예제 #1
Nef_polyhedron polyhedron_to_cgal( const polyhedron &p ){
    polyhedron tmp = p.triangulate();
    Polyhedron P;
    polyhedron_builder<HalfedgeDS> builder( tmp );
    P.delegate( builder );
    if( P.is_closed() )
        return Nef_polyhedron( P );
        std::cout << "input polyhedron is not closed!" << std::endl;
    return Nef_polyhedron();
예제 #2
  void operator()(std::string filename)
    std::cout << filename << std::endl;

    std::list<Weighted_point> l;
    std::ifstream in(filename.c_str());
    Weighted_point wp;
    while (in >> wp) l.push_front(wp);

    Skin_surface_3 skin_surface(l.begin(), l.end(), s);

    Polyhedron p;
    CGAL::mesh_skin_surface_3(skin_surface, p);

    assert(p.is_valid() && p.is_closed());

    //std::cout << p << std::endl;
예제 #3
 * mexFunction(): entry point for the mex function
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], 
		 int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {

  // interface to deal with input arguments from Matlab
  enum InputIndexType {IN_TRI, IN_X, IN_METHOD, IN_ITER, InputIndexType_MAX};
  MatlabImportFilter::Pointer matlabImport = MatlabImportFilter::New();
  matlabImport->ConnectToMatlabFunctionInput(nrhs, prhs);

  // check that we have all input arguments
  matlabImport->CheckNumberOfArguments(2, InputIndexType_MAX);

  // register the inputs for this function at the import filter
  MatlabInputPointer inTRI =        matlabImport->RegisterInput(IN_TRI, "TRI");
  MatlabInputPointer inX =          matlabImport->RegisterInput(IN_X, "X");
  MatlabInputPointer inMETHOD =     matlabImport->RegisterInput(IN_METHOD, "METHOD");
  MatlabInputPointer inITER =       matlabImport->RegisterInput(IN_ITER, "ITER");

  // interface to deal with outputs to Matlab
  enum OutputIndexType {OUT_TRI, OUT_N, OutputIndexType_MAX};
  MatlabExportFilter::Pointer matlabExport = MatlabExportFilter::New();
  matlabExport->ConnectToMatlabFunctionOutput(nlhs, plhs);

  // check number of outputs the user is asking for
  matlabExport->CheckNumberOfArguments(0, OutputIndexType_MAX);

  // register the outputs for this function at the export filter
  typedef MatlabExportFilter::MatlabOutputPointer MatlabOutputPointer;
  MatlabOutputPointer outTRI = matlabExport->RegisterOutput(OUT_TRI, "TRI");
  MatlabOutputPointer outN = matlabExport->RegisterOutput(OUT_N, "N");

  // if any of the inputs is empty, the output is empty too
  if (mxIsEmpty(prhs[IN_TRI]) || mxIsEmpty(prhs[IN_X])) {

  // polyhedron to contain the input mesh
  Polyhedron mesh;
  PolyhedronBuilder<Polyhedron> builder(matlabImport, inTRI, inX);

  // get size of input matrix with the points
  mwSize nrowsTri = mxGetM(inTRI->pm);
  mwSize nrowsX = mxGetM(inX->pm);

#ifdef DEBUG  
  std::cout << "Number of facets read = " << mesh.size_of_facets() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Number of vertices read = " << mesh.size_of_vertices() << std::endl;

  if (nrowsTri != mesh.size_of_facets()) {
    mexErrMsgTxt(("Input " + inTRI->name + ": Number of triangles read into mesh different from triangles provided at the input").c_str());
  if (nrowsX != mesh.size_of_vertices()) {
    mexErrMsgTxt(("Input " + inX->name + ": Number of vertices read into mesh different from vertices provided at the input").c_str());

  // sort halfedges such that the non-border edges precede the
  // border edges. We need to do this before any halfedge iterator
  // operations are valid
#ifdef DEBUG
  std::cout << "Number of border halfedges = " << mesh.size_of_border_halfedges() << std::endl;
  // number of holes we have filled
  mwIndex n = 0;

  // a closed mesh with no holes will have no border edges. What we do
  // is grab a border halfedge and close the associated hole. This
  // makes the rest of the iterators invalid, so we have to normalize
  // the mesh again. Then we iterate, looking for a new border
  // halfedge, filling the hole, etc.
  // Note that confusingly, mesh.border_halfedges_begin() gives a
  // pointer to the halfedge that is NOT a border in a border
  // edge. The border halfedge is instead
  // mesh.border_halfedges_begin()->opposite()
  while (!mesh.is_closed()) {
    // exit if user pressed Ctrl+C
    ctrlcCheckPoint(__FILE__, __LINE__);

    // get the first hole we can find, and close it

    // increase the counter of number of holes we have filled

    // renormalize mesh so that halfedge iterators are again valid


  // split all facets to triangles

  // copy output with number of holes filled
  std::vector<double> nout(1, n);
  matlabExport->CopyVectorOfScalarsToMatlab<double, std::vector<double> >(outN, nout, 1);

  // allocate memory for Matlab outputs
  double *tri = matlabExport->AllocateMatrixInMatlab<double>(outTRI, mesh.size_of_facets(), 3);

   // extract the triangles of the solution
  // snippet adapted from CgalMeshSegmentation.cpp

  // vertices coordinates. Assign indices to the vertices by defining
  // a map between their handles and the index
  std::map<Vertex_handle, int> V;
  int inum = 0;
  for(Vertex_iterator vit = mesh.vertices_begin(); vit != mesh.vertices_end(); ++vit) {

    // save to internal list of vertices
    V[vit] = inum++;


  // triangles given as (i,j,k), where each index corresponds to a vertex in x
  mwIndex row = 0;
  for (Facet_iterator fit = mesh.facets_begin(); fit != mesh.facets_end(); ++fit, ++row) {

    if (fit->facet_degree() != 3) {
      std::cerr << "Facet has " << fit->facet_degree() << " edges" << std::endl;
      mexErrMsgTxt("Facet does not have 3 edges");

    // go around the half-edges of the facet, to extract the vertices
    Halfedge_around_facet_circulator heit = fit->facet_begin();
    int idx = 0;
    do {
      // extract triangle indices and save to Matlab output
      // note that Matlab indices go like 1, 2, 3..., while C++ indices go like 0, 1, 2...
      tri[row + idx * mesh.size_of_facets()] = 1 + V[heit->vertex()];

    } while (++heit != fit->facet_begin());
예제 #4
TrianglesList meshSimplification(TrianglesList &triangles, int stopPredicate) {

	CGAL::Timer timer;

	TrianglesList result;

		Polyhedron P;

		std::cout << "Start Building Polyhedron surface... " << std::endl;

		Build_triangle_mesh_coherent_surface<HalfedgeDS> triangle(triangles);

		std::cout << "Completed Building Polyhedron surface:" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Polyhedron is_pure_triangle: " << P.is_pure_triangle() << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Polyhedron is_closed: " << P.is_closed() << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Polyhedron is_pure_bivalent : " << P.is_pure_bivalent () << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Polyhedron is_pure_trivalent: " << P.is_pure_trivalent() << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Polyhedron is_valid 0: " << P.is_valid(false, 0) << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Polyhedron is_valid 1: " << P.is_valid(false, 1) << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Polyhedron is_valid 2: " << P.is_valid(false, 2) << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Polyhedron is_valid 3: " << P.is_valid(false, 3) << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Polyhedron is_valid 4: " << P.is_valid(false, 4) << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Polyhedron normalized_border_is_valid : " << P.normalized_border_is_valid(false) << std::endl;

		std::cout << "Start edge_collapse... " << std::endl;

		SMS::Count_stop_predicate<Polyhedron> stop(stopPredicate);

		int removedEdges = SMS::edge_collapse(P, stop,
				CGAL::vertex_index_map(boost::get(CGAL::vertex_external_index, P)).edge_index_map(boost::get(CGAL::edge_external_index ,P))

		std::cout << "Completed edge_collapse:" << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Finished with: " << removedEdges << " edges removed and "  << (P.size_of_halfedges()/2) << " final edges." << std::endl;

		//Build output result
		for ( Polyhedron::Facet_iterator fit( P.facets_begin() ), fend( P.facets_end() ); fit != fend; ++fit )
			if ( fit->is_triangle() )
				PointCGAL verts[3];
				int tick = 0;

				Polyhedron::Halfedge_around_facet_circulator hit( fit->facet_begin() ), hend( hit );
					if ( tick < 3 )
						verts[tick++] = PointCGAL( hit->vertex()->point().x(), hit->vertex()->point().y(), hit->vertex()->point().z() );
						std::cout << "meshSimplification: We've got facets with more than 3 vertices even though the facet reported to be triangular..." << std::endl;

				} while( ++hit != hend );

				result.push_back( Triangle(verts[0], verts[1], verts[2]) );
				std::cout << "meshSimplification: Skipping non-triangular facet" << std::endl;


	catch (CGAL::Assertion_exception e)
		std::cout << "ERROR: meshSimplification CGAL::Assertion_exception" << e.message() << std::endl;

	std::cout << "meshSimplification result with: " << result.size() << " triangles." << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Total meshSimplification time: " << timer.time() << std::endl;

	return result;