예제 #1
Point3D CalcTrack(
        const Point2D&  towerPosition,
        double          timeStep,
        const PointSet& altitudeTrack,
        double          fixRange,
        double          fixBearing,
        double          elapsedTime,
        double          heading,
        double          initialBankRate,
        double          bankRateAccel,
        double          windHeading,
        const PointSet& windSpeeds,
        const PointSet& planeSpeeds,

        Track3D*        track
    if(track != NULL)

    // Set up the initial conditions.
    double x        = towerPosition.x_ + fixRange * sin(fixBearing);
    double y        = towerPosition.y_ + fixRange * cos(fixBearing);
    double z        = 0.0;
    double time     = 0.0;
    double bankRate = initialBankRate;
    windHeading     = (M_PI / -2) - windHeading; // reversed as wind direction is where the wind is FROM
    double sinWind  = sin(windHeading);
    double cosWind  = cos(windHeading);

    while(time < elapsedTime)
        // Get the time for this point.
        double thisStep = timeStep;
        double newTime  = time + timeStep;
        if(newTime > elapsedTime)
            // Last step is incomplete.
            thisStep = elapsedTime - time;
            newTime  = elapsedTime;
        time = newTime;

        // Interpolate the plane characteristics at this time.
        double altitude   = altitudeTrack.interpolate(time);
        double windSpeed  = windSpeeds.interpolate(altitude);
        double planeSpeed = planeSpeeds.interpolate(time);

        // Update the simulated plane location.
        heading    += bankRate * thisStep;
        bankRate   += bankRateAccel * thisStep;
        double hdg = (M_PI / 2) - heading;
        z          = altitude;
        x          += thisStep * (planeSpeed * cos(hdg) + windSpeed * cosWind);
        y          += thisStep * (planeSpeed * sin(hdg) + windSpeed * sinWind);

        if(track != NULL)
            track->addPoint(x, y, z);

    return Point3D(x, y, z);