예제 #1
void GridSystem::forceGroundedView(PerspectiveCamera &pc) {
	float lookAt_distance = offset/2;
	float old_distance = pc.GetDistance(); //need?

	Vector3f _p = pc.getCameraLocation(); Vector3f p = _p - Vector3f(0, _p.y(), 0); //xz only
	Vector3f _vec = pc.GetCenter() - p; Vector3f vec = _vec - Vector3f(0, _vec.y(), 0);
	Vector3f lookAt = p + ((offset*2) * vec.normalized()); //from camera to lookAt direction (xz only)

	Vector3f p_ground = Vector3f(p.x(), getYLevel(p.x(), p.z()) + 0.5f, p.z());
	Vector3f lookAt_ground = Vector3f(lookAt.x(), getYLevel(lookAt.x(), lookAt.z()) + 0.5f, lookAt.z());
	Vector3f nvec = (lookAt_ground - p_ground); //new camera location to new camera center
	Vector3f lookAt_final = p_ground + (lookAt_distance * nvec.normalized());

	//force distance to be at ground
	pc.SetCenter(lookAt_final); //apply new camera center
	//pc.SetCenter(lookAt_ground); //apply new camera center
	/*if (pc.GetCenter().y() < lookAt_ground.y() - 0.2){
		pc.SetCenter(lookAt_ground - Vector3f(0, 0.2, 0)); //apply new camera center
	else if (pc.GetCenter().y() > lookAt_ground.y() + 0.2) {
		pc.SetCenter(lookAt_ground + Vector3f(0, 0.2, 0));

	//float lookAt_distance = sqrt(pow(nvec.x(), 2) + pow(nvec.y(), 2) + pow(nvec.z(), 2));

	Vector3f rotaxis = Vector3f::cross(nvec, Vector3f::UP);
	float angle_cur = atan((lookAt.y() - p_ground.y())/old_distance);
	float angle_new = atan((lookAt_ground.y() - p_ground.y())/lookAt_distance);
	float angle = angle_new - angle_cur;

	pc.SetViewRotation(RotationMatrixOnAxis(angle, rotaxis.x(), rotaxis.y(), rotaxis.z()));

	////set view to correct Z axis
	//pc.SetCenter(lookAt_ground); //apply new camera center
	//Vector3f nvec = (lookAt_ground - p_ground); //new camera location to new camera center (alrd applied)
	////float lookAt_distance = sqrt(pow(nvec.x(), 2) + pow(nvec.y(), 2) + pow(nvec.z(), 2));
	//float lookAt_distance = lookAtDistance;

	cout << "p:" << p_ground.x() << " " << p_ground.y() << " " << p_ground.z() << endl;
	cout << "lookAt:" << lookAt_ground.x() << " " << lookAt_ground.y() << " " << lookAt_ground.z() << endl;
	//cout << "test:" << test.x() << " " << test.y() << " " << test.z() << endl;
	//cout << p.x() << " " << p.z() << " " << getYLevel(0.758, 0.875) << endl;