bool SdlBatcher::append(const Picture& pic, const Rect& srcrect, const Rect& dstRect, Rect *clip ) { if( !pic.isValid() ) return true; Rect rclip = clip ? *clip : Rect(); if( !_d->onwork->texture.isValid() ) { _d->onwork->texture = pic; _d->onwork->clip = rclip; } bool batched = true; bool textureSwitched = _d->onwork->texture.texture() != pic.texture(); bool clipSwitched = (_d->onwork->clip != rclip); if( textureSwitched || clipSwitched) { std::swap( _d->batched, _d->onwork ); reset(); _d->onwork->texture = pic; _d->onwork->clip = rclip; batched = false; } _d->onwork->srcrects.push_back( Rect( pic.originRect().lefttop() + srcrect.lefttop(), srcrect.size() ) ); _d->onwork->dstrects.push_back( Rect( dstRect.lefttop() + Point( pic.offset().x(), -pic.offset().y() ), dstRect.size() ) ); return batched; }
bool SdlBatcher::append(const Picture &pic, const Rects &srcrects, const Rects &dstrects, Rect *clip) { if( !pic.isValid() ) return true; Rect rclip = clip ? *clip : Rect(); if( !_d->onwork->texture.isValid() ) { _d->onwork->texture = pic; _d->onwork->clip = rclip; } bool batched = true; bool textureSwitched = _d->onwork->texture.texture() != pic.texture(); bool clipSwitched = (_d->onwork->clip != rclip); if( textureSwitched || clipSwitched) { std::swap( _d->batched, _d->onwork ); reset(); _d->onwork->texture = pic; _d->onwork->clip = rclip; batched = false; } _d->onwork->srcrects.insert( _d->onwork->srcrects.end(), srcrects.begin(), srcrects.end() ); _d->onwork->dstrects.insert( _d->onwork->dstrects.end(), dstrects.begin(), dstrects.end() ); return batched; }
void SdlEngine::draw(const Picture &picture, const int dx, const int dy, Rect* clipRect ) { if( !picture.isValid() ) return; int t = DateTime::elapsedTime(); _d->drawCall++; if( clipRect != 0 ) { SDL_Rect r = { clipRect->left(), clipRect->top(), clipRect->width(), clipRect->height() }; SDL_RenderSetClipRect( _d->renderer, &r ); } const Impl::MaskInfo& mask = _d->mask; SDL_Texture* ptx = picture.texture(); const Rect& orect = picture.originRect(); Size picSize = orect.size(); const Point& offset = picture.offset(); if( mask.enabled ) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod( ptx, >> 16, >> 8, ); SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod( ptx, mask.alpha >> 24 ); }
void Font::draw( Picture& dstpic, const std::string &text, const int dx, const int dy, bool useAlpha, bool updatextTx ) { if( !_d->ttfFont || !dstpic.isValid() ) return; #if defined(CAESARIA_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN) SDL_Surface* sText = TTF_RenderText_Solid( _d->ttfFont, text.c_str(), _d->color ); #else SDL_Surface* sText = TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended( _d->ttfFont, text.c_str(), _d->color ); #endif if( sText ) { if( useAlpha ) { #if SDL_MAJOR_VERSION>1 SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode( sText, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE ); #else SDL_SetAlpha( sText, 0, 0 ); #endif } if( !dstpic.surface() ) { Logger::warning("Font::draw dstpic surface is null"); return; } SDL_Rect srcRect, dstRect; srcRect.x = 0; srcRect.y = 0; srcRect.w = sText->w; srcRect.h = sText->h; dstRect.x = dx; dstRect.y = dy; dstRect.w = sText->w; dstRect.h = sText->h; SDL_BlitSurface( sText, &srcRect, dstpic.surface(), &dstRect ); SDL_FreeSurface( sText ); } if( updatextTx ) dstpic.update(); }
Picture& PictureBank::getPicture(const std::string &name) { const unsigned int hash = Hash( name ); //Logger::warning( "PictureBank getpic " + name ); Impl::ItPicture it = _d->resources.find( hash ); if( it == _d->resources.end() ) { //can't find image in valid resources, try load from hdd Picture pic = _d->tryLoadPicture( name ); if( pic.isValid() ) { setPicture( name, pic ); } else{ _d->resources[ hash ] = pic; } return _d->resources[ hash ]; } return it->second; }
void Font::draw(Picture& dstpic, const std::string &text, const int dx, const int dy, bool useAlpha ) { if( !_d->ttfFont || !dstpic.isValid() ) return; SDL_Surface* sText = TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended( _d->ttfFont, text.c_str(), _d->color ); if( sText && useAlpha ) { SDL_SetAlpha( sText, 0, 0 ); } if( sText ) { Picture pic; pic.init( sText, Point( 0, 0 ) ); dstpic.draw( pic, dx, dy); } SDL_FreeSurface( sText ); }
void RenderContext::load_image( const litehtml::tchar_t* src, const litehtml::tchar_t* baseurl, bool redraw_on_ready ) { litehtml::tstring url; make_url(src, baseurl, url); if(m_images.find(url.c_str()) == m_images.end()) { try { Picture img = get_image(url.c_str(), true); if(img.isValid()) { m_images[url] = img; } } catch(...) { int iii=0; iii++; } } }
bool C3Sav::Impl::loadCity( std::fstream& f, Game& game ) { uint32_t tmp; // need to rewrite better std::vector<short int> graphicGrid; graphicGrid.resize( 26244, 0 ); std::vector<unsigned char> edgeGrid; edgeGrid.resize( 26244, 0 ); std::vector<short int> terrainGrid; terrainGrid.resize( 26244, 0 ); std::vector<unsigned char> rndmTerGrid; rndmTerGrid.resize(26244, 0); std::vector<unsigned char> randomGrid; randomGrid.resize( 26244, 0 ); std::vector<unsigned char> zeroGrid; zeroGrid.resize( 26244, 0 ); if( !f.is_open() ) { Logger::warning( "GameLoaderC3Sav: can't open file " ); return false; } (char*)&tmp, 4); // read dummy std::string cityName = LoaderHelper::getDefaultCityName( tmp );>setName( cityName );*)&tmp, 4); // read scenario flag try {*)&tmp, 4); // read length of compressed chunk Logger::warning( "GameLoaderC3Sav: length of compressed ids is %d", tmp ); PKWareInputStream *pk = new PKWareInputStream(&f, false, tmp); for (int i = 0; i < 162 * 162; i++) { graphicGrid[i] = pk->readShort(); } pk->empty(); delete pk;*)&tmp, 4); // read length of compressed chunk Logger::warning( "GameLoaderC3Sav: length of compressed egdes is %d", tmp ); pk = new PKWareInputStream(&f, false, tmp); for (int i = 0; i < 162 * 162; i++) { edgeGrid[i] = pk->readByte(); } pk->empty(); delete pk; SkipCompressed(f); // skip building ids*)&tmp, 4); // read length of compressed chunk Logger::warning( "GameLoaderC3Sav: length of compressed terraindata is %d", tmp ); pk = new PKWareInputStream(&f, false, tmp); for (int i = 0; i < 162 * 162; i++) { terrainGrid[i] = pk->readShort(); } pk->empty(); delete pk; SkipCompressed(f); SkipCompressed(f); SkipCompressed(f); SkipCompressed(f);*)&randomGrid[0], 26244); SkipCompressed(f); SkipCompressed(f); SkipCompressed(f); SkipCompressed(f); SkipCompressed(f); // here goes walkers array*)&tmp, 4); // read length of compressed chunk Logger::warning( "GameLoaderC3Sav: length of compressed walkers data is %d", tmp ); pk = new PKWareInputStream(&f, false, tmp); for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { pk->skip(10); pk->readShort(); pk->skip(8); pk->readByte(); pk->readByte(); pk->skip(106); } pk->empty(); delete pk; int length;*)&length, 4); // read next length :-) if (length <= 0) f.seekg(1200, std::ios::cur); else f.seekg(length, std::ios::cur); SkipCompressed(f); SkipCompressed(f); // 3x int*)&tmp, 4);*)&tmp, 4);*)&tmp, 4); SkipCompressed(f); f.seekg(70, std::ios::cur); SkipCompressed(f); // skip building list f.seekg(208, std::ios::cur); SkipCompressed(f); // skip unknown f.seekg(788, std::ios::cur); // skip unused data*)&tmp, 4); //mapsize int size = tmp; PlayerCityPtr oCity =; Tilemap& oTilemap = oCity->tilemap(); oCity->resize(size); oCity->setCameraPos( TilePos( 0, 0 ) ); initEntryExit( f, ); f.seekg(1312, std::ios::cur); char climate;, 1); oCity->setClimate((ClimateType)climate); // here goes the WORK! // loads the graphics map int border_size = (162 - size) / 2; std::map< int, std::map< int, unsigned char > > edgeData;>setCameraPos( TilePos( size/2, size/2 ) ); for (int itA = 0; itA < size; ++itA) { for (int itB = 0; itB < size; ++itB) { int i = itB; int j = size - itA - 1; int index = 162 * (border_size + itA) + border_size + itB; Tile& tile =, j); unsigned int imgId = graphicGrid[index]; Picture pic = imgid::toPicture( imgId ); if( pic.isValid() ) { tile.setPicture( pic ); tile.setOriginalImgId( imgId ); } else { TileOverlay::Type ovType = LoaderHelper::convImgId2ovrType( imgId ); if( ovType == constants::objects::unknown ) { Logger::warning( "!!! GameLoaderC3Sav: Unknown building %x at [%d,%d]", imgId, i, j ); } baseBuildings[ tile.pos() ] = imgId; pic = Picture::load( ResourceGroup::land1a, 230 + math::random( 57 ) ); tile.setPicture( pic ); tile.setOriginalImgId( imgid::fromResource( ) ); } edgeData[ i ][ j ] = edgeGrid[index]; tile::decode( tile, terrainGrid[index] ); tile::fixPlateauFlags( tile ); } } for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) { unsigned char ed = edgeData[ i][ j ]; if( ed == 0x00) { int size = 1; { int dj; try { // find size, 5 is maximal size for building for (dj = 0; dj < 5; ++dj) { int edd = edgeData[ i ][ j - dj ]; // find bottom left corner if (edd == 8 * dj + 0x40) { size = dj + 1; break; } } } catch(...) { size = dj + 1; } } Tile& master =, j - size + 1); //Logger::warning( "Master will be at (%d,%d)", master.i(), master.j() ); for (int di = 0; di < size; ++di) { for (int dj = 0; dj < size; ++dj) { + di, master.j() + dj).setMasterTile(&master); } } } // Check if it is building and type of building //if (ttile.getMasterTile() == NULL) std::map<TilePos, unsigned int>::iterator bbIt = baseBuildings.find( TilePos( i, j ) ); unsigned int bbImgId = bbIt == baseBuildings.end() ? 0 : bbIt->second; Tile& tile = i, j ); Tile* masterTile = tile.masterTile(); if( !masterTile ) masterTile = &tile; if( masterTile->overlay().isNull() ) { LoaderHelper::decodeTerrain( *masterTile, oCity, bbImgId ); } } } } catch(PKException) { THROW("fatal error when unpacking"); } return true; }
void Decorator::drawLine( Picture& dstpic, const Point& p1, const Point& p2, NColor color) { if( dstpic.isValid() ) lineColor( dstpic.surface(), p1.x(), p1.y(), p2.x(), p2.y(), color.rgba() ); }