예제 #1
  Find number of times ray intersects polygon defined by iterators
int Line2::noIntersections(const Polygon2& poly) const
  int n = 0;
  Vector2 v, v_prev;
  Point2  p, p_prev;
  ConstPointIterator2 begin = poly.begin();
  ConstPointIterator2 end = poly.end();   
  ConstPointIterator2 it;
  for (it = begin+1; it != end; ++it) {
    if (intersect(Segment2(*(it-1), *it)))
  if (intersect(Segment2(*(end-1), *begin)))
  return n;
예제 #2
bool GraphImp2::shortestPath(Trapezoid2* source, Trapezoid2* target, Polygon2& path) const
  assert(iGraph != 0);
  assert(source != 0 && target != 0);
  Graph& g = *iGraph;

  // Find source and target vertex in graph
  Vertex s = vertex(source->tag(), g);
  Vertex t = vertex(target->tag(), g);
  Vertices p(num_vertices(g));  // Predecessor map
  Reals    d(num_vertices(g));  // Distance map
  // A* will find ALL shortest paths like Dijkstra so we need to throw exception when goal has been found
  try {
      DistanceHeuristic(iGraph, t),
      weight_map(get(&EdgeProperty::weight, g)).
      predecessor_map(make_iterator_property_map(p.begin(), get(vertex_index, g))).
      distance_map(make_iterator_property_map(d.begin(), get(vertex_index, g))).
  catch (FoundGoalException e) {
    Vertex t = vertex(target->tag(), g);
    // Store coordinates of shortest path
    while (t != p[t]) {
      t = p[t];
    reverse(path.begin(), path.end());
    return true;
  return false;
예제 #3
  Find closest intersection point on polygon
bool Line2::intersection(const Polygon2& poly, Vector2& result) const
  assert(false); // TODO: Think this is buggy. Why substact origin() from v and why no test on end to begin part
  bool found_point = false;
  Vector2 v, v_prev;
  Point2  p, p_prev;
  ConstPointIterator2 begin = poly.begin();
  ConstPointIterator2 end = poly.end();  
  ConstPointIterator2 it;
  for (it = begin+1; it != end; ++it) {
    if (!intersection(Segment2(*(it-1), *it), p)) continue;
    v = p - origin();
    if (v.squaredLength() >= v_prev.squaredLength()) continue;
    v_prev = v;
    p_prev = p;
    found_point = true;
  result = p_prev;
  return found_point;