예제 #1
void dspTimePhasedOpenAPItems::sFillCustom()
  if (!_periods->isPeriodSelected())
    if (isVisible())
      QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Select Calendar Periods"),
                            tr("Please select one or more Calendar Periods") );


  QString sql("SELECT vend_id, vend_number, vend_name");

  int columns = 1;
  QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> selected = _periods->selectedItems();
  for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++)
    PeriodListViewItem *cursor = (PeriodListViewItem*)selected[i];
    sql += QString(", openAPItemsValue(vend_id, %2) AS bucket%1")

    _apopen->addColumn(formatDate(cursor->startDate()), _bigMoneyColumn, Qt::AlignRight);
    _columnDates.append(DatePair(cursor->startDate(), cursor->endDate()));

  sql += " FROM vend ";

  if (_selectedVendor->isChecked())
    sql += "WHERE (vend_id=:vend_id)";
  else if (_selectedVendorType->isChecked())
    sql += "WHERE (vend_vendtype_id=:vendtype_id)";
  else if (_vendorTypePattern->isChecked())
    sql += "WHERE (vend_vendtype_id IN (SELECT vendtype_id FROM vendtype WHERE (vendtype_code ~ :vendtype_code))) ";

  sql += "ORDER BY vend_number;";

  q.bindValue(":vend_id", _vend->id());
  q.bindValue(":vendtype_id", _vendorTypes->id());
  q.bindValue(":vendtype_code", _vendorType->text().upper());
  if (q.first())
    Q3ValueVector<Numeric> totals(columns);;
    XTreeWidgetItem *last = 0;

      double lineTotal = 0.0;

      last = new XTreeWidgetItem( _apopen, last, q.value("vend_id").toInt(),
                                 q.value("vend_number"), q.value("vend_name") );

      for (int column = 1; column < columns; column++)
        QString bucketName = QString("bucket%1").arg(column);
        last->setText((column + 1), formatMoney(q.value(bucketName).toDouble()));
        totals[column] += q.value(bucketName).toDouble();
        lineTotal += q.value(bucketName).toDouble();

      if (lineTotal == 0.0)
        delete last;
        last = _apopen->topLevelItem(_apopen->topLevelItemCount() - 1);
    while (q.next());

//  Add the totals row
    XTreeWidgetItem *total = new XTreeWidgetItem(_apopen, last, -1, QVariant(tr("Totals:")));
    for (int column = 1; column < columns; column++)
      total->setText((column + 1), formatMoney(totals[column].toDouble()));
void dspTimePhasedOpenARItems::sFillCustom()
  XSqlQuery dspFillCustom;
  if (!_periods->isPeriodSelected())
    if (isVisible())
      QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Select Calendar Periods"),
                            tr("Please select one or more Calendar Periods") );


  QString sql("SELECT cust_id, cust_number, cust_name");
  QStringList linetotal;

  int columns = 1;
  QList<XTreeWidgetItem*> selected = _periods->selectedItems();
  for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++)
    PeriodListViewItem *cursor = (PeriodListViewItem*)selected[i];
    QString bucketname = QString("bucket%1").arg(columns++);
    sql += QString(", openARItemsValue(cust_id, %2) AS %1,"
                   " 'curr' AS %3_xtnumericrole, 0 AS %4_xttotalrole")

    list()->addColumn(formatDate(cursor->startDate()), _bigMoneyColumn, Qt::AlignRight, true, bucketname);
    _columnDates.append(DatePair(cursor->startDate(), cursor->endDate()));
    linetotal << QString("openARItemsValue(cust_id, %2)").arg(cursor->id());

  list()->addColumn(tr("Total"), _bigMoneyColumn, Qt::AlignRight, true, "linetotal");

  sql += ", " + linetotal.join("+") + " AS linetotal,"
         " 'curr' AS linetotal_xtnumericrole,"
         " 0 AS linetotal_xttotalrole,"
         " (" + linetotal.join("+") + ") = 0.0 AS xthiddenrole "
         "FROM custinfo LEFT OUTER JOIN custgrpitem ON (cust_id = custgrpitem_cust_id) "
         "<? if exists('cust_id') ?>"
         "WHERE (cust_id=<? value('cust_id') ?>)"
         "<? elseif exists('custtype_id') ?>"
         "WHERE (cust_custtype_id=<? value('custtype_id') ?>)"
         "<? elseif exists('custgrp_id') ?>"
		 "WHERE (custgrpitem_custgrp_id=<? value('custgrp_id') ?>)"
         "<? elseif exists('custtype_pattern') ?>"
         "WHERE (cust_custtype_id IN (SELECT custtype_id FROM custtype WHERE (custtype_code ~ <? value('custtype_pattern') ?>))) "
         "<? endif ?>"
         "ORDER BY cust_number;";

  MetaSQLQuery mql(sql);
  ParameterList params;
  if (! setParams(params))
  dspFillCustom = mql.toQuery(params);
  if (dspFillCustom.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError)
    systemError(this, dspFillCustom.lastError().databaseText(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
예제 #3
void dspTimePhasedSalesByItem::sCalculate()
  if (!_periods->isPeriodSelected())
    if (isVisible())
      QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Select Calendar Periods"),
                            tr("Please select one or more Calendar Periods") );

  QString sql("SELECT itemsite_id, item_number");



  if (_salesDollars->isChecked())
    sql += ", TEXT('$') AS uom, warehous_code";
  else if (_inventoryUnits->isChecked())
    sql += ", uom_name AS uom, warehous_code";

  int columns = 1;
  QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> selected = _periods->selectedItems();
  for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++)
    PeriodListViewItem *cursor = (PeriodListViewItem*)selected[i];
    QString bucketname = QString("bucket%1").arg(columns++);
    if (_salesDollars->isChecked())
      sql += QString(", shipmentsByItemValue(itemsite_id, %1) AS %2,"
                     "  'curr' AS %3_xtnumericrole, 0 AS %4_xttotalrole ")

    else if (_inventoryUnits->isChecked())
      sql += QString(", shipmentsByItemQty(itemsite_id, %1) AS %2,"
                     "  'qty' AS %3_xtnumericrole, 0 AS %4_xttotalrole ")

    _sohist->addColumn(formatDate(cursor->startDate()), _qtyColumn, Qt::AlignRight, true, bucketname);
    _columnDates.append(DatePair(cursor->startDate(), cursor->endDate()));

  sql += " FROM itemsite, item, uom, warehous "
         "WHERE ( (itemsite_item_id=item_id)"
         " AND (item_inv_uom_id=uom_id)"
         " AND (itemsite_warehous_id=warehous_id)";

  if (_warehouse->isSelected())
    sql += " AND (itemsite_warehous_id=:warehous_id)";
  if (_productCategory->isSelected())
    sql += "AND (item_prodcat_id=:prodcat_id)";
  else if (_productCategory->isPattern())
    sql += "AND (item_prodcat_id IN (SELECT prodcat_id FROM prodcat WHERE (prodcat_code ~ :prodcat_pattern))) ";

  sql += ") "
         "ORDER BY item_number;";

예제 #4
void dspTimePhasedSalesByProductCategory::sCalculate()
  if (!_periods->isPeriodSelected())
    if (isVisible())
      QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Select Calendar Periods"),
                            tr("Please select one or more Calendar Periods") );



  QString sql("SELECT prodcat_id, warehous_id, prodcat_code, warehous_code");

  if (_salesDollars->isChecked())
    sql += ", TEXT('$') AS uom";
  else if (_inventoryUnits->isChecked())
    sql += ", uom_name AS uom";

  else if (_capacityUnits->isChecked())
    sql += ", itemcapuom(item_id) AS uom";

  else if (_altCapacityUnits->isChecked())
    sql += ", itemaltcapuom(item_id) AS uom";

  int columns = 1;
  QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> selected = _periods->selectedItems();
  for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++)
    PeriodListViewItem *cursor = (PeriodListViewItem*)selected[i];
    if (_salesDollars->isChecked())
      sql += QString(", SUM(shipmentsByItemValue(itemsite_id, %2)) AS bucket%1")

    else if (_inventoryUnits->isChecked())
      sql += QString(", SUM(shipmentsByItemQty(itemsite_id, %2)) AS bucket%1")

    else if (_capacityUnits->isChecked())
      sql += QString(", SUM(shipmentsByItemQty(itemsite_id, %2) * itemcapinvrat(item_id)) AS bucket%1")

    else if (_altCapacityUnits->isChecked())
      sql += QString(", SUM(shipmentsByItemQty(itemsite_id, %2) * itemaltcapinvrat(item_id)) AS bucket%1")

    _sohist->addColumn(formatDate(cursor->startDate()), _qtyColumn, Qt::AlignRight);
    _columnDates.append(DatePair(cursor->startDate(), cursor->endDate()));

  sql += " FROM itemsite, item, uom, warehous, prodcat "
         "WHERE ( (itemsite_item_id=item_id)"
         " AND (item_inv_uom_id=uom_id)"
         " AND (itemsite_warehous_id=warehous_id)"
         " AND (item_prodcat_id=prodcat_id)";

  if (_warehouse->isSelected())
    sql += " AND (itemsite_warehous_id=:warehous_id)";
  if (_productCategory->isSelected())
    sql += "AND (prodcat_id=:prodcat_id)";
  else if (_productCategory->isPattern())
    sql += "AND (prodcat_code ~ :prodcat_pattern) ";

  sql += ") "
         "GROUP BY prodcat_id, warehous_id, prodcat_code, uom, warehous_code;";

  if (q.first())
    Q3ValueVector<Numeric> totals(columns);;
    XTreeWidgetItem *last = 0;

      last = new XTreeWidgetItem( _sohist, last,
				 q.value("warehous_code") );

      for (int column = 1; column < columns; column++)
        QString bucketName = QString("bucket%1").arg(column);
        totals[column] += q.value(bucketName).toDouble();

        if ( (_inventoryUnits->isChecked()) || (_capacityUnits->isChecked()) || (_altCapacityUnits->isChecked()) )
          last->setText((column + 2), formatQty(q.value(bucketName).toDouble()));
        else if (_salesDollars->isChecked())
          last->setText((column + 2), formatMoney(q.value(bucketName).toDouble()));
    while (q.next());

//  Add the totals row
    XTreeWidgetItem *total = new XTreeWidgetItem(_sohist, last, -1, QVariant(tr("Totals:")));
    for (int column = 1; column < columns; column++)
      if ( (_inventoryUnits->isChecked()) || (_capacityUnits->isChecked()) || (_altCapacityUnits->isChecked()) )
        total->setText((column + 2), formatQty(totals[column].toDouble()));
      else if (_salesDollars->isChecked())
        total->setText((column + 2), formatMoney(totals[column].toDouble()));
예제 #5
void dspTimePhasedBookingsByProductCategory::sFillList()
  if (!_periods->isPeriodSelected())
    if (isVisible())
      QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Select Calendar Periods"),
                            tr("Please select one or more Calendar Periods") );



  QString sql("SELECT prodcat_id, warehous_id, prodcat_code, warehous_code");

  if (_salesDollars->isChecked())
    sql += ", TEXT('$') AS uom";
  else if (_inventoryUnits->isChecked())
    sql += ", uom_name AS uom";

  else if (_capacityUnits->isChecked())
    sql += ", itemcapuom(item_id) AS uom";

  else if (_altCapacityUnits->isChecked())
    sql += ", itemaltcapuom(item_id) AS uom";

  int columns = 1;
  QList<XTreeWidgetItem*> selected = _periods->selectedItems();
  for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++)
    PeriodListViewItem *cursor = (PeriodListViewItem*)selected[i];
    QString bucketname = QString("bucket%1").arg(columns++);

    if (_salesDollars->isChecked())
      sql += QString(", SUM(bookingsByItemValue(itemsite_id, %1)) AS %2,"
                     "  'curr' AS %3_xtnumericrole, 0 AS %4_xttotalrole ")

    else if (_inventoryUnits->isChecked())
      sql += QString(", SUM(bookingsByItemQty(itemsite_id, %1)) AS %2,"
                     "  'qty' AS %3_xtnumericrole, 0 AS %4_xttotalrole ")

    else if (_capacityUnits->isChecked())
      sql += QString(", SUM(bookingsByItemQty(itemsite_id, %1) * itemcapinvrat(item_id)) AS %2,"
                     "  'qty' AS %3_xtnumericrole, 0 AS %4_xttotalrole ")

    else if (_altCapacityUnits->isChecked())
      sql += QString(", SUM(bookingsByItemQty(itemsite_id, %1) * itemaltcapinvrat(item_id)) AS %2,"
                     "  'qty' AS %3_xtnumericrole, 0 AS %4_xttotalrole ")

    _soitem->addColumn(formatDate(cursor->startDate()), _qtyColumn, Qt::AlignRight, true, bucketname);

    _columnDates.append(DatePair(cursor->startDate(), cursor->endDate()));

  sql += " FROM itemsite, item, uom, warehous, prodcat "
         "WHERE ( (itemsite_item_id=item_id)"
         " AND (item_inv_uom_id=uom_id)"
         " AND (itemsite_warehous_id=warehous_id)"
         " AND (item_prodcat_id=prodcat_id)";

  if (_warehouse->isSelected())
    sql += " AND (itemsite_warehous_id=:warehous_id) ";

  if (_productCategory->isSelected())
    sql += "AND (prodcat_id=:prodcat_id) ";
  else if (_productCategory->isPattern())
    sql += "AND (prodcat_code ~ :prodcat_pattern) ";

  sql += ") "
         "GROUP BY prodcat_id, warehous_id, prodcat_code, uom, warehous_code;";

  _soitem->populate(q, true);
예제 #6
void dspTimePhasedProductionByPlannerCode::sCalculate()

  QString sql("SELECT plancode_id, warehous_id, plancode_code, warehous_code, ");

  if (_inventoryUnits->isChecked())
    sql += "uom_name AS uom";

  else if (_capacityUnits->isChecked())
    sql += "itemcapuom(item_id) AS uom";

  else if (_altCapacityUnits->isChecked())
    sql += "itemaltcapuom(item_id) AS uom";

  int columns = 1;
  QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> selected = _periods->selectedItems();
  for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++)
    PeriodListViewItem *cursor = (PeriodListViewItem*)selected[i];
    QString bucketname = QString("bucket%1").arg(columns++);
    if (_inventoryUnits->isChecked())
      sql += QString(", SUM(summProd(itemsite_id, %1)) AS %2,"
                     "  'qty' AS %3_xtnumericrole ")

    else if (_capacityUnits->isChecked())
      sql += QString(", SUM(summProd(itemsite_id, %1) * itemcapinvrat(item_id)) AS %2,"
                     "  'qty' AS %3_xtnumericrole ")

    else if (_altCapacityUnits->isChecked())
      sql += QString(", SUM(summProd(itemsite_id, %1) * itemaltcapinvrat(item_id)) AS %2,"
                     "  'qty' AS %3_xtnumericrole ")

    _production->addColumn(formatDate(cursor->startDate()), _qtyColumn, Qt::AlignRight, true, bucketname);
    _columnDates.append(DatePair(cursor->startDate(), cursor->endDate()));

  sql += " FROM itemsite, item, uom, warehous, plancode "
         "WHERE ((itemsite_item_id=item_id)"
         " AND (item_inv_uom_id=uom_id)"
         " AND (itemsite_warehous_id=warehous_id)"
         " AND (itemsite_plancode_id=plancode_id)";

  if (!_showInactive->isChecked())
    sql += " AND (itemsite_active)";

  if (_warehouse->isSelected())
    sql += " AND (itemsite_warehous_id=:warehous_id)";
  if (_plannerCode->isSelected())
    sql += " AND (plancode_id=:plancode_id)";
  else if (_plannerCode->isPattern())
    sql += " AND (plancode_code ~ :plancode_pattern)";

  sql += " ) "
         "GROUP BY plancode_id, warehous_id, plancode_code, warehous_code, uom;";

  _production->populate(q, TRUE);
예제 #7
void dspTimePhasedSalesByCustomerGroup::sFillList()

  if (!_periods->isPeriodSelected())


  QString sql("SELECT cust_id, cust_number, cust_name");

  int columns = 1;
  QList<XTreeWidgetItem*> selected = _periods->selectedItems();
  for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++)
    PeriodListViewItem *cursor = (PeriodListViewItem*)selected[i];
    QString bucketname = QString("bucket%1").arg(columns++);
    if (_productCategory->isSelected())
      sql += QString(", shipmentsByCustomerValue(cust_id, %1, :prodcat_id) AS %2,"
                     "  'curr' AS %3_xtnumericrole, 0 AS %4_xttotalrole ")
    else if (_productCategory->isPattern())
      sql += QString(", shipmentsByCustomerValue(cust_id, %1, :prodcat_pattern) AS %2,"
                     "  'curr' AS %3_xtnumericrole, 0 AS %4_xttotalrole ")
      sql += QString(", shipmentsByCustomerValue(cust_id, %1) AS %2,"
                     "  'curr' AS %3_xtnumericrole, 0 AS %4_xttotalrole ")

    _sohist->addColumn(formatDate(cursor->startDate()), _qtyColumn, Qt::AlignRight, true, bucketname);
    _columnDates.append(DatePair(cursor->startDate(), cursor->endDate()));

  sql += " FROM cust, custgrp, custgrpitem "
         "WHERE ( (custgrpitem_cust_id=cust_id)"
         " AND (custgrpitem_custgrp_id=custgrp_id)";

  if (_customerGroup->isSelected())
    sql += " AND (custgrp_id=:custgrp_id)";
  else if (_customerGroup->isPattern())
    sql += " AND (custgrp_name ~ :custgrp_pattern)";

  sql += ") "
         "ORDER BY cust_number;";

예제 #8
void dspTimePhasedUsageStatisticsByItem::sCalculate()
  if (TRUE)

    QString sql("SELECT itemsite_id, warehous_code");

    int columns = 1;
    QList<XTreeWidgetItem*> selected = _periods->selectedItems();
    for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++)
      PeriodListViewItem *cursor = (PeriodListViewItem*)selected[i];
      sql += QString( ", summTransR(itemsite_id, %1) AS r_bucket%2,"
		      "summTransI(itemsite_id, %3) AS i_bucket%4,"
		      "summTransS(itemsite_id, %5) AS s_bucket%6,"
		      "summTransC(itemsite_id, %7) AS c_bucket%8," )

      sql += QString("summTransA(itemsite_id, %1) AS a_bucket%2")

      _usage->addColumn(formatDate(cursor->startDate()), _qtyColumn, Qt::AlignRight);

      _columnDates.append(DatePair(cursor->startDate(), cursor->endDate()));

    sql += QString( " FROM itemsite, warehous "
                    "WHERE ((itemsite_warehous_id=warehous_id)"
                    " AND (itemsite_item_id=%1)" )

    if (_warehouse->isSelected())
	sql += QString(" AND (itemsite_warehous_id=%1)")

    sql += ") "
           "ORDER BY warehous_code;";

    if (q.first())
        XTreeWidgetItem *received;
        XTreeWidgetItem *issued;
        XTreeWidgetItem *sold;
        XTreeWidgetItem *scrap;
        XTreeWidgetItem *adjustments;

        received    = new XTreeWidgetItem(_usage,           q.value("itemsite_id").toInt(), QVariant(tr("Received")),    q.value("warehous_code") );
        issued      = new XTreeWidgetItem(_usage, received, q.value("itemsite_id").toInt(), QVariant(tr("Issued")),      q.value("warehous_code") );
        sold        = new XTreeWidgetItem(_usage, issued,   q.value("itemsite_id").toInt(), QVariant(tr("Sold")),        q.value("warehous_code") );
        scrap       = new XTreeWidgetItem(_usage, sold,     q.value("itemsite_id").toInt(), QVariant(tr("Scrap")),       q.value("warehous_code") );
        adjustments = new XTreeWidgetItem(_usage, scrap,    q.value("itemsite_id").toInt(), QVariant(tr("Adjustments")), q.value("warehous_code") );

        for (int bucketCounter = 1; bucketCounter < columns; bucketCounter++)
          received->setText((bucketCounter + 1), formatQty(q.value(QString("r_bucket%1").arg(bucketCounter)).toDouble()));
          issued->setText((bucketCounter + 1), formatQty(q.value(QString("i_bucket%1").arg(bucketCounter)).toDouble()));
          sold->setText((bucketCounter + 1), formatQty(q.value(QString("s_bucket%1").arg(bucketCounter)).toDouble()));
          scrap->setText((bucketCounter + 1), formatQty(q.value(QString("c_bucket%1").arg(bucketCounter)).toDouble()));
          adjustments->setText((bucketCounter + 1), formatQty(q.value(QString("a_bucket%1").arg(bucketCounter)).toDouble()));
      while (q.next());
예제 #9
void dspTimePhasedAvailability::sCalculate()

  QString sql( "SELECT itemsite_id, itemtype,"
               "       item_number, uom_name, warehous_code,"
               "       reorderlevel " );

  int columns = 1;
  QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> selected = _periods->selectedItems();
  for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++)
    QString bucketname = QString("bucket%1").arg(columns++);
    sql += QString(", %1,"
                   "  'qty' AS %2_xtnumericrole,"
                   "  CASE WHEN (%3 < reorderlevel) THEN 'error' END AS %4_qtforegroundrole "    )

  sql +=       "FROM ( "
               "SELECT itemsite_id,"
               "       CASE WHEN (item_type IN ('F', 'B', 'C', 'Y', 'R')) THEN 0"
               "            WHEN (item_type IN ('M')) THEN 1"
               "            WHEN (item_type IN ('P', 'O')) THEN 2"
               "            ELSE 0"
               "       END AS itemtype,"
               "       item_number, uom_name, warehous_code,"
               "       CASE WHEN(itemsite_useparams) THEN itemsite_reorderlevel ELSE 0.0 END AS reorderlevel ";

  columns = 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++)
    PeriodListViewItem *cursor = (PeriodListViewItem*)selected[i];
    QString bucketname = QString("bucket%1").arg(columns++);
    sql += QString(", qtyAvailable(itemsite_id, findPeriodStart(%1)) AS %2 " )

    _availability->addColumn(formatDate(cursor->startDate()), _qtyColumn, Qt::AlignRight, true, bucketname);

    _columnDates.append(DatePair(cursor->startDate(), cursor->endDate()));

  sql += " FROM itemsite, item, warehous, uom "
         "WHERE ((itemsite_item_id=item_id)"
         " AND (item_inv_uom_id=uom_id)"
         " AND (itemsite_warehous_id=warehous_id)";

  if (_warehouse->isSelected())
    sql += " AND (itemsite_warehous_id=:warehous_id)";
  if (_plannerCode->isSelected())
    sql += " AND (itemsite_plancode_id=:plancode_id)";
  else if (_plannerCode->isPattern())
    sql += " AND (itemsite_plancode_id IN (SELECT plancode_id FROM plancode WHERE (plancode_code ~ :plancode_pattern)))";

  sql += ") ) AS data "
         "ORDER BY item_number;";

  if (q.first())
    _availability->populate(q, true);
예제 #10
void dspTimePhasedPlannedREByPlannerCode::sFillList()
  if(_useAveragePrice->isChecked() && !(_startEvalDate->isValid() && _endEvalDate->isValid()))
    QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Average Price Requires Dates"),
                                   tr("The Average Price option requires that you specify a valid\n"
                                      "date range to evaluate the average price."));


  QString       sql("SELECT ");

  bool show    = FALSE;
  int  columns = 1;
  QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> selected = _periods->selectedItems();
  for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++)
    PeriodListViewItem *cursor = (PeriodListViewItem*)selected[i];
    if (show)
      sql += ",";
      show = TRUE;

    sql += QString(" SUM(plannedCost(plancode_id, warehous_id, '%1', %2)) AS cost%3,")
	   .arg((_useStandardCost->isChecked()) ? 'S' : 'A')

    if (_useListPrice->isChecked())
      sql += QString(" SUM(plannedRevenue(plancode_id, warehous_id, 'L', %1)) AS revenue%2 ")
      sql += QString(" SUM(plannedRevenue(plancode_id, warehous_id, 'A', %1, date('%2'), date('%3'))) AS revenue%4 ")
	     .arg(_startEvalDate->date().toString())    // NOT locale format
	     .arg(_endEvalDate->date().toString())      // NOT locale format

    _plannedRE->addColumn(formatDate(cursor->startDate()), _qtyColumn, Qt::AlignRight);
    _columnDates.append(DatePair(cursor->startDate(), cursor->endDate()));

  if (show)
    sql += " FROM plancode, warehous";

    if (_warehouse->isSelected())
      sql += " WHERE ( (warehous_id=:warehous_id)";

    if (_plannerCode->isSelected())
      if (_warehouse->isSelected())
        sql += " AND (plancode_id=:plancode_id)";
        sql += " WHERE ( (plancode_id=:plancode_id)";
    else if (_plannerCode->isPattern())
      if (_warehouse->isSelected())
        sql += " AND (plancode_code ~ :plancode_pattern)";
        sql += " WHERE ( (plancode_code ~ :plancode_pattern)";

    if ( (_warehouse->isSelected()) || (!_plannerCode->isAll()) )
      sql += ");";
      sql += ";";

    if (q.first())
      XTreeWidgetItem *cost    = new XTreeWidgetItem( _plannedRE, 0, QVariant(tr("Cost")),
                                                  formatMoney(q.value("cost1").toDouble()) );

      XTreeWidgetItem *revenue = new XTreeWidgetItem( _plannedRE, cost, 0, QVariant(tr("Revenue")),
                                                  formatMoney(q.value("revenue1").toDouble()) );

      XTreeWidgetItem *profit  = new XTreeWidgetItem( _plannedRE, revenue,  0, QVariant(tr("Gross Profit")),
                                                  formatMoney(q.value("revenue1").toDouble() - q.value("cost1").toDouble() ) );
      for (int bucketCounter = 1; bucketCounter < columns; bucketCounter++)
        cost->setText(bucketCounter, formatMoney(q.value(QString("cost%1").arg(bucketCounter)).toDouble()));
        revenue->setText(bucketCounter, formatMoney(q.value(QString("revenue%1").arg(bucketCounter)).toDouble()));

        profit->setText( bucketCounter,
                         formatMoney( q.value(QString("revenue%1").arg(bucketCounter)).toDouble() -
                                      q.value(QString("cost%1").arg(bucketCounter)).toDouble() ) );
예제 #11
void dspTimePhasedSalesByCustomerByItem::sFillList()

  if (!_periods->isPeriodSelected())


  QString sql("SELECT cust_id, cust_number, cust_name");

  int columns = 1;
  QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> selected = _periods->selectedItems();
  for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++)
    PeriodListViewItem *cursor = (PeriodListViewItem*)selected[i];
    if (_productCategory->isSelected())
      sql += QString(", shipmentsByCustomerValue(cust_id, %1, :prodcat_id) AS bucket%3")
    else if (_productCategory->isPattern())
      sql += QString(", shipmentsByCustomerValue(cust_id, %1, :prodcat_pattern) AS bucket%3")
      sql += QString(", shipmentsByCustomerValue(cust_id, %1) AS bucket%2")

    _sohist->addColumn(formatDate(cursor->startDate()), _qtyColumn, Qt::AlignRight);
    _columnDates.append(DatePair(cursor->startDate(), cursor->endDate()));

  sql += " FROM cust ";

  if (_customerType->isSelected())
    sql += "WHERE (cust_custtype_id=:custtype_id)";
  else if (_customerType->isPattern())
    sql += "WHERE (cust_custtype_id IN (SELECT custtype_id FROM custtype WHERE (custtype_code ~ :custtype_pattern))) ";

  if (_byCustomer->isChecked())
    sql += "ORDER BY cust_number;";
  else if (_bySales->isChecked())
    sql += "ORDER BY bucket1 DESC;";

  if (q.first())
    Q3ValueVector<Numeric> totals(columns);;
    XTreeWidgetItem *last = 0;

      last = new XTreeWidgetItem( _sohist, last, q.value("cust_id").toInt(),
				 q.value("cust_number"), q.value("cust_name") );

      for (int column = 1; column < columns; column++)
        QString bucketName = QString("bucket%1").arg(column);
        last->setText((column + 1), formatMoney(q.value(bucketName).toDouble()));
        totals[column] += q.value(bucketName).toDouble();
    while (q.next());

//  Add the totals row
    XTreeWidgetItem *total = new XTreeWidgetItem(_sohist, last, -1, QVariant(tr("Totals:")));
    for (int column = 1; column < columns; column++)
      total->setText((column + 1), formatMoney(totals[column].toDouble()));
예제 #12
void dspTimePhasedBookingsByCustomer::sFillList()
  if (!_periods->isPeriodSelected())
    if (isVisible())
      QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Select Calendar Periods"),
                            tr("Please select one or more Calendar Periods") );




  QString sql("SELECT cust_id, cust_number, cust_name");

  int columns = 1;
  QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> selected = _periods->selectedItems();
  for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++)
    PeriodListViewItem *cursor = (PeriodListViewItem*)selected[i];
    sql += QString(", bookingsByCustomerValue(cust_id, %2) AS bucket%1")

    _soitem->addColumn(formatDate(cursor->startDate()), _qtyColumn, Qt::AlignRight);
    _columnDates.append(DatePair(cursor->startDate(), cursor->endDate()));

  sql += " FROM cust ";

  if (_customerType->isSelected())
    sql += "WHERE (cust_custtype_id=:custtype_id) ";
  else if (_customerType->isPattern())
    sql += "WHERE (cust_custtype_id IN (SELECT custtype_id FROM custtype WHERE (custtype_code ~ :custtype_pattern))) ";

  sql += "ORDER BY cust_number;";

  if (q.first())
    Q3ValueVector<Numeric> totals(columns);;
    XTreeWidgetItem *last = 0;

      last = new XTreeWidgetItem( _soitem, last, q.value("cust_id").toInt(),
				 q.value("cust_number"), q.value("cust_name") );

      for (int column = 1; column < columns; column++)
        QString bucketName = QString("bucket%1").arg(column);
        last->setText((column + 1), formatMoney(q.value(bucketName).toDouble()));
        totals[column] += q.value(bucketName).toDouble();
    while (q.next());

    XTreeWidgetItem *total = new XTreeWidgetItem(_soitem, last, -1, QVariant(tr("Totals:")));
    for (int column = 1; column < columns; column++)
      total->setText((column + 1), formatMoney(totals[column].toDouble()));