예제 #1
void ChatWindow::MessageReceived( BMessage* aMessage ) {
	switch( aMessage->what ) {
			const char *msg;
			aMessage->FindString( "msg", &msg );
			time_t _now = time( NULL );
			struct tm *now = localtime( &_now );
			BString *str = NULL;
			BString *str2 = NULL;
			char *string = NULL;
			Person *person = NULL;
			for( int i = 0; i < iWindow->GetProfile()->GetUserlist()->GetList()->CountItems(); i++ ) {
				person = ( Person* ) iWindow->GetProfile()->GetUserlist()->GetList()->ItemAt( i );
				if( iWho == person->GetUIN() ) {
					str = new BString();
					str->SetTo( person->GetDisplay() );
			if( !str ) {
				str = new BString();
				*str << ( int32 ) iWho;
			BFont *font = new BFont( be_plain_font );
			font->SetSize( 16.0 );
			font->SetEncoding( B_ISO_8859_2 );
			rgb_color yellow = { 255, 255, 0, 0 };
			rgb_color red = { 255, 0, 0, 0 };
			rgb_color white = { 255, 255, 255, 0 };
			string = ( char* ) calloc( strlen( "[00:00] " ), 1 );
			sprintf( string, "[%02d:%02d] ", now->tm_hour, now->tm_min);
			str2 = new BString();
			str2->SetTo( string );
			free( string );
			iChat->SetFontAndColor( iChat->TextLength(), iChat->TextLength() + str2->Length(), font, B_FONT_ALL, &yellow );
			iChat->Insert( iChat->TextLength(), str2->String(), str2->Length() );
			str->Append( ": " );

			iChat->SetFontAndColor( iChat->TextLength(), iChat->TextLength() + str->Length(), font, B_FONT_ALL, &red );
			iChat->Insert( iChat->TextLength(), str->String(), str->Length() );

			str2->SetTo( msg );
			str2->Append( "\n" );
			iChat->SetFontAndColor( iChat->TextLength(), iChat->TextLength() + str2->Length(), font, B_FONT_ALL, &white );
			iChat->Insert( iChat->TextLength(), str2->String(), str2->Length() );
			BScrollBar * scrollBar = iScrollView->ScrollBar( B_VERTICAL );
			if( scrollBar->LockLooper() ) {
				float max,min;
				scrollBar->GetRange( &min, &max );
				scrollBar->SetValue( max );
			delete str;
			delete str2;
		case BEGG_SEND:
			if( iSayControl->LockLooper()) {
				if( !(*iSayControl->Text() ) ) {
					/* nothing to send */
				/* first we add message into chat window */
				time_t _now = time( NULL );
				struct tm * now = localtime( &_now );
				BString str;
				BString str2;
				char *string;
//				int id = iNetwork->GetIdent();

				BFont *font = new BFont( be_plain_font );
				font->SetSize( 16.0 );
				font->SetEncoding( B_ISO_8859_2 );
				rgb_color yellow = { 255, 255, 0, 0 };
				rgb_color green = { 0, 255, 0, 0 };
				rgb_color white = { 255, 255, 255, 0 };
				string = ( char* ) calloc( strlen( "[00:00] " ), 1 );
				sprintf( string, "[%02d:%02d] ", now->tm_hour, now->tm_min );
				str2.SetTo( string );
				free( string );
				iChat->SetFontAndColor( iChat->TextLength(), iChat->TextLength() + str2.Length(), font, B_FONT_ALL, &yellow );
				iChat->Insert( iChat->TextLength(), str2.String(), str2.Length() );

				str.SetTo( iWindow->GetProfile()->GetProfileName() );
				str.Append( ": " );
				iChat->SetFontAndColor( iChat->TextLength(), iChat->TextLength() + str.Length(), font, B_FONT_ALL, &green );
				iChat->Insert( iChat->TextLength(), str.String(), str.Length() );

				str2.SetTo( iSayControl->Text() );
				str2.Append( "\n" );
				iChat->SetFontAndColor( iChat->TextLength(), iChat->TextLength() + str2.Length(), font, B_FONT_ALL, &white );
				iChat->Insert( iChat->TextLength(), str2.String(), str2.Length() );

				/* scroll down */
				BScrollBar * scrollBar = iScrollView->ScrollBar( B_VERTICAL );
				if( scrollBar->LockLooper() ) {
					float max,min;
					scrollBar->GetRange( &min, &max );
					scrollBar->SetValue( max );
				/* sending... */
				BMessage *newmessage;
				newmessage = new BMessage( SEND_MESSAGE );
				newmessage->AddInt32( "who", iWho );
				newmessage->AddString( "msg", iSayControl->Text());
				BMessenger( iNetwork ).SendMessage( newmessage );
				delete newmessage;
				/* clearing edit box */
				iSayControl->SetText( NULL );
			BWindow::MessageReceived( aMessage );
예제 #2
ChatWindow::ChatWindow( Network *aNetwork, MainWindow *aWindow, uin_t aWho )

	iNetwork = aNetwork;
	iWindow	= aWindow;
	iWho = aWho;
	SetSizeLimits( 300, 2000, 200, 2000 );

		we're fixing a title and checking that we have that number in our people list
		if true, set to iDisplay
	Person *person;
	BString title = Title();
	BString *pe = NULL;
	for( int i = 0; i < iWindow->GetProfile()->GetUserlist()->GetList()->CountItems(); i++ ) {
		person = ( Person* ) iWindow->GetProfile()->GetUserlist()->GetList()->ItemAt( i );
		if( aWho == person->GetUIN() ) {
			pe = new BString( person->GetDisplay() );
	if( !pe ) {
		pe = new BString();
		pe->SetTo( _T("[Stranger]") );

	title.Append( pe->String() );
	title << " (" << iWho << ")";
	SetTitle( title.String());

	/* making a default background */
	BRect r = Bounds();
	BView *someView;
	someView = new BView( r, "some view", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW );
	someView->SetViewColor( 60, 60, 60 );
	AddChild( someView );

	/* 'chat' at base of BTextView */
	r = someView->Bounds();
	r.InsetBy( 10, 10 );
	r.right -= B_V_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH;
	r.bottom -= 25;
	BRect textRect = BRect( 5, 5, r.Width() - 5, r.Height() - 5 );
	iChat = new BTextView( r, "chat view", textRect, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW );
	iChat->MakeEditable( false );
	iChat->SetStylable( true );
	BFont *font = new BFont( be_plain_font );
	font->SetSize( 15.0 );
	font->SetEncoding( B_ISO_8859_2 );
	iChat->SetFontAndColor( font );
	iScrollView = new BScrollView( "scroll view", iChat, B_FOLLOW_ALL, 0, false, true );
	someView->AddChild( iScrollView );
	iChat->SetViewColor( 70, 70, 70 );	
	/* new message edit box */
	r = someView->Bounds();
	r.InsetBy( 10, 10 );
	r.top = r.bottom - 15;
	iSayControl = new BTextControl( r, "say control", "", NULL, new BMessage( BEGG_SEND ), B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM );
	iSayControl->MakeFocus( true );
	float width, height;
	iSayControl->GetPreferredSize( &width, &height );
	iSayControl->SetDivider( width / 2 );
	iSayControl->SetFont( font );
	someView->AddChild( iSayControl );