void PluginRegistry::RegisterPlugin(Plugin* plugin)
	int event_classes = plugin->GetEventClasses();
	if (event_classes & Plugin::EVT_BASIC)
	if (event_classes & Plugin::EVT_DOCUMENT)
	if (event_classes & Plugin::EVT_ELEMENT)
예제 #2
PluginManager::PluginList PluginManager::getPlugins ()
	PluginList retval;

	std::list<PythonPlugin>::iterator it = pythonPlugins_.begin();
	std::list<PythonPlugin>::iterator end = pythonPlugins_.end();
	for (; it != end; ++it) {
		retval.push_back (&(*it));

	retval.push_back (&crossref_);
	retval.push_back (&arxiv_);

	return retval;
  void PluginRegistry::Impl::get_plugins_from_dir (PluginList& list, std::string const& dir)
      list.clear ();

#if defined(VISUAL_OS_WIN32)
      std::string pattern = dir + "/*";

      WIN32_FIND_DATA file_data;
      HANDLE hList = FindFirstFile (pattern.c_str (), &file_data);

      if (hList == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
          FindClose (hList);

      bool finished = false;

      while (!finished) {
          if (!(file_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) {
              std::string full_path = dir + "/" + file_data.cFileName;

              if (str_has_suffix (full_path, ".dll")) {
                  PluginRef* ref = load_plugin_ref (full_path);

                  if (ref) {
                      list.push_back (ref);

          if (!FindNextFile (hList, &file_data)) {
              if (GetLastError () == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) {
                  finished = true;

      FindClose (hList);
      // NOTE: This typecast is needed for glibc versions that define
      // alphasort() as taking const void * arguments

      typedef int (*ScandirCompareFunc) (const struct dirent **, const struct dirent **);

      struct dirent **namelist;

      int n = scandir (dir.c_str (), &namelist, NULL, ScandirCompareFunc (alphasort));
      if (n < 0)

      // First two entries are '.' and '..'
      visual_mem_free (namelist[0]);
      visual_mem_free (namelist[1]);

      for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) {
          std::string full_path = dir + "/" + namelist[i]->d_name;

          if (str_has_suffix (full_path, ".so")) {
              PluginRef* ref = load_plugin_ref (full_path);

              if (ref) {
                  list.push_back (ref);

          visual_mem_free (namelist[i]);

      visual_mem_free (namelist);

예제 #4
 bool Session::doAction( Action action, const Plugin* plugin )
   PluginList pl;
   pl.push_back( plugin );
   return doAction( action, pl );