예제 #1
void SparseMatrix::rowToPolynomial(
  const RowIndex row,
  const std::vector<PolyRing::Monoid::ConstMonoPtr>& colMonomials,
  Poly& poly
) {
  const auto end = rowEnd(row);
  for (auto it = rowBegin(row); it != end; ++it) {
    MATHICGB_ASSERT(it.index() < colMonomials.size());
    if (it.scalar() != 0)
      poly.append(it.scalar(), *colMonomials[it.index()]);
예제 #2
LineCombiner::add( QPointF p1, QPointF p2 )
    bool ok;

    qDebug() << "add" << p1 << p2;

    // find closest points within the threshold distance of p1 and p2
    IndexPt * ip1 = _findClosestPt( p1 );
    IndexPt * ip2 = _findClosestPt( p2 );

    // normalize the cases
    if ( ! ip1 ) {
        std::swap( ip1, ip2 );
        std::swap( p1, p2 );

    if ( ip1 ) {
        CARTA_ASSERT( ip1-> poly );
    if ( ip2 ) {
        CARTA_ASSERT( ip2-> poly );

    // case1: this line segment is not near anything else
    if ( ip1 == nullptr && ip2 == nullptr ) {
        qDebug() << "case null null";

        // we insert a new polyline and update spacial index

        // make a new polyline from p1 and p2
        Poly * poly = new Poly;
        poly->append( p1 );
        poly->append( p2 );

        // insert beginning of this polyline into grid
        findCell( p1 )-> pts.append( IndexPt( poly, false ) );

        // insert end of this polyine into grid
        findCell( p2 )-> pts.append( IndexPt( poly, true ) );

        IndexPt ipt1( poly, true );
        CARTA_ASSERT( findCell( ipt1.pt() )->pts.contains( ipt1 ) );


    // catch a super-special case.... both points point to the same polyline, same end...
    // we'll treat this as if only one of the points pointed to a polyline)
    if( ip2 && ip1->poly == ip2->poly && ip1->flipped == ip2->flipped) {
        qDebug() << "super special";
        ip2 = nullptr;

    // only one point has a match (ip1, ip2 is null)
    if ( ip1 != nullptr && ip2 == nullptr ) {
        qDebug() << "case poly null";

        // make a copy of what ip1 points to, because it'll be destroyed
        IndexPt ip1copy = * ip1;

        // remove ip1 from it's corresponding cell (after this ip1 will point to
        // a destroyed memory!)
        ok = findCell( ip1-> pt() )-> pts.removeOne( * ip1 );
        CARTA_ASSERT( ok );

        // re-point ip1 to the copy
        ip1 = & ip1copy;

        // we extend the polyline that ip1 points to with p2
        if ( ip1-> flipped ) {
            ip1-> poly-> append( p2 );
        else {
            ip1-> poly-> prepend( p2 );

        // and add a new index point (for p2) to the respective cell
        findCell( p2 )-> pts.append( * ip1 );

    // both points have a match, and it's the same polyline, but different ends...
    if ( ip1-> poly == ip2-> poly ) {
        qDebug() << "case poly poly same";

        CARTA_ASSERT( ip1->flipped == ! ip2->flipped );

        // we need to remove both points from their cells
        Poly * poly = ip1->poly;
        ok = findCell( ip1->pt() )->pts.removeOne( * ip1 );
        CARTA_ASSERT( ok );
        ok = findCell( ip2->pt() )->pts.removeOne( * ip2 );
        CARTA_ASSERT( ok );

        // make it a closed polyline
        poly->append( poly->first() );

        QPolygonF polygon = poly2polygon( poly );
        m_polygons.push_back( polygon );
        delete poly;


    // last case is: both points have a match to 2 different polylines
    qDebug() << "case poly poly diff";

    // we need to merge these two polylines together
    IndexPt ip1c = * ip1;
    IndexPt ip2c = * ip2;

    // remove first polyline from the spatial index
    ok = findCell( ip1c.poly->front() )-> pts.removeAll( { ip1c.poly, false }
    CARTA_ASSERT( ok );
    ok = findCell( ip1c.poly->back() )-> pts.removeAll( { ip1c.poly, true }
    CARTA_ASSERT( ok );

    // remove second polyline from the spatial index
    ok = findCell( ip2c.poly->front() )-> pts.removeAll( { ip2c.poly, false }
    CARTA_ASSERT( ok );
    ok = findCell( ip2c.poly->back() )-> pts.removeAll( { ip2c.poly, true }
    CARTA_ASSERT( ok ); Q_UNUSED(ok);

    // we need to handle 4 cases for merging... in any case, we'll be re-using poly1 and
    // appending/prepending to it all elements from poly2
    // case1: append poly2 to the end of poly1, in forward order
    if ( ip1c.flipped && ! ip2c.flipped ) {
        qDebug() << "subcase1 - append forward";
        for ( auto & pt : * ip2c.poly ) {
            ip1c.poly->append( pt );
    else if ( ip1c.flipped && ip2c.flipped ) {
        qDebug() << "subcase2 - append reverse";
        QLinkedListIterator < QPointF > i( * ip2c.poly );
        while ( i.hasPrevious() ) {
            ip1c.poly-> append( i.previous() );
    else if ( ! ip1c.flipped && ! ip2c.flipped ) {
        qDebug() << "subase3 - prepend forward";
        for ( auto & pt : * ip2c.poly ) {
            ip1c.poly->prepend( pt );
    else {
        qDebug() << "subase4 - prepend reverse";
        QLinkedListIterator < QPointF > i( * ip2c.poly );
        while ( i.hasPrevious() ) {
            ip1c.poly-> prepend( i.previous() );

    // get rid of poly2
    delete ip2c.poly;

    // re-insert the endpoints of poly1 into spatial index
    ip1c = IndexPt( ip1c.poly, false );
    ip2c = IndexPt( ip1c.poly, true );
    findCell( ip1c.poly->first() )->pts.append( ip1c );
    findCell( ip1c.poly->last() )->pts.append( ip2c );
} // add