예제 #1
bool ScriptStreamer::startStreamingInternal(PendingScript& script, Settings* settings, ScriptState* scriptState, PendingScript::Type scriptType)
    if (!settings || !settings->v8ScriptStreamingEnabled())
        return false;
    if (settings->v8ScriptStreamingMode() == ScriptStreamingModeOnlyAsyncAndDefer
        && scriptType == PendingScript::ParsingBlocking)
        return false;

    ScriptResource* resource = script.resource();
    if (resource->isLoaded())
        return false;
    if (!resource->url().protocolIsInHTTPFamily())
        return false;
    if (resource->resourceToRevalidate()) {
        // This happens e.g., during reloads. We're actually not going to load
        // the current Resource of the PendingScript but switch to another
        // Resource -> don't stream.
        return false;
    // We cannot filter out short scripts, even if we wait for the HTTP headers
    // to arrive. In general, the web servers don't seem to send the
    // Content-Length HTTP header for scripts.

    if (!scriptState->contextIsValid())
        return false;

    // Decide what kind of cached data we should produce while streaming. By
    // default, we generate the parser cache for streamed scripts, to emulate
    // the non-streaming behavior (see V8ScriptRunner::compileScript).
    v8::ScriptCompiler::CompileOptions compileOption = v8::ScriptCompiler::kProduceParserCache;
    if (settings->v8CacheOptions() == V8CacheOptionsCode)
        compileOption = v8::ScriptCompiler::kProduceCodeCache;

    // The Resource might go out of scope if the script is no longer
    // needed. This makes PendingScript notify the ScriptStreamer when it is
    // destroyed.
    script.setStreamer(adoptRef(new ScriptStreamer(resource, scriptType, settings->v8ScriptStreamingMode(), scriptState, compileOption)));

    return true;