예제 #1
// FIXME: This should rather be put into persp3d-reference.cpp or something similar so that it reacts upon each
//        Change of the perspective, and not of the current selection (but how to refer to the toolbar then?)
static void box3d_toolbox_selection_changed(Inkscape::Selection *selection, GObject *tbl)
    // Here the following should be done: If all selected boxes have finite VPs in a certain direction,
    // disable the angle entry fields for this direction (otherwise entering a value in them should only
    // update the perspectives with infinite VPs and leave the other ones untouched).

    Inkscape::XML::Node *persp_repr = NULL;
    purge_repr_listener(tbl, tbl);

    SPItem *item = selection->singleItem();
    if (item && SP_IS_BOX3D(item)) {
        // FIXME: Also deal with multiple selected boxes
        SPBox3D *box = SP_BOX3D(item);
        Persp3D *persp = box3d_get_perspective(box);
        persp_repr = persp->getRepr();
        if (persp_repr) {
            g_object_set_data(tbl, "repr", persp_repr);
            sp_repr_add_listener(persp_repr, &box3d_persp_tb_repr_events, tbl);
            sp_repr_synthesize_events(persp_repr, &box3d_persp_tb_repr_events, tbl);

        Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
        prefs->setString("/tools/shapes/3dbox/persp", persp_repr->attribute("id"));

        g_object_set_data(tbl, "freeze", GINT_TO_POINTER(TRUE));
        box3d_resync_toolbar(persp_repr, tbl);
        g_object_set_data(tbl, "freeze", GINT_TO_POINTER(FALSE));
예제 #2
static void box3d_angle_value_changed(GtkAdjustment *adj, GObject *dataKludge, Proj::Axis axis)
    SPDesktop *desktop = (SPDesktop *) g_object_get_data( dataKludge, "desktop" );
    SPDocument *document = sp_desktop_document(desktop);

    // quit if run by the attr_changed or selection changed listener
    if (g_object_get_data( dataKludge, "freeze" )) {

    // in turn, prevent listener from responding
    g_object_set_data(dataKludge, "freeze", GINT_TO_POINTER(TRUE));

    std::list<Persp3D *> sel_persps = sp_desktop_selection(desktop)->perspList();
    if (sel_persps.empty()) {
        // this can happen when the document is created; we silently ignore it
    Persp3D *persp = sel_persps.front();

    persp->perspective_impl->tmat.set_infinite_direction (axis,

    // TODO: use the correct axis here, too
    DocumentUndo::maybeDone(document, "perspangle", SP_VERB_CONTEXT_3DBOX, _("3D Box: Change perspective (angle of infinite axis)"));

    g_object_set_data( dataKludge, "freeze", GINT_TO_POINTER(FALSE) );
예제 #3
persp3d_print_all_selected() {
    g_print ("\n======================================\n");
    g_print ("Selected perspectives and their boxes:\n");

    std::list<Persp3D *> sel_persps = SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP->getSelection()->perspList();

    for (std::list<Persp3D *>::iterator j = sel_persps.begin(); j != sel_persps.end(); ++j) {
        Persp3D *persp = SP_PERSP3D(*j);
        Persp3DImpl *persp_impl = persp->perspective_impl;
        g_print ("  %s (%d):  ", persp->getRepr()->attribute("id"), persp->perspective_impl->my_counter);
        for (std::vector<SPBox3D *>::iterator i = persp_impl->boxes.begin();
             i != persp_impl->boxes.end(); ++i) {
            g_print ("%d ", (*i)->my_counter);
        g_print ("\n");
    g_print ("======================================\n\n");