOTE: Continue step 4 of MediaKeySession::close().
            WTF_LOG(Media, "MediaKeySession(%p)::actionTimerFired: Close", this);

            // close() in Chromium will execute steps 4.1 through 4.2.

            // Last step (4.3 Resolve promise) will be done when |result| is
            // resolved.

        case PendingAction::Remove:
            // NOTE: Continue step 5 of MediaKeySession::remove().
            WTF_LOG(Media, "MediaKeySession(%p)::actionTimerFired: Remove", this);

            // remove() in Chromium will execute steps 5.1 through 5.3.

            // Last step (5.3.3 Resolve promise) will be done when |result| is
            // resolved.